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Academic year: 2021

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The relationship of gender, irrational belief, life stress

and the level of depression in patients with depression

翁素月;陸汝斌;陳碧霞;吳玫勳;賴姿如;周桂如 摘要 本研究主要目的為(1)探討憂鬱症患者性別、非理性信念、生活壓力與其憂鬱程 度之關係。(2)探討患者憂鬱程度、非理性信念與生活壓力之現況。(3) 探討患者 憂鬱程度、非理性信念在性別上之差異。(4)探討非理性念與生活壓力在憂鬱程 度之預測力。為達到以上目的,本研究採問卷調查法,選取 200 位年齡介在 20-65 歲的憂鬱症患者為研究對象,問卷內容包括貝氏憂鬱量表、理性行為量表、成人 生活壓力知覺量表及個人基本資料。最後所得資料採 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、 皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理。 本研究得到的結論如下: 門診憂鬱症患者憂鬱程度多處於中度憂鬱及重度憂鬱; 患者主要的前五項非理性信念為災難、情緒控制、完美、過分關切、憂慮;患者 在半年內前三項生活壓力事件分別為家人的健康或行為有重大的改變、休閒活動 方式或次數的重大改變、經濟情況的明顯變壞;患者憂鬱程度與非理性信念、生 活壓力呈顯著正相關且非理性信念、年齡、教育程度可預測憂鬱程度。 依研究結果,建議護理人員在面對憂鬱症患者時,應了解患者主觀感受的生活壓力 及非理性信念,以發展主要針對憂鬱症患者之相關介入措施,以達到最佳之效益及 實際執行整體性的護理。 Abstract

The purposes of this study were (1) to explore the relationship of gender, irrational beliefs, life stress events and the level of depression in out-patients with major depression; (2) to identify the level of depression, irrational beliefs, life stress events in depressive patient; (3) to explore the gender''s difference in different level of depression and irrational beliefs; (4) to explore predictors of depressive patients. This study used the questionnaire inquiry. The researcher chose 200 samples of patients with depression form 20 to 65 years old. The questionnaires contained four

instruments including Beck Depression Inventory, Rational Behavior Inventory, Adult Life Stress Inventory and personal demographic questionnaires. The data were

analyzed using the t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson''s correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis.


moderate and serve level; the major irrational beliefs were disaster, emotion control, perfect, over concern and anxity; the major life stress events were dramatic change in family member''s health, leisure activity and economic status; the level of depression had positively related with irrational beliefs and life stress events; the predictors for patients depression included irrational beliefs, age and educational level.

The finding of this research suggest that nurse need to understand the perceived degree of life stress and irrational beliefs in patient with depression, They also need to develop related therapeutic intervention to achieve the best therapeutic efficacy and practice integral nursing in caring patients with depression.



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