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高雄醫學大學 100 學年度研究所招生考試試卷



科目: 心理學方法

心理測驗部分(30 分)

解釋名詞(每題 6 分)

請說明下列各項名詞的意義: 1. behavior sample 2. cross-validation 3. grade norm 4. item-reliability index 5. item-characteristic curve

心理與教育統計學部分(36 分)

選擇題及填充題(每題 2 分)

一、研究人員想要知道吸毒對記憶的影響,因此利用隨機的方法將受試者分成三組。下表中 數字愈高代表記憶愈好。請問: Drug Level A B C 6 9 14 10 7 13 8 9 15 12 13 19 1、SSb=______________ a、94.2 b、96.0 c、96.5 d、97.4 2、SSw=______________ a、62.25 b、59.75 c、56.65 d、57.00 3、MSb=______________ a、48.25 b、50.145 c、51.254 d、45.75


4、MSw=______________ a、6.813 b、6.558 c、6.702 d、6.639 5、若 α=0.05,則 F=______________ a、8.02 b、4.26 c、19.38 d、4.46 6、效果量,η2=______________ a、0.6524 b、0.6176 c、0.6318 d、0.6034 7、請問下列對 F 值的描述有誤 a、F 值是單尾的機率 b、F 分配沒有負值 c、F 值會隨著自由度的不同而改變 d、 以上皆是 e、以上皆非。 二、教育學者想知道智力分數可否預測大學入學成績,其結果如下表示,請問: ANOVA(b)

Model Sum of Squares df

Mean Square F Sig. Regression 51406.041 1 51406.041 27.316 .000(a) Residual 18818.959 10 1881.896 Total 70225.000 11 Coefficients(a) Unstandardized

Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

Model B Std. Error Beta B Std. Error

(Constant) -700.587 178.015 -3.936 .003 1 IQ 7.41 問題8 .856 5.226 .000 8、請問迴歸標準誤為多少:_____________________ 9、請問智力分數與大學入學成績相關係數為多少:_______________ 10、如果我們想知道這個迴歸預測模型好不好,應該看那一個數字? a、7.41 b、5.226 c、27.316 d、.856 e、以上皆非。


11、如果我們想知道預測變項好不好,應該看那一個數字? a、7.41 b、5.226 c、27.316 d、.856 e、以上皆非。 12、迴歸分析可以用來解釋與預測,請問下列那個數字是用來「解釋」? a、7.41 b、5.226 c、27.316 d、.856 e、以上皆非。 13、承上題,請問下列那個數字是用來「預測」? a、7.41 b、5.226 c、27.316 d、.856 e、以上皆非。 14、請問解釋變異量(R2)為多少:_________________。 15、有一學者進行研究後,結果並沒有顯著,且統計考驗力(power)只有 0.4,因此向你尋 求協助,請問下列那個建議是對的? a、實驗不成功,再作另一個實驗。 b、再多收樣本。 c、檢查有沒有混淆變項。 d、檢查有無離群值。 e、以上皆是。 16、承上題,若結果依然沒有顯著,且統計考驗力(power)=0.9,請問下列那個建議是對 的? a、實驗不成功,再作另一個實驗。 b、再多收樣本。 c、檢查有沒有混淆變項。 d、檢查有無離群值。 e、以上皆是。 17、當雙變數 X、Y 一個連續變項,一個是二分類別變項時,請問可以求下列那種相關係 數? a、ψ相關。 b、二系列相關。 c、點二列相關。 d、四分相關。 18、下列的數值,那一個可以被當成效果量(size of effect) a、t。


b、F。 c、r。 d、χ2

心理實驗法部分(34 分)

壹、操作型定義與解釋名詞 注意:1.有一段假想實驗過程,請仔細閱讀。 2. 本大題共有兩個部分:操作型定義、解釋名詞。各題均有不同要求,請注意題目中的指示回答。 3. 配分也請見題目中。 國民中學學生基本學力測驗的原始目的為打破台灣國民中學升高級中學實行42 年的「聯考聯招制」;原始測驗目的為「標 準參照」形式使用,僅作為國中升高中參考的一部份依據,但最後由於社會輿論及家長團體壓力被迫改變為「常模參照」 形式測驗,並且以「國民中學學生基本學力測驗」分數作為主要國中升高中的參考依據。因此原本借由多元入學形式減少 國中生升學壓力,至今反而因為基本學力測驗回到「聯考聯招制」的壓力,甚或更大。由此重大壓力使得國中生考試焦慮 的情況相當普遍及嚴重。北北基,利用一綱一本的政策,又自行提出「北北基地區區域性基本學力測驗」,成為台灣地區 有兩套不同的基本學力測驗。有一位教育學者利用此一情況,設計準實驗法(Quasi-Experimental design)檢驗參加兩套不 同之國中生的考試焦慮有沒有差異。他利用分層隨機(block randomization)的方式抽取參加北北基學測及原來學測的國 中生各2000名,兩群中均含有在校排名前端、中間、後端之國中生。結果發現,參加北北基學測的國中生當中在校成績 前端的學生其考試焦慮顯著高於其他學生。其他各群的考試焦慮並沒有統計上顯著之差異。故這一位學者結論,根據一綱 一本之北北基學測會加深學生之考試焦慮,宜回歸到原來一綱多本下的基本學力測驗。 A. 操作型定義題

以下有二種對於「考試焦慮」的操作型定義,請分別說明其屬性(請參照Maclin & Solso, 2008, 頁 40﹣41 所提 生理性、生物性、行為性、觀察性)(每一個2 分)。接下來請選擇一種你認為適合作本研究「考試焦慮」的 操作型定義之定義,並說明你選擇的理由(4 分)。 1. 利用心理測驗測量 2. 測量實驗參與者之膚電反應 B. 解釋名詞 請解釋以下名詞(請勿僅作翻譯,能依本研究舉例為佳)(每一個4 分) 1. Quasi-Experimental design 2. block randomization


貳、研究批判(每題9 分) 注意: 1. 請熟讀所附之案例說明。 2. 針對其實驗(研究)方法,結果之取得,結果之討論、推論等等方向提出你自己的批判。 3. 評分重點在於你的說理的清晰度(即邏輯性),重點的掌握性,說明的具體性等。請勿寫出空洞無內容的文 章,太過冗長無意義的敘述一定影響評分。 一、 狂吃糖能讓大腦產生非常類似於濫用藥物的活動 一項以老鼠為實驗對象的研究為許多節食者早已知道的事情提供科學證據,就是:吃糖會上癮。位於新澤西(New Jersey)的普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)的赫柏(Bart Hoebel)說:「狂吃糖能讓大腦產生非常類似於濫用藥 物的活動。」赫柏在美國神經心理藥物學院(American College of Neuropsychopharmacology)會議發表研究成果。他 說,狂飲糖水讓老鼠出現行為甚至神經物質的改變,類似於動物或人濫用藥物後出現的改變。實驗老鼠 1 個晚上不吃東西 後,早餐吃糖水,持續 3 週,結果發現大腦中與動機和回饋有關的部位「阿肯伯氏核」多巴胺分泌增加,濫用藥物也會在 同樣部位出現多巴胺分泌變多現象。由此結果研究人員建議政府單位,將砂糖等甜食納入管制,以免一大群人為了減重、 肥胖等因素付出很大的社會成本。 二、 咀嚼口香糖有助記憶 多咀嚼可增強記憶英國諾森布里亞大學今年初公佈的一項研究表明,咀嚼口香糖有助記憶。對比實驗發現,嚼口香糖者在 記憶力測試中勝過不嚼口香糖者。研究人員認為,嚼口香糖時不斷的咀嚼動作加快了心臟的運動,增加心臟向頭部供應的 血液量,從而促進大腦活動,提高人的思維能力。同時,咀嚼促使人分泌唾液,而大腦中負責分泌唾液的區域與記憶和學 習有密切關係。他們在實驗中,請來60 名大一學生為實驗參與者,他們均是因為課程要求來參加這個實驗。實驗參與者均 參加兩個階段的實驗,每一個階段均出現36 對 nonsense syllables,請實驗參與者記憶這些字對。並在階段結束後出現字對

中之一的nonsense syllable,要求參與者把對應的另一個 nonsense syllable 寫出來。在第二階段,作業仍是要記憶 nonsense

syllables 字對,但不同的是,每一位實驗參與者被要求咀嚼口香糖。結果發現第二階段的記憶成績統計上顯著地優於第一 階段,故研究人員結論咀嚼口香糖,也請大家多多咀嚼口香糖!


高雄醫學大學 100 學年度研究所招生考試試卷



一、單選題 (每題兩分):

1. 依 DSM-IV-TR,診斷為 brief psychotic disorder 其病程所須時間為:

A.至多一個月 B.至多三個月 C.至少一個月 D.至少三個月 2. 關於第一型雙極型疾患,以下何者最正確? A.一定有鬱期 B.一定有躁期 C.不能有混和期 D.只有躁期 3. 就精神分裂症症狀分為三大類而言,下列何者最正確? A.解構行為是正性症狀 B.妄想是解構症狀 C.貧語是解構症狀 D.表情平板是負性症狀 4. 下列何種疾患發生在個體確實罹患生理疾病的條件上:

A.慮病症 (hypochondriasis) B.身體型疾患 (somatoform disorder) C.身體畸形疾患 (body dysmorphic disorder) D.心身症 (psychophysiological disorder) 5. 下列何者為失憶症最少見的病因? A.腦傷後遺症 B.物質濫用 C.躁鬱症 D.重大壓力 6. 關於邊緣型人格疾患,下列敘述何者最正確? A.邊緣型人格疾患可透過觀察學習而來 B.邊緣型人格疾患全是源自與母親間的客體關係不健全 C.邊緣型人格疾患一定有導致不良後果的衝動行為,如賭博、花大錢等 D.邊緣型人格疾患總是在人際關係、或自體形象、或情感表現等上很不穩定 7. 治療憂鬱症最新藥物的原理是利用阻斷可體松等的生成,來達成對 HPA 軸活動之抑 制。這符合關於憂鬱症的那一項假說? A.認知假說 B. 壓力假說 C.多巴胺假說 D.血清素假說 8. 強迫疾患患者之強迫行為(compulsions)會一直持續,主要是下列何者所致? A.正增強的取消  B.負增強的取消   C.正增強的給予   D.負增強的給予 9. 根據 Mowrer 的二因子模式來治療恐懼症患者時,下列處置何者是必須的? A.有結構的放鬆法 B.有結構的暴露法 C.兩者皆是 D.兩者皆否 10. 下列何者有關 Rogers 的個人中心治療最正確? A.沒有性格理論的基礎 B.治療師不會指出個案表現不一矛盾之處 C 過於重視早期的成長經驗對自我實現的影響 D.治療師透過同理心反映,可以面質和促發個案改變 11. 下列那一個社會溝通(social communication)能力,出現的時間最早?


12. Bowlby 用什麼概念來解釋依附(attachment)對未來人際關係的影響?

A.內在運作模式(internal working model) B. 分離焦慮(separation anxiety)

C.陌生情境(strange situation) D.安全依附(secure

attachment) 13. 智商與發展商數的平均數都是 100,智能不足與發展遲緩分別是幾個標準差? A.2,2 B.2,1 C.1,2 D.1,1 14. 反社會人格者,在 15 歲以前的行為模式,需要符合什麼診斷? A.過動症(ADHD) B. 智能不足 C.對立性反抗疾患(ODD) D. 品行疾患 (CD) 15. 過動症(ADHD)的主要用藥利他能(Ritalin),屬於那一種藥物? A.興奮劑 B.鎮靜劑 C.抗憂鬱劑 D.抗焦慮劑 16. 七歲的小學生,家長接送上學,通常是同一路線。有一天家長因為急事而該改路線,該 學生出現強烈情緒反應。請問他可能是那一種兒童期疾患?

A.情緒困擾 B.過動症(ADHD) C. 對立性反抗疾患(ODD) D.


17. About Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which hierarchy is correct? A. Physiological belongingness esteem safety self-actualization B. Physiological safety belongingness esteem self-actualization C. Self-actualization esteem belongingness safety Physiological D. Belongingness esteem self-actualization Physiological safety 18. Which of the following is not a phenomenological method?

A. Q-sort B. Thematic Apperception Test C. Adjective checklist D. Semantic differential

19. Compare to Rogers and Freud, which of the following is correct? A. Rogers emphasized conscious perceptions of the present

B. Freud emphasized interpersonal experiences in the course of life C. Rogers emphasize the relationship between child with their parents

D. Freud emphasize the people’s capacity to grow and psychological maturity 20. Karen Horney's major difference with Freud was over the relative importance


A. biological and cultural influences B. the past and the present C. the unconscious and the conscious D. neurotic wishes and superego controls

21. In conscious thought, which defense mechanism can help you reduce anxiety when you encounter the cancer or trauma events?


A. Denial B. Undoing C. Reaction formation D. Projection 22. Which of the following is not a significant component of Erikson's

psychosocial theory of development?

A. emphasized interpersonal processes B. emphasized stages over the life span

C. emphasized the future as well as the past D. emphasized the "collective unconscious"

23. Seeking gratification that is appropriate to an earlier stage of development is a sign of

A. aim-inhibited instinct B. a mechanism of defense

C. denial D. fixation

24. In Cattell’s theory, emotional stability is an example of a __________ trait, whereas intelligence is an example of a ___________ trait.

A. temperament; ability B. temperament; dynamic C. ability; temperament D. ability; dynamic

25. The learning theory account of psychopathology is that people A. can develop sick personalities B. are mentally sick

C. have specialized problems D. do not respond appropriately to stimuli 二、問答題: 1. 相互主體性(intersubjectivity)的意義為何?依據時期與行為表現可分成那兩個階段? (10 分) 2. 自閉症三個核心症候群為何?診斷的要求是什麼?當代認為自閉症的核心缺陷是什麼? (10 分) 3. 請以你自己的經驗為例,說明 Beck’s 認知治療所指的「認知」是什麼?以及這樣的「認 知」如何導致心理疾患?(10 分) 4. 請說明為什麼 DSM-IV 診斷系統不足涵蓋心理病理學全部完整的範疇?以及雖然如此, 為什麼它對於心理病理學卻是很重要?(8 分) 5. 解釋名詞:

(1) 說明 Cattle 所言,個體的 state 和 role (4 分)


高雄醫學大學 100 學年度研究所招生考試試卷 系所: 碩士班 科目: 英文

NOTE: on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

I. SENTENCE COMPLETION: You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the

sentence. 20%

1. Joe is really creative fashion designer. He can always be relied on to new ideas. (A) put up with (B) come up with (C) face up with (D) draw to

2. Everyone admired Dr. Victor Chang, the brilliant heart transplant surgeon. He was respected ______the world.

(A) outside (B) over (C) throughout (D) through

3. At the end of the century, the Y2Kcomputer virus could have caused in information systems worldwide.

(A) problem (B) chaos (C) stoppage (D) fright

4. Have you ever about a career in the electronics industry? I think you would be very successful.

(A) thought (B) spoken (C) discussed (D) considered

5. I love springtime, when the mountains are covered in wild flowers. It’s the most time of the year.

(A) awful (B) delightful (C) painful (D) fruitful

6. We’ve having a college reunion next week. you like to join us? (A) Will (B) Can (C) Could (D) Would

7. Sometimes I get sick of studying, but I know it will be it in the end. (A) good (B) useful (C) worth (D) worthwhile

8. It’s very when someone uses a cell phone during a movie because it disturbs other people. (A) annoyed (B) interesting (C) annoying (D) frustrated

9 . my grandfather is 85 years old, he still walks miles everyday. (A) Even (B) Despite (C) Although (D) However

10. That’s the last time I’ll go to that restaurant. The food made me and I had to see a doctor. (A) angry (B) sad (C) unhappy (D) sick

II. CLOZE TEST: This passage contains several missing words or phrases. You are to choose the

best answer for each missing word or phrase in the passage. 10%

The small Greek island of Eleni is not popular with tourists because it is isolated and difficult to get to. There are only two ferry services a week from Athens and the trip (11) eleven hours. Nevertheless, it was the ideal (12) for me to take the quiet vacation that I had dreamed about for


peaceful atmosphere. The air was clear and warm and everything was bathed in the orange rays of the setting sun that was slowly disappearing (14) the western horizon. A few small boats could be seen returning to harbor with their cargoes of freshly caught fish. As I sat there relaxing, I realized that I did not miss the city life with all its pressure and noise and I thought to myself: “I wish I (15) stay here forever.”

11. (A) is taking (B) takes (C) to take (D) taking 12. (A) city (B) home (C) place (D) continent

13. (A) hating (B) thinking (C) enjoying (D) watching 14. (A) below (B) over (C) between (D) beside 15. (A) ought to (B) should (C) could (D) would

III. WRITTEN EXPRESSION: In questions 16-20each sentence has four underlined words or

phrases. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 10%

16. Until the 1910 formation of the National Hockey Association in eastern Canada, professional A

and amateur teams were allowed to playfully together. B C D

17. Widely acknowledged as a great and import playwright, Eugene O’Neill brought to the United A

States stage it was probably its first really serious drama. B C D

18. The first known radio program among the United States was broadcast on Christmas Eve, 1906, A B C

by Reginald Fessenden from his experimental station at Brant Rock, Massachusetts. D

19. A typical feature-length film costs millions of dollars to make and requires the skillful of A B C D

hundreds of workers.

20. Tilling means preparation the soil to plant the seeds and keeping the soil in the best condition to A B C

help the crop grow until it is ready for harvesting. D

IV. COMPREHENSION QUESTION: read each passage and answer questions. 60%

The dulcimer is a musical instrument that basically consists of a wooden box with strings stretched across it. The name dulcimer is derived from the Latin word dulcis (sweet) and the Greek word melos (song). In one form or another, dulcimers have been around since ancient times. Their earliest ancestor was a Persian instrument called the santir. Dulcimer-like instruments were played

throughout the Middle East and North Africa and were brought by Arab musicians to Spain. From Spain, the instrument spread throughout Europe and eventually to North America.

Today there are two main types of dulcimers played in the United States: the hammered dulcimer and the Appalachian, or mountain, dulcimer. The hammered dulcimer is shaped like a


trapezoid and is played by striking the strings with small wooden hammers called mallets. On the hammered dulcimer, there are sets of two, three, or four strings, called courses, which are struck at one time to sound each note. There are from twelve to twenty-two courses on a standard hammered dulcimer. The hammered dulcimer is usually categorized as belonging to the zither family of string instruments, although some musicologists challenge this classification.

The Appalachian dulcimer’s immediate ancestors include the German scheitholt, the French epinette, and perhaps the Swedish hummel. It is classified as a member of the lute family of instruments. Appalachian dulcimers are painstakingly crafted by artisans, mainly in the mountain areas of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. They have three strings-the melody, middle, and bass string. Sometimes a second melody string is added. This instrument is played by plucking the strings with the fingers or with quills. They are shaped like teardrops or hourglasses. Heart-shaped holes in the sounding boards are traditional. Most performers play the instrument while seated with the instruments in their laps, but others wear them around their necks like guitars or place them on tables in front of them. Before the 1960’s, the Appalachian dulcimer had a limited appeal. It was usually associated with dance music and with “hillbilly” music. However, the

instrument was popularized by musicians such as Jean Richie and Richard Farina during the folk music revival of the 1960’s and is today featured in many types of music.

21. The author says that the word dulcimer

(A) means “wooden box” (B) was not used until the 1960’s (C) means “sweet song” in Persian (D) comes from two languages

22. What is the greatest number of notes that could be played on a standard hammered dulcimer? (A) Three (B) Four (C) Twelve (D) Twenty-two

23. According to the passage, experts do NOT all agree that the (A) Appalachian dulcimer is a member of the lute family

(B) hammered dulcimer should be classified as a string instrument (C) hammered dulcimer is a member of the zither family

(D) Appalachian dulcimer had a limited appeal before 1960

24. Which of these instruments could NOT be considered an ancestor of the Appalachian dulcimer? (A) The zither (B) The epinette (C) The santir (D) The scheitholt

25. According to the passage, how many strings does the Appalachian dulcimer have? (A) One or two (B) Three or four (C) Four or five (D) Six or more

26. According to the passage, most musicians play the Appalachian dulcimer (A) while sitting down (B) with the instrument around their necks (C) while standing next to tables (D) with wooden hammers

27. According to the passage, Jean Richie and Richard Farina are known for (A) playing dance music and “hillbilly” music

(B)designing and building Appalachian dulcimers (C) helping to bring more attention to dulcimers


Pigeons have been taught to recognize human facial expressions, upsetting long-held beliefs that only humans have evolved the sophisticated nervous systems needed to perform such a feat. In recent experiments at the University of Iowa, eight trained pigeons were shown photographs of people displaying emotions of happiness, anger, surprise, and disgust. The birds learned to distinguish between these expressions. Not only that, but they were able to correctly identify the same expressions on photographs of unfamiliar faces. Their achievement does not suggest, of course, that the pigeons had any idea what the human expressions meant.

Some psychologists had theorized that, because facial expression is vital to human

communication, humans have developed special nervous systems capable of recognizing subtle differences between expressions. Now the pigeons have cast doubt on that idea.

In fact, the ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion is not necessarily innate even in human babies, but may have to be learned in much the same way that pigeons learn. In experiments conducted several years ago the University of Iowa, it was found that pigeons organize images of things into many of the same logical categories that humans do.

None of these results would come as any surprise to Charles Darwin, who long ago wrote about the continuity of mental development from animals to humans.

28. From the information in paragraph 1, it can be inferred that pigeons (A) show more emotions than people thought they could

(B) can understand the human emotions of happiness, anger, surprise, and disgust (C) can identify only the expressions of people that they are familiar with

(D) have more sophisticated nervous systems than was once thought

29. The author probably believes that the psychologists mentioned in paragraph 2 (A) will need to revise their theory

(B) no longer believe that expressions are important in human communication (C) have conducted their own experiments with pigeons

(D) no longer think that the pigeons have cast doubt on their theories 30. In paragraph 3 , the author suggests that, at birth, human babies (A) have nervous systems capable of recognizing subtle expressions (B) can learn from pigeons

(C) are not able to recognize familiar faces

(D) may not be able to identify basic emotions through facial expressions

31. What can be inferred about the experiments that were conducted several years ago at the University of Iowa?

(A) They were completely contradicted by more recent experiments.

(B) They supported the idea that pigeons and humans share certain mental abilities. (C) They were conducted by scientists on human babies.


32. If Charles Darwin could have seen the results of this experiment, his most probable reaction

would have been one of _______ .

(A) rejection (B) surprise (C)agreement (D)amusement

The 1960’s saw a rising dissatisfaction with the modernist movement in architecture, especially in North America, where its failings were exposed in two influential books, Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities in 1961 and Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture in 1966. Jacobs highlighted the destruction of the richness and variety of America that occurred as a result of the urban renewal programs sponsored by the federal government. She went on to say that these historic buildings were being replaced by massive, impersonal buildings.

Venturi implied that modernist structures were without meaning because they lacked the complexity and intimacy of historical buildings. Both writers called for a new style of architecture.

By the early 1980’s, post-modernism had become the dominant style, particularly for public buildings in the United States. Post-modernism evolved from modernism and yet it is a

contradiction of that style. In fact, post-modernists have little in common with one another in terms of style or theory. They are united mainly in their opposition to the modernist style. One quality that is common to many post-modernist buildings is characterized by what architect Peter Jencks calls “double coding,” a mixture of two styles: modern mixed with tradition, contemporary with historical, functional with decorative, and familiar with newly invented. These characteristics can be seen in Robert Venturi’s bold designs for the Brant-Johnson House (1975) in Vail, Colorado, which mixes contemporary and Italian Renaissance style. Similar characteristics are clear in the work of Venturi’s disciple Michael Graves’s Portland Building (1982) in Portland, Oregon, and his Humana Tower (1986) in Louisville, Kentucky, have the bulk of skyscrapers but incorporate historical souvenirs such as colonnades, belvederes, keystones, and decorative sculpture. Likewise, Robert Stern’s Observatory Hill Dining Hall (1984) at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, combines the red brick and white wood of Thomas Jefferson’s original plan for university building with modern building forms and walls with large windows. Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei’s design for an addition to the Louvre Museum in Paris (1989) included a glass pyramid, referring to the Egyptian art in the Louvre and the fact that French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte played a major role in making Egypt a subject of study in the early 1800’s.

Another major tendency in post-modern architecture is the emphasis on decoration, which modernism eliminated. This can be seen in the works of Phillip Johnson, who was once a champion of modernism but became an out-spoken advocate of post-modernism. He wrapped the AT&T building (1984), which is now the SONY Building, in New York City, in pinkish granite and topped it with a tower that looks like an enormous piece of Chippendale furniture. Some architects turned entire building into sculptures. Frank Gehry’s monumental Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain (1997), resembles an enormous abstract sculpture made of glass and titanium steel.


Chippendale: an ornate style of furniture first developed in Britain in the eighteenth century

33. Which of these statements best expresses the opinion of Jane Jacobs and Robert Venturi as given in paragraph 1 ?

(A) Post-modern buildings are massive and impersonal. (B) Modernist architecture is rich and varied

(C) The federal government should increase its urban renewal efforts. (D) Modernism should be replaced by some other style of architecture. 34. The primary purpose of the second paragraph is to

(A) explain “double coding” and give examples of various combinations of styles (B) describe several features of skyscrapers

(C) discuss how Pei’s pyramid refers to Napoleon Bonaparte and his study of Egyptian culture (D) show how post-modernism evolved from modernism

35. The author probably uses the word souvenirs in paragraph 2 because

(A) tourists often visit the Portland Building and the Humana Building and buy souvenirs (B) the Portland Building and the Humana Building now exist only in people’s memories (C) some features of the Portland Building and the Humana Building remind people of the past

(D) the Portland Building and the Humana Building house important museums

36. The author presents details about the AT&T (now the SONY) building in New York City to show that it

(A) resembles an abstract sculpture (B) influenced post-modern furniture design

(C) was built when Johnson was modernist architect (D) has ornamental architectural features

In April 187, an art exhibit opened in Paris featuring famous and priceless works of art. However, at the time, no one knew that these paintings would one day be considered masterpieces. The paintings and the painters were virtually unknown at the time and would remain that way for several years. (Paragraph 1)

In the nineteenth century, French art was dominated by the Academy of Fine Arts. Every year the academy held an art show called Le Salon. In 1863, the Academy rejected one of the paintings of Edouard Manet. Manet and a group of other independent artists organized their own show, which they called Salon des Refuses (Salon of the Rejected), which opened on April 15, 1874. A

newspaper critic maned Louis l Leroy visited the gallery and was not pleased with what he saw. One painting of boats in a harbor at dawn by Claude Monet particularly enraged him. It was called Impression: Sunset. Leroy wrote that this piece and in fact most of the pieces in the show, looked like “impressions”—a term for a preliminary, unfinished sketch made before a painting is done. Leroy’s newspaper review was jokingly called “The Exhibition of the Impressionists.” Within a few years of Leroy’s review, the term Impressionists had clearly stuck, not as a term of derision but as a badge of honor, and a new movement was born. (Para 2)

The Impressionist movement included the French painters Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, and the American painter Mary Cassatt. The


techniques and standards employed within the Impressionist movement varied widely, and though the artists shared a core of values, the real glue which bound the movement together was its spirit of rebellion and independence. (Para 3)

This spirit is clear when you compare Impressionist paintings with traditional French paintings of the time. Traditional painters tended to paint rather serious scenes from history and mythology. Many Impressionist paintings feature pleasant scenes of urban life, celebrating the leisure time that the Industrial Revolution had won for the middle class, as shown in Renoir’s luminous painting Luncheon of the Boating Party. In that famous painting, the sun filters through the orange-striped awning, bathing everything and everyone at the party in its warm light. Renoir once said that

paintings should be “…likable, joyous, and pretty.” He said, “There are enough unpleasant things in this world. We don’t have to paint them as well.” It is this joy of life that makes Renoir’s paintings so distinctive. (Para 4)

The Impressionists delighted in painting landscapes (except for Edgar Degas, who preferred painting indoor scenes, and Mary Cassatt, who mainly painted portraits of mothers and children). Traditional painters, too, painted landscapes, but their landscapes tended to be somber and dark. The Impressionists’ landscapes sparkle with light. Impressionists insisted that their works be “true to nature.” When they painted landscapes, they carried their paints and canvases outdoors in order to capture the ever-changing light. Traditional painter generally made preliminary sketches outside but worked on the paintings themselves in their studios. (Para 5)

“Classic” Impressionist paintings are often easy to spot because of the techniques used by the painters. One of the first “rules” of the Impressionist, that the colors should be dropped pure on the canvas instead of getting mixed on the palette, was respected by only a few of them and for only a couple of years, but most Impressionists mixed their paints as little as possible. They believed that it was better to allow the eye to mix the colors as it viewed them on the canvas. The traditional

technique at the time was to make sketches or outlines of the subject before painting them.

Generally, Impressionists painted directly onto the canvas without sketches. Impressionists tended to paint with short, thick strokes of paints shaped like commas. While traditional painters paid attention to details, Impressionists valued overall effect. Traditional painters always tried to hide their brush strokes, but Impressionists left brush strokes on the canvas for the world to see. Unlike traditional painters, Impressionists applied one layer of paint on top of the last one without waiting for the paint to dry. These techniques created paintings that seemed strange and unfinished to the general public when they were first painted, but are much loved in our time. (Para 6)

37. What point does the author make about the art show that opened on April 15, 1874, at the Salon des Refuses in Paris?

(A) It was more popular with visitors and critics than the official show called “Le Salon.” (B) It made the painters and paintings shown there instantly successful.

(C) Its organizers refused to allow Edouard Manet to display his paintings there. (D) It featured famous paintings and painters before they became well known. 38. The word virtually in the passage is closest in meaning to the word ______.


(A) almost (B) infinitely (C) seemingly (D) forever

39. According to the author, Louis Leroy used the term “Impressionists” because ______ . (A) he understood that these artists did not carefully study their subjects, but only got a quick

impression of what they painted

(B) he thought that Monet’s painting, and all of the paintings at the show, looked like unfinished drawings

(C) he believed that giving these artists a group name would help them become famous (D) he thought that the painting Impression: Sunset was the best painting at the show 40. The word derision in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) ridicule (B) sincerity (C) respect (D) sorrow

41. Renoir’s painting Luncheon of the Boating Party is given in paragraph 4 as an example of (A) an industrial scene (B) a study of some urban buildings

(C) a picture of people enjoying their leisure time (D) a traditional French painting 42. According to the information in paragraph 5, what did the painters Edgar Degas and Mary

Cassatt have in common?

(A) They both painted portraits of children and mothers. (B) Neither of them was originally from France.

(C) Neither of them was primarily interested in landscapes. (D) They both preferred painting unpleasant scenes.

43. According to paragraph 5, when traditional painters worked on landscape paintings, they (A) studied the ever-changing light (B) did not make any preliminary sketches

(C) never left their studios (D) sketched outdoors but painted indoors

44. It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 6 that in the author’s view, the first “rule” of Impressionism _______ .

(A) was not really a rule at all (B) was the most important rule of all (C) led Impressionists to mix their colors (D) lasted longer than other rules 45. The phrase the last one in the passage refers to

(A) an artist (B) a painting (C) a brush stroke (D) a layer of paint

Genetic Engineering is a radical and rapidly developing technology that touches our lives through its application in medicine, forensics, industry and agriculture. Through this science humans are fast becoming the architects of life but there are those who warn against the unknown dangers of playing God while others see its benefits in our fight against disease and the production of abundant food supplies.

In the past 50 years, plant and animal production has increased dramatically. Today, the human population is the largest it has ever been and fortunately we produce more food per capita than ever before. Despite the fact that we have enough food for every single human being to have an adequate diet, some 1 billion people still suffer from malnutrition and hunger. A lot of the increase in food


production is attributed to efficient farming methods and environmental factors such as irrigation, pest and weed control but the largest contributing factor is modern plant and animal breeding. Genetically engineered plants and animals have already entered the market and are on our

supermarket shelves. Their appearance however has sparked much debate. Scientists have improved plants by changing their genetic makeup through hybridization since the 19th century, and farmers have used crossbreeding of plants and animals for thousands of years. For example, racehorses are bred to be faster and stronger and roses are bred to produce a wide range of colors. Cattle are bred according to whether they are for beef or dairy herds. Most of today’s dairy cattle are very different from the cattle that were originally domesticated. Over the years, dairy herd breeding has focused on increasing milk production and quality. Milk production per cow has doubled in the last 25 years. So what are GM food and what are the concerns for the consumer? The main difference between GM foods and traditional breeding methods is the direct modification or manipulation of certain genes. Traditional methods involve mixing thousands of genes whereas genetic modification allows just one individual gene, or a small number of genes, to be inserted into a plant, or animal.

The resulting organisms are “genetically modified,” “genetically engineered,” or “transgenic”. The foods that reach the supermarket are known as “GM” foods, Genetically Modified foods. The technique allows us to produce plants, animals and microorganisms, such as bacteria, with specific qualities more accurately and efficiently than through traditional methods.

The benefits of GM foods are enormous. Genetic modification can be used to give crops

immunity to plant viruses or to improve the nutritional value of a plant. In animals intended for food, genetic modification could potentially increase how fast and how big they grow. Starvation on any part of the planer could be a thing of the past as we could the yield, varieties and size of foods and produce strains that are resistant to pests, Extremes in temperature and are tolerant to herbicides.

Opponents of GM foods however consider their production to be the world’s biggest uncontrolled biological experiment, a disaster waiting to happen. The biggest concerns are the effects that an uncontrolled genetically modified species could potentially have on human and animal health, agriculture, and on the environment as a whole. Genetically modified species have the potential to become biological pollutants that are far worse than chemical pollutants as they would be virtually impossible to control since they are alive, migrate and could mutate producing even more dangerous offspring. This could lead to irreversible damage to the ecology of the planet. Recent studies have shown that transgenic species could potentially hold bigger surprises than scientists anticipate. Genetically altering plants to resist viruses can cause the virus to mutate into new forms that could potentially be spread. The effect on crops could be disastrous. The toxins released by the genetically mutated virus could also have untold damaging effects on human, animal and plant life. Toxins can produce severe allergic reactions leading to death. (Para 8)

Another example could be the release of larger species into the environment. For example, what if scientists release squid, octopus and salmon that are 3 times their natural size. The new species would eat far more food, leaving less for other species possibly leading to the extinction of several


species that would ultimately damage the delicate ecology of our seas and therefore the planet as whole.

At the moment there is no proof of serious harm to humans, animals and plants but potential for a massive biological disaster that could wreak and irreversible damage is not such a fairy tale. On the other hand the possibility of forever freeing the world of starvation could outweigh ant possible dangers that may or may not be unleashed.

46. What is main difference between GM and traditionally bred foods?

(A) Scientists can choose the outcome of GM foods such as size and color. (B) The consumer if far more concerned about GM foods.

(C) Traditional methods rely on the direct manipulation of only certain genes. (D) The difference lies in the methods and the number of genes that are affected. 47. Why has the appearance of GM foods in the supermarket sparked much debate?

(A) Some people are worried about man taking over God’s role of creator. (B) Some people think GM foods should be sent to feed third world countries. (C) Some people are concerned about the effects on our health and environment. (D) Scientists do not know enough about the harmful effects of certain bacteria 48. In paragraph 6, why does the author state that starvation could be a thing of the past?

(A) Because all varieties of genetically modified plant or animal will be able to survive in any environment.

(B) Scientists will be able to raise genetically modified animals on genetically modified animal feed which will dramatically increase their size.

(C) There would be no need to use expensive herbicides since all genetically modified crops will be pest resistant.

(D) Scientists will be able to control the size, variety and immunity of crops and animals. 49. In paragraph 7, what is the main opposition to the production of GM foods?

(A) Chemical pollutants are more dangerous than biological pollutants. (B) GM foods are not properly tested.

(C) Opponents to GM foods say that their production is an agricultural disaster waiting to happen.

(D) The potential of producing harmful offspring could not be controlled. 50. In paragraph 8, why does the author say that scientists might be surprised?

(A) Toxins are carried through the air by wind dispersal.

(B) There is a potential that any new virus strains could be carried to other areas adversely affecting crops, human and animal life.

(C) They are often surprised by transgenic species. (D) Toxins can potentially kill all life forms.


高雄醫學大學 100 學年度研究所招生考試試卷

系所: 心理學系碩士班

科目: 健康心理與心理衛生

申論題:計四題,每題 25 分。

一、 請具體說明心理健康包含哪些基本特性?心理專業可透過哪些方式或管


二、 若你是一位校園心理師,會如何分析校園霸凌現象?根據分析結果,你

如何規劃出 預防的處置策略?(包括:對教育當局、校長、校內教職


三、 請以全面性(universal)、選擇性(selective)、指標性(indicated)新的


四、 Beck 的認知治療認為有情緒困難的人產生的「認知扭曲」有哪些特徵




高雄醫學大學 100 學年度研究所招生考試試卷

系所: 心理學系碩士班

科目: 認知與社會心理學


1. 何謂 psychological refractory period?(提示:ISI;interstimulus interval。)(8%)

2. 何謂有限理性(bounded rationality)(6%)?請以受試者在 Wason selection task 的典型表 現來解釋。(10%) 3. 請根據 Tversky 與 Kahneman (1981) 的機 率函數(如附圖)解釋人們為什麼會買保險。(提 示:在意外發生的機率極低的情況下絕大多數的人 買保險的錢都是收不回來的,但人們仍選擇損失這 筆錢。)(8%) 4. 什麼是「認知科學(cognitive science)」?(4%) 認知科學與認知心理學的關聯為何?(5%) 5. 什麼是「認知神經科學(cognitive neuroscience)」?(4%) 認知神經科學與認知心理學的關聯 為何?(5%)


一、填充題(30%) 1.Triplett在 898 年進行第一個社心實驗,結果發現,兒童在團體中做捲釣魚線的工作比他 單獨一人做更快,這個現象稱為 。 2.人在決定是否要助人時,會因為其他人沒有採取行動,而認為這不是一個有必要伸出援手 的緊急情境,這個現象是 。


3.Sternberg的愛情三角理論指出,愛情有三個成分:親密、激情和 。 4.我們常常會從一個人具備某種人格特質,推論他一定也具備另一種人格特質,這是因為我 們抱持著一套 理論。 5.有位考生只差 0.5 分就可以上榜,如果他使用 捷思法,他會比分數差距很大 而落榜更不快樂。

6.「錯誤同意性效果」 (false consensus effect)是指高估其他人與自己的意見或行為一致的傾 向,造成此現象的可能原因之一是使用了 捷思法。 7. 是指在對他人行為歸因時,人們會高估內在特質而低估外在情境對行為的影響。 8.Petty和Cacioppo的 (理論名稱)將一個人接收說服訊息的途徑分成邊緣和中 樞兩種。 9.根據 理論,一個人的真實我和理想我、以及真實我和應該我差距大時,分別 會產生憂鬱和焦慮的情緒。 10.Weiner認為人是用「內在-外在」、「可控制-不可控制」、和「 」三個 向度來進行成就歸因。 二、問答題(20%) 1.一個人的知覺和想法是否接近現實 (reality),往往是臨床心理工作者判斷其心理是否異常 的一個指標,然而,社會心理學家卻發現正常人常會有「正向錯覺」(positive illusion)的現 象。 (1)請舉例說明,哪些社會心理現象可以說明人們具有「正向錯覺」?(5%) (2)「正向錯覺」對人是好的嗎?社心學家有人認為是,有人則不以為然,請問他們的說法 有何不同?(5%) 2.如果你是一名家教老師,你的某位學生對課業向來缺乏內在動機,根據增強理論和過度辨 正(overjustification)的說法,你要如何做才能讓他對課業擁有內在動機?(10%)



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