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Improved hot carrier reliability in strained-channel NMOSFETS with TEOS buffer layer


Academic year: 2021

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Ching-SenLu',Homg-Chih Lin'2 Yao-JenLee2, andTiao-YuanHuang'

'Departmentof Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics,National ChiaoTungUniversity,

1001 TaHsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan300,R.O.C


NanoDeviceLaboratories, 26 ProsperityRoadI, Science-based IndustrialPark, Hsinchu,Taiwan30078, R.O.C.

Phone:886-3-571-2121 ext:54193, Fax: 886-3-572-4361,e-mail:



Since local tensile strain technology with SiN CESL has emergedas oneof themosteffective methodstoboost the drive

current inscaled NMOS devices [1,2], attention shouldnowbe focused on the device reliability associated with the strained devices, as the increased substrate current due tothe strain and

excess hydrogen incorporation from the deposited SiN layer couldpotentially aggravate the hot-electron effects. Although the physical mechanisms and characteristics of hot electron degradation have beenextensively studied [3,4], thereseems tobe veryfew worksinvestigating the impact of SiN capping layer and the associated deposition processonthe hot carrierreliability of the strained devices. Inthis work, we investigate this issue and proposetheincorporation ofathin TEOSbufferlayertoimprove thereliability performance.


NMOSFETs characterized in this study have agateoxide thickness of 3 nmand a 150nm-thick n+poly-Si gate electrode. After the gate formation, most wafers were capped with a

300nm-thick LPCVD-SiN layer (denoted as SiN-capped split), while some wafers were deliberately skipped of the SiN deposition stepto serve as the controls (denoted as the control split). For someSiN-cappedwafers,athin LPCVD-TEOSbuffer layer (10 nmor20nm) was capped priorto the SiN deposition (denoted as BL-1OnmTEOS split and BL-20nmTEOS split, respectively). Yetinsome SiN-capped wafers, the SiN layerwas

deliberately stripped after SiNdepositioninorderto evaluate the impact of SiN deposition process itselfonthe deviceperformance (denotedasSiN-removalsplit).



10-2Vi/L 10[tmO.4[tm Vds-1.5V

10-3 s= 5


-10-5 [ Controlr_

a) 10o-6; - - - SiNCapping

~~~ 106~ ~ ~ ...BL TEOS 1Onm 10-7 BL TEOS20nm O 10-0 SiN Removal 10-1 co1010 1 0-1.0 0 1o->O-J e .... ... -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 VGVth(V) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 i6 'E. (1) O c 2O 3 70 c 0 O U) c p

F--Fig. 1Subthreshold characteristics and transconductance of NMOSFETs for allsplits.

Fig. 1 shows the subthreshold characteristics and transconductance(Gm) of NMOSFETs for allsplits, with channel length of 0.4 pm. It can be seenthat all splits exhibit similar subthreshold slope. Significant increase in Gmover the control device is observed for all SiN-capped splitswithorwithout the TEOSbufferlayer, although similar enhancement isnotobserved inthe SiN-removalsplit. These resultsclearly indicate that (a) the performance enhancement arises mainly from the tensile strain inducedby the SiN layer, and(b)the insertion of 10nmor20nm thick TEOS buffer layer does not compromise the device

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performance. Toconfirm these findings, output characteristics of NMOSFETs are shown and compared in Fig. 2. Drive current

enhancement over the controlsample is indeed clearly observed for the SiN-capped and BL-TEOS splits, while SiN-removal samples show negligibleimprovement.

7-6 E5 a)4 3 ,5 2 1 0-0.i Control WL OpmO4pm SiN Capping BLTEOS 1Onm g 2 BLTEOS 20nm SiN Removal g-Vt-12V Vg Vt=04V />:=..-5 = 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 DrainVoltage(V)

Fig. 2 Output characteristics of NMOSFETs for allsplits.

Fig. 3 shows the percentage increase of Gm for the SiN-capped, BL-TEOS, and SiN-removalsamples with respectto

the control, as a function of channellength.We can seethat the Gmenhancement reaches about33% at achannel length of 0.4 pm in the SiN-capped and BL-TEOS samples. When the SiN capping layer is removed, such enhancement diminishes. These observations demonstrate that the Gm enhancement istruly dueto

the uniaxial tensile strain induced by the SiN capping which increases withdecreasing channellength and the induced tensile strain is notjeopardizedby the TEOS buffer layer used in this study. The capacitance-voltage (C- V characteristics of the samples are shown in Fig. 4. Basically all splits show almost identical curves, indicating that the above observations are not

causedby the thickness difference among gate oxides.

40 35 30 S 25 E 20 E 15 (D 10 * SiNCapping A BLTEOS1Onm


* BLTEOS20nm 0 I* SiNRemoval 5 a


0 Um U a 5 1 10 ChannelLength(pm)

Fig. 3 Percentage increase of transconductance with respecttothe control versus channel length. Each datum point represents the mean measurementvalue from six devices.

1.2 E 1.0 LLI 0.8 a) a0.6 X0.4 C.) 0.2 Control SiNCapping BLTEOSlOnm BLTEOS2Onm SiNRemoval XTox,inv 3.85nm W/L=50pm/50lm -2 -1 0 1 2 GateVoltage(V)

Fig.4Capacitance-Voltage (C- )characteristics for allsplits.

IEEE07CH37867 45thAnnualInternational


670 Physics Symposium, Phoenix, 2007


Next we focus our attention on the hot-carrier

characterization withanaimtoclarify whethertheuseofTEOS

buffer layer is beneficial inimproving thehot-carrier resistance. Fig. 5 shows substrate current (ISUb) versus gate voltage for all

splits. Itcanbeseenthat the substratecurrentofthe SiN-capped

split and the BL-TEOS splits show similar trends, andare larger

than that of the controlcounterpart.This result indicatesthat the

channel strain playsanimportant roleinaffecting the generation

of channel hot electrons.Inaddition, athin10nmor20nm TEOS

buffer layer does not seem to release the stress by the SiN capping because of the similar maximum substrate current


This could be relatedto the



effect induced by the channel strain aswell asthe increased mobility,

both tend to enhance the impact ionization rate [5,6], and may

potentially worsen the hot-electron degradation in the strained

devices [7]. InFig. 5, it is alsointerestingto notethatIsubinthe

SiN-removalsampleis alsolargerthan that in thecontrol device. This could be explained by the additional hydrogen species by the

SiN depositionprocess that tends toreduce theimplant damage locatednearthe drain region.

0.7 < 06 0.5 0.4 0 0.3 0.2 I 0.1 0.0

eliminated by the SiN removal. This phenomenon clearly indicates that the SiN depositionprocessitselfmayresult in the

enhanced damage effect in the short-channel devices. However, theuseofTEOSbuffer layercaneffectively block the diffusion

ofhydrogen speciesinto thechannel region during SiNdeposition. Although this results in increasedNitin the fresh devices (Fig. 6), significantreduction in broken Si-Hbonds and thus less interface

statesaregenerated during subsequent stressingascompared with

the SiN-capped samples. Consequently, both BL-TEOS splits

show much improved resistance to the hot-carrier degradation than the SiN-capped split. The BL-20nmTEOS sample exhibits the best results due to effective suppression of hydrogen

diffusion. 3( 2, > 2( E


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 GateVoltage(V)

Fig.5Substratecurrentversusgatevoltage withchannel length of 0.5 pm.

The charge pumping currents of fresh devices with SiN cappingareshown inFig. 6. Thesamplewithoutthe bufferlayer

shows the smallest charge pumping current (Icp), while the

BL-20nmTEOS sample exhibits the largestIcp amongthe three

splits. These results indicate that the TEOS buffer layer can

effectively block hydrogen diffusion into the channel region during the SiN deposition process. As a result, the hydrogen

incorporation in the gate oxide and at the interface can be

suppressed remarkablywith theincorporationofTEOS buffer.

: 0.4 -) 0.3 C) *: 0.2 .Q E n 0.1 01 C-) 0.01 -2.0 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 BaseVoltage (V)

Fig. 6Charge pumping currentfor the three SiNcapping splits with channelwidth/length= Opm 0.5pm.

Fig. 7 shows thresholdvoltage shift (AVth) and increased interface statedensity(ANit) as afunction of thestresstime. The

SiN-capped sample depictstheworstdegradationinterms of the

largest shifts in these parameters, and the use ofTEOS buffer

layer apparently improves hot carrier degradation and the

BL-20nmTEOS sample shows the smallest degradations. We suspect that the bandgap narrowing effect, the increased carrier

mobility,andhydrogen speciesfrom the SiNcappingprocess [8] are the primary culprits for the aggravated hot carrier

degradations.Itis noted that the device withSiN-removaldepicts

much severe degradation over the control devices and devices

with TEOS bufferlayers,eventhoughthe channelstrain has been

....|.... |... |... |... |...

0 * ControlSiNCapping VDS=4.9V,VG@Isub. -A BLTEOS10nm 50 BLTEOS 20nm 00 * SiN Removal W/L=10pm/0.5trn 50 * 00 @@ * '. 50 t4 * * 0 n lit$ .... -... W/L=10m/0.5grn 50 VDS;=4.9V,VG@lsub,mav E 40* 30 j 20 *# * Control -j SiNCapping 10 N A BL TEOS1On * BL TEOS2On n- ...enya.. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Stress Time(sec)

Fig. 7 Results of hot-electron stressing at VDS=4.9V and maximum substrate current performed on all splits with channel width/length

lOlimA0.5pm. (a) Threshold voltage shift; (b) Interfacestategeneration.


Both the presence of the SiN capping layer and the

deposition process itselfexertsignificant impacts onthe device

operation and the associated reliability characteristics. The

accompanying bandgap narrowing, increased carriermobilityand

hydrogendiffusion from the SiNcappingprocesstendtoworsen

the hot-electron reliability. This work shows that, owing to the

use of hydrogen-containing precursors, abundant hydrogen

species is presumably incorporated in the oxide and may

contributetothe hot-electrondegradation,evenifthe SiNlayeris

removed later and the channelstrain is relieved.Furthermore, by blocking the diffusion of hydrogen species, the devices with

20nm-thick TEOS buffer layer can effectively improve the

hot-electron reliability without compromising the performance

enhancement by the strain induced by the SiN capping. Optimization of both the thickness of buffer layer and SiN

depositionprocessarethusessentialtotheimplementationof the

uniaxial straininNMOS devices.


This workwas supported inpart bythe National Science Council of the Republic of China under contract No. NSC 95-2221 -E-009-297.


[1]X. Chenetal., VLSI, 2006,pp.74-75.

[2]M. Horstmannetal., IEDM, 2005,pp.233-236

[3]H. S. Momoseetal., IEDM, 1997,pp.452-456.

[4]A. Schwerinetal., ED-34, 1987,pp.2493-2500.

[5]M. V. Fischettietal., JAP-80, 1996,pp.2234-2252.

[6]N. Sanoetal., ED-42, 1995,pp.2211-2216.

[7] S. Deyetal., IRPS, 2006,pp.461-464.

[8]C. Y.Lu, SSDM, 2006,pp.528-529. 671 W/L=10[tm/0.5[tm VDS 4.9V Control SiNCapping N BLTEOS10nm BLTEOS 20nm SiN Removal


Fig. 3 shows the percentage increase of Gm for the SiN-capped, BL-TEOS, and SiN-removal samples with respect to
Fig. 5 Substrate current versus gate voltage with channel length of 0.5 pm.



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