Supporting English Language Learning Outside the Classroom
Candy LAI, Blanche SZE & Fanny TSUI 2nd February, 2013
SKH Kei Fook Primary School
School Location Size
Sham Shui Po 36 classes
Curriculum Characteristics • Conventional
• Two different curriculums
Parents’ Occupation Blue collar Parents’ Level of
Education Very low
Support from Home Minimum
Current Situation
Parents School
Current Situation
Support for Parents
Parents who can read and write English
Parents who are willing to help their
Group 1
ü ü
Group 2
û ü
Group 3
û û
1. Students
• Have limited exposure to English outside the classroom
• Have limited life experiences
• Lack motivation in learning English
2. Parents
• Lack English knowledge and skills
Existing Challenges
Aims of the LSES Project
• Generate useful knowledge and experiences, and suggest actions for the reference of schools,
teachers and the community
• Develop a critical mass of curriculum change agents, reflective practitioners and curriculum leaders to enhance the capacity of reform; and
• Serve as an impetus to school-based curriculum development
• Advise parents (with LSES) on how to support their children in learning English
LSES – A Seed Project Based on the PLP-R/W
• Facilitates the professional development for English teachers
• Improves the literacy levels of students in reading and writing
Seed Project:
• Scaffolds parents (with LSES) to support their children in their learning
• Enhances school-based curriculum development
School-based Curriculum
Parents’ Support
Experiential Learning
Seed Project Supporting Model
Professional Development (PD)
1. PLP-R/W
Prepared by
NET Section
Support by
Advisory Teacher
Implemented by
Seconded Teacher, NET & LET
1. GE Integration
Supported by
Advisory Teacher + Seconded Teacher
Implemented by
Seconded Teacher &
1. Briefing Session 2. Workshops
3. Eng. Course for Parents
4. Audio Support 5. Buddy Reading
Supported by
Advisory Teacher + Seconded Teacher
Implemented by
Seconded Teacher
1. Centralised PD 2. School-based PD 3. School Visits /
Cluster meetings
Facilitated by
NET Section
Delivered by
Advisory Teacher
Implemented by
Advisory Teacher &
Seconded Teacher
School-based Curriculum Development
Experiential Learning
1. Students
• Have limited exposure to English outside the classroom
• Have limited life experiences
• Lack motivation in learning English
2. Parents
• Lack English knowledge and skills
Overcoming Existing Challenges
NET Section, CDI, EDB 2009
P.1 School-based Curriculum is Enriched!
Term Week PLP-R/W Units of Work GE Integration Small Books Letter Books
T1 1- 3 Hear We Go
4-8 Unit 1 My Sister
Bk1A Ch1
Bk1B Ch1 1.1 -1.4 t, b, r, a 9-12 Unit 2
My Friend, Oscar
Bk1A Ch2 Bk1A Ch3 Bk1A Ch4
2.1-2.4 s, m, h, o
13-21 Unit 3
Grandma and the Birthday Cake
Bk1A Ch7
Bk1B Ch7 3.1-3.4 c, l, n, e T2 23-27 Unit 4
A Paper Plate Mask
Bk1A Ch5
Bk1A Ch6 4.1-4.4 j, p, y, i
28-35 Unit 5
Where Am I?
Bk1B Ch3 Bk1B Ch5 Bk1B Ch6
5.1.1-5.1.3 5.2.1-5.2.3 5.3.1-5.3.3 5.4.1-5.4.3
f, w, u, -at
36-40 42-44
Unit 6
Fun Time at the Zoo
Bk1B Ch2 Bk1B Ch4
6.1.1-6.1.3 6.2.1-6.2.3 6.3.1-6.3.3 6.4.1-6.4.3
d, g, k, -un
Wk Co-
planning PLP-R/W
Integration Small Book &
Letter Book Parents Workshop Parents
Training ECA IT
August Seminar (Briefing) Set up
the Audio System 1 Sept 1 Hear We
GoUnit 1
Bk1ACh1 Workshop 1
(HFW) Setting
up ‘Reading Buddy' 2 Sept 8
3 Sept 15 Training
4 Sept 22 Small Bk1.1 & /T/ Training
5 Sept 29 Small Bk1.2 & /B/
6 Oct 6 Bk1BCh1 Small Bk1.3 & /R/ Workshop 2
(Home Reading) Training
7 Oct 13 Small Bk1.4 & /a/ Training
School-based Overall Plan
(Sample Only)
School-based Curriculum
P.1 Unit 5 Where Am I?
• Ocean Park visit
• Class big book
Class Recount
P.2 Unit 4
A Tale of Two Turtles
• Hong Kong Park visit
• Class Recount
Class Recount
P.3 Unit 5 Amy’s Diary
• Sampan boat trip
• Class Recount
Class Recount
P.4 A Bad Day (KIP)
• Hong Kong Museum of History
• Recount (diary)
School-based Curriculum
Shopping at the School’s tuck shop
School-based Curriculum Outcomes
1. Seed Project showed value addedness in students’ reading and writing
2. Students’ motivation enhanced
Students’ Motivation Evaluation
Subjects Median
Chinese 2.0
English 2.0
Maths 2.0
General Studies 2.0
Other subjects 1.0
1. Students
• Have limited exposure to English outside the classroom
• Have limited life experiences
• Lack motivation in learning English
2. Parents
• Lack English knowledge and skills
Overcoming Existing Challenges
Parents’ Support
Parents can read and write English
Parents are willing to help their
Group 1
ü ü
Group 2
û ü
Group 3
û û
P.1 P.2 P.3 1
through games (HFW)
Learning through
games (HFW) Phonics 2 Home Reading NETs around the
world Experiments 3
Learning by doing (Make a
Move your body! Celebrations 4 Shared writing
Parents’ Workshop
Parents’ Training
Home Reading
Audio Support
Expected Outcomes
Outcomes of Parent’s Support
1. Positive feedback from parents 2. Closer partnership
between parents and school
Please indicate by circling the appropriate number 請圈上適當的答案
Strongly disagree
不同意 ç è
Strongly agree
非常 同意
scale 1 - 5 Mean score:
1. The date of the workshop was appropriate 你滿意是次工作坊舉行的日期
2. The time of the workshop was appropriate 你滿意是次工作坊舉行的時間
3. The agenda of the workshop was appropriate 你滿意是次工作坊舉行的內容
4. The presenters were able to deliver content clearly
5. Overall the workshop was effective 總括來說,你很滿意是次工作坊的安排
Parents’ Workshop Evaluation
P.1 小一(2008-2009) P.2 小二 (2009-2010) P.3 小三 (2010-2011)
常用字 4.3 HFW
常用字 4.4 Phonics Games
英語拼音遊戲 4.4
Home Reading
家庭閱讀 4.4
NETs Around the World
4.4 Experiments
做實驗、學英語 4.5
Making a Cake
齊來做蛋糕 4.7 Sports & English
Sport出英語潛能 4.4 Celebration
學習成果分享會 4.6
Making a Paper Fan
紙扇的製作 4.6
All About Me
做個小作家 4.3
Parents’ Workshop Evaluation
Parents’ Views of the Seed Project
Celebrate our Success
• Teacher professional development is enhanced through the establishment of a sustainable community of practice
• School-based curriculum is enriched to allow for value addedness in the reading and writing performance of the students
• Students have a positive attitude and are interested and motivated to learn English
• Parents have a closer partnership with the school