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z 成績計算方式:兩次期中考各佔 25%,一次期末考佔 40%,小考成績佔 10%


Academic year: 2022

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課程時間:星期三 13:10-15:00;星期四 13:10-15:00 教室:化工系館 93156

授課教師:River Chiang 江孟蓉 辦公室:數學系館 406

Email:riverch at mail.ncku.edu.tw Office Hours: by appointment

z 預備知識:高中數學。

z 指定教科書:“One and Several Variables Calculus” (ninth edition) by Salas, Hille, and Etgen(歐亞書局代理)。

z 成績計算方式:兩次期中考各佔 25%,一次期末考佔 40%,小考成績佔 10%。

z 考試時間:(暫定)

第一次期中考 Thursday, October 20 13:10-14:30 第二次期中考 Thursday, December 01 13:10-14:30

期末考 按照學校規定

z 課程內容:這是一個學年介紹應用微積分的課程。主要是針對工學院的學生,



z Quizzes: Every week, except the weeks of and following the exams, we will use Thursday 15:10-16:00 for discussion and quizzes. Each quiz consists of one question only and starts around 15:40. The quiz will cover the materials from the previous week. The question itself will be similar to the suggested homework problems. There is no partial credit for quizzes.

z Exams: There will be two 50-minute term tests (even though you are given 80 minutes to write the tests) and a 2-hour final. The use of the textbook or any other written reference is not allowed during the exams. The same is true for calculators and similar devices. More information on the content will be given as the time for the tests approaches. The final exam covers the entire course.

z There will be no make-up term tests or quizzes. If you miss a term test or quiz for

legitimate reasons (proof required), your grading scheme will be adjusted by increasing the final exam component.

z There will be suggested problems but they are not handed in nor credited.



作業、小考、期中考及期末考成績將公佈在 moodle 上,請同學們隨時上網 查詢成績有無漏登或登錯,如發現有誤,請出示發還之成績給授課教師登記 更改。(建議:

作業、小考、期中考及期末考成績將公佈在 moodle 上,請同學們隨時上網 查詢成績有無漏登或登錯,如發現有誤,請出示發還之成績給授課教師登記 更改。(建議:

作業、小考、期中考及期末考成績將公佈在 moodle 上,請同學們隨時上網 查詢成績有無漏登或登錯,如發現有誤,請出示發還之成績給授課教師登記 更改。(建議:

作業、小考、期中考及期末考成績將公佈在 moodle 上,請同學們隨時上網 查詢成績有無漏登或登錯,如發現有誤,請出示發還之成績給授課教師登記 更改。(建議:

 考試: 兩次期中考預計於 2017/10/25(星期三)與 2017/11/13(星期三)的課堂 舉行,期末考則預計於

每次簽名可得學期總成績一分,獲得 10 次簽名即可得平時成 績的滿分共十分。超過 10 次簽名的成績照算。本制度鼓勵同

這次英文有 549 人成績達到 90 以上,佔總人數的 56.3%;319 人成績落在在 80~89 之間,佔總人數的 32.7%;75 人成績落在 70~79 之間,佔總人數的 7.6%;24 人成績落在 60~69

新制「國民中學成績考查辦法」 ,平時成績佔學期成績的比例提高為