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分析高中語文新教材的人文性特點Analyzing humanistic characteristics in new Chinese teaching materials of senior high school ,以新視窗打開


Academic year: 2021

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Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal !"#$% ,Vol. 5 © Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre 2006

Analyzing humanistic characteristics in new

Chinese teaching materials of senior high school


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In contemporary Chinese education, there is a striking course of politicization. Under the new situation of curriculum reform, People’s Education Press published their Chinese secondary teaching materials at an open, modern and scientific attitude. The teaching materials reflect the spirit of culture-transmission and avoid formalism of political dogma. They highlight ‘knowledge and skills’, the ‘processes and methods’ as well as ‘emotions, attitudes and values’ in learning. Students can understand and experience the common feelings of mankind and improve their humanistic qualities through learning the language.



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