Education Support for
Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Education Bureau
August / September 2022
Key Message
The Government is committed to encouraging and supporting the integration of NCS students into the community, including facilitating their early adaptation to the local education system and mastery of the Chinese language
Key Message
Policy intent: encourage parents of NCS students to send their children to schools with an immersed Chinese language environment as early as possible to facilitate their mastery of the Chinese language
Starting from the 2014/15 school year, a series of measures have been implemented to step up the support for NCS students to facilitate
their effective learning of Chinese and
the creation of an inclusive learning environment in schools
“Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework” (“Learning Framework”)
Provides steps and methods for learning and teaching, and assessment according to the needs of NCS students of learning Chinese as a second language
The “Learning Framework”, complemented by learning and teaching materials, helps NCS students learn Chinese
Enhanced support to facilitate the
implementation of “Learning Framework”
in different aspects
1. Provision of learning and teaching resources 2. Professional development for teachers
3. Enhanced additional funding support for schools
4. Other related support for NCS students and parents
1. Provision of learning and teaching resources
Learning and teaching resources are uploaded to the EDB webpage and updated on an ongoing basis
a set of learning and teaching materials
o including student textbooks, workbooks and teaching reference materials
o suitable for P1-6 NCS students
2. Professional development for teachers
Professional development programmes
e.g. 5-week programme “Certificate in Professional Development Programme on the Teaching of Chinese Language for NCS Students”
Professional development for teachers
Diversified school-based support services
e.g. help schools adapt their school curriculum and develop appropriate learning and teaching materials
Professional development for teachers
Experience sharing/briefing sessions and workshops for teachers
to gain a deeper understanding of the “Learning Framework”
to master effective methods of learning and teaching
Professional development for teachers
to promote cultural awareness and inclusiveness
• e.g. annual sharing session for schools in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Commission about the Race Discrimination Ordinance
3. Enhanced additional funding support
All public sector schools and Direct Subsidy Scheme schools offering the local curriculum with 10 or more NCS students are provided with an additional funding ranging from about $0.8 million to about
$1.5 million per year(Note) depending on the number of NCS students admitted
Note: Amount of funding to be adjusted on a school year basis according to the annual rate of the Civil Service Pay Adjustment, if applicable
Overall use of funding by schools
(a) Implementation of the “Learning Framework”
o most of the additional funding (about 90%): for employing/deploying additional Chinese Language teachers and teaching assistants to implement diversified modes of intensive learning and teaching
(b) Creation of an inclusive learning environment
o about 10% of the additional funding: generally for appointing assistants of different races and/or procurement of professional services to strengthen communication with parents of NCS students, organising activities promoting cultural integration, etc.
Chinese Language teachers teaching NCS students in the schools concerned
From the 2014/15 to 2021/22 school years, about 70%-80% of the schools concerned assigned middle management (e.g. vice-principals, panel heads, etc.) to coordinate Chinese learning and teaching for NCS students as well as the planning and deployment of school resources and manpower, to ensure sustainable development of the support measures
Many schools have set up a coordinating team with teachers in relevant discipline, including the Chinese Language teachers, to participate in planning and deploying the school-based support measures
In the 2021/22 school year, most of the Chinese Language teachers (over 80%) had experience in teaching NCS students (over 60% had 4 or more years of related experience)
2-tiered subsidy
Schools admitting a handful (i.e. 1 to 9) of NCS students
their NCS students can benefit from the immersed Chinese language environment of the school
Starting from the 2020/21 school year, EDB has provided a new 2-tiered subsidy for all schools admitting a handful of NCS students (1 to 5 NCS students and 6 to 9 NCS students respectively) and increase the amount of the additional funding substantially from $50,000 in the past to about $0.15 million or about $0.3 million (Note)
4. Other Related Support for NCS Students and Parents
Summer Bridging Programme for NCS P1 entrants and those progressing to P2, P3 and P4; parents’ participation is encouraged (Enquiry: 2892 6189 or 2892 6163)
Chinese Language Learning Support Centres which offer after-school remedial programmes operated in different districts
Other Related Support for NCS Students and Parents
Diversified parent education programmes for parents of NCS students starting from the 2020/21 school year to help them support their children’s learning and encourage their children to master the Chinese language (Enquiry:
3698 4376)
Findings of recent school reports, school plans & stakeholder survey
The majority of the schools receiving the enhanced additional funding agreed that progress has been made in the following areas with the provision of the additional funding:
enhancing teachers’ professional capability for teaching the Chinese language to NCS students
deploying more resources to develop school-based teaching resources and curricula, as well as adopting diversified teaching strategies and activities
enhancing NCS students’ motivation, confidence and performance in learning
Findings of recent school reports, school plans & stakeholder survey
The majority of parents of NCS students of the schools concerned indicated that
they were aware of the support provided to their children in learning Chinese by the schools
they obtained relevant information through various channels from the schools
they were satisfied with the support provided to their children in
The enhanced support measures have widened school choices of parents of NCS students
In the 2021/22 school year, there were over 660 primary and secondary schools admitting NCS students, which covered about 70% of the schools in total
Key Message
With appropriate support, NCS students
can master the Chinese language
Information for parents
Parents can obtain information about support
for NCS students provided by schools through
various channels
Information for parents
English version of the Primary School Profiles are distributed to parents of NCS students studying in K3 via kindergartens
Information for parents
A separate column on “Education Support for NCS Students” in the Primary School Profiles
include additional support provided by schools receiving the additional funding for their NCS students in learning of the Chinese language
Information for parents
Starting from the 2021/22 school year, schools provided with the additional funding will provide a bilingual summary in both Chinese and English on the education support provided for their NCS students in the preceding school year by 30 November each year
the summary will be available on their school webpages
Information for parents
Dedicated briefing sessions (simultaneous
interpretation services in languages of different races provided)
Dedicated webpage:
Hotline: 3540 7447
(simultaneous interpretation services in languages of different races will be arranged where necessary)
Information for parents
Materials translated into languages of different races
NCS Parent Information Package
Information Note on Primary One
Admission System Specifically for NCS Students
Tips for Parents of NCS Students (primary), etc.
Key Messages
• The support from parents of NCS students is of utmost importance
• Parents are encouraged to make good use of children’s prime time in learning the Chinese language and consider schools with a language-rich environment