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Trajectories of caregiver depressive symptoms while providing end-of-life care


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Trajectories of caregiver depressive symptoms while

providing end-of-life care

Siew Tzuh Tang1*, Guan-Hua Huang2, Yu-Chung Wei2, Wen-Cheng Chang3,4, Jen-Shi Chen3,4and Wen-Chi Chou3 1

Graduate School of Nursing, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan


Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


Division of Hematology-Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan


College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan *Correspondence to:

Chang Gung University, Graduate School of Nursing, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan 333. E-mail: sttang@mail.cgu.edu.tw

Received: 30 September 2012 Revised: 12 May 2013 Accepted: 13 May 2013


Objective: The course of caregivers’ depressive symptoms may not be homogenous. This study identified trajectories of depressive symptoms among caregivers providing end-of-life care to cancer patients and profiled the unique characteristics of caregivers within each trajectory.

Methods: Trajectories of depressive symptoms were explored in 447 caregivers who completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale over four periods close to the patient’s death (1–30, 31–90, 91–180, and >180 days). Distinct trajectories were identified by latent class analysis.

Results: Four trajectories were identified as endurance, resilience, moderately symptomatic, and chronically distressed and contained 32.0%, 11.4%, 36.9%, and 19.7% of the sample, respectively. Caregivers in the endurance trajectory were relatively well-adjusted individuals with less education, adequatefinancial support, and ample psychological resources but provided care to older patients with greater symptom distress. They perceived less subjective caregiving burden than caregivers with moderate or chronic depressive symptoms. Caregivers in the resilience trajectory were in a more vulnerable position than those in other trajectories when theyfirst transitioned into the caregiving role because they were more likely to be the patient’s spouse, have greater educational attainment and insufficient finances, provide higher intensity assistance to a younger relative, and have weaker psychological resources. However, they were older, reported greater confidence in caregiving, and perceived less caregiving burden than caregivers in other trajectories. The moderately symptomatic and chronically distressed trajectories were differentiated only by the strength of psychological resources.

Conclusions: Caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients follow distinct depressive-symptom trajectories while providing end-of-life care.

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Family caregiving at end-of-life (EOL) is essential for patients [1] and society [2] but is a stressful role, especially when death approaches, with deleterious caregiver conse-quences such as increasing depressive symptoms [3,4] and deteriorating quality of life [5,6]. Such effects extend into bereavement, with adjustment difficulties and increased morbidity and mortality [7,8].

Caregivers respond differently to similar events in caregiving. Individual reactions to the possible stressors of caregiving are explained in a widely used framework, the stress-appraisal/coping model [9–11]. A potentially threatening caregiving event cannot be assumed to be stressful per se but is mediated by a complex web of (i) contextual factors, (ii) objective caregiving demands, (iii) appraisal of the caregiving situation, and (iv) available psychological resources. Contextual factors refer to caregivers’ and care recipients’ characteristics, which they bring into the caregiving experience. Caregiving demands

stem from the nature and magnitude of care provided to

meet the dying relative’s needs. Appraisal of the

caregiving situation focuses on how caregivers judge the adequacy of their caregiving performance and the extent of perceived caregiving burden. Psychological resources refer to caregivers’ inner strength (i.e., personal coping capacity).

To better understand caregivers’ different responses

over the course of EOL caregiving, the trajectories of those responses must be examined. Differentiating the caregiver population into such trajectories will identify more precisely care situations most likely to predispose caregiver subgroups to adverse health consequences and resilience factors that may attenuate negative impacts of caregiving [9–11]. Only three studies investigated distinct depressive-symptom trajectories of family caregivers of adults with chronic diseases [12–14], despite longitudinal changes in caregivers’ depressive symptoms having been

well characterized [15]. Four depressive-symptom


with dementia [12] and caregivers of cancer survivors [13], and two trajectories for caregivers of patients with malignant brain tumors [14]. In these studies, some caregivers had adjusted to the caregiving role, whereas others were characterized by a high-distress trajectory. However, depressive-symptom trajectories have never been explored among caregivers of cancer patients at EOL. Therefore, this study aimed to identify trajectories of caregiver depressive symptoms by levels and patterns

of change throughout the patient’s dying process and to

characterize individuals within each trajectory.


Design and sample

A convenience sample of caregivers was recruited from March 2005 to October 2009 and followed up through February 2010. Caregivers were included if they met these

criteria: (i) identified by patients as the family member

most involved with their care; (ii) care recipients had terminal, advanced cancer as judged by their physician; (iii)>21 years; and (iv) willing to participate and able to communicate with data collectors.


Patients recognized by their primary physicians as terminally ill were referred to data collectors who were bachelor-prepared experienced oncology nurses. These data collectors approached patients to explain the study

and ask permission to invite their identified family

caregiver to participate in the study. Identified caregivers who agreed to participate were interviewed in person when they next visited their hospitalized relative (baseline) and approximately every 2 weeks thereafter (when the patient returned for outpatient visits) until they declined to participate or patient death. Information on

patients’ death was obtained by reviewing medical records

or telephoning caregivers. The study sites’ human

research ethics review committees approved the research protocol. All subjects provided written informed consent.


All instruments were well established [16–22] and had

been used in previous studies [23,24] to investigate caregiving effects on Taiwanese caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients.

Outcome variable

Caregiver depressive symptoms were assessed by the 20-item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) [16]. CES-D scores range from 0 to 60, with

scores >16 indicating clinical depression (Cronbach’s

alpha = 0.92 in this study).

Independent variables

Contextual factors included caregivers’ demographic

characteristics (gender, age, education [years], financial

status [sufficient income to make ends meet: yes/no], and

relationship with the patient) and patients’ age and symptom

distress. Caregivers’ perceived patient symptom distress

was measured by the 13-item Symptom Distress Scale [18]. Scores range from 13 to 65; higher scores indicate greater distress (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84 in this study).

Objective caregiving demands included caregiving intensity and time providing care each day (hours). Caregiving intensity was measured by the amount of assistance provided in personal care, homemaking, transportation, and health care on a 4-point scale (1 = none at all to 4 = a lot) [19]. Scores for caregiving intensity range from 4 to 16 (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.88 in this study). Appraisal of caregiving situation: Caregiving was appraised by caregivers’ perceived confidence in caregiving

and perceived caregiving burden. Caregiving confidence

was measured by three items: caregivers’ perceived

confidence in what to expect while the patient is dying, what to do at time of death, and how to care for the patient at home [20] on a 3-point scale (1 = very confident, 2 = fairly confident, 3 = not at all confident). Total scores range from 1 to 9; higher scores indicate greater lack of caregiving confidence (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.69 in this study).

Subjective caregiving burden was measured by the

Caregiver Reaction Assessment [21], withfive subscales:

impact on schedule, caregiver esteem (whether providing care is meaningful and rewarding), lack of family support,

impact on health, and impact on finances. Total scores

range from 24 to 120. Higher scores represent stronger

negative caregiving impact (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.87 in

this study).

Psychological resources of caregivers were measured

by Antonovsky’s 13-item Sense of Coherence (SOC)

scale [22], representing three SOC attributes: meaningful-ness, comprehensibility, and manageability. Total scores range from 13 to 91; higher scores indicate stronger SOC (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83 in this study).

We hypothesized that SOC and caregiver confidence

protect caregivers from the stress of caregiving and that patient symptom distress, objective caregiving demands, and subjective caregiving burden are risk factors predisposing caregivers to experiencing more depressive symptoms.

Data analysis

Data were first analyzed for variable distributions. To

explore trajectories of caregivers’ depressive symptoms,

time proximity to the patient’s death was defined as the

period between death and day of interview and was

further categorized as 1–30, 31–90, 91–180, and


To identify latent depressive-symptom trajectories

throughout the patient’s dying process, we computed

latent class analysis with continuous latent class indicators by using the software Mplus (Version 4.2, Muthén & Muthén, Los Angeles, CA). This latent class model performed two analyses simultaneously. The goal of the first analysis was to identify discrete trajectories of family caregiver depressive symptoms. Each estimated trajectory is viewed as comprising a homogenous group of individ-uals sharing a distinct pattern of depressive symptoms over four-time proximities to the patient’s death. As

caregivers’ CES-D scores might be influenced by gender,

age, and education, and patients’ symptom distress, these

factors were adjusted in the analysis to obtain groupings

that reflected more accurately the underlying trajectories

of depressive symptoms.

The second analysis of the latent class model involved a multinomial logistic regression to test predictors of

caregivers’ membership within distinct

depressive-symptom trajectories. We modeled the latent trajectories of depressive symptoms with contextual factors, objective

caregiving demands, appraisals of the caregiving

situation, and psychological resources. Except for the time-invariant independent variables of demographics and patient disease-related characteristics, factors used to predict group membership were calculated by averaging all measurements collected during each time interval.

Decisions about the optimal number of trajectories were based on the lowest value of Akaike’s information criterion [25] and Bayesian information criterion [26]. The appropriate shape of each trajectory group (i.e., linear

and quadratic) was further determined byfitting

polyno-mial regressions of CES-D scores on linear and quadratic

terms of time to the patient’s death, on the basis of the

individuals within the given trajectory group. Decision

on trajectory shape was based on statistical significance

(p< 0.05) of linear and/or quadratic terms of time: the qua-dratic shape if the quaqua-dratic term is significant and the linear shape if the quadratic term is not significant, but the linear term is significant. Overall fit of the final model was judged by the entropy measure, which summarizes the distinguish-ability of identified trajectories. Entropy ranges from 0 to 1, with values close to 1 indicating good overallfit.


From 743 potential participants, 659 family caregivers were recruited. Of 659 caregivers recruited, 144 (21.9%) withdrew from follow-ups for various reasons. Among the remaining 515 caregivers, 472 lost their relative to death during the study. Another 25 caregivers were excluded because of missing information on covariates

identified as potential predictors of membership within

distinct depressive-symptom trajectories. Therefore, the final sample comprised 447 caregivers (Figure 1). These

caregivers and those who did not complete follow-ups did not differ significantly at baseline on independent variables. However, participating caregivers perceived that their ill relative suffered from greater symptom distress (mean SD = 32.4 8.5 vs. 26.6 7.8, p < 0.001),

provided more intense patient assistance (12.7 3.4 vs.

10.5 3.8, p < 0.001), and had more depressive symptoms (20.5 11.2 vs. 15.0 10.5, p < 0.001) than those who did not complete follow-ups.

A majority of caregivers were women (67.57%), with a mean age of 48.89 years (range = 21–85) (Table 1). Most

caregivers were married (82.2%), the patient’s spouse

(45.41%) or an adult child (35.57%), and reported making ends meet (76.29%). Caregivers participated in this

study on average for 83.7 88.5 days (range = 1–368;

median = 50) and were interviewed 6.8 6.1 times

(range = 1–30; median = 5.0).

Among patients, over half (57.8%) were men, with a

mean age of 62.58 years (range = 21–94). Their most

com-mon cancer sites were lung (21.2%), stomach (13.8%),

co-lon–rectum (12.9%), liver (10.6%), pancreas (8.3%), and

breast (5.1%). On average, patients had been diagnosed

with cancer for 23.0 29.1 months (range = 1–248,

median = 13.1) at caregivers’ first interview.

Latent trajectories of caregiver depressive symptoms

To identify the optimal number of discrete trajectories of

depressive symptoms, two to eight trajectories werefitted

in latent class modeling. When the number of trajectories

was less thanfive, the latent class model became unstable

and was difficult to converge because of the model

identifiability problem [27]. The Akaike’s information

criterion value decreased from two to eight trajectories, but the Bayesian information criterion value was lowest at three trajectories (Table 2). Four distinct trajectories of

caregiver depressive symptoms were identified on the

basis of the fit statistics, interpretation of class composi-tion, and model identifiability. The entropy value for four

trajectories was 0.852, indicating good overall model fit.

Box plots in Figure 2 show CES-D scores across the four trajectories of caregiver depressive symptoms at four times.

The trajectory characterized by the lowest CES-D

scores over the dying process was labeled “endurance”

and contained 32.0% of the sample. Polynomial

regression results indicated that the most appropriate shape for the endurance trajectory was quadratic.

Depressive symptoms experienced by “endurance”

care-givers accelerated rapidly as the patient’s death

approached, with mean CES-D scores of 6.95, 8.04,

9.45, and 13.34 for>181, 91–180, 31–90, and 1–30 days

from the patient’s death, respectively (Table 1).

Approximately one-tenth (11.4%) of caregivers’


(Figure 2) and exhibited a curvilinear shape. Caregivers in this trajectory experienced a high level of depressive

symptoms (mean CES-D score = 20.90) when the patient’s

death was>180 days away (Table 1). Depressive symptoms

dropped sharply to around the clinical threshold within

91–180 and 31–90 days before the patient’s death (mean

CES-D scores = 16.45 and 16.25, respectively), then increased to 18.38 in the patient’s last month of life.

The final two trajectories were categorized by high

depressive-symptom levels (Table 1). These two trajectories

were named “moderately symptomatic” and “chronically

distressed” and contained 36.9% and 19.7% of the sample,

respectively (Figure 2). Polynomial regression results indicated that the most appropriate shape for these trajecto-ries was linear. The mean CES-D scores increased steadily from 17.32 and 26.86 at>181 days from the patient’s death to 21.45 and 32.18 within the patient’s last month of life for

the“moderately symptomatic” and “chronically distressed”

trajectories, respectively (Table 1).

Predictors of membership in distinct depressive-symptom trajectories

The results of latent class analysis indicated that caregivers

in the“endurance” trajectory were significantly more likely

than those in other depressive-symptom groups to report

less education, indicate making ends meet financially,

provide EOL care to older patients with greater symptom distress, and have stronger psychological resources

(Table 3). Caregivers in the “endurance” trajectory were

also significantly less likely than those in the “moderately symptomatic” and “chronically distressed” trajectories to perceive a higher degree of caregiving burden.

Caregivers in the “resilience” trajectory were

signifi-cantly more likely than those in the“moderately

symptom-atic” and “chronically distressed” trajectories to be older, to

be the patient’s spouse, and to provide greater intensity

assistance to their terminally ill relative, but were signi

fi-cantly less likely to appraise themselves as lacking con

fi-dence in providing EOL care and perceived less subjective

Eligible caregivers (n=743)

Caregivers recruited (n=659)

Caregivers who continually participated (n=515)

Caregivers who lost their relative to death during the

study (n=472)

Final sample: 447 caregivers

Caregivers providing information by time before patient death (days)

1-30 (n=414) 31-90 (n=283) 91-180 (n=151) >181 (n=69) Caregivers refused to participate

1. Too busy caregiving (n=44)

2. Not interested (n=29) 3. Other reasons (n=11)

Caregivers who withdrew (n=144)

Care recipients still alive (n=43)

Participating caregivers missing information on covariates (n=25)


caregiving burden (Table 3). Furthermore, caregivers in the “resilience” trajectory were significantly more likely than

those in the“moderately symptomatic” trajectories to have

more education, report theirfinancial status as not making

ends meet, provide care to younger patients, and have weaker psychological resources.

The two trajectories categorized by more depressive

symptoms (“moderately symptomatic” and “chronically

distressed”) were similar in nearly every aspect of the care-giving-risk and caregiving-protective factors identified in this study (Table 3), except for psychological resources

(SOC score). With each unit increase in SOC score, the

likelihood of being in the“moderately symptomatic” rather

than in the“chronically distressed” trajectory increased by 1.19 (95% confidence interval: 1.06, 1.35).


This study contributes to family caregiving research by adding to the few studies identifying latent classes of depressive symptoms in caregivers of adult patients with

chronic diseases. We identified four distinct

depressive-Table 1. Sample characteristics, independent variable measures, and CES-D scores across depressive-symptom trajectories for family caregivers Variable Unit Total (n = 447) Depressive-symptom trajectory Endurance (n = 143) Resilience (n = 51) Moderately symptomatic (n = 165) Chronically distressed (n = 88) Caregiver characteristics Gender: male % 32.43 37.06 41.18 36.36 12.50 Age M(SD) 48.89(12.64) 52.29(11.95) 56.10(12.08) 44.29(11.84) 47.80(12.13) Education (years) M(SD) 11.81(3.94) 11.66(4.24) 10.98(4.00) 12.68(3.66) 10.91(3.62) Relationship to patient Spouse % 45.41 41.26 82.35 30.91 57.95 Adult child % 35.57 35.66 11.76 47.27 27.27 Other % 19.02 23.08 5.89 21.82 14.78 Financial status: not

making ends meet

% 23.71 4.90 52.94 20.00 44.32

Patient demographics and disease-related variables

Symptom distress (SDS score) M(SD) 32.35(7.30) 33.46(6.76) 29.45(6.37) 32.09(6.79) 32.74(7.80) Age (years) M(SD) 62.58(14.17) 68.10(12.46) 58.78(12.41) 60.49(14.80) 59.71(14.13) Objective caregiving demands

Intensity of assistance M(SD) 12.92(2.83) 12.98(3.30) 13.97(1.71) 12.52(2.78) 12.96(2.45) Time providing care (hours) M(SD) 4.33(1.42) 4.07(1.64) 5.11(1.01) 4.17(1.28) 4.59(1.29) Appraisal of caregiving situation

Lack of confidence in EOL caregiving

M(SD) 6.08(1.36) 5.69(1.27) 5.54(1.56) 6.21(1.16) 6.76(1.40) Subjective caregiving

burden (CRA score)

M(SD) 61.29(10.09) 55.80(9.16) 57.83(6.90) 63.13(8.68) 68.76(9.79) Psychological resources

(SOC score)

M(SD) 63.90(15.23) 76.76(8.63) 57.76(14.69) 63.66(11.07) 47.01(11.36)

CES-D score before patient’s death (days)

1–30 M(SD) 20.49(9.83) 13.34(7.13) 18.38(7.17) 21.45(6.93) 32.18(8.49) 31–90 M(SD) 19.04(9.95) 9.45(5.65) 16.25(6.75) 20.25(6.12) 31.00(8.14) 91–180 M(SD) 18.89(8.93) 8.04(4.90) 16.45(5.39) 18.84(5.20) 29.36(4.52) >180 M(SD) 18.14(9.01) 6.95(5.57) 20.90(6.66) 17.32(7.67) 26.86(4.92)

SDS, Symptom Distress Scale; CRA, Caregiving Reaction Assessment; SOC, Sense of Coherence scale; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale.

Table 2. Fit statistics for model selection

No. of groups 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Akaike’s information criterion 6356.869 6257.233 6241.34 6191.377 6171.443 6149.649 6116.278 Bayesian information criterion 6538.176 6503.387 6561.34 6585.222 6639.134 6691.187 6731.662


symptom trajectories for family caregivers providing EOL care to terminally ill cancer patients. These distinct

trajec-tories varied significantly in magnitude and patterns of

change, consistent with the heterogeneity of depressive-symptom trajectories reported for caregivers of patients

with chronic diseases [12–14].

Approximately one-third of our caregiver subjects were categorized in the“endurance” trajectory. These care-givers thrived in the caregiving experience, considering that their depressive symptoms never reached the clinical CES-D cutoff score throughout the patient’s dying process. This proportion (32.0%) of caregivers who never acknowl-edged depressive symptoms above the clinical threshold was substantially lower than for caregivers of cancer survivors (70.4%) [13], dementia patients (69.8%) [12], and patients with malignant brain tumors (48.9%) [14], indicating the extraordinarily high stress of EOL caregiving. Consistent with the literature on caregivers in general, caregivers of Taiwanese terminally ill cancer patients in

the “endurance” trajectory comprised relatively

well-adjusted individuals with adequate resources for their

caregiving demands, as indicated by adequate financial

support [10,14,28] and ample personal psychological resources [29,30]. Family caregivers in this trajectory perceived less caregiving burden [15,31,32] than those in

both the “moderately symptomatic” and “chronically

distressed” trajectories. They were also more likely to

provide EOL care to older terminally ill cancer patients [3,28]. Aging is recognized in Chinese culture as a natural process [33], and advanced age may be associated with greater acceptance of the evolution of illness and impending mortality [34]. Therefore, Taiwanese care-givers may experience low-level anticipatory grief over the forthcoming loss of their older relative.

However, our finding regarding caregiver educational

attainment as a predictor of membership in the

“endur-ance” trajectory does not agree with the literature. Greater

educational attainment is generally recognized as

associated with low-stable levels of depressive symptoms [10,28,29] because better educated caregivers are more likely to have an advantaged social status and a sense of control over their lives [35]. However, caregivers in the “endurance” trajectory were less educated, consistent with a previous report that less educated caregivers experienced fewer depressive symptoms [15]. Caregiving tasks may be perceived as less rewarding by better educated caregivers familiar with more intellectual activities, whereas less educated caregivers may derive more positive reinforce-ment from caregiving [36]. Furthermore, devotion to caregiving may deprive better educated caregivers of the success and benefits from status achievement in their non-caregiving roles.

Caregivers in the“endurance” trajectory were also more

likely to provide EOL care to a relative with greater symptom distress, in contrast to the commonly reported conclusion that caregivers of cancer patients with greater symptom distress experience more depressive symptoms [31,37]. Caregivers providing EOL care to relatives with greater symptom distress may require increased support

and assistance from healthcare professionals with

concrete symptom-management tasks. Such assistance

may improve confidence in caregiving, reduce subjective

caregiving burden, and alleviate depressive symptoms. However, further study is needed to validate this hypothesis.

Caregivers in the “resilience” trajectory experienced

transient perturbations, with initially moderate depressive symptoms (at a level lower than only that for the


“chronically distressed” trajectory) followed by a sharp decrease to around the clinical threshold. We called this

trajectory “resilience” to indicate “bouncing back” from

stress rather than immunity from an adverse situation [38]. Consistent with the literature, caregivers in the “resilience” trajectory may be in a more vulnerable

posi-tion than those in other trajectories when they first

transitioned into the caregiving role because they are more likely to be the patient’s spouse [32], have more education [15], be unable to make ends meet [10,28], provide more intense assistance [30,32] to a younger terminally ill relative, [3,28] and have weaker personal psychological

resources [29,30]. However, these “resilience”

care-givers are older [28], possibly facilitating their

transi-tion to the caregiving role. Caregiving often conflicts

with the demands of other social roles, for example,

child-rearing, employment, and goal attainment, which are more relevant and stressful roles for younger

caregivers. Furthermore, caregivers in the “resilience”

trajectory more positively appraised the caregiving situation, as indicated by having greater confidence in providing EOL care [15,30] and perceiving less

subjec-tive caregiving burden. These findings may characterize

their capacity to adapt flexibly to the challenges of

EOL caregiving, allowing them to rapidly bounce back to healthy psychological functioning [39].

Caregivers in trajectories characterized by persistently severe (i.e., chronically distressed) and by moderate (i.e., moderately symptomatic) depressive symptoms were differentiated only by weaker psychological resources

[29,30]. Being embedded in difficult caregiving

circum-stances and lacking the benefits of inner strength (i.e.,

Table 3. Significant predictors of individual depressive-symptom trajectories

Potential predictors

Adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

Endurance vs. Resilience vs. Moderately symptomatic vs. Chronically distressed Resilience Moderately symptomatic Chronically distressed Moderately symptomatic Chronically distressed Caregiver characteristics Age (years) 0.82 1.05 0.99 1.28* 1.21* 0.94 (0.67, 1.00) (0.98, 1.12) (0.92, 1.08) (1.06, 1.55) (1.02, 1.45) (0.89, 1.01) Education (years) 0.41* 0.69* 0.58* 1.69* 1.41 0.84 (0.23, 0.74) (0.51, 0.94) (0.40, 0.83) (1.03, 2.76) (0.95, 2.11) (0.67, 1.04) Relationship to patient Spouse 0.003* 1.75 0.61 612.78* 214.22* 0.35 (0.2 10 4, 0.34) (0.07, 50.00) (0.02, 20.00) (11.33, 33.1 103) (3.11, 14.7 103) (0.07, 1.72) Financial status: not making ends meet 0.7 10 5* 0.02* 0.006* 3238.94* 894.26 0.28

(0.2 10 8, 0.03) (0.0008, 0.65) (0.0002, 0.23) (1.51, 693 104) (0.57, 139 104) (0.06, 1.19) Patient demographics and disease-related variables

Age (years) 1.35* 1.15 1.22* 0.85* 0.90 1.05 (1.12, 1.64) (1.00, 1.33) (1.05, 1.43) (0.76, 0.96) (0.82, 1.00) (0.99, 1.12) Symptom distress (SDS score) 1.96* 1.43* 1.54* 0.74 0.79 1.08

(1.14, 3.33) (1.14, 1.79) (1.21, 1.96) (0.45, 1.21) (0.84, 1.31) (0.97, 1.19) Objective caregiving demands

Intensity of caregiving 0.21* 0.84 0.83 3.99* 3.91* 0.98 (0.08, 0.57) (0.59, 1.21) (0.55, 1.24) (1.73, 9.17) (1.65, 9.24) (0.79, 1.22) Time spent providing care 0.15 0.94 0.93 6.21 6.09 0.98

(0.02, 1.56) (0.48, 1.85) (0.41, 2.08) (0.65, 59.03) (0.68, 54.18) (0.59, 1.64) Appraisal of caregiving situation

Lack of confidence in EOL caregiving 2.27 0.59 0.37* 0.26* 0.16* 0.63 (0.79, 6.67) (0.28, 1.24) (0.15, 0.93) (0.10, 0.65) (0.07, 0.39) (0.35, 1.15) Subjective caregiving burden

(CRA score) 1.67* 0.79* 0.79* 0.48* 0.48* 1.01 (1.02, 2.70) (0.66, 0.94) (0.67, 0.94) (0.30, 0.76) (0.30, 0.77) (0.94, 1.08) Psychological resources (SOC score) 1.75* 1.35* 1.61* 0.77* 0.92 1.19* (1.35, 2.27) (1.12, 1.61) (1.32, 2.00) (0.65, 0.91) (0.80, 1.06) (1.06, 1.35)

SDS, Symptom Distress Scale; CRA, Caregiving Reaction Assessment; SOC, Sense of Coherence scale. *p< 0.05.


SOC) to find meaning in caregiving or clearly compre-hend and appropriately manage caregiving demands probably contributed to the highest depressive-symptom level.

This study’s strengths include the large sample followed prospectively and frequent assessments of caregiver depressive symptoms over the entire patient dying process. Nevertheless, the generalizability of our findings may be limited by convenience sampling from a specific geographic area and by biases due to losses during follow-up. Our study was also limited by assessing de-pressive symptoms with a questionnaire rather than diagnostic interviews and by not including the potential impact of other factors, such as available social support, upholding cultural values, and expectations of caregiving, on depressive-symptom trajectories. Before caregivers enrolled in our study or shouldered the caregiving role, no reliable assessment of their depressive symptoms was available. This information would likely have strongly predicted depressive symptoms while providing EOL care. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that our observations may be anchored in situations that pre-ceded the decades in which these trajectories took shape. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients do not have uniform emotional responses to EOL caregiving; rather, they follow qualitatively distinct depressive-symptom trajecto-ries. These trajectories are linked to their experiences as

caregivers, particularly their objective caregiving

demands, appraisals of the caregiving situation, and psychological resources. Our results on distinct depres-sive-symptom trajectories and factors associated with

different longitudinal patterns of depressive symptoms have strong clinical and policy implications. Because resources for mental health services are limited, interven-tions should be prioritized to interrupting the two unfavor-able high depressive-symptom trajectories and facilitating rapid return to healthy psychological functioning for care-givers in the“resilience” trajectory. Our predictive models may serve healthcare professionals in developing trajec-tory-specific interventions tailored to risk and protective

factors identified for each depressive-symptom trajectory.

Research is urgently needed on caregiver depressive symptoms beyond patient death to understand how these

four distinct trajectories extend into bereavement [40–

42] and how they impact caregivers’ bereavement adjust-ment. This information would guide clinicians in under-standing and relieving the emotional toll exacted by family caregiving before patient death and throughout bereavement.


This study is supported by the National Health Research Institute (NHRI-EX94-9806PC and NHRI-EX99-10106PI) and the National Science Council (NSC 96-2314-B-182-029-MY2 and NSC99- 2628-B-182-031-MY2).

Conflict of interest

No financial or other conflict of interest was involved in

this study. None of the funding sources had any role in designing and conducting the study: collecting, managing, analyzing, and interpreting the data; or preparing, reviewing, or approving the manuscript.


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Figure 1. Participant flow chart
Table 2. Fit statistics for model selection



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6 《中論·觀因緣品》,《佛藏要籍選刊》第 9 冊,上海古籍出版社 1994 年版,第 1

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