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Bulletin For Prospective Undergraduate Students = 本科生課程簡介, 2005-06


Academic year: 2021

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for Prospective Undergraduate Students



A vibrant city with an international outlook, cosmopolitan lifestyle and Chinese culture, Hong Kong has established itself as a major business and financial center, the hub of Asia and the gateway to China. In this dynamic and exciting environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is ideally placed to meet the needs of undergraduate students everywhere. Whichever course you choose at HKUST, a bright and promising future lies ahead. Ϙৎབྷᇸԑಧᇟॻȃ஼ቫћмȃК஼ཇ೚ݺϘڗߞЂൌྻĮ শสȂЙ࣏֭ѵधࠛᓉ஥໶КѕȂـ࣏ڲࣷ၃ᕻߞዽ૸ȃК஼ ߞࡑЂࠝȄڗ഍ഺ൹ྍጘแȃ҇ᆕஜྏࣿϧߞᖖᄩȂশสॊث Ђᐯ࣏ӎԳфઔҳᐯЄߞನྐᐯܹȄୠِನྐȂබӤְϢᡝॊ ЂߞϘے༟ܕȄ

Our University,Your Future





A World-Class University

We Strive for Excellenceġġୠِڟູ

Since opening in 1991, HKUST has established itself as an intellectual powerhouse, energizing Hong Kong's transformation into a knowledge-based society, and securing a place on the academic world map in record time.

The University's mission is to advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly in science and technology, engineering, management and business studies, and at the postgraduate level. Our vision is to be a leading world-class university with significant international impact and strong local commitment. We aim to play a key role in the social and professional development of Hong Kong by forging partnerships with government, business and industry.

HKUST is a research university and the only one to offer an all-PhD faculty in Hong Kong. Scientists of the University have developed the world's smallest nanotubes with superconducting properties. Our research in electronic devices is among the best in the world. Our Business School has been ranked by Financial Times as the top Asia-Pacific business school offering full-time MBA programs. In Humanities and Social Science, our research on China Studies is

ranked first among local universities, and among the top 5 worldwide in terms of publications in the top 3 journals.

Dedicated Academic Faculty

All of the University's faculty staff have achieved excellence in their fields and are highly respected as both teachers and researchers. Faculty staff include both established academics and promising scholars from different backgrounds, with most having experience at the world's leading research universities. Our staff care about Hong Kong, its people and its future. Most importantly, they care about their students.

Innovative Students

Our students are highly qualified and motivated young adults with wide interests. In addition to having received a well-rounded secondary education and achieved good grades, they are typically active participants in diverse activities. Around 1,810 full-time undergraduate students are admitted annually, with almost all being Hong Kong residents.



֋IJĺĺIJՐ൹੭ѽڽȂॊЂЏڝിԴ஼ቫᐯങधටܠ۞໸ߞԳ ֜Ȃ՘ऎᗝѵߢԩᐯܹȂڭѷԴయஜশสᚼ࡭ऎߢᝊ࡭ߤྻ ϯȂطᆊ຾ᗝږቅদߞڎ֒Ȅ ӎ੭ѽ഼Ⴥిᐯфुٿڽ࠳་ᐯ೫ȃୠِߢᝊऎڹۻȂપ־ަ দॊᐯȃثങȃЍ຀ȃᇒನ۶஥྽᎝຀ȂѽфुٿӠߞ੺ைȄ اেߞನ݇Ȃ࣏ঋ՘ऎϘݙԴ஼ቫϯۍգಎቈ዆ᠩȂփϫ७ϧ ऎ ӎ Գ އ ச ߞ ᔹ ٽ ᐯܹȂԴߤ ྻфԧ༵௞྽๴ਣϯȂ՘ऎࣆܹфЍ஥धদঋߞԪ֯Ӿ֡Ȅ ॊЂ࣏ϘݙѽुٿऎӎߞЂᐯȂݙգిఱ׮ᐾգൾЀᐯ֜Ȅॊ Ђ՘ґुሦҍԑಧ൵೟Ȃה಩໹ᐱપݑߞඏᐨૼռᇆᇒȂԴც ЄᐡԆўবߞुٿـ࣏ѵध঵ܦϘࢽȄॊЂЍ஥ᇒನᐯ୰ ԴȮࠛᓉ੡ඡȯԑџۘЍ஥ᇒನᇇЀ᎝຀ߞవԩКȂ୼Ꮐ ڲщᅳ঵ȄԴԑಧ൵ۍᡋࢃߞϬԊᐯങงҏКȂϠћߤྻ ॊᐯᐯ୰ߞК஼ुٿᎢћԩԕԑสЂᐯНࡄȃԑಧЂᐯ঵ У֜Ȅ


ॊЂిఱᐯᝊಅൾȂԴిᐯфुٿϯ׮ᐾգᚳන၃ᢚȂփѷЂ ൊԊฅݺѵधҍԩߞुٿЂᐯЍ֯ݕुٿȂێКҒࣁԺ֜Դ ஼ቫϯڳ঑ಽԩߞႤಎᐯ߰Ȃѽфᅈᠨᔝڎߞࢢ୓НٽȄ ిఱেЙ֭ᏕѕᐯങुٿȂـᝯѕশสࡈ൉Ȃփ൵দঋߞ ࣏Ȃҁেપ־ᝯѕᐯӠߞᐯ೫ሃ՘ࠜȄ


ॊЂᐯӠᎳ૵࿂୼Ȃ୵ᔹډߞᐯങ՘ᖻҳȂـᐾգᒕ࿂ߞ ֋๴ݑфዃ޾ߞᒸᎷȂڭѷฅతۦԑবߞКᐯిڈȂࣿ᠙ݺ ԧ᝷ЙԢߞࣿஜȄӎ੭ُՐ՜ۤЂॗIJĭĹIJıԩԑџۘӎॊӠȂ ێКЂൊԊऎশสܧӔȄ 3


What We Offer ऎְඪټ

Total Education

HKUST believes in total education. Undergraduate programs are designed to strike a balance between the sharp focus prevalent in traditional Chinese and British universities and the broad characteristics of American universities. In addition to courses in the field of major study and related areas, students must take courses in general education that introduce them to different ideas, concepts, and modes of thought.

Features of HKUST Undergraduate Programs:

Normally require full-time attendance for three academic years All lead to honors degrees

Credit-based system:

- structured set of courses, credits are earned semester-by-semester toward the completion of the degree requirements - for graduation, students need to accumulate a total of 100 to 105 credits, as specified for each program including at least 18 credits of course work in general education

Offer minor programs in the following areas:

- Biochemistry - Biology - Chemistry - Mathematics - Physics

- Humanities - Information Technology - Social Science - Technology Management

Lead to dual program designations provided:

- approval by Departments/Schools involved is necessary - both programs must lead to the same undergraduate degree

(BBA or BEng or BSc)

- program requirements of both programs must be completed within the normal period of study

Use English as medium of instruction

Require course work in English to strengthen the language training:

- First year: compulsory year-long one-credit course in English for Academic Purposes

- Beyond first year: course work in English communication at the 100 level or above required

For a list of all undergraduate programs offered in the 2005-2006 academic year, please refer to Page 24-27.


ॊЂѽ഼ᝊిڈऎ௄ᚂȂԴӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞന঍ϯȂ৘՜ڭሊ ཇ೚КՑȃॻՑЂᐯߞ௞྽ిڈપ֒Ȃѽфग़ՑЂᐯߞ഼Ж ిڈᇟૠȄᐯӠԴ৒ᡝѹ৒фգᝯ᎝຀Н᏶Ȃـቮঋ৒ᡝ഼ ᝊॊӫȂѽᙖᘮᐯӠߞ໛ൎфࢥᇯȄ


ġ ϘଠऎϬՐԑџۘ᎝຀ ġ ؆՘ࢢҞᖔჴఱᐯЀᐯ֜ĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪ ġ ᐯжۘȈ ġ Įġ ӎॊӠ᎝຀ӤϘڀԕॊӫೡ՘Ȃ৒ಲُৎᐯงߞॊӫࢢҞ ġ ġ ఀॶВᐯж ġ Įġ ༷ࢷ᎝຀ঋِ৒ಲIJıı֌IJıĶৎᐯжȂێКҒࣁ൵ьIJĹৎ഼ ġ ġ ᝊॊӫߞᐯжȂўҞಲ྽ ġ ෩ڻѽϭ஘৒᎝຀ ġ ĮġӠߏмᐯġ ĮġӠߏᐯġ Įġмᐯġġġġġġ Įġዴᐯġ ġ ġ Įġߏನᐯġ ĮġϠћᐯġ ĮġႤୈॊثġ Įġߤྻॊᐯ ġ Įġॊثᇒನ ġ ෩ڻᛕѹ৒᎝຀Ȉ ġ Įġ༷ఀۖգᝯ᎝຀ߞᐯ୰İᐯڀز৞ ġ Įġی༵᎝຀Ӆ༷Ԣ៳ݺहԢߞᐯЀᐯ֜ġĩŃŃłݕŃņůŨݕŃŔŤĪ ġ ĮġӅ༷ݺӒ௱ߞ৒ᡝՐงа؆՘ی༵᎝຀ ġ ѽॻሬऎఱ᎝ሬڏ ġ Ӆ৒ॻሬ᎝຀Ȃኧ௻ᐯӠߞሬћକϧ ġ Įġ ೐ϘՐȈऎงIJՐߞIJᐯжӅ৒ॻሬ᎝຀Ȃѽ࠳་ᐯ೫ऎѹ ġ Įġ೐ϘՐНࢢȈ৒ᡝ᎝຀፠ၳIJııݕѽϯߞॻሬ࿛഼᎝຀ գᝯijııĶĮijııķՐ࢘ߞӎॊӠ᎝຀Ȃ᎛ணᏦijĵĮijĸ঱Ȅ



Invaluable Enrichment Programs

What We Offer ऎְඪټ

See the World

The University's extensive International Exchange Programs offer the opportunity to study at over 80 top institutions overseas. Exchange partners include highly renowned universities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

In addition to overseas exchange, partner institutions in the Chinese Mainland also welcome students for exchange programs.

Discover Yourself

Mentoring is a relationship in which someone more experienced and more senior helps a student to discover more about himself/herself, his/her potential and capability. Mentoring

Programs involve lunch/dinner meetings, simulated formal

conferences and presentations to help students acquire practical skills and knowledge, and more importantly, develop positive values, personal beliefs and life philosophy.

Practice Makes Perfect

Many of our undergraduate programs offer internships in major firms and multinational companies to give students the chance to apply theory to practice and to experience the culture and work environment. Internships may include field projects, full-time summer internships, in-company placements and part-time internships during the academic year.

Speak Another Language

The Language Center offers a wide range of Language

Enhancement Services. Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and

other language courses are available. As English is the University's medium of instruction, the Center's English programs aim to help students gain the most benefit from their undergraduate curriculum.

Talks, Seminars & Forums

Every year, talks, seminars and forums are organized to provide students with insights on a wide range of subjects. Distinguished guests including Nobel Laureates, top researchers,

business leaders, professors and outstanding artists have been invited to share their knowledge and opinions on topics ranging from the latest develop-ments at the frontiers of research to their own life experiences.

Future Entrepreneurs

Part of the engineering curriculum, the High-Tech

Entrepreneur Program (HTEP) provides entrepreneur

training for innovative students. Engineering students are introduced to business and management skills, enabling them to gain hands-on experience of turning an engineering innovation into a business project.




ॊЂዃ޾య֖ȶ஼ቫӹࣹ঍ᄑȷȂᢰᐯӠգᑟྻۖઔҳĹıԺਛ ൤ՋЂᐯ་৒ु೫Ȃ་֖ӹࣹߞ຾ԩᐯܹ჆фҔग़ࣷȃገࣷȃ ڲࣷфᑫࣷȄ ୵ϞઔҳӹࣹҳȂॊЂᐯӠӺҞᓴᑄۖК஼аԳ຾ԩЂᐯ৒೫Ȅ


ȶᐱਰ঍ᄑȷᢰணሃߞᐯӠȂԴ၃ᢚᚳනߞࡈᏅࢽᐱϭȂҐಎ ᅆ֋ЎߞሮᝊȂ๴ధф๴෭֋اጕକȄ൅Ⴥоᔠȃ౎ਜྻݕጀ ᕢᗝ֖ߞЂ࡭ྻ៉ф๴ඡྻȂຜᐯӠᑟྻᐯ೫фᄘႏԧᇌᅁӡ ߞثҼфߢᝊȂփـদঋߞ࣏ȂᢰᐯӠԴჅ຀К࢙ӲӒፁߞኊ ৃᣍȃϠӠᣍфࠫ݇Ȅ


ӎ੭ЙьӎॊӠ᎝຀׮Չవᅁ೫ᑟྻȂᢰᐯӠᅁᎹݙᐯߞನ ᎢȂᓐڗྏۦЂԋ྽ߞЍ֯ᖖᄩфઈޤȂᅁ೫؛ՑҒࣁกง Ѝȃ๺งԴᚚ୊ፚݕԴᐯง༡৘ᚚຈȄ


ሬڏКѕ෩ڻԺ༵ȶሬћ෩п঍ᄑȷȂಉሏКћȃॻሬȃџ ሬȃᘹሬфێҁሬћ᎝຀ȄԯᕕॊЂߞిᐯሬڏփനߞॻሬ᎝ ຀Ȃ७ϧ۝ׄԢᐯ෠෪ሬڏثҼȂ҄ҁেԴᐯ೫ϯڰҗґ঺Ȅ


ॊЂُՐ׮ྻᘛ᎛ᓚړᆬጨ༵ఀѹȃ൤Ջुٿᐯ߰ȃ஥धᚘ ྾ȃЂᐯిఱݕ൰ҍ᜹ങਛຈᗝ֖ᗾਲ਼ȃਲ਼᎘ྻфु୅ྻȂઘ ᙷፑඛԺࡻԺࠚȂᛟلӤՋᇑߞॊث๴ਣۖৎϠߞ၃ᑢжڳर գಉሏȄ


֯ऎЍᐯ୰᎝຀ߞϘൊԊȂȶ୼ॊثԋ྽ਛ᎝຀ȷĩʼnŕņőĪġ ऎգ ؠ൹྽ߞԢᐯ෩ڻை୊ȄЍᐯ୰ߞᐯӠ௟ሮᝊۖ஥྽фᇒನث ҼȂ۝ׄҁেدգᝯЍ຀༵ӫߞ൹ྍᚼмऎᖉ஥ߞྍ݇Ȅ



Distribution of Graduates by Employment Sector, Year 2003


HKUST graduates are well prepared for the careers of today. Our graduates are popular with employers. Managers of local and multinational corporations have described them as "diligent", "flexible", "professional" and "possessing leadership qualities". The employment rate is consistently high, with the commerce and business sector employing over 60% of the graduates.

Among those who decided to pursue further full-time studies, approximately half chose to stay at HKUST. Other graduates went abroad to top universities around the world, including Stanford, Princeton, U. of Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley, MIT and Cambridge.

What We Offer ऎְඪټ

Exceptional Career Prospects for



Commerce & Business ஥धġ66.8%

Government ࣆܹġ2.4% Construction ࢙ൄ྽ġ2.4%

Community & Social Service ߤྻއசġ3.0%

Education ిڈधġ6.9%

Manufacturing & Industries ሦൄ྽ġ18.5% ॊЂߞಲ྽Ӡ୊ፚգ૵ȂзԪ಩ЫߤྻߞቮঋȄԴധԺӎԳф Ⴍ஼ԋ྽ᇒನኸೀКȂҁেȶཔᐬȷȃȶᢸࣿᢏ഼ȷȃȶ௞྽ȷ фȶۍ൯ታഞЖକȷȂݙѽබ྽ತஐ୼Ȃڭգ໹Ⴥб՘ಲ྽Ӡ ظڗ஥धȄ ֌ݺᓴᑄា᠈ಎൄߞಲ྽ӠȂॗգϘҗྻ઻ԴॊЂؽᡝԑџۘ ᎝຀ȂփێҁࡋྻۖѵधߢԩߞᐯܹȂՂҫМᇊЂᐯȃ෼ޒ෻ ჲЂᐯȃሼՍЂᐯȃҐՍЂᐯֹࣦ຿ж੭ȃ൫षನЍᐯ୰фና ᑜЂᐯ་৒Ȅ



The University consists of four Schools, three of which offer both undergraduate and postgraduate education. The School of Humanities and Social Science offers postgraduate education and general education for all undergraduates. The University also has interdisciplinary institutes and centers to enhance collaboration and cooperation among the different schools and their departments.

ӎ੭Ӥұݙᐯ୰ೡ՘ȂێКϬݙ෩ڻӎॊӠфुٿӠ᎝຀ȄϠћߤ ྻॊᐯᐯ୰ࡋҪ༟ᓱुٿӠ᎝຀ȂڭऎӎॊӠ෩ڻ഼ᝊిڈȄ੭а ӺനգԺ༡Ⴍ୰ڀߞुٿКѕȂѽ࠳་ԧᐯ୰фᐯڀ༡ߞԪ֯Ȅ

School of Science


http://science.ust.hk/ Department of Biochemistry Ӡߏмᐯڀ

epartment of Biology Ӡߏᐯڀ epartment of Chemistry мᐯڀ epartment of Mathematics ዴᐯڀ epartment of Physics ߏನᐯڀ

School of EngineeringġώᏰ଱

http://www.seng.ust.hk/ epartment of Chemical Engineering мᐯЍ຀ᐯڀ epartment of Civil Engineering ϿѢЍ຀ᐯڀ epartment of Computer Science ঍ᇖᑟॊᐯڀ epartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Department of Industrial Engineering and

Engineering ManagementЍ྽Ѝ຀фЍ຀ᇒನᐯڀ Department of Mechanical EngineeringᑟౠЍ຀ᐯڀ

chool of Business and Management


htttt ptt :/::///w// ww.bm.ust.hk/

Department of Accounting ྻ঍ᐯڀ epartment of Economics ၃ᕻᐯڀ Department of Finance ୑சᐯڀ

Department of Information and Systems Management ୈሃڀ೚ᇒನᐯڀ

epartment of Management of Organizations ೡᚐᇒನᐯڀ partment of Marketing Ҿඞᐯڀ

School of Humanities and Social Science



Division of Humanities Ϡћᐯൊ Division of Social Science ߤྻॊᐯൊ


Outstanding Support For Outstanding Students




Academic Resources

The University provides state-of-the-art facilities and services for students to maximize their academic skills and potential:

University Library


As an integral component of the academic programs, the HKUST Library offers users a learning environment rich in both printed materials and electronic resources. The Library Web Server (http://library.ust.hk/) has developed into a central information hub for access to Library information, services, tools and resources from any location at any time.

Presently, the Library offers the following resources and facilities: ! over 620,000 books, periodicals and microforms

! over 29,000 media materials

! over 230 electronic databases in a wide range of subjects ! over 8,600 full-text e-journals

! digital collections which include HKUST Institutional Repository, Antique Maps of China, University Archives, Electronic Theses, HKUST Newspaper Clippings, E-Reserve and Library Exhibitions ! a bilingual Online Library Catalog, with the ability to search

other catalogs locally and abroad

! 5 floors with 1,850 seats, seminar rooms for meetings and instruction, space for group study, reading tables and study carrels for individual use, a fully-equipped classroom and a computer laboratory

! an experienced staff committed to meeting the various needs of the University community

Information Technology Services Center


HKUST's computer network is a high-speed, reliable network that serves the entire University and provides users with the latest sophisticated technology.

Language Center


The Language Center offers Language Enhancement programs to help students acquire the necessary English skills, as well as courses in many other languages.

Industrial Training Center


Practical training is provided for Engineering students to give them a broad and structured understanding of engineering practice, and help them satisfy training requirements of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) for registration purposes.



Ђᐯ෩ڻᅁӡў࠮ߞއசфനࣉȂգׄᐯӠ๴෭ᐯ೫ߞጕକȂ ڰҗґ঺Ȅ



http://library.ust.hk/ ॊЂᄦ੩ᔡ࣏ిᐯुٿКЙҞݕ૿ߞϘᖖȄҹऎᐯӠ෩ڻϘৎ ՜᚟༓࿂ᚳߞႤਫ਼ភ਱ȂҒࣁԞ۔Ⴄਫ਼фცЄႤਫ਼Ȅᄦ੩ᔡߞ ေᇯᇨ֨އᐡЏ๴ਣ՘ऎϘৎႤୈКѕȂऎԑ੭ਰӠգੜփф ੡Գ෩ڻԧ༵ୈਿȃႤ࿚фއசȄ ӫࡈॊЂᄦ੩ᔡߞႤ࿚ሃന൯ՂϭȈ Ċ ໹ჅķijıĭıııҊ੩ឱȃงҏфᖺྋႤਫ਼ Ċ ໹Ⴥijĺĭıııᇌ໛ᡘႤਫ਼ Ċ ໹ჅijĴıৎಉሏЙԢѹᛟߞცЄዴᑂ਱ Ċ ໹ჅĹĭķııᇌԑћცЄงҏ Ċ ዴፅᔡ᚟ҒࣁॊЂᐯങुٿћឥ਱ȃК஼ҟԳᄦȃЂᐯᕫ Ċ ੯ȃცЄಲ྽ᎢћȃॊЂ஗ඡႤਫ਼਱ȃცЄࢽܠணւћൢ Ċ ۶ᄦ੩ᔡਣ᠓ Ċ ᛕሬ።ϯᄦ੩ᔡӫᔂȂҞࣤ႙ӎԳфѵधԧԳߞᄦ੩ᔡӫᔂ Ċ ᄦ੩ᔡԒգĶኸȂᔡаգIJĭĹĶıਲ਼֜ȂҒࣁৎϠ֋৒ਲ਼֜۶Ϙ Ċ ଠᡝ߰ਲ਼֜ȂҩգڻЈೡిᐯߞి࢈ф঍ᇖᑟ࢈ȂЈೡ୅Ꭲ Ċ ߞु୅࢈Ȃന൯ኅԑ Ċ ၃ᢚᚳනߞᄦ੩ᔡ௞྽Ϡ৶Ȃசِᅆԑ੭ਰӠႤୈўবߞቮ Ċ ِȂ෩ڻգੜߞއச



http://www.ust.hk/itsc/ ॊЂცၝᇨປ୨൯൵Ԑ་ߞॊثȂ࣏Ϙৎ୼ിᜦܠߞᇨປȂऎ ԑ੭ਰӠ෩ڻᔹᎳߞއசȄ



http://lc.ust.hk/ ୵Ϟ෩ڻሬћ་༥᎝຀Ȃ७ϧ۝ׄԢᐯ෠෪ॻሬثҼНҳȂӎ Кѕـ༟ᓱێҁሬћ᎝຀Ȅ



http://www.ust.hk/itc ऎЍ຀ڀߞᐯӠ෩ڻᅁ೫୊ፚȂᢰҁেᅆᅁቫЍ຀գـԑবф գڀ೚ߞሮᝊȂڭ۝ׄҁেႿۖশสЍ຀ਰᐯྻĩʼnŌŊņĪգᝯᅁ ೫ߞঋِȄ


Outstanding Support For Outstanding Students


Enjoyable Campus Life

In addition to a campus renowned for its natural and architectural beauties, HKUST's first-class residential, sports, recreational and cultural facilities make living on campus an enjoyable experience:

Residential Hall


Living on campus is a great way to achieve total education. All first year students, who apply to stay in hall, will be offered residence in one of the University's six halls for at least a semester. Close to 40% of second and third year undergraduates are provided with residence on campus. Residential living plays a special role in campus life. By being more than a place to sleep and study, the halls provide a learning opportunity for students to:

enhance their interpersonal skills extend the breath of their interests

develop their organization and leadership skills

Facilities for Sports, Cultural and Other Activities


A full range of student amenities and sports facilities are available on campus for students to enjoy a variety of interests and activities.

Student Development Opportunities


HKUST provides many opportunities for students to develop themselves in the pursuit of quality education and life.

Art & Culture

Various art and cultural activities are available through the Center for the Arts and Artist-In-Residence program.


Sports & Recreation

Students are encouraged to participate in sports and recreational activities. A Healthy Life Style Course enables students to enjoy the fun of participation in sports and exercise. Internships & Mentoring

Internships and mentoring programs are organized for students to explore the career fields suited to their interests and skills, and to prepare for the world of work.

Talks, Forums & Confluence Dinners

By participating in talks, forums and Confluence Dinners, students will broaden their knowledge and skills for personal development. (http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/


International Activities

In addition to the academic exchange programs, various activities

such as Student Cultural Exchange Program and Delta Forum are organized to enhance the international exposure and experience of HKUST students.



๑Ꭲ࣏ᖖᄩᔹग़ߞ੭ཀྵȃັᏋߞᐯӠ௛߽ȃϘᕕৌԑߞᢜڈന ࣉȂᘘ࣏ԺࡻԺࠚߞ௵ጄфћмࣿஜȂ׮ᢰᐯӠ၃ᑢϘৎේأ ߞ੭ཀྵӠࣿȄ



http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir3/sadaily.htm ௛߽Ӡ഼࣏ࣿᝊిڈদঋߞϘᖖȂݙѽЂᐯપ־നգбਲ਼Ђᐯ ௛߽ȂᢰُϘ֜Ӧ᎛Ϣ֝௛߽ߞϘՐૺྲӠϢ֝൵ьϘৎᐯ งȄթҳȂӺգұ՘пᡝϟȃϬՐૺߞᐯӠᖔж୨௛֜Ȅ Դ੭ཀྵӠࣿўবȂᐯӠ௛߽طᆊ຾પ־ߞڎ֒ȂЙඏ࣏֝௛ф ᡝ੩ߞԳўȂـᢰᐯӠգᑟྻᐯ೫Ȉ ሃϠह഍ߞثҼ ๴ਣԺЮмߞᒸᎷ ๴ਣೡᚐфታഞЖକ


ġġhttp://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir4/sasports.htm Ϙڀԕ࢈афїҳനࣉȂᢰᐯӠ་֖ԧᇌգૈڗѕߞᢜڈфћ ௵ࣿஜȄ


http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ġ ॊЂ෩ڻЙьԺЮмြӫфࣿஜȂᢰॊЂᐯӠኧ་ߢᝊф၃ᑢ ᚳಽߞϠӠȄ ᛺೚ЅМϽ ġ ഼Ⴥ᜹ങКѕфᏸ੭᜹ങਛ঍ᄑȂᢰᐯӠգᑟྻతៈԧ᝷᜹ ġ ങфћмࣿஜȄġ(http://www.ust.hk/cfa/) ᡝىЅஶዅࣀଢ଼ ॊЂ࿂ᄁᔽᐯӠணሃᢜڈф௵ጄࣿஜȂપ־༟ᓱȶࣿϧӠ ࣿȷ᎝຀ȂᢰᐯӠታರႻஜߞጄᎷȄ ᄂಬᇄᏲৱ ġ ऎᐯӠփനߞᐱਰ঍ᄑфᅁ೫ᑟྻȂᕒׄҁেرඵԪᏋ֋ ġ ЎȂԢ੡ϫҞ๴෭ݙࠜߞҍႮȂڭѷऎ௟ڽߞЍ֯இՀ࿤ ൯Ȅ ᅋᇳȃ৴ፙོЅڟ፱༘ ġ ൅Ⴥணሃᆊሲȃਲ਼᎘ྻф۞ᎰབྷȂᐯӠҞ༰ࢥዃૈȂᙖᘮৎ ġ Ϡߞ໛ൎфӫዾȄ (h (( tttt ptt ://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ConfluenceWeb/index.htm) ୽ሬҺࢺࣀଢ଼ ġ ୵ϞᐯങӹࣹȂЂᐯЙ੡ᗝᓱᐯӠћмӹࣹ঍ᄑф઴ϬڎᎢ ġ ᐪຈࣿஜȂѽ࠳་ॊЂᐯӠᅆ஼ቫߤྻߞሮᝊфᢜྻȄ 13


Outstanding Support For Outstanding Students


Students' Union and Student Societies


The Students' Union, which is independent and self-governing, plays a key role in promoting and coordinating the activities of more than 100 student societies on campus.

Facilities for Every Interest

The University has a selection of other facilities that cater to the different interests and needs of our students:

Other Facilities

photographic dark room, music rooms, etc., for the pursuit of hobbies

conference room, meeting rooms, workshop and office space for the organization of activities

common rooms and quiet room for leisure activities

catering facilities include self-service cafeterias, Chinese and W


Weeestern restaurants, a food court, a coffee shop and a snack shop

commercial facilities include a bookstore, banking service, a supermarket and a hair salon




http://ihome.ust.hk/~su_union/ শสॊثЂᐯᐯӠྻ࣏ϘৎᑾӲ֋ѹߞೡᚐȂԴయஜф೚ឯ ੭а໹ჅIJııৎᐯӠೡᚐݙᗝ֖ߞࣿஜϯȂᑉညদঋߞڎ֒Ȅ




ġ ٞԞ࢈ȃরጄ࢈ຈȂைᏳԧᇌЙԢߞᒸᎷ ġ ྻ៉࢈ȃЍ֯࢈фᓱг࢈Ȃў࠮ᐯӠឯᓱ᎝ҳࣿஜ ġ ც໛࢈фԃਿ࢈ҞڻᐯӠ਎ጄфԃᐵ ġ ᒴ঴ᔠᣇҒࣁ֋ׄՑߞᐯӠ༺௅ȃК֘Ցᔠᣇȃग़঴ዃඞȃ ġ ۩ப࢈фЈ঴ܸ ġ ஥྽ᑟᅹҒࣁ੩؊ȃ቙֖ȃ໹ૺҾඞфನ᐀ܸ


Come Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Come Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

* Students who are currently enrolled as full-time/sandwich degree students in any of the eight JUPAS participating institutions should also apply through Direct Admissions even if they are applying on the strength of their current and/or past HKALE results. However, in accordance with guidelines on the inter-institution transfer of students, repeating of UGC-funded study across institutions, irrespective of whether there is a change of program or discipline, is generally discouraged.

The University welcomes applications from local and non-local students who are seeking admission to full-time studies at the undergraduate level.

Application and Selection for


Undergraduate students may enter the University through either the JUPAS Scheme or via Direct Admissions.

The JUPAS Scheme


For current Secondary 7 students in Hong Kong sitting for the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 2005 ('school applicants')

For other applicants seeking admission on the strength of HKALE results*

The JUPAS Scheme ("Joint University Programmes Admissions System") enables applicants to apply on the strength of their HKALE results for admission to the undergraduate programs of the 8 UGC-funded institutions of Hong Kong. Applicants applying through JUPAS should refer to the JUPAS Guide for details on application procedures.

Direct Admissions

For non-local applicants

For all other applicants seeking admission on the strength of qualifications other than HKALE results*

Online Application: http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm Application Period: 2 Oct - 31 Dec 2004

Application Fee: HK$150 (US$20)

Application materials also available at the Admissions, Registration and Records Office.

After reviewing the application forms and reports, selected applicants will be interviewed from March onwards. The fact that an applicant is not invited for interview does not mean that he/she is not being considered for admission.

Successful applicants may be made a firm offer or an offer with condition. To reserve the place offered, applicants may be required to pay a non-refundable deposit which will be applied to the tuition fee. Other applicants will be placed on a reserve list and reconsidered when the HKALE or other examination results are published.


಩ӒԴϣݙணሃᗑݢН୰੭а৒ᡝԑџۘݕዄ੭ӹฆۘᐯЀᐯ֜᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂ๑Ꭲ࣏׎ѽশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻඡᡝȂ׮ᕕߡతԨЂᐯӦ᎛ȄੲᑂȶЂᐯిڈႤׄ܎৶ྻȷ බЂ௞୰੭༡ᐯӠᚼ੭யᛟݙ֯НࢽєȂԴϘଠఐ޶ϭӎ੭௟Йྻւዋ಩ЏԴێҁЂ௞୰੭බᡝߞᐯӠᚼ੭দᡝߞӦ᎛ȂЙᎢێ࣏׎ؼᡝێҁॊӫȄ ӎ੭ᡌࠓӎԳфࠧӎԳߞᐯӠӦ᎛ඡᡝӎॊӠԑџۘ᎝຀Ȅ


Ӧ᎛ϢᡝЂᐯӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂҞ൅ჅȶЂᐯᗑԪݢӠᓱ ޱȷȂݕߡతӦ᎛Ȅ


http://www.jupas.edu.hk ġ ݙգඡւijııĶՐ࢘শส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւߞӎสԴ੭КϛᐯӠ ġ ġĩȶԴ੭Ӧ᎛ϠȷĪ ġ ێҁѽশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻӦ᎛Ϣᐯ߰* ȶЂᐯᗑԪݢӠᓱޱȷĩᗑݢĪġ۝ׄӦ᎛Ϡѽ୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻȂ ඡᡝϣ༡ۦȶЂᐯႤׄ܎৶ྻȷႤׄߞЂ௞୰੭ߞᐯЀᐯ֜᎝ ຀Ȅգྍ෈ᗑݢᓱޱӦ᎛Ϣᐯ߰᎛ணᏦȮЂᐯᗑԪݢӠᓱޱࢽ ࡑȯаգᝯӦ᎛ߞ຀ؔȄ


ġ ࠧӎԳӦ᎛Ϡ ġ ࢺգێҁᐯങႤ੾ġĩࠧশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւĪġߞӦ᎛Ϡ* ᆩΰҧ፜ȈũŵŵűĻİİŸŸŸįŢţįŶŴŵįũŬİŢųųİޝ٠ҧ፜Р෈ȈijııĵԑIJıТijРՍIJijТĴIJР ҧ፜າҢȈ෫ᄌIJĶıϯġĩܖछߜijıϯĪ ҧ፜ޱһџөΣᏰЅຝы೎ષڥԤᜰၥਟȄ ၃Ⴥ኶ᏦӦ᎛߰ߞࠑ੾фᐯ྽ᓙ႙ϠߞඡטࢢȂӎ੭௟ݺ೩Ր Ϭѡ༟ܕॗڍࠐَϢᓴ߰ȂփӏജॗڍߞӦ᎛߰ȂڭЙ҃ࠑێ Ӧ᎛ЏജݡທȂӏജॗڍߞӦ᎛ϠӺգҞକജۤᔂȄ ӎ੭௟๴ҍۤᔂ഼ߢПϢᓴߞӦ᎛߰Ȃ֭Ҟକࠢ௲ࣙڱϢᐯ౧ ԆȂփᖔۤᔂߞӦ᎛༷߰ᜳѾ઻֜໱Ȃႍຊภ༵௟ݺໜҊ੡ӡ ֯ᜳӹᐯ໱Ȃ࿄Йଡ଼ᘘȄӏജۤᔂߞӦ᎛Ϡ௟ԕϢ৏ႃԩඏаȂ ࢞শส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւݕێҁг༟ւႏݸᅳࢢȂЖԓПւዋȄ *


Cooome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Notes for Non-Local Applicants


HKUST attracts students from all over the world to study and learn with the best and the brightest. In particular, they will gain broader perspectives on China and the region. The Universit y's International Students Office (OIS) provides services to help them settle down, know more about the campus and discover different aspects of life in Hong Kong. The International Student Advisor, in co-operation with some student societies, organizes activities to enrich their experience in HKUST and in Hong Kong.

Non-local applicants should apply directly to the University. Prospective non-local undergraduate students should first write to the Director of Admissions, Registration and Records, providing full details of their educational qualifications so that an initial assessment may be made as to their entry qualifications. If official transcripts are in a language other than English or Chinese, a certified translation into English must be provided.

Applicants should be aware that competition for admission is such that only very well qualified candidates will gain admission. Because of the differences between educational systems, students eligible to enter undergraduate programs in their own countries may find that their qualifications are not necessarily recognized for entry to HKUST.

Points to Observe before Applying

1) Visa

In order to study in Hong Kong, non-local students must obtain a student visa. Applications should be made well in advance at a Consulate or a Chinese Embassy or by writing directly to:

Immigration Department, HKSAR Government, 2/F, Immigration Tower,

7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Web site: http://www.immd.gov.hk

Students from the Chinese Mainland should note that new procedures for obtaining an entry permit have come into effect from mid-July 2003. Information relating to application procedures are available on the World Wide Web at the address:

http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/admissions/ug_prog/visa.htm .

2) Financial Aspects

Non-local students should carefully consider the financial aspects of their studies in Hong Kong before applying for admission. Apart from tuition fees, a total of at least HK$52,000 per academic year (9 months), covering on-campus student housing, subsistence, textbooks, local travel, sports equipment, clothing, and other personal needs, is likely to be required for undergraduate study.



http://www.ust.hk/ois ڳ঑ಽԩߞਰႤфᐯങলઈȂൌ࣏ѵधԧԳᐯӠᓴᑄॊЂ་৒ ߞ১ԯȄҩҳȂҁেӺҞᚣթᑟྻԺᖢႋК஼фێᏐࠕԳ஡Ȅ ॊЂ஼ቫᐯӠڰச഍ġ ĩŐŊŔĪġ ௟ᕒׄࠧӎԳᐯӠᏋᕕ੭ཀྵӠࣿф ጢ೫শสߞᖖᄩȂփᐯӠڰச഍ߞቃᐱ৶Ӻྻऎҁে෩ڻއ சȂڭྻᗑԢێҁᐯӠೡᚐԪᓱࣿஜȂѽ࠳་ᐯӠᅆশสߤྻ фћмߞሮᝊȄ ࠧӎԳᐯӠᕕߡతԨӎ੭Ӧ᎛ϢᐯȂ঵Ԑ७ۑӎ੭ϢᐯфໜҊ ഍഍ࠜȂႎ೟ԕᗝӎڗᐯᑢȂѽ࠮ӎ੭་֖ࠐَໞ֤Ȅॶ෩ڻ ߞᝋށћԆڭࠧѽКћݕॻћ੩኷ȂӦ᎛ϠӅ༷෩ڻգੜНॻ ћᚙ៌ӎȄ ඡᡝӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞឮߋϩжᑬધȂࣇթҪգ՘ᖻᔹಳ߰Жྻᖔ ఀۤᔂȄփӤݺిڈۘ࢘ߞਮಳȂԴێҁ஼ਛգႤ੾пᡝӎॊ Ӡ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂӏӅ೑ԪϢᡝॊЂߞႤ੾Ȅ ҧ፜ࠉՃኌौᘈ IJĪġ᛫ᜌ ࠧӎԳᐯӠՂ౬Դশส་৒ȂӅ༷֋֖ۖК஼ᏸညԳЂڹᔡݕ ᗁታڰᔡታۤᐯӠᜪᝋȂӺҞ੩ব७ۑশสᣉѿטЀӇႽϛၳ ϢᄩڰசЂጁϟጁȶশสપ־֖ࣆ஡ࣆܹϢᄩڰச഍ȷࣤ႙գ ᝯᜪ໠ڰܢȄ(http://www.immd.gov.hk) ӤijııĴՐĸѡК՟༟ܕȂК஼аԳᐯӠ༷ڶ࿰ྲ຀ؔӦታ་Ϣ ധҞȄգᝯᓱታј᠈ߞႤਫ਼ЏҏႶԴТᗑᇨϯȂᇨ׬Ȉġ http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/admissions/ug_prog/visa.htmlȄ ijĪġငᔼ Ӧ᎛ϢᐯࡈȂࠧӎԳᐯӠᕕႎ೟ւዋӎ ڗߞ၃ᕻକϧȄ୵ϞԑՐᐯ໱ҳȂӎॊ ӠϘᐯՐĩॗϝৎѡĪߞ༟њȂҒࣁ௛໱ȃ ֗঴ȃ᎝ӎȃӹ഼ȃႻஜႅ൯фێҁৎ Ϡᛔ໱ԴаȂॗऎสᅋĶijĭıııЮȄ


Cooome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Applicants will be required to show sufficient financial resources to cover expenses for their period of study. They must also nominate a sponsor who is a resident of Hong Kong, aged over 21, to whom they are known personally. Those who have difficulty in nominating a sponsor may indicate on their visa applications that the University's Director of Admissions, Registration and Records is willing to act in this capacity.

3) Accommodation

Overseas full-time students are normally offered on-campus accommodation. Most rooms are designed for double occupancy and are air-conditioned and furnished. There are provisions for linking personal computers to the university network and common facilities include shower, toilet, common rooms with TVs, pantries and telephones, coin-operated washing machines, dryers and microwave ovens.

Those who are considering off-campus living should note that housing is in great demand throughout Hong Kong and living space for most residents is limited. Moreover, rents in Hong Kong are extremely high.

Notes for Mature Applicants

Applicants aged 25 or over by the first day of the academic year to which admission is sought may apply for direct admission. Mature applicants may be granted exemption from the entrance

requirements of the University provided they demonstrate aptitude and suitability for admission to a particular program of study.

Visiting Overseas Students

http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/ admissions/visiting/apply.html

Students from overseas institutions who wish to study at the University on a short-term basis, i.e. minimum of one semester

and a maximum of two, may apply for admission to the University as visiting overseas students. The application fee for 2005-2006 is HK$150 (US$20). Visiting overseas students may take courses but are not enrolled in specific programs of the University.

University Entrance Requirements

Entry to an undergraduate program of study at the University requires prospective students to satisfy both the general University and specific program entrance requirements. Applicants may be requested to attend personal interviews and/or take additional tests to be administered by the University. Interviews are designed for the purpose of providing further assessment of the applicant's motivation, aptitude and overall suitability for the chosen field of study.


Ӧ᎛Ϡ༷ᝋށێ၃ᕻକϧږѽᕕѾԴᐯ੡งߞњҍȂڭ෩ԩϘ ֜ՐᆕijIJ࿐НশสܧӔ֯࠲ᝋϠȄՂ๑ޱ֯ҍ࠲ᝋϠߞ෩ԩȂ ӺҞԴӦ᎛ᜪᝋ੡ཱϯӎ੭НϢᐯфໜҊ഍഍ࠜऎ࠲ᝋϠȄ ĴĪġ՞ஜ ࠧӎԳԑџۘᐯӠ഼௱Ҟᖔж୨Ϣ֝ॊЂߞ௛߽ȄЂൊԊݗ༡ ऎᛕϠݗȂനգ൬ᶊȄُৎݗ༡׮ҞѽცၝతቺϯᇨȂփ௛߽ Ӻྻ෩ڻێҁനࣉՂછ࢈ȃа၉ც໛ߞྻࢉ࢈ȃԃਿ࢈ȃც ႖ȃ՜໱ࣾ֗ᑟȃ஀֗ᑟфྋޯឤຈȄ ᐯӠՂւዋԴ੭ҳ֝௛Ȃ᎛઻ྍশสݗ࢏ߞቮِ࿂ЂȂ૧ࠛ୼ ހН᏶বᒕӺࠧ௱գনȄ


Ӧ᎛߰ՂԴݙඡᡝ᎝຀ߞᐯՐ༟ܕ੡Џ࣏ijĶ࿐ݕѽϯȂҞߡత Ԩӎ੭Ӧ᎛ϢᐯȄՂକᝋށێᏋԪ৒ᡝ༵ࣙ᎝຀ȂـҞᘄֺϢ ᐯߞঋِȄ


http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/admissions/visiting/apply.html ઔҳЂ௞ᐯӠՂգྍԴӎ੭๺ง་৒Ϙ֌یৎᐯงȂҞߡతԨ ӎ੭Ӧ᎛՘ऎઔҳڽണᐯӠȄijııĶĮijııķՐ࢘НӦ᎛໱ӡऎส ᅋIJĶıЮĩݕग़ࠛijıЮĪȄઔҳڽണᐯӠҪҞ৒ᡝৎ־ᐯڀߞॊ ӫȂփЙକໜҊ՘ऎႍ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȄ



Ӧ᎛ϠӅ༷೑Ԫӎ੭ߞϘଠϢᐯঋِфգᝯ᎝຀ߞϢᐯঋِȄ գྍ৒೫ӎ੭ӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞӦ᎛ϠȂҞକജᘛॗྻবݕணҐเ ᢚȄྻবӫߞ࣏ऎ་ϘَᖢႋҁেߞྍԨ۶କϧфٙܠҁে࣏ ׎ᏋԪݙᓴᡝН᎝຀Ȅ 21




ome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

General University Requirements

The general University requirements for entry in the 2005-2006 academic year includeALL of the following:

(A) Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) Passes in at least seven subjects at the first and if necessary second attempt, of which

i. at least five must be passed at a single sitting; and ii three must be Mathematics, English Language (Syllabus A

or B), and either Chinese or an alternative language (B) Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)

i. Passes at the same sitting in either one Advanced Level (AL) subject plus two Advanced Supplementary (AS) subjects, or two AL subjects;

ii Pass in AS Chinese Language and Culture*; and iii Pass in AS Use of English (UE).

*For applicants who use an alternative language, rather than

Chinese, to satisfy the language requirements in the HKCEE, an AL/AS subject may be used as a substitute for the Chinese Language and Culture requirement.

Entrance Requirement Equivalents

Alternatively, the general entrance requirements may be satisfied by obtaining one of the following qualifications:

(A) i. General Certificate of Secondary Education / General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level

-passes in at least seven subjects at the first and if necessary second attempt, including Mathematics,

English Language and a language other than English, with five of the subjects passed at a single sitting;


ii. General Certificate of Education at the Advanced Level / Advanced Supplementary Level

-passes at the same sitting in 1 AL subject plus 3 AS subjects; or 2 AL subjects plus 1 AS subject; or at least 3 AL subjects.

(B) At least one year's successful full-time study or equivalent in a bachelor's degree program at a university or tertiary institution recognized by this University;

(C) An associate degree, a professional diploma, higher diploma or higher certificate from a polytechnic or recognized tertiary college in Hong Kong;

(D) An International Baccalaureate diploma.

Notwithstanding the above, the University may recognize other qualifications, or successful study at another recognized institution. In assessing these qualifications, the University will ensure that such applicants have an educational background equivalent to that required of JUPAS candidates. Proficiency in English is also a consideration.

Applicants with outstanding achievements at international competitions, such as the International Physics or Mathematics Olympiad, may also apply and their applications will be considered on individual merits.




ੲᑂӎ੭ijııĶĮijııķՐ࢘ߞϘଠϢᐯঋِȂӦ᎛Ϡ༷ۍ൯ѽϭ ĩϘĪġфġĩϟĪġی༵ঋِȈ ĩϘĪġ শสКᐯྻւġĩʼnŌńņņĪ ġ ݺ೐Ϙըф೐ϟըġĩՂգቮঋᕕւĪġւႏКᖔఀ൵ьϛॊ ġ ф੾ߞ՘ᖻȂێКҒࣁѽϭی༵ঋِȈ ġġġġġġġӥȃġݺԢϘըᕕւКᖔУॊф੾՘ᖻ ġ ϙȃġф੾ॊӫӅ༷ҒࣁѽϭϬॊȈ ġ ġ ዴᐯȃॻ஼ሬћġĩ᎝຀ӥݕϙĪġфК஼ሬћݕ ġ ġ ێҁሬћ ĩϟĪġ শส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւġĩʼnŌłōņĪġĤ ġ ӥȃġԢϘըᕕւКݺѽϭॊӫۤఀф੾՘ᖻȈ ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ୼ૺϘॊġĬġ୼ႃیॊȇݕ୼ૺیॊ ġ ϙȃġ୼ႃК஼ሬћфћмւႏф੾* ġ ѴȃġॻሬႻӡġĩŖņĪġւႏф੾


ĩϘĪġ Ӧ᎛Ϡ༷ۍ൯ѽϭġĩӥĪġфġĩϙĪġی༵ঋِȈ ġ ӥȃġ ෼഼КᐯిڈћᐴႏġĩňńŔņĪġݕ෼഼ిڈћᐴႏġĩňńņĪġ ġ ġ ෼഼຀࢘ġĩŐĮōņŗņōĪ ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ ݺ೐Ϙըф೐ϟըġĩՂգቮঋᕕւĪġւႏКᖔ ġ ġ ġ ఀ൵ьϛॊф੾՘ᖻȂॊӫҒࣁዴᐯȃॻሬ۶ ġ ġ ġ ҩϘᇌሬڏȂێКУॊф੾ߞ՘ᖻ༷ݺԢϘը ġ ġ ġ ᕕւКւఀȄ ġġġġġġġġϙȃġ෼഼ిڈћᐴႏġĩňńņĪġĤ ġ ġ ୼ૺ຀࢘ġĩłĮōņŗņōĪġݕġ୼ૺႃ҇຀࢘ġĩłŔĮōņŗņōĪ ġġ ġ ġ ԴԢϘըւႏКݺѽϭॊӫۤఀф੾՘ᖻȈ ġ ġ ġ ୼ૺϘॊġĬġ୼ႃϬॊȇݕ ġ ġ ġ ୼ૺیॊġĬġ୼ႃϘॊȇݕ ġ ġ ġ ୼ૺ൵ьϬॊ ĩϟĪġ ݺϘݙЂᐯݕӎ੭ሮҞߞ௞ϯ୰੭؆՘֌ьϘՐНԑџ ġ ۘᐯЀᐯ֜᎝຀ȇġ ĩϬĪġ ᖔϘݙನЍᐯ୰ݕӎสሮҞߞ௞ϯ୰੭ჴ๴Н஘ᐯЀȃ ġ ௞྽ћᐴȃ୼ૺћᐴݕ୼ૺᝋ੩ȇ ĩұĪġ ᖔఀЂᐯჰॊ஼ቫྻւћᐴȄ ୵ϯগႤ੾ҳȂӦ᎛ϠӺҞѽێҁሮҞ୰੭ݙఀߞ՘ᖻӦ᎛Ϣ ᡝӎ੭Ȃఘႍຈ՘ᖻ༷၃ӤЂᐯ኶੮࣏׎೑ԪϘଠϢᐯ౧ԆȄ գᝯНᐯᑢ኶੮ȂЂᐯசِᅆઔҳӦ᎛߰фӎԳӦ᎛߰ߞిڈ ०฀գϘ७ঋِȄթҳȂӦ᎛߰ߞॻሬѪӀӺ௟ജԕϢւዋፑ ඛНаȄ Ӧ᎛ϠՂԴ஼ቫѧᘈġ ĩڼՂ஼ቫߏನݕዴᐯླྀޒнֹѧᘈĪġ К ۤఀ൰ҍߞ՘ᖻȂӺҞӦ᎛ඡᡝӎ੭᎝຀ȂЂᐯ௟ੲᑂৎ־ఐ ޶֯ҍւዋȄ ॶӦ᎛߰ѽҩϘᇌሬڏġ ĩڭࠧК஼ሬћĪġ ڽႿۖКᐯྻւНሬћ ঋِȂࡋҞѽ୼ૺ຀࢘ݕ୼ૺႃ҇຀࢘ԇ֣Ϙॊڽۤ҃୼ૺႃ ҇຀࢘К஼ሬћфћмߞঋِ ȶ୼ૺȷऎȶ୼ૺ຀࢘ȷĩłōĪġНᚎᇍ ȶ୼ႃȷऎȶ୼ૺႃ҇຀࢘ȷĩłŔĪġНᚎᇍ * #


Cooome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Specific Requirements᎝຀Ϣᐯঋِ Program Title Abb. Title No. of Subjects Subject Requirements

ġ ᎝຀ԩᇍġ ᎝຀ᚎᇍġ ॊӫዴ༓ġ ॊӫঋِġ 1st Year Intake ჰ঍ ՜ӠϠዴ School of Science ౩ġᏰġ଱ BSc Biochemistry1 ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ӡ ߏ м ᐯ) BSc Biology1 ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ӡ ߏ ᐯ ) BSc Chemistry1 ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( м ᐯ ) BSc Mathematics ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ዴ ᐯ )

BSc Mathematics (Mathematics and IT Education)2

ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ዴ ᐯ -- ዴ ᐯ ф Ⴄ ୈ ॊ ث ి ڈġ) BSc Physics1

ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ߏ ನ ᐯġ) BSc Applied Physics1

ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ᕕ ӡ ߏ ನ ᐯ )

Must include AL Chemistry and AL Biology Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL мᐯф AL Ӡߏ

Must include AL Biology and AL/AS Chemistry Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL Ӡߏф AL/AS мᐯ

Must include AL Chemistry Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL мᐯ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯ

(i) Must include AL Physics/Engineering Science; or (ii) Must include AS Physics and one of the following: Applied

Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, and Pure Mathematics (Ϙ) Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ߏನ / Ѝ຀ॊᐯȇݕ (ϟ) Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AS ߏನфϭԕێКϘॊȈᕕӡዴᐯȃዴᐯф೚঍ᐯȃ૷ᇝዴᐯ BICH BIOL CHEM MATH MAIE PHYS APHY 69 84 81 96 30 58 ijĵ 3 AL / (2 AL + 1 AS) 3 AL / (2 AL + 1 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) (i) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS); / (ii)1 AL + 2 AS

Program Entrance Requirements ӨᏰف፞แޟΣᏰौؑ

Applicants for 2005-2006 entry must satisfy entrance requirements specific to their desired programs of study IN ADDITION TO the general requirements. Unless otherwise stated, AS level subjects referred to below are required in addition to Use of English and Chinese Language & Culture. Applicants are advised to consult the Institution's website for the most updated program information.

୵ӎ੭ϘଠϢᐯঋِҳȂ௟ݺijııĶĮijııķՐ࢘ϢᐯНӦ᎛Ϡᘘ༷೑Ԫݙᓴᐯڀ᎝຀ߞϢᐯঋِȄՂٟգપ־ࢽށȂӦ᎛Ϡ༷ۍ൯ϭࠑݙԕН୼ૺ ႃ҇຀࢘ॊӫȂҩҐȶॻሬႻӡȷфȶК஼ሬћфћмȷȄӦ᎛ϠҞᙱ᠓ӎ੭ᇨ঱ࣤ႙൵ྲ᎝຀Ⴄਫ਼Ȅ

1Successful applicants of these programs may apply for transfer to the second year of the following 4-year full-time degree programs in their second year of study provided they attain satisfactory grade average:

BICH - BSc in Biochemistry and Science Education BIOL - BSc in Biology and Science Education CHEM - BSc in Chemistry and Science Education PHYS / APHY - BSc in Physics and Science Education

Graduate of these Science Education programs will be qualified for the Qualified Teacher Status. ՘ґϢᡝթ᎝຀НӦ᎛ϠȂՂލԴ೐ϘৎᐯՐݙۤఀНӀ׮ᒕᙇႿᆕྍ຀࢘ȂҞӦ᎛ ġ ᚼᡝѽϭұՐԑџۘᐯЀ᎝຀Н೐ϟৎᐯՐ: BICH -Ӡߏмᐯфॊᐯిڈ BIOL -Ӡߏᐯфॊᐯిڈ CHEM -мᐯфॊᐯిڈ PHYS / APHY -ߏನᐯфॊᐯిڈ ġ ѽϯ᎝຀Нಲ྽Ӡ௟ҞႿۖȶԪ੾ిਰႤ੾ȷߞዾ࿤Ȅ

2Except for these programs which are 4-year full-time programs, the normal duration of study is 3 years.


Specific Requirements᎝຀Ϣᐯঋِ Program Title Abb. Title No. of Subjects Subject Requirements

ġ ᎝຀ԩᇍġ ᎝຀ᚎᇍġ ॊӫዴ༓ġ ॊӫঋِġ 1st Year Intake ჰ঍ ՜ӠϠዴ School of Engineering ώġᏰġ଱ BEng Chemical Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( м ᐯ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ )

BEng Chemical and Environmental Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( м ᐯ ф ᖖ ᄩ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ )

BEng Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( м ᐯ ф Ӡ ߏ ಯ ࡡ Ѝ ຀ )

BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ͽ Ѣ ф ᖖ ᄩ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ ) BEng Civil & Structural Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ͽ Ѣ ф ຕ ᅹ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ ) BEng Computer Science Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ঍ ᇖ ᑟ ॊ ᐯ )

BEng Computer Science (Information Engineering) Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ঍ ᇖ ᑟ ॊ ᐯ - Ⴄ ୈ Ѝ ຀ )

BEng Computer Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ঍ ᇖ ᑟ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ ) BEng Electronic Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ც Є Ѝ ຀ ᐯ )

BEng Electronic Engineering (Information and Communication Engineering)

Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ც Є Ѝ ຀ ᐯ - ࠫ ਿ ф ഼ ୈ Ѝ ຀ ) BEng Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management

Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ѝ ྽ Ѝ ຀ ф Ѝ ຀ ᇒ ನ ᐯ ) BEng Logistics Management Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ߏ ࣹ ᇒ ನ )

BEng Mechanical Engineering Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ᑟ ౠ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ ) BEng Mechanical Engineering (Building Services)

Ѝ ᐯ Ѐ ( ᑟ ౠ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ - ࢏ Ն ന ൯ )

Must be chosen from Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and Pure Mathematics Ӆ༷ᓴ֋ᕕӡዴᐯȃӠߏȃмᐯȃЍ຀ॊᐯȃዴᐯф೚঍ᐯȃߏನȃ૷ᇝዴᐯ

Must be chosen from Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and Pure Mathematics One of the subjects must be AL Biology or AL Chemistry

Ӆ༷ᓴ֋ᕕӡዴᐯȃӠߏȃмᐯȃЍ຀ॊᐯȃዴᐯф೚঍ᐯȃߏನȃ૷ᇝዴᐯ ێКϘॊӅ༷Ғࣁ AL Ӡߏݕ AL мᐯ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics and AL Physics/Chemistry Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯф AL ߏನ / мᐯ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics and AL Physics/Engineering Science Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯф AL ߏನ / Ѝ຀ॊᐯ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics or AL Physics Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯݕ AL ߏನ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics and AL/AS Physics / AL Engineering Science

Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯф AL/AS ߏನ / AL Ѝ຀ॊᐯ

Must include AL Pure Mathematics and AL/AS Physics / AL Engineering Science

Applicants without AL Pure Mathematics will also be considered if they attain grade B or above in 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) subjects including AL/AS Physics / AL Engineering Science

Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯф AL/AS ߏನ / AL Ѝ຀ॊᐯ

ࠧᓴᡝ AL ૷ᇝዴᐯНӦ᎛ϠՂԴ 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) ॊӫ (Ӆ༷Ғࣁ AL/AS ߏನ / AL Ѝ຀ॊᐯ) ۤఀ B ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȂӺҞᖔւዋȄ

One of the subjects must be chosen from Applied Mathematics, Engineering Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and Pure Mathematics

For applicants without grade E or above in AL/AS Physics / AL Engineering Science, grade D or above must be obtained in HKCEE Physics

ێКϘॊӅ༷ᓴ֋ᕕӡዴᐯȃЍ຀ॊᐯȃዴᐯф೚঍ᐯȃߏನȃ૷ᇝዴᐯ ՂٟգւᖔAL/AS ߏನ / AL Ѝ຀ॊᐯ E ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻНӦ᎛ϠȂӅ༷ۤఀ HKCEEߏನ D ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȄ

Must include Pure Mathematics, and Physics/Engineering Science Ӆ༷Ғࣁ૷ᇝዴᐯфߏನġ/ Ѝ຀ॊᐯ CENG CEEV CBPE CIEV CIVL COMP CSIE CPEG ELEC EEIC IEEM IELM MECH MEBS 20 17 17 15 95 68 49 108 91 43 32 32 55 25 3 AL / (2 AL + 1 AS) 3 AL / (2 AL + 1 AS) 3 AL / (2 AL + 2 AS) 3 AL / (2 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS)


Cooome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Bachelor of Business AdministrationЍ஥ᇒನᐯЀ Degrees offeredᐯ֜ҒࣁȈ

BBA Accounting3ྻ ঍ ᐯ

BBA Economics၃ ᕻ ᐯ BBA Finance୑ ச ᐯ

BBA Information Systems3Ⴄ ୈ ڀ ೚ ᐯ

BBA Management of Organizations ġ ೡ ᚐ ᇒ ನ ᐯ

BBA MarketingҾ ඞ ᐯ

BBA Operations Managementᖉ Ⴛ ᇒ ನ ᐯ BBA General Business Management ġ ᇢ Ԫ ஥ ྽ ᇒ ನ ᐯ

BBA Accounting3

Ѝ ஥ ᇒ ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ྻ ঍ ᐯ ) BBA Information Systems3

Ѝ ஥ ᇒ ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( Ⴄ ୈ ڀ ೚ ᐯ ) BSc Economics and Finance ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ၃ ᕻ ф ୑ ச ᐯ ) BSc Quantitative Finance ನ ᐯ Ѐ ( ঍ ༓ ୑ ச ᐯ )

BBA Global Business

Ѝ ஥ ᇒ ನ ᐯ Ѐġ( ᖖ ಧ ஥ ྽ ᇒ ನġ)

A grade of D or above in AS Use of English is normally needed for admission ASॻሬႻӡ D ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻҞᖔᔹԐւዋ

Grade D or above in AS Use of English in HKALE; and

(i) Grade E or above in AL Pure Mathematics or AL Applied Mathematics; or

(ii) Grade B or above in HKCEE Additional Mathematics, AS Mathematics and Statistics or AS Applied Mathematics

ASॻሬႻӡ D ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȇф

(Ϙ) AL ૷ᇝዴᐯݕ AL ᕕӡዴᐯ E ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȇݕ

(ϟ) HKCEE ࠢҐዴᐯȃAS ዴᐯф೚঍ᐯݕ AS ᕕӡዴᐯ B ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻ (a) Grade C or above in AS Use of English in HKALE; and

(b) (i) Grade C or above in Chinese or an alternative language in HKCEE, or (ii) Grade C or above in AS Chinese Language and Culture

(ӥ) AS ॻሬႻӡġC ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȇф (ϙ) (Ϙ) HKCEE К஼ሬћݕێҁሬћ C ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȂݕ (ϟ) AS К஼ሬћфћм C ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻ BBA ACCT IS ECOF QFIN GBUS 449 121 20 40 17 25 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS) 2 AL / (1 AL + 2 AS)

School of Business and Management ώġ୦ġᆓġ౩ġᏰġ଱

Specific Requirements᎝຀Ϣᐯঋِ Program Title Abb. Title No. of Subjects Subject Requirements

ġ ᎝຀ԩᇍġ ᎝຀ᚎᇍġ ॊӫዴ༓ġ ॊӫঋِġ

1st Year Intake ჰ঍ ՜ӠϠዴ

3For the following programs, applicants can enter via two routes:

ACCT: either directly via ACCT program or via BBA program and later transfer to the BBA Accounting program at the end of Year 1

IS: either directly via IS program or via BBA program and later transfer to the BBA Information Systems program at the end of Year 1

The curricula are identical for these programs and all applicants can freely apply


ACCT -ҞߡతϢᡝ ACCT ᎝຀ݕ঵Ԑᓴᡝ BBA ᎝຀ȂڭݺЂᐯ೐ϘՐ؆ຕ੡Ӧ᎛ᚼᡝ

ġ ġ ġ ྻ঍ᐯڀ᎝຀Ȅ

IS - ҞߡతϢᡝ IS ᎝຀ݕ঵Ԑᓴᡝ BBA ᎝຀ȂڭݺЂᐯ೐ϘՐ؆ຕ੡Ӧ᎛ᚼᡝႤୈ

ġ ġ ġ ڀ೚ᐯڀ᎝຀Ȅ



Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management2

ॊ ث ф ᇒ ನ ᐯ ᛕ ᐯ ֜ ᎝ ຀

For the degree in Technology, applicants admitted to this program will be required to choose from one of the following:

Ϣᡝӎ᎝຀Нॊثᐯ֜ȂӦ᎛Ϡ༷ᓴᡝѽϭێКϘ ৎᐯॊȈ

BEng Chemical Engineeringм ᐯ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ BEng Civil & Structural Engineering ġ Ͽ Ѣ ф ຕ ᅹ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ

BEng Computer Science঍ ᇖ ᑟ ॊ ᐯ BEng Computer Engineering঍ ᇖ ᑟ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ BEng Electronic Engineeringც Є Ѝ ຀ ᐯ BEng Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management

ġ Ѝ ྽ Ѝ ຀ ф Ѝ ຀ ᇒ ನ ᐯ

BEng Mechanical Engineeringᑟ ౠ Ѝ ຀ ᐯ For the degree in Management, applicants will be enrolled in BBA in General Business Management. Ϣᡝӎ᎝຀Нᇒನᐯ֜ȂӦ᎛Ϡ༷ᓴᡝᇢԪ஥྽ᇒ ನᐯȄ

a) Must include:

(i) AL Pure Mathematics or Biology or Chemistry, and (ii) AL Physics or Engineering Science; and

(b) Grade C or above in AS Use of English in HKALE; and (c) Grade C or above in:

(i) Chinese or an alternative language in HKCEE; or (ii) AS Chinese Language and Culture in HKALE

Applicants with grade D in AS Use of English will also be considered if they obtained grade A, A, B or above in 3AL or (2AL+1AS) subjects in HKALE. (ӥ) Ӆ༷Ғࣁ: (Ϙ) AL ૷ᇝዴᐯ / Ӡߏ / мᐯȂф (ϟ) AL ߏನġ/ Ѝ຀ॊᐯȇф (ϙ) AS ॻሬႻӡ C ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȇф (Ѵ) (Ϙ) HKCEE К஼ሬћݕێҁሬћ C ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻȇݕ (ϟ) AS К஼ሬћфћм C ૺݕѽϯ՘ᖻ ۤఀġAS ॻሬႻӡ D ૺ՘ᖻНӦ᎛ϠȂՂԴ 3 AL ݕ (2 AL + 1 AS) ॊӫКۤ ఀ A, A, B ݕѽϯ՘ᖻȂЪҞᖔւዋȄ BEng & BBA 30 3 AL / (2 AL + 1 AS) (3 AL are preferred) (3 ALҞᖔᔹԐւዋ)

Joint School Program: School of Engineering & School of Business and Management ଱ġفġᖒġӫġ፞ġแȈώġᏰġ଱ġЅġώġ୦ġᆓġ౩ġᏰġ଱

Specific Requirements᎝຀Ϣᐯঋِ Program Title Abb. Title No. of Subjects Subject Requirements

ġ ᎝຀ԩᇍġ ᎝຀ᚎᇍġ ॊӫዴ༓ġ ॊӫঋِġ

1st Year Intake ჰ঍ ՜ӠϠዴ

2Except for these programs which are 4-year full-time programs, the normal duration of study is 3 years.


Come Join Us ёΣॊЂġ


* 'Non-local' students are defined by reference to 'local' students. 'Local' students are students who have a right of abode in Hong Kong, or have resided or had their home in Hong Kong continuously for three years immediately prior to the commencement of their programs.


Fees described below are not refundable.

1. Tuition fees (to be paid in two equal installments before the beginning of each semester):

ġ For full-time local students (for 2004-2005):

HK$42,100 per annum (Fees for 2005-06 will be announced by the HKSAR Government in the summer of 2005)

Further information relating to tuition fees for local students are available on the World Wide Web at the addresses:

http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/admissions/jupas/fees.html (for JUPAS)

and http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ug/admissions/direct/fees.html

(for Direct Admissions).

For full-time non-local* students (for 2005-2006):

(a) Admitted to Year 1 study of the three-year undergraduate degree program (except the BBA program in Global

Business) in 2005-06...HK$ 60,000 per annum (b) Admitted to Year 1 study of the BBA program in Global Business or the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management in 2005-06...HK$ 80,000 per annum (c) The Preparatory Year ('Year 0') Program... ...HK$ 42,100 per annum

Further information relating to tuition fees for non-local students are available on the World Wide Web at the address:


2. Undergraduate Hall charges:

Subject to confirmation, for a residential year of about 9 months from September 2005 to May 2006:


$9,325 per person in double rooms


$6,980 per person in triple rooms 3. Estimated total cost:

Apart from tuition fee, the total cost of living and studying at the University is expected to be about $52,000 for two semesters and the winter session from early September to early June, including on-campus student housing, subsistence, textbooks, local travel, sports equipment, clothing, and other personal needs.

Scholarships and Prizes


A number of scholarships and prizes are awarded on behalf of individual and corporate donors to students, without application, on the strength of academic merit and the




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ᛕϠݗُ֜สᅋĺĭĴijĶЮ ġ ġ


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http://www.ust.hk/scholarship ӎ੭നգԺ༵ৎϠݕᄥᢜ੕ᝑߞጨᐯࠛфׄᐯࠛȂѦ༷Ӧ᎛Ȃ ࢷᐯ྽՘ᖻӤᐯ୰ݕᐯڀయᚧȂჴ๴ຜᐯӠȄ *ȶࠧӎԳᐯӠȷ࣏ண࿰ȶӎԳᐯӠȷНܠ၍փЬܠȄġȶӎԳᐯ ġ ӠȷӅ༷ᐾգশสપ־֖ࣆ஡ܧ઻ᡋȂݕԴ᎝຀༟ܕࡈȂێӎ ġ ϠݕਛਲЏാ᠈Դশสܧ֝ϬՐݕѽϯȄ


Cooome Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

Financial Assistance

There are two main sources of financial support for Hong Kong students:

Government Student Financial Assistance


Full-time students, except student visa holders, who have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had their home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years immediately prior to the commencement of their year of study are eligible to apply to the Government Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) for financial aid. Assistance is offered through two schemes:

Local Student Finance Scheme (LSFS):

Grants/loans awarded in relation to family income and financial status

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS): Loans up to the amount of tuition fee

Students may apply for assistance from both schemes or either one. Application forms and further details may be obtained from the SFAA or from the Student Affairs Office of the University.

University Loans and Bursaries

Students with additional financial needs may apply for loans and bursaries administered by the University. In general, these funds are used to supplement, but not substitute for, Government financial assistance. Details of loans and bursaries are available at the Student Affairs Office.

Credit Transfer

Applicants from universities, polytechnics or other post-secondary institutions who have completed / are studying curricula in relevant disciplines may apply for credit transfer upon admission. Transfer credits from programs of other institutions attended by the student prior to the admission to HKUST will only be granted if the prior study was properly disclosed in the student's application for admission. Application must be made within one month of commencement of first semester.

Courses accepted for transfer credits must normally be at a level more advanced than studies for the advanced level (A-level) examinations and be taught by a recognized institution. The total number of credits to be transferred will be decided with regard to the University policy that no student shall be permitted to graduate unless she/he has:

1. completed a minimum of one year of full-time study at HKUST; 2. obtained a minimum of 35 HKUST credits; and

3. students are not considered for completion of a minor program unless at least two-thirds of the credits counting toward the minor program requirements are HKUST credits.

Credits transferred will not be included in the calculation of grade averages. Applications for direct entry to the second year or later will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.





http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/ ԑџۘᐯӠՂۍգশสપ־֖ࣆ஡ܧ઻ᡋȂݕԴ᎝຀༟ܕࡈЏ ാ᠈Դশสܧ֝ݕێਛਲԴশสЏ֝ᆕϬՐ߰ȂҞӦ᎛ѽϭی ༵ӤࣆܹᐯӠႤׄᓱڰ഍঑യߞ၃ᕻ෯ׄ঍ᄑȄࢺᐯӠᜪ໠߰ ୵ҳȄ ġ ӎԳ௞ϯᐯӠႤׄ঍ᄑ ġ ġ ׄᐯࠛфİݕֲਿ໷ภߞࠛᛝቮ໛Ѽਛਲ՜ϢфႤಯߐ޶ ġ ġ փܠ ġ ֺϢਿ኶ࣤ໷ภ঍ᄑ ġ ġ ໷ภᛝ൵୼ҞႿᕕᜳᐯ໱ߞࠛᛝ ᐯӠҞԢ੡Ӧ᎛ی༵෯ׄ঍ᄑȂݕҪᑄێϘȄփգᝯӦ᎛ࠑ੾ фႎ೟Ⴄਫ਼ȂҞԨᐯӠႤׄ ڰ഍ݕӎ੭ᐯӠڰச഍૶ۤȄ


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ฅԴЂᐯȃನЍݕێҁሮҞЂ௞୰੭ಲ྽ݕ಩Ӓݺႍຈ୰੭බ ᡝНӦ᎛ϠȂՂඡᡝӎ੭գᝯ᎝຀ȂҞӦ᎛ᐯжݚሮȄႍӦ᎛ ϠӅ༷ԴϢᐯࡈӒፁԳӦඡݙᡝН᎝຀ȂێᐯжўҞᖔݚሮȄ գᝯᐯжᚼೊӦ᎛Ӆ༷ݺ೐Ϙৎᐯง༟ᐯࢢϘৎѡа֯ҍȄ ᖔݚሮᐯжߞॊӫ഼௱Ӆ༷ऎЂᐯሮҞߞ୰੭ݙ༟ᓱȂѷێа ਟᕕႵ୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւॊӫಎϢȂփᖔݚሮߞᐯжዴӫ௟ڶ࿰Ђ ᐯݙ঎ߞ࿤ࡋٙܠȄ၃ᐯжݚሮಲ྽ߞᐯӠӅ༷Ȉ ġ ĩϘĪġԴӎ੭৒྽൵ьᆕϘՐȂЖକᖔჴᐯ֜ȇ ġ ĩϟĪġԴಲ྽ࡈ৒ಲӎ੭൵ьĴĶৎᐯжНॊӫȇ ġ ĩϬĪġՂӦ᎛৒ᡝ஘৒᎝຀Ȃࡋ஘৒᎝຀ݙঋِߞᐯжК൵ь ġ ġ գϬжНϟӅ༷Դӎ੭৒ఀȄ ᖔᘄֺॊӫНᐯж௟Йྻ঍ᇖԴᐯӠНӀ׮՘ᖻຈૺаȄ փգᝯඡᡝϟՐૺݕѽϯНӎॊӠ᎝຀Ȃӎ੭௟ৎ־኶੮ ᐯӠӦ᎛Ȅ 31


Cooomeee Join Us ёΣॊЂġ

More Information

Prospective students can get more information from the Admissions, Registration and Records Office on campus, via the University Academic Calendar or by joining the Student Outreach Day.

Admissions, Registration and Records Office (ARR) http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm

Applicants requiring advice or assistance on admissions-related matters are welcome to contact the Admissions, Registration and Records Office. All enquiries should indicate the degree program(s) of interest and be addressed to:

Director of Admissions, Registration and Records The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Telephone: (852) 2623-1118

Facsimile: (852) 2358-0769

E-mail Address: For JUPAS applicants: ugjupas@ust.hk

For all other applicants: ugadmit@ust.hk

Service Counter Opening Hours at Room 1381: Mondays - Fridays 9 am - 5 pm

Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon

Sundays and Public Holidays closed

The University Calendar

Detailed information about the University can be found in the University's Academic Calendar, published in summer every year. Each new student will be provided with a free copy of the Calendar upon registration. The Academic Calendar for the 2004-2005 academic year is available online at http://publish.ust.hk/univ/cal0405/.

Student Outreach Day

The annual Student Outreach Day is usually held in late September (25 September in Year 2004). Students are welcome to come to our campus and see the exhibitions and seminars, tour the campus and its facilities, watch performances and video shows, and get acquainted with the University in general.


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This brochure is published for the guidance of students who wish to enter the University in September 2005. Information in this brochure may be changed from time to time by the appropriate University Authority. In the event of inconsistency, the decision of the University

Authority shall be final.

ӎҊЄऎգྍඡᡝӎ੭ijııĶĮijııķՐ࢘᎝຀ߞᐯӠ෩ڻணւႤਫ਼ȄݙႶаਟݕྻԯᕕᅁቫఐ ޶ቮঋփ֯ҍ৒঎ȂЫࢢՂգᢏஜȂညѽЂᐯгֶऎ࿤ȄаਟКȃॻߍӎՂգਮಳȂࡋѽ ॻћߍӎऎ࿤Ȅ Design and Production by Publishing Technology Center




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