• 沒有找到結果。

以MVC架構一個遠距視訊串流互動式輔導教學平台設計之研究 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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а MVC ࢎᄬ΋ঁᇻຯຎૻՍࢬϕ୏ԄᇶᏤ௲ᏢѳѠ೛ीϐࣴز

Design and Study of an Interactive Streaming Remote Vision for

Computer-Assisted Instruction Platform by Using MVC


݅ߪؼ** ஭ܴ҅*

ύ୯ЎϯεᏢၗૻᆅ౛س ๮হמೌᏢଣၗૻᆅ౛سᖱৣ







1 ტ᝔ء֮ਢطᇖܗขسഏઝᄎՕറس೶ፖറᠲૠ྽ขسΔૠ྽ټጠΚψᚨشᇷறץ࿮։࣫ऄ൶ಘ؀᨜Ꮈ ত፿ඒᑇᖂհᜎயေ۷ፖઔߒΫאਬഏ՛᎛၏ᠦඒᖂጻ੡ࠏωΖNSC 94-2815-C-146 -006 ΩS


ҁፕЎޑҞ኱ࣁගٮԴৣϷᏢғϐ໔ϕ୏ޑ ጕ΢ᇶշ௲Ꮲس಍Ǵ่ӝҞ߻നࢬՉޑຎૻՍࢬǴ ၲډջਔጕ΢ҬፋޑфૈǴ٠ଛӝၗ਑৤ၲډጕ΢ Ⴃऊǵᆅ౛฻ޑфૈǴёගϲ௲ৣ௲Ꮲࠔ፦ϷჹᏢ ғୢᚒזೲှเ೼৩Ǵค໪೸ၸ Face by Face ջё ၲډᚈӛྎ೯ҬፋǴᏢғҭё೸ၸҁس಍ளޕ௲ৣ ࢂցԖޜǴ຾Զܭጕ΢ගрୢᚒǴԖჴࣁ௲Ꮲ΢ޑ ΋ঁჴҔޑ e-learning س಍Ƕ

Serverᆄॄೢ ActiveX Control ΠၩǴ٠ගٮ

Սࢬ࣬ᜢୖኧ(ჴᡏ IP)Ǵჴ౜ᇻᆄՍࢬ୍ܺǶServer ᆄ߾ࢎԖ Tomcat ᆛ।՛ܺᏔǶа MySQL ࢎ೛س಍ ၗ਑৤Ǵ٠ճҔ MySQL-Connector ٰ٬ JSP ᆛ।ૈ Ӹڗ MySQL ၗ਑৤ϣޑၗ਑Ƕ ҁس಍ኳԄࢂа MVC ࢎᄬ܌ࡌᄬрٰޑس ಍Ǵ৖౜೽ϩޑϡҹа view ࣁЬǴController ॄೢ ှញٰԾ٬Ҕޣޑ InputȐᗖዬϷྖႵȑǴ٠೯ޕ

Model܈ View բ፾྽ޑׯᡂǶModel ॄೢᔈҔำԄ

ЬाޑՉࣁᆶၗ਑ᓯӸޑӦБǴၗ਑৤ޑ೽ҽࢂ೸ ၸ JDBC բࣁྎ೯ޑᐏኺǴ٠ճҔ JavaBean բࣁس ಍ϡҹǴԋࣁ΋ঁԖਏჴҔޑس಍Ƕ ᜢᗖຒǺMVCǵຎૻՍࢬǵe-learningǵActiveX ControlǵTomcatǵJDBCǶ


Interdynamic assisting in order to offer teacher and student on-line assisted instruction is for the goal of this thesis, Streaming of Video Data to combine most popular one at present, reach the on-line function that talks immediately, and cooperate with the database to reach the functions of on-line making an appointment , management ,etc. , can improve teacher's teaching quality and answer the way to student's question fast , can be reached the two-way

communication and talked through Face by Face, students can also learn through this system whether the teacher is free !, and then putting forward the question on-linly, it is a useful e-learning system on the teaching to have in fact.

In fact, Server end is responsible for ActiveX Control download, the relevant parameter (entity IP ) that and offer bunch to flow, realize carrying bunch and flowing and serving far. Server end has Tomcat webpage server to withstand. Erect the systematic database with MySQL, and make use of MYSQL-Connector to enable JSP webpage to deposit and withdraw DATA in MySQL database.

This systematic way is with the system built and constructed out of MVC structure, represent some components and rely mainly on view, Controller is responsible for explaining Input from user (keyboard and Genius mouse), and tell Model or View to do the proper change. Model is responsible for the place where the behavior and materials with main application program store, the part of the database is as the bridge communicating through JDBC, and utilize JavaBean to become an effective and practical system as the systematic component.

Keywords: MVCǵStreaming of Video Dataǵ

e-learningǵActiveX ControlǵTomcatǵJDBCǶ



߈ԃٰᆛၡ௲ᏢޑᔈҔВ੻ڙډख़ຎǴ٬ள e-learning೬ᡏᅿᜪΨຫٰຫӭǶᆛሞᆛၡӧ௲ػᔈ Ҕ΢ޑሽॶ౜Ϟς७ڙख़ຎǴ௲ػ೽ႝᆉύЈܭ҇ ୯ 89 ԃೕჄǴගрၗૻ௲ػᕴᙔკǴځύჹܭว ৖ᆛၡᏢಞ೽ϩΨुۓΑว৖ीฝǶԶȨࡌᄬӄ҇ ᆛၡ௲ػǴࡌҥಖيᏢಞޑޗ཮ȩ߾ࢂࡷᏯ 2008 ୯ৎว৖ख़ᗺीฝޑѤεЬືϐ΋\8^Ƕ ᙖҗႝတᆛၡᏢಞǴӧ௲ᏢޣᆶᏢಞޣϷ௲Ꮲ ൞ᡏȐπڀȑ໔ౢғϕ୏ԄᏢಞၸำޑѸाచҹǶ


ᆛၡ൞ϟനεޑᓬᗺǴࢂڀԖঁձ܄ǵҬϕ܄ǵᡫ ࢲ܄ᆶӭኬ܄[1]ǶѬׯᡂΑӧڰۓޑਔ໔ӦᗺǴа ੤ࣁൂ໣ᡏ௤ፐޑ໺಍௲ᏢኳԄᆶൂ΋ޑ௲Ꮲᕉ ნǴ٬௲ৣکᏢғय़ᖏ΋ᅿӄཥޑ௲ᏢኳԄ\3^ǵ ᏢಞࡘᆢǵӵՖ೸ၸᆛሞᆛၡၲԋפ൨Ծρ܌ሡा ޑၗૻکૈ୼ᙖҗႝတᆛሞᆛၡᘉܫڀԖ΋૓܄ ޑӭ൞ᡏ܄ޑس಍ѦǴ׳׆ఈૈ୼ࡌҥǵֹԋ࣬ၨ ౜Ϟس಍ό΋ኬޑӭ൞ᡏᘉܫس಍фૈǶᖐٯǺז ೲࢗ၌ቹТၗ਑ύ܌ڀԖޑቹႽǴޔௗ൩٬Ҕޣ܌ ाኘܫޑΓǵ٣ǵނ଺፾ਔޑϪΕǴߦ຾ӭ൞ᡏኘ ܫس಍ૈ୼ڀԖ׳ӭБߡε౲ޑ܄ૈǴ٠Ъૈ୼ᙖ җᆅ౛ޣǵа௤៾٬ҔޣаϷ΋૓٬Ҕޣϐ໔όӕ ៾ज़ޑᆅ௓Ǵٰज़ڋ؂ঁόӕيϩϐ٬Ҕޣ܌ᏱԖ όӕޑس಍໨Ҟϐ٬Ҕ៾ज़Ǵ଺΋ঁࢳ྽ޑϩ໨ᆅ ڋǶӆޣǴӧӭ൞ᡏኞܫس಍ύǴቚ೛ጕ΢૸ፕ୔ фૈǴБߡ٬Ҕޣӧ૸ፕ୔ύջਔගр٬Ҕس಍а Ϸ೛ۓس಍ޑӚᅿୢᚒǴӵԜǴ׳ૈᡣس಍ᆅ౛ޣ БߡΑှрس಍ޑલഐǴаБߡ׳ཥǵׯ๓س಍Ǵ ٬س಍׳уֹ๓ǴаӝЯ٬Ҕޣሡ؃\2^Ƕጕ΢Ꮲ ಞࢂ΋ᅿᏢಞޣ೸ၸᆛሞᆛၡޑ൞ϟǴջਔЪזೲ Ӧ຾ՉԾךᏢಞϷЬ୏ᏢಞޑБԄǶᏢಞޑӦᗺό ज़ܭ௲࠻ǴҭόӆҗԴৣ܌ЬᏤǶጕ΢Ꮲಞᗦ֖Ծ ךᏢಞکЬ୏Ꮲಞޑཀ఼ӧϣǴᏢಞޣѸሡЬ୏Ꮲ ಞǴճҔጕ΢ᏢಞޑᕉნǴၲԋঁΓޑޕ᛽ࡌᄬ܈ πբᕮਏޑගܹ\5^Ƕ ՠࢂຎૻӕ؁ϯΠǴᓎቨ৒ܰڙज़ڋԶ٬ளᆛ ၡࠔ፦໺ᒡೲࡋၸᄌǴԶᏤठ௲Ꮲࠔ፦ό٫Ǵٯ ӵǺቹႽೲࡋόӕ؁ǵᖂॣ໺ᒡᆶቹႽόૈӕਔ໺ ၲ฻฻ǴӢԜࣴزճҔጕ܄ೕჄޑၮᆉٰှ،ᆛၡ ຎૻቨᓎሡ؃Ƕ



ҁس಍௦Ҕ MVC ࢎᄬǴჹܭ ModelǵViewǵ Control֡ϩ໒ࡌ࿼ǴView ೽ϩܰܭϩ໒׳ཥᆢៈǴ Model ޑӸڗ֡೸ၸ Control ϡҹჴࡼӸڗӧ໺ଌ Կ ViewǴჹၗ਑Ӽӄ΢Ԗ࣬ჹޑޑӼӄ܄Ǵӵკ 1 ܌ҢǶӢԜ MVC ࢎᄬࢂ΋ᅿ೏ቶݱ௦Ҕޑ೛ीኬ ԄǶځҞޑࢂӧࢎᄬଯϕ୏܄ᔈҔس಍ਔޑ΋ঁؼ ӳޑ೬ᡏࢎᄬ\7^ǴЬाᢀۺջࢂஒ٬Ҕޣࣚय़ک ځ܌ೀ౛৖౜ޑၗ਑ϩᚆ໒ٰ\4^Ƕ 1) ModelǺӧWeb-baseύޑModelεӭж߄ٿ ೽ϩǴхࡴس಍ރᄊϷၗ਑ک୘཰ೕ߾ޑ ୺Չϡҹ\5^Ƕ 2) ViewǺջࣁᆶ٬Ҕޣྎ೯ޑϕ୏ϟय़Ǵॄ ೢᡉҢModel ύޑၗ਑ǴΨ൩ࢂஒၗ਑଺ຎ ᝺ϯޑև౜Ƕ 3) ControllerǺନΑॄೢௗڙکೀ౛٬Ҕޣޑ ϕ୏Ѧ׳х֖ΑᔈҔس಍ӵՖӣᔈ٬Ҕޣ ޑᡄᒠ[8]ǴӢԜڀԖRequest ޑ Dispatcher фૈǶ!! ऩаJ2EE ѳѠբࣁMVCࢎᄬϐჴ౜ѳѠǴ߾

Java Server PageࣁViewჴ౜ϐж߄[10]ǵServeletᜪ

ձу΢Dispatcherᜪձ߾ࣁController ϐჴ౜ϐж߄

\4^ǴԶJavaBeans ܈Enterprise JavaBeans߾ࢂModel ჴ౜ϐж߄[5] [8] [10]Ǵӵკ 2܌ҢǶ ! კ 3!K3FF ӭቫԄޑࢎᄬ!! ԶҁፕЎޑҞ኱ࣁගٮԴৣϷᏢғϐ໔ϕ୏ޑ ጕ΢ᇶշسǴ่ӝҞ߻നࢬՉޑຎૻՍࢬǴၲډջ ਔጕ΢ҬፋޑфૈǴ٠ଛӝၗ਑৤ၲډጕ΢Ⴃऊǵ ᆅ౛฻ޑфૈǴёගϲ௲ৣ௲Ꮲࠔ፦ϷჹᏢғୢᚒ זೲှเ೼৩Ǵค໪೸ၸ Face by Faceջёၲډᚈ ӛྎ೯ҬፋǴᏢғҭё೸ၸҁس಍ளޕ௲ৣࢂցԖ ޜǴ຾Զܭጕ΢ගрୢᚒǴԖჴࣁ௲Ꮲ΢ޑ΋ঁԖ Ҕޑس಍ǴӧMVCࢎᄬΠ೛ीԜ΋௲ᏢѳѠǴӢԜ ࣴزࢎᄬϷ຾Չ؁ᡯǴӵკ3܌ҢǶ! კ 4!ࣴزࢎᄬϷ຾Չ؁ᡯ! ว৖س಍ᚉ׎! MVCࢎᄬ౛ፕ! س಍ຑ՗ᆶፓ᏾! س಍ၮբϩ݋! ࣴز่݀! ࣴز୏ᐒᆶҞޑ!


ӢԜҁࣴزճҔSWOTϩ݋MVCࢎᄬΠϐس಍ ᓬӍ༈Ǵᆶε೽ϩҞ߻ᇟقASPǵPHP໒วрٰޑ WebᔈҔٰբКၨǴӵ߄ 1 ܌ҢǶ ߄ 1 MVCࢎᄬϐSWOTϩ݋ ᚌႨ)Strength*! ٭Ⴈ)Weakness*! 1. View ஑ݙܭฝय़೛ ीǴό౐ੋၗ਑ᆶᡄ ᒠೀ౛ 2. Model ϡҹπբϩπ మཱǴόܰབష 3. Controllerᆢៈ View ᆶ Model ٿޣϐ໔ ޑᐱҥ܄ቚу 4. ำԄዸమධǴܰঅׯ 5. ቚ຾ำԄቸ܄Ϸӆճ Ҕ܄ 1. ΟቫϩܴǴՠำԄፄ ᚇࡋቚу 3/ኳࠠکຎკޑᝄ਱ϩ ᚆёૈ٬ளፓ၂֚ᜤ ΋٤! ᖲᄎ)Pqqpsuvojuz*! ৖ౡ)Uisfbu*! 2/ MVC ؂΋ቫόӕޑ ᔈҔǴёख़ፄ٬ҔǶ! 3/ Ԗ ճ ܭ ೯ ၸ π ำ ϯǵπڀϯ㰗ғᆅ౛ ำԄዸ! 2/жዸЎҹቚӭǴᆅ౛ό ܰǴӢԜǴำԄ೛ीৣ ჹܭЎҹޑᆅ౛ሡा ຤ᗺЈࡘ! ! Ъࣁᕇளၨ٫ޑᆛၡຎૻቨᓎሡ؃Ǵࣴز٬Ҕ ጕ܄ೕჄޑၮᆉǴӃஒ،฼ᡂኧᓎၰύТࢤዴҥ (


ijǴi=1,2…, n.Ǵj=1, 2…, k) Ǵа؃Ҟ኱Ԅ ޑനεॶ (Max.


ij Ǵi=1,2…, n.Ǵj=1, 2…, k) ǴฅԶЬाޑज़ڋԄǺ

= = 1 1 i i ij


=1, j=1, 2…, k.















, i=1,2…,n. ij


=0, 1. i=1, 2…, n.Ǵj=1, 2…, k ᇥܴǺҞ኱ڄኧ


ij ჴሞ΢ࢂ΋຀ᔕҞ኱ ڄኧǴӢࣁ


ij =NǶ௦ҔԜ΋Ҟ኱ڄԄޑҞޑ ࢂࣁΑ೸ၸጕ܄ೕჄǴ؃рᅈىӚᅿᓎၰᓎቨज़ڋ ޑϪപТࢤኧǶനεϪപТࢤኧ߾ࢂ೸ၸ೴ᅌሀቚ നεǴёϪപТࢤኧаϷ௦Ҕጕ܄ೕჄ؃ှԶளǶ ӢԜҁᇻຯຎૻा໺ଌ






jw฻ w ঁᆛၡຎૻТࢤǴ೭٤ТࢤԿϿ p+(


1─p)/d , p+(


2─p)/d , …p+(


w─p)/d ७ቹТТࢤਔ໔ԿϿ р౜΋ԛǶ



3.1 س಍ࢎᄬ კ 4 س಍ࢎᄬკ Ӣ໺಍ޑႝတᇶշ௲ᏢǴᒿ๱ᆛၡጲࠁว৖Ǵ ςᅌᅌᙯӛᆛၡຬ൞ᡏϯ[2]Ǵԋࣁᆛၡ௲Ꮲس಍Ǵ ᆛၡ௲Ꮲޑ٬ҔޣёаکϩණӧШࣚ΢όӕӦ୔ ޑ٬ҔޣӅӕᏢಞǴϕ࣬ࣴ૸ǴԶό཮೏߳ज़ܭ࠾ ഈޑ௲ᏢᕉნύǶ௲ৣکᆅ౛ޣΨёᙖҗᆛၡ໒ܫ ԄᕉნǴཥቚکঅׯ௲׷ϣ৒Ǵ٬௲Ꮲϣ৒׳Ԗቸ ܄Ƕ೸ၸຎૻՍࢬջਔמೌǴᏢғΨ൩ࢂ٬Ҕޣᆶ ௲ৣϐ໔Ǵ೸ၸጕ΢ջਔᇟॣբፐ཰ޑံமǴΨё аᙖԜس಍բЈᡫ΢ޑҬࢬǴӢԜҁس಍ࢎᄬკӵ კ 4 ܌ҢǶ ҁࣴز௦Ҕ Java ำԄᇟقڀԖၠѳѠϷЍජ ނҹᏤӛޑ੝܄[3] [4] [6] [8]ǴբࣁԜس಍ޑ໒วำ ԄǴගٮԴৣϷᏢғϐ໔ϕ୏ޑጕ΢ᇶշ௲Ꮲس ಍Ǵ่ӝҞ߻നࢬՉޑຎૻՍࢬǴၲډջਔጕ΢Ҭ ፋޑфૈǴ٠ଛӝၗ਑৤ၲډጕ΢Ⴃऊǵᆅ౛฻ޑ фૈǴӢԜҁس಍ຎૻฯᡏၮբচ౛ࢎᄬӵკ 2 ܌ ҢǴ೸ၸ Sever ᆄຎૻୖኧޑ໺ሀǴᏢғёᙖҗຎ ૻՍࢬҗጕ΢ቹॣ௲ᏢǴᙖҗё٣ӃႣᒵϐຎૻՍ


ࢬฝय़Ǵբࣁፐࡕϐጕ΢ᇶᏤ௲ᏢǶ ӢԜᏢਠӧᏤΕ e-Learning ϐ߻ǴѸሡӃԖ΋ ঺ e-Learning ޑ฼ౣǺόѝࢂஒፐำϣ৒ܫډᆛၡ ΢ǴΨόѝࢂЇ຾ཥޑၗૻࣽמ܈ࡌ࿼΋ঁᏢಞѳ ѠǴ൩ૈ୼ֹԋǶѸ໪ӣᘜᏢಞޑҁ፦Ǵ٩ԜѺ೷ Ԝᇻຯጕ΢ᏢಞࢎᄬǴሡ೛ी፾྽ޑ௲׷аϷᆅ౛ БԄ[8]Ƕӵკ 5 ܌ҢǶ კ 5 ຎૻฯᡏၮբচ౛ࢎᄬ 3.2 س಍ჴբ 3.2.1ຎૻ໺ᒡচ౛ dz

ClientᆄǺ२ӃाԖЍජ ActiveX מೌޑ Web BrowserǴωૈ٬Ҕ ActiveX Control ϡҹǶ٬Ҕޣ

ё೸ၸ Web BrowserǴޔௗӧ Home Page ΢ᒧڗ܌ ाޑ୍ܺ໨ҞǴԜਔ Server ᆄ൩཮ஒ܌ჹᔈډޑ

ActiveX ControlΠၩډ Client ᆄ୺Չ[5] [12]Ƕ ServerᆄǺServer ᆄᆶ Windows ࣁѳѠǴ྽ Server

ԏډ Client ᆄޑፎ؃ਔǴServer ᆄॄೢ ActiveX

ControlΠၩǴ٠ගٮՍࢬ࣬ᜢୖኧǴჴ౜ᇻᆄՍࢬ ୍ܺǶ 3.3 س಍ฝय़ ҁᇻຯຎૻՍࢬϕ୏ԄᇶᏤ௲ᏢѳѠǴऩԴৣ གྷᏹբӼး೬ᡏޑ؁ᡯ๏ᏢғॺᏢಞǴԜਔǴჹܭ ᏹբฝय़ޑԴৣߡԖӭᅿБԄёаගٮฝय़๏Ꮲ ғǶҗόӕϐ஦ဦฦΕ຾рǴߡёᆶԴৣጕ΢ӕ؁ ܈ޣߚӕ؁຾Չᇻຯ௲ᏢǴфૈӈϩࣁуΕ཮঩ (a)Ǵ཮঩ӈ߄(b)฻Ǵӵკ 6 س಍ฦΕฝय़܌ҢǶ ฦΕس಍Ьฝय़ࡕǴځфૈӈ߄х֖Դৣӈ߄ (a)ǵӕᏢӈ߄(b)!ǵঁΓၗ਑׳ཥ(c)!ǵϦ֋วѲ/ অׯ(d)!ǵႣऊࢗ၌(e)฻фૈǴ٠ЪӧѓୁЬฝय़ ΢ǴёᆶᏢғ܈ޣԴৣႣऊਔ໔ǵ࿯ԛϷਔࢤǴӵ კ 8!س಍Ьฝय़܌ҢǶ! ! ᗺᒧႣऊࡕǴջр౜კ 7 Client ᆄຎૻʏॣૻ Սࢬຎืय़ϯǴऩԖጕ΢ԖΓջр౜Ԝฝय़ǴᆶᏢ ғጕ΢բϕ୏ԄޑፐࡕᇶᏤ௲ᏢǶ Ӣ௨ހᜢ߯Ǵ܌аკ 8 ӧΠ΋।Ǵаჴሞ΢ጕ բࣁҁፕЎس಍և౜ฝय़Ƕ კ 6 ฦΕฝय़ კ 7 س಍Ьฝय़




ҁࣴزࣁᕇளၨ٫ޑᆛၡຎૻቨᓎሡ؃Ǵࣴز ٬Ҕጕ܄ೕჄޑၮᆉٰှ،ᆛၡຎૻӕ؁ϯ௲Ꮲ ޑલഐǴ೸ၸԜᄽᆉݤዴჴᕇளගܹΑӕ؁໺ᒡຎ ૻޑࠔ፦Ǵ٠Ъа MVC চ౛ࢎᄬԜаᇻຯ௲Ꮲѳ ѠǴ٬᏾Ӛس಍ၮբೕჄϷஒٰس಍ۯ՜Бय़ᕇள кϩޑֹ๓ۯ৖অׯޜ໔Ƕ ӢԜҁࣴز࿶ჴᡍว౜ाӵՖܹ๮س಍ϐф ૈǴନԵቾຎૻᓸᕭϐמೌѦǴ२ӃനЬाԵቾמ ೌ΢ϩ٬ҔޣᆄϷ Server ᆄϐ໔ޑᆛၡф౗کᓎ ౗Ƕ౜ӧளޕᚈӛᇟॣຎᓎ໺ᒡϐख़ाϡનǴයࡑ ۳ࡕёаஒځߕу຾س಍ϐύǴаబуǵቚமس಍ ᘉܫ਱ԄϐӭϡǴ׳׆ᏇԖ΋ϺૈஒԜس಍ϐ೛ी ኳԄᘉкܭځдϐѳѠ܈ᔈҔ΢Ƕ


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