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-第 1 頁-

彰化縣精誠高級中學 105學年度第二學期 高一第一次段考英語科試卷


考試範圍: 三民第二冊 U1~4; 片語500 U7~8; 文法 U5


班 座號 姓名

I. Vocabulary and Phrases (15%)

1. During her long stay in Taipei, Holly made visits to her grandparents living nearby. (A) apparent (B) isolated (C) specific (D) occasional

2. Last year, this little boy got ear because he didn’t clean her ears out after swimming. (A) infection (B) reflection (C) addition (D) organization 3. The couple, standing on the seashore, saw a of seagulls flying over the ocean

before they glided down and settled on the water.

(A) pile (B) flock (C) herd (D) school

4. The term “ asked questions” is a list of questions with answers that are commonly asked. (A) unfortunately (B) psychologically (C) frequently (D) progressively 5. Despite the fact that Rosa is very busy, she still on spending every weekend with

her family. (A) strengthens (B) recalls (C) criticizes (D) insists

6. Dragons are a kind of animal; that is, they can’t be found in the real world. (A) dependent (B) imaginary (C) emergent (D) continual

7. Please the doctor without delay if you don’t feel well after taking the medicine. (A) crush (B) concentrate (C) inform (D) feature

8. For decades, the city has changed beyond all , so I can’t believe this is the place where I grew up. (A) recognition (B) arrangement (C) apology (D) journalism 9. It is essential for doctors and nurses to react in order to save patients’ lives.

(A) clumsily (B) technologically (C) furiously (D) promptly 10. I can’t remember the name of the book, not to its plot and details.

(A) challenge (B) ignore (C) develop (D) mention

11. The actor gave a(n) performance in the movie and won high praise from the director. (A) wicked (B) useless (C) diligent (D) outstanding

12. The soldiers were surrounded, but they desperately tried to the enemy’s line. (A) break down (B) break up (C) break out (D) break through

13. Jason got sunstroke and fainted in the flag-raising ceremony; it was at least half an hour before he . (A) came to (B) moved on (C) competed in (D) made it 14. Gill’s intelligence her great beauty, making her the focus of attention.

(A) comes down with (B) combines with (C) competes with (D) communicates with 15. The bridge must be built because children living in the mountains can’t go to

school without it. (A) by the time (B) by the way (C) by nature (D) by all means

II. Grammar (10%)

16. News of a serious plane crash _____ just coming in.

(A) is (B) have (C) has (D) are

17. Smoking and drinking _____ his heart and liver as well as other internal organs. (A) are damaged (B) is damaged (C) has damaged (D) have damaged

18. Unfortunately, a large number of students _____ absent yesterday. (A) was (B) were (C) had been (D) had 19. Every doctor and nurse in the hospital _____ how to take care of patients.

(A) knowing (B) knew (C) knows (D) know

20. Much of your success, both in your work and social life, _____ how well you listen. (A) is an impact on (B) have a lot to do with

(C) are of great importance to (D) is related to

21. New sources of power _____ necessary because the world’s supply of oil is running low. (A) has (B) are (C) is (D) have

22. MAMMA MIA! _____ become a global entertainment phenomenon; more than 30 million people all over the world _____ fallen in love with the characters, the story and the music. (A) has; has (B) have; have (C) has; have (D) have; has

23. All work and no play _____ Jack a dull boy.

(A) make (B) makes (C) made (D) making 24. Choose the CORRECT sentence.

(A) Neither John nor his friends were awarded first prize.

(B) Their dependence on this technological devise have become so great that the cell phone is now often considered a necessity rather than a luxury.

(C) Your friends, no less than Tim, is willing to help you.

(D) He talked continuously and totally ignored his date, who were sitting right next to him. 25. Choose the CORRECT sentence.

(A) It is you not I that am to blame.

(B) The more time you spend on these TV programs, the less mental you get exercise. (C) The average amount a college student spends on books are NT$200 a week.

(D) The committee is made up of seven members.

III. Cloze Test (23%)

(1) Interestingly, it appears that certain animals have specific characteristics in many languages 26 many people are curious. In Chinese, pigs are traditionally considered to be lazy animals, dogs are representative of friendliness, and wolves are a symbol of violence and 27 .

In a similar way, animal imagery found in many English expressions has given color to this language. One of the elephant-related expressions is “jumbo jets,” 28 the word


-第 2 頁- for “elephant” in an African language. Later, people 29 it 29 the name of the first circus elephant in the U.S.A. Since more and more people were impressed by this elephant’s famous performances, “jumbo” 30 became a common name for elephants. Moreover, “jumbo” has come to share the meaning of the word “big” for English speakers nowadays, so huge jet planes are called “jumbo jets.”

Nowadays, the use of animal imagery 31 a part in different languages indeed. Learning languages is getting more fascinating. Not only 32 a language more fun to learn, but it can also help learners understand more about a language’s culture.

26. (A) about which (B) which (C) that (D) where 27. (A) loyalty (B) cruelty (C) complexity (D) reality

28. (A) which originating from (B) which is originated from (C) is originated from (D) originating from

29. (A) looked…as (B) thought….as (C) referred…as (D) took…as

30. (A) ordinarily (B) spiritually (C) gradually (D) instantly 31. (A) has played (B) plays (C) playing (D) played 32. (A) animal imagery can make (B) make animal imagery can

(C) can animal imagery make (D) animal imagery make can

(2) 33 themselves 33 Miyazaki’s films, moviegoers easily notice three obvious characteristics. First of all, the main characters are often tough females with the ability to face difficulties bravely and 34 them. For example, Satsuki in My Neighbor Totoro, a twelve-year-old main character, has to look after her younger sister and do much housework. Moreover, flying is a major theme in many of Miyazaki’s works. A variety of flying 35 , such as a witch’s broom and military vessels, have appeared in his films. Last but not least, Miyazaki’s films 36 characters true to life. That is, villains in his films reveal certain positive sides, 37 violence, evil, and hate. The tension between good and bad gives richness to Miyazaki’s stories. Because of these special characteristics, Miyazaki’s films have gained popularity in Japan and impressed audiences and critics alike from all over the world. Without a doubt, both this creative animator and his brilliant films will always 38 people 38 awe.

33. (A) Looking…up (B) Steeping…in (C) Turning…off (D) Cutting…down 34. (A) overcome (B) overlook (C) overestimate (D) overweigh 35. (A) contacts (B) luxuries (C) vehicles (D) memories 36. (A) suffer from (B) reflect on (C) care for (D) consist of

37. (A) in spite of (B) nothing but (C) rather than (D) as well as

38. (A) separate…from (B) fill…with (C) assist…in (D) addict…to (3) It is important for you to change the way you deal with information for improving your

memory. Reading, for instance, provides one of the best ways to exercise your brain. When reading, you have to actively use your memory to 39 words into phrases, sentences, and then ideas. 40 you read, the more mental exercise you get. Furthermore, get into

the habit of taking notes. Writing things down is the process, 41 you are organizing information and trying to recall it later. Finally, teach others what you know. Teaching others, a way of forcing you to think about the reasons and associations 42 the information you are sharing, helps you enhance your knowledge. However, because everyone is different, the results may vary from person to person. Consequently, what matters 43 these tips is to find out what works best for you.

39. (A) access (B) appreciate (C) add (D) arrange

40. (A) labeling (B) labeled (C) The more often (D) label 41. (A) which (B) in which (C) what (D) that

42. (A) despite (B) though (C) concerning (D) unless 43. (A) more than (B) instead of (C) ever since (D) owing to

(4) The number of lonely and isolated older people in Britain will grow to 2.2 million by 2021, due to rising rates of divorce and childlessness, according to an independent research organization Demos. Social trends such as the growing number of people 44 alone have increased the risk of people becoming socially isolated in old age, like Demos warms today. Their report indicates that 45 will be hit hardest by the breakdown of traditional family and community networks because they cannot afford Internet access, 46 could help them find new friendships and get information and services to maintain their independence. In addition, Demos says the freedom many young people enjoy when living alone becomes a 47 if they become housebound in later life. It recommends a change

of older people’s services to help people to learn to be self-supporting, 48 they were in their youth. Alternatively, older people are encouraged to become volunteer mentors who could, for example, offer advice and support to peers being discharged from the hospital. 44. (A) living (B) lived (C) to live (D) are living

45. (A) the lonely (B) the poor (C) the rich (D) the sick 46. (A) where (B) that (C) who (D) which

47. (A) privilege (B) retreat (C) threat (D) delight 48. (A) in case (B) just as (C) even if (D) if only

IV. Matching (10%)

Many teenagers have trouble getting up early in the morning. Some people believe that they are 49 to get up early all because of laziness. But it is not necessarily the case. Sleep experts say this teen behavior actually has a physical 50 : Teenagers are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and get up later than other age groups.

Teenagers normally don’t feel sleepy until 11 p.m. or later. And they cannot 51 until 8:00 a.m. because they need about nine hours of sleep a night. Obviously, their biological rhythm is 52 an early school start time. With most high schools starting before 7:30 a.m., teenagers have to get up as early as 6:30 a.m. or so. They are, 53 , not getting the sleep they need.


-第 3 頁- In fact, surveys show that half the teenagers in the USA are missing one to 1½ hours of

sleep every school night. The 54 of sleep has negative effects on almost all aspects of teens’ lives. Their academic, athletic, and even driving performances may drop 55 insufficient sleep. They also more easily get annoyed and depressed. To meet teens’ sleep needs, many school districts in the USA changed the school start time, 56 children to start later in the morning. This change has brought many positive results, 57 , a decrease in visits to health centers and rest requests. Besides, students reported that they felt less sleepy and were more 58 during the day. Teachers also found that there was a more positive mood in the classroom.

(A) therefore (B) alert (C) due to (D) in conflict with (E) cause (AB) reluctant (AC) allowing (AD) awaken (AE) for example (BC) lack

(AB) (E) (AD) (D) (A) (BC) (C) (AC) (AE) (B)

V. Reading Comprehension (14%)

(1) Not long ago, joy wasn’t considered serious enough for psychologists to study. These scientists traditionally helped people with depression or other mental illnesses. But today, happiness is a hot subject of research. As part of a growing field called positive psychology, more and more researchers are looking for ways to help people become happier.

However, the field of positive psychology has to overcome significant obstacles. For one thing, it’s difficult to scientifically gauge happiness. It’s also hard to compare one person’s sense of well-being with another’s. For example, if your best friend says she feels great, but she’s crying a lot and acting more depressed than usual, would you rate her as happy or sad for the purposes of a scientific study? Likewise, on a scale of 1 to 10, how can we be sure that my “8” is happier than your “6”?

In recent years, however, researchers have developed a few accurate measurements of happiness. One of the techniques involves looking at how often people genuinely smile in their daily lives. It’s easy to tell real smiles from the fake smiles people put on for photographs. Genuine smiles engage the corners of the eyes and involve muscles around the mouth that fake smilers can’t control.

With the help of these techniques, recent studies have found that the happiest people are those who frequently do kind things for both friends and strangers. Other research-backed happiness boosters include keeping a diary of your future dreams, setting and pursuing goals, making friends and family members a big part of your life, expressing optimism about your future, extending gratitude to people who help you, and exercising regularly.

59. What does the word gauge mean in the second paragraph? (A) Control.

(B) Restore. (C) Increase.

(D) Measure.

60. What is the third paragraph mainly about? (A) One problem in research on happiness.

(B) A new method used to assess happiness.

(C) An interesting way to enhance happiness. (D) The reason why positive psychology is popular.

61. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as one of the ways to enhance happiness?

(A) Setting up an exercise routine.

(B) Holding a positive attitude toward your future.

(C) Traveling abroad with friends on a regular basis.

(D) Showing appreciation for people you are grateful for.

62. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

(A) There have been some problems with happiness scales.

(B) Helping people frequently will make us feel tired and unhappy. (C) Research on happiness has been very popular for many decades.

(D) People with fake smiles have more movement in the corner of their eyes.

(2) Hotels de Glace, also called The Ice Hotel, opened on New Year’s Day in 2001. The hotel is located 5 kilometers north of Quebec City, Canada. It is the first ice hotel in North America and is built each December for an opening date in early January. The hotel has a four-month lifespan each year before being brought down in April. It had 22 beds when it first opened in 2001. In its last building, it had 85 beds, all made of ice but lined with deer furs and covered with mattresses and Artic sleeping bags. Only the bathrooms are heated and located in a separate structure.

It takes about a month and a half to build with 60 workers. The hotel makes its own special snow in building the walls, using a special mixture to adjust the humidity. It is made of 15,000 tons of snow and 500,000 tons of ice and the walls are up to four fleet thick. All furniture is made of ice. In addition to using ice glasses, the bar (and room service) also serves cold cuts on ice plates.

Facilities include a nightclub, a movie theater, indoor heated shower rooms, and Internet service. The hotel has been described as a tourist hotspot and is backed by Quebec’s tourism

department. With the government’s publicity and subsidy, the hotel has since attracted numerous visitors from all over the world.

62. In which section of the newspaper will you most likely read this article? (A) Entertainment and Celebrity.


-第 4 頁- (B) International Business.

(C) Architecture and Innovative Design.

(D) Environmental Protection.

63. What can people NOT enjoy in the hotel?

(A) Taking a hot bath in a large hot tub.

(B) Tasting cold snacks served with ice plates. (C) Having fun with friends in the club. (D) Playing online games in the hotel room.

64. Which of the following statements about the hotel is true? (A) The hotel is located in downtown area of Quebec City.

(B) The hotel will not close down its service until summer comes. (C) It takes sixty people six months to build the first ice hotel in 2001.

(D) The hotel’s gradual popularity is due to the government’s support.


I. Translation (13%)

1. 鈴聲一響,學生很快地擠進教室。(3%) 2. 不論晴朗或多雲,我爸爸都在公園做運動。(3%) 3. 這小女孩的故事如此寫實以致於每個人都相信她。(3%) 4. 雖然爺爺說他聽到外面有聲音,但我們只聽到了風聲。 (4%)


II. Translation (13%)

1. 鈴聲一響,學生很快地擠進教室。(3%) As soon as the bell rang, / the students soon / crowded into the classroom(s).

2. 不論晴朗或多雲,我爸爸都在公園做運動。(3%)

Whether it is / sunny or cloudy, / my father exercises in the park.

3. 這小女孩的故事如此寫實以致於每個人都相信她。(3%)

The little girl’s story was / is so true to life that everyone believed / believes her.

4. 雖然爺爺說他聽到外面有聲音,但我們只聽到了風聲。 (4%)

Though my grandfather said / that he heard something outside, / we heard nothing but / the sound of the wind.



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