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English Writing Proficiency Test of JCEE and the GEPT Intermediate Writing Proficiency Test


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix I

English Writing Proficiency Test of JCEE and the GEPT Intermediate Writing Proficiency Test

一、大學入學考試之英語文寫作表達能力測驗 【一】 大學聯考作文評分

大學英文作文閱卷評分標準(86 年、88 年)


一、 請就問題(一)及(二)分別給整數分數,並請將分數分別記入學生 答案卷評分欄第二、三格裡。如下所示(不須加總):

二、 文不對題者以零分計算。

三、 文法、用字、拼字等項之評分,應考慮正確用法與錯誤用法之比 例, 酌情給分

四、 評分前,請先就所提供之抽樣及大學聯考會訂定之分項式評分指 標試評後,再參考以下之評分範例作比較,以便全體閱卷委員之評分 標準能趨一致。

五、 當您閱完數本後,可改用整體式評分方式。評分時,請參考以下 所提供之整體式評分指標。

以下例句以兩段式評分,每一段的總分為 10 分,兩段加總即為 20 分。

X 閱


二、 問題(一)成績 三、 問題(二)成績 四、



等級 優~佳


切合題意,主題 有意義,並有具 體、完整的相關 細節支持。

(2-1.5 分)

大 致 切 合 題 意,內容發展不 甚 完 全 或 有 部 分離題的現象。

(1.5-1 分)

只 有 部 分 句 子 切合題意,未能 發 展 成 有 意 義 的主題。

(1-0.5 分)

完 全 不 切 合 題 意或沒寫。

(0.5-0 分)


邏輯連貫,起承 轉合順暢,行文 統一。

(2-1.5 分)

有佈局,但要點 安 排 不 盡 妥 當,行文不甚流 暢。

(1.5-1 分)

題 意 分 散 各 處,敘述未能連 貫發展,行文不 流 暢 。 (1-0.5 分)

全 文 沒 有 佈 局,毫無組織可 言。

(0.5-0 分)


句子統一、有變 化,修辭妥當文 法無誤。

(2-1.5 分)

句子變化少,偶 有時態、數、一 致性等錯誤,但 不 影 響 文 意 表 達。

(1-0.5 分)

有 連 接 詞 誤 用,句子不完整 或 結 構 錯 誤 等 現象,或錯誤影 響文意表達。

(1-0.5 分)

文 法 錯 誤 極 多,嚴重影響文 意表達。

(0.5-0 分)

用字 遣詞

用 字 清 新 、 精 確、合乎習慣用 法,拼字無誤。

(2-1.5 分)

用 字 單 調 、 重 覆 , 偶 有 錯 別 字,但不影響文 意之表達。

(1.5-1 分)

用字不當,且拼 字錯誤多,文意 表達不明確。

(1-0.5 分)

只 寫 出 與 命 題 情 境 有 關 的 零 碎字詞,字能表 達完整的意思。

(0.5-0 分) 拼字

標點 大小寫

構字、標點、大 小寫均無錯誤。

(2-1.5 分)



構字、標點、大 小 寫 等 錯 誤 甚 多,違背基本的 寫作體例。

(0.5-0 分)


一 優 9-10




Entering college has been my great-dream ever since I was a primary school student. I have been longing to enter college for several reasons. First, I can gian much advanced knowledge in college, which isn’t available in senior high school. Second, I can take part in many extracurricular activities to learn how deal with others. Last but not least, I can broaden my horizons in college and that will enable me to stand a better chance to find a job after graduating from college. I’ll make the dream come true by all means.


I want to enter college because I want to learn what I really want to learn. In high school, we were generally forced to learn almost everything, including math, my never-ending nightmare. When I was a senior in high school, I felt sorry for having skipped so many classes. And yet I knew I enjoy learning. So I have decided to make every effort to enter college, learning Chinese literature, and I’ll never skip any class again.

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 2 文法 2 2 用字 2 1.5 拼字等 2 2

總分 10 9

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 1.5 文法 2 1.5 用字 2 1.5 拼字等 2 2

總分 10 8


(3) A

t the present day, a college degree has become more and more important. If you want to find a well-paid job, you need a good college degree. I can’t change the society. So I change myself, entering a good college. On the other hand, there is nobody enter a college in my family. So I want to be the first one.


I want to learn more knowledge at college. I think it is a very good place for us to study the things that we may never see or we never notice. Many people say the period time at college is the happiest time in their life and it make me feel very excited to enter college, I really hope I can enter college, I really hope I can enter college to fell the filling about freedom.

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 1 文法 2 1 用字 2 1 拼字等 2 1.5

總分 10 6

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1 組織 2 1 文法 2 1 用字 2 1 拼字等 2 1

總分 10 5


(5) Enter college, can than me have many choose, for example, they are have many subject, club, and many different people, than me want to enter college to study. Hear people say, college life are very colorful, it give me some influence, there are usually have many activities, music, dance, singing, photo…etc.

Besides, college have many different knowledge can than me study, because it can increase my knowledge, than me meet some thing can easy to solve. This is why am I want to enter college reason.



If I should fial to enter college, the only alternative for me would be to study abroad. By no means would I take the Joint College Entrance Examination again next year, for that way is really toygh. I believe I wouldn’t have the courage to try again. Studying abroad would allow me to escape all the unpleasant things in Taiwan. Though it might be hard to adapt to a new environment, I would still bewilling to give it a try. And of course I have hope that this tragedy won’t happen.

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 0 組織 2 0 文法 2 0 用字 2 0.5 拼字等 2 0.5

總分 10 1

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 2 文法 2 1 用字 2 1.5 拼字等 2 2

總分 10 9



If I should fail to enter college, what a misery it would be! Although I would be very disappointed, I wouldn’t surrender. I could find a job to share the burden of my family, and I could still study at night to give myself another chance. Failure is not shameful, and there are still many ways to go. It is only one of frustrations, in this life. After all, there will be many chances and difficulties which I have to face in the future. Tomorrow is another day.


I would study for another year to join the J.C.E.E. next year. Since I’ve determined to go to college, I couldn’t give u this dream just of rone failure. Frankly speaking, I have no ideas about what else I do if I couldn’t admitted to the colleges.

After all, as a senior high school graduate, I indeedar’t do anything besides further studying.


If I should fail to enter college, at first, I will find a job. During the work, I will never forget to read books. I will continue getting more knowledge

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 1.5 文法 2 1 用字 2 1.5 拼字等 2 2

總分 10 8

評分標準 佔分 比例


內容 2 1 組織 2 1 文法 2 1 用字 2 1 拼字等 2 2

總分 10 6

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 1.5 組織 2 1



I think maybe have a good job that I will fail to enter college. Although I hope to enter college, A good job maybe be interted for me. I can learn more thing than in the college about life. And I can becomes a man, If I had a good job, I should fail to enter college.

大學入學考試中心九十學年度學科能力測驗 分項式英文作文評分指標

優 可 差 劣


能清楚界定一個切 合命題,有意義的 主題,並有具體、

完整的相關細節來 支持。

(5-4 分)

有主題、但發展不 全;或主題不夠突 顯、有與主題不相 關之敘述。(3 分)

有些句子與題意 有關,但重覆、

未能發展成與題 意有關之主題,

或主題混淆不 清。

(2-1 分)


(凡文不對題或沒 寫者,其他各項均 以零分計算。)


有開頭、發展、結 尾,轉承語使用良 好,段落連貫,行 文統一。

(5-4 分)

有佈局,但要點安 排不妥;開頭、發 展、結尾比例不 當;轉承語使用不 好,以致行文不甚 流暢。

(3 分)

題意分散在各 處,未能連貫發 展,行文不流 暢。

(2-1 分)

全文沒佈局,段落 不連貫、不統一。

行文不流暢,毫無 組織可言或未按提 示寫作。(0 分)


句子統一、有變 化,修辭妥當。文 法無誤。


數,一致性等,但 不影響文意表達。


句子不完整或結 構錯誤等現象,

文法錯誤極多,嚴 重影響文意表達。

(0 分)

評分標準 佔分 比例 得分 內容 2 0 組織 2 0 文法 2 0 用字 2 0 拼字等 2 0

總分 10 0

等 項 級


用字 拼字


合乎習慣用法;沒 有拼字錯誤。

(4 分)


偶有錯別字或拼字 錯誤,但不影響文 意之表達。

(3 分)

用字不當,且拼 字錯誤多,文意 表達不明確。

(2-1 分)

只寫出與題意有關 的零碎字詞,未能 表達完整的意思。

(0 分)

標點 大小寫

格式、標點、大小寫均無錯誤。(2 分)格式、標點、大 小寫等有錯誤,

但不影響文意之 表達。

(1 分)

格式、標點、大小 寫等錯誤甚多,違 背基本的寫作體 例。

(0 分)

整體式英文作文評分指標 一、特優 19-20 分 二、優 15-18 分 三、可 10-14 分 四、差 5-9 分 五、劣 0-4 分 英文作文試題

說明:1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇作文。

2. 文長在 120 字左右。


請以 “Something Interesting about a Classmate of Mine” 為題,

寫出有關你一位同學的一件趣事。這位同學可以是你任何時期的同學,例 如:中學、小學或幼稚園的同學。

英文作文試評樣本 例(1)

I will never forget him, john, my junior high school classmate. He is a funny boy


girl’s book, it was written, “Yes, I am a girl.” Maybe he was so nervous, he answered teacher, “Yes, I am a girl.” At this time, everyone could not help laughing. It is so interesting, isn’t it?

After that day, I started to call him “sister.” We always talk about this interesting thing, although we are senior high school students now. I am glad to have such an interesting classmate. Interesting classmates always make our life more interesting.

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

3 3 2 2 2 12


For a start, I talk about Marry of interesting friend. She look at is very soft. She I very quite. One day she was go home to the school, take a bus in herry up, be shooked.

When I met an old friend of mind.

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

0 0 0 1 0 1


I have a good friend in my class. His name is Little Tiger. We both are interested in Nature, especially the animals in it. I like snakes and frogs, while he likes butterflies.

As a result, we often go hiking in the mountains, observing various animals in the

wild together. One day, he went to mountains alone while I had an important class. I


But something I never thought of happened.

He brought a bird back! Because he had nothing to hold it, he stuffed it in his pocket. To his surprise, the bird’s shit was dripping down from his pocket. He said it was hurt on the road and he didn’t know how to help it. So he brought it back to see if there was a way to cure the bird. We consulted my brother who studies in college. He helped the bird with us. Finally, the bird was cured. And we released it into the sky.

Seeing it flying happily, we were also in good moods. I would never forget such an interesting thing.

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 2 18


Have a picnic, a classmate of mine fell down on the bus and here dress was covered with mud. She did not care it, and still had a good time with us. As she arrived home in the evening, her mother became angry because it was a new dress. My classmate smiled and told her mother that he was kissed by the mud. Of course, her mother was more angry. Then she said, “The mud also wanted me tell you that if you angry, he will come to our home and kiss you. Then, you not hate him.” Her mother bursted into laught and could not say anything.

What a smart girl she is!

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

3 2 1 2 1 9



In my high school, I have a classmate who do a foolish thing. He often don’t care the details and make funny to us. Once he did not notice and rushed into W.C. and suddenly, he finded something wrong. Because there are many girls in W.C. and everybody stare at him incredulous. And my classmate’s face tured red soon and rush out of the W.C. After event he told us “When you want to go to W.C., you must see again.”

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

2 1 1 1 1 6


The story happened in my junior high school life. One afternoon, the whole class held a birthday party for Linda. We prepared a two-story cream cake. When ready, one of us called Linda to come in, with her eves covered . As she moved toward, something accidentally occurred. She kicked a chair and her face “rushed into” the cake. Everyone at the moment starled. She laughed, however, and said, “Thanks for you all for give me such a special birthday. Mmm! Delicious!”, with a funny action.

All classmates bursted into laughter then. But that’s not the end. She gave a kiss to her best friend, me.

That was really an unforgettable experience, from which I learned that turning something unhappy into humorous way can make us lead a more interesting life.

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分



I had a classmate in my elementary school. He was a short boy and he liked to take his pets to school. He had many pets in his home, like cat, dog, mouse, bird and turtle.

Everyday, he brought another different pet to school. Our teacher didn’t angry, because she liked animal, too. When we in the class, his pets would be quiet and sleep.

So we didn’t worry about his pets would be nosily.

One day, he brought one of his pets, the turtle, its name is John. The boy put him into the box and went outside to play with friends. When he came back to the classroom, John was gone. The boy was sad and found him everywhere. All of his friends helped him to finds, but we didn’t find anything. Suddenly we found John in the toilet, we known John must be thirty and he wanted some water.

內容 5 分

組織 5 分

文法 4

用字拼字 4

體例 2

總分 20 分

3 3 1 2 1 10



寫作能力測驗分數說明 第二部分:英文作文

級數 分數 說明

5 60 寫作能力佳

內容適切表達題目要 求,組織甚佳,靈活 運用字彙及句型,句

型有變化,文法、拼字 或標點符號無重大錯


4 48 寫作能力可 內容符合題目要求,組 織大致良好,正確運用 字彙及句型,文法、拼 字或標點符號鮮有重 大錯誤。

3 36 寫作能力有限 內容未能符合題目要 求,大多難以理解,組 織不良,能夠運用的字 彙有限,文法、拼字、

標 點 符 號 有 過 多 錯 誤。

2 24 稍具寫作能力

內容未能符合題目要 求,大多難以理解,組 織不良,能夠運用的字 彙有限,文法、拼字、

標點符號有連多錯 誤。

1 12 無寫作能力

內容未能符合題目要 求,完全無法理解,沒 有組織,能夠運用的字 彙有限,文法、拼字、


0 0 未答/ 等同未答



A 卷

說明:請依下面所提供的圖片及文字提示寫一篇英文作文,長度約一百二 十字(8 至 12 個句子)。作文可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段,

請書寫在「寫作能力測驗答案紙」標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、組 織、文法、用字遣詞、標點符號、大小寫。


上學都用機車代步。你認為在臺灣機車這麼普遍的原因何在?請說明你的 看法。



There are very car in the Taiwan. So Taiwan’s trantrap is very worse. Go to school by motorcycle is very convenient and quickly. And save your time. Motorcycle price is cheap so student have enough money to buy. It is not biger than car. When 交通 crowed, it can go to your want to the place.

評語:文章多簡短而不完整,且缺乏清楚的組織。僅能正確使用非常簡單 的句型。文章多有不完整之句子片段,且或以逗點串聯。因鮮少使用連接 詞或轉接詞,致使各句間意義獨立,無法正確地串聯成一段落。(即,文 章無起承轉合。)因文法、字彙、標點及拼字上的錯誤過多,致使文章令 人難以或無法了解。



I think the problem is in the public transportation. Can you image that if you want for a bus, you must spead thirty minutes at least. And the time is much longer than that you ride a mortocycle. It is conveiant to have a mortocycle. You can go to everywhere you want to go if you have time. You never spead any time wait for a bus which no one knows when it will come.

評語:文章多簡短且未竟題目要求。文章組織多不良,句子可能無法連結 成一段落形式。已稍有複雜句的概念,但對於對等及從屬連接詞的使用多 半不正確。句子傾向片斷且不完整,且或多以逗點串聯。無使用轉折詞的 能力,或能力有限。文章上雖大致可了解,但有時會因文法、字彙、拼字 及標點的錯誤,迫使讀者必須重讀前文,始能了解其意。


There is a large number of motorcycles in Taiwan. There are some reasons to explain why the motocycles are so popular. First, Taiwan is so populous and there isn’t enough room for everyone to have a car. With a motorcycle, you can get rid of the traffic jam. And you won’t worry about where to park you car, because the motor-cycle is much smaller. Second, it’ convenient to go anywhere if you have a


Having a motorcycle, you won’t be anxious about the delay of the bus.

It will also be work if you have a bicycle. But riding bicycle to school is too hard a work. Third, the parents in Taiwan love their children excesirely. The parents can deny their children nothing. So, with the promising in economic, almost ever one can have his own motorcycle. To sum up, if we want to live high quality lives, the government should take measures to prevent the growing number of motorcycles.




B 卷

說明:請用約一百二十字(8 至 12 個句子)完成以下的故事。

寫作能力測驗的主題是 An Embarrassing Situation。請將完成的故事書 寫在「寫作能力測驗答案紙」標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、文法、


Yesterday was Peter’s birthday. To celebrate, he invited some of his friends to have lunch with him at his favorite restaurant. Everyone had a good time. When they finished eating, Peter went to the counter to pay the bill. But when he looked in his wallet, he found that he had no money….


His smile froze. He forgot that he had spent all his money in the supermarket two days ago! He tried to figure out a way, like borrowing some money from his friends;but wait, it was his birthday! How could he make such an embarrassing request?While he kept worrying about how to open his mouth to ask his best friend Robin for some money, her came the rescue. That was Peter’s sister, Mary. He pretended nothing happened and walked straight to her, concealing his excitement. He whispered, “My dear lady, could you lend my some money? I forgot to bring mine!” So she did. Peter bounced back to the counter, paid the bill, and ended up this embarrassing situation. He would never ever forget to check out his wallet the next time.



C 卷

說明:請依下面所提供的文字提示寫一封約一百二十字(8 至 12 個句子)

的英文信。信可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段,請書寫在「寫作 能力測驗答案紙」標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、組織文法、用字遣 詞、標點符號、大小寫。

提示:1. 上個月,志中的朋友 Peter 和 Susan 邀請他到他們位於花蓮的 家中住了一個星期。在這一個星期中,他們一起做了許多事情。現在,請 你以志中的身份擬一封信給他們,謝謝他們的邀請,並告訴他們在花蓮作 客時,令你印象深刻的事情。另外,不要忘記邀請 Peter 和 Susan 近期內 到你位於台中的家中拜訪。

1. 信的上下款應依下列方式寫出。

December 20, 1998 Dear Peter and Susan,





I had a good time at your home in that week. I thank for you treating. I love to eat the food which were cooked your mother. I never forget that we went fishing and climbing that was a very special experience. We sang songs and danced with each other. And your father taught me how to swim. I was very afraid of swimming before.

But I like it now.

That is really a happy time. I want you can come to my home. Then we can play each other. And I will take you to visit the viewpoints in Taichung. We can take many beautiful pictures. I guess you will also have a very good time. To sum up, I hope you can come to my home recently.

評語:文章內容符合題目要求,組織尚可。雖然對於對等及從屬連接詞的 用法可能仍偶有錯誤,但已能掌握複雜句句型的結構;且已能使用一些轉 折詞。文章中可能仍有片斷句子,且或以逗點串聯的情形。文法、字彙、



Appendix II

Data for Piloting the Writing Attitude Questionnaire



576 576 576 576 558 570 576 576 575 28 572 573

0 0 0 0 18 6 0 0 1 548 4 3

26.07 2.71 3.00 1.35 1.37 2.29 3.93 .38 9.04E-02 1.54 1.61 2.72

10.65 1.62 .00 .56 .50 .88 1.07 4.32 .67 .88 .49 .58

Valid Missing N

Mean Std. Deviation

學校代碼 城鎮 年級 班級 性別

課外學習 時間


文時間 住國外 遊學 國內外比較 校外上過


開始作文 年級

Frequency Table


71 12.3 12.3 12.3

77 13.4 13.4 25.7

48 8.3 8.3 34.0

78 13.5 13.5 47.6

95 16.5 16.5 64.1

99 17.2 17.2 81.3

59 10.2 10.2 91.5

49 8.5 8.5 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

11 12 21 22 31 32 41 42 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


148 25.7 25.7 25.7

126 21.9 21.9 47.6

194 33.7 33.7 81.3

59 10.2 10.2 91.5

49 8.5 8.5 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

1 2 3 4 7 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


576 100.0 100.0 100.0

3 Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent



400 69.4 69.4 69.4

152 26.4 26.4 95.8

24 4.2 4.2 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

1 2 3 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


89 15.5 15.6 15.6

287 49.8 50.4 66.0

145 25.2 25.4 91.4

38 6.6 6.7 98.1

11 1.9 1.9 100.0

570 99.0 100.0

6 1.0

576 100.0

1 2 3 4 5 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


2 .3 .3 .3

25 4.3 4.3 4.7

29 5.0 5.0 9.7

88 15.3 15.3 25.0

243 42.2 42.2 67.2

188 32.6 32.6 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

0 1 2 3 4 5 7 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent



555 96.4 96.4 96.4

7 1.2 1.2 97.6

3 .5 .5 98.1

1 .2 .2 98.3

1 .2 .2 98.4

1 .2 .2 98.6

1 .2 .2 98.8

1 .2 .2 99.0

3 .5 .5 99.5

1 .2 .2 99.7

1 .2 .2 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 20 24 96 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


553 96.0 96.2 96.2

12 2.1 2.1 98.3

6 1.0 1.0 99.3

1 .2 .2 99.5

1 .2 .2 99.7

1 .2 .2 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

575 99.8 100.0

1 .2

576 100.0

0 1 2 3 6 9 10 Total Valid

99 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


20 3.5 71.4 71.4

1 .2 3.6 75.0

7 1.2 25.0 100.0

28 4.9 100.0

548 95.1

576 100.0

1 2 3 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent



222 38.5 38.8 38.8

349 60.6 61.0 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

572 99.3 100.0

4 .7

576 100.0

1 2 3 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


36 6.3 6.3 6.3

92 16.0 16.1 22.3

444 77.1 77.5 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

573 99.5 100.0

3 .5

576 100.0

1 2 3 5 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


Statistics 性別

558 18 1.36 .48 Valid

Missing N


Std. Deviation


357 62.0 64.0 64.0

201 34.9 36.0 100.0

558 96.9 100.0

18 3.1

576 100.0

1 2 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent




576 576

0 0

Valid Missing N


課外學習 時間

Frequency Table


71 12.3 12.3 12.3

77 13.4 13.4 25.7

48 8.3 8.3 34.0

78 13.5 13.5 47.6

95 16.5 16.5 64.1

99 17.2 17.2 81.3

59 10.2 10.2 91.5

49 8.5 8.5 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

大同 安康 中壢 陽明 台中一中 彰女 台南二中 瑞祥 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


89 15.5 15.5 15.5

287 49.8 49.8 65.3

145 25.2 25.2 90.5

55 9.5 9.5 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

1 2 3 4 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


Statistics 開始學英文時間

576 0 Valid

Missing N



2 .3 .3 .3

25 4.3 4.3 4.7

29 5.0 5.0 9.7

88 15.3 15.3 25.0

243 42.2 42.2 67.2

188 32.6 32.6 99.8

1 .2 .2 100.0

576 100.0 100.0

0 1 2 3 4 5 7 Total Valid

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


Statistics 課外學習時間

570 6 Valid

Missing N


89 15.5 15.6 15.6

287 49.8 50.4 66.0

145 25.2 25.4 91.4

49 8.5 8.6 100.0

570 99.0 100.0

6 1.0

576 100.0

1 2 3 4 Total Valid

9 Missing Total

Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


Statistics 開始學英文時間

574 2 Valid

Missing N



142 24.7 24.7 24.7

243 42.2 42.3 67.1

189 32.8 32.9 100.0

574 99.7 100.0

2 .3

576 100.0

1 2 3 Total Valid

System Missing


Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent



571 572

5 4

Valid Missing N

校外上過 作文

開始作文 年級

Frequency Table


222 38.5 38.9 38.9

349 60.6 61.1 100.0

571 99.1 100.0

4 .7

1 .2

5 .9

576 100.0

1 2 Total Valid

9 System Total Missing


Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


36 6.3 6.3 6.3

92 16.0 16.1 22.4

444 77.1 77.6 100.0

572 99.3 100.0

3 .5

1 .2

4 .7

576 100.0

1 2 3 Total Valid

9 System Total Missing


Frequency Percent

Valid Percent

Cumulativ e Percent


Factor Analysis

KMO and Bartlett's Test

.943 10233.173 630 .000 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling


Approx. Chi-Square df


Bartlett's Test of Sphericity


.500 .419

.495 .389

.430 .312

.391 .327

.406 .331

.551 .523

.513 .480

.329 .290

.430 .308

.684 .668

.649 .615

.569 .541

.620 .588

.566 .518

.480 .346

.585 .501

.518 .451

.284 .229

.532 .494

.536 .512

.574 .538

.528 .479

.462 .439

.618 .597

.621 .680

.634 .712

.471 .436

.476 .446

.521 .491

.452 .420

.407 .353

.636 .670

.446 .467

.505 .484

.479 .440

.528 .498

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q11 Q12 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35 Q36 Q38 Q39 Q40

Initial Extraction

Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.


Total Variance Explained

12.436 34.545 34.545 11.918 33.106 33.106 7.776

2.835 7.875 42.419 2.284 6.345 39.451 6.639

2.424 6.734 49.153 1.859 5.164 44.615 6.485

1.416 3.933 53.086 .932 2.590 47.205 7.882

1.329 3.691 56.776

.997 2.770 59.546 .912 2.534 62.079 .888 2.467 64.546 .848 2.355 66.901 .736 2.045 68.946 .722 2.005 70.951 .690 1.918 72.869 .642 1.785 74.653 .618 1.715 76.369 .577 1.604 77.973 .565 1.571 79.543 .543 1.507 81.051 .519 1.443 82.493 .503 1.399 83.892 .474 1.316 85.208 .462 1.284 86.492 .435 1.207 87.700 .424 1.177 88.877 .404 1.122 89.998 .395 1.098 91.096 .379 1.053 92.149 .362 1.006 93.155

.343 .952 94.107

.316 .878 94.986

.299 .831 95.816

.287 .797 96.613

.281 .781 97.394

.250 .694 98.088

.246 .684 98.772

.231 .643 99.415

.210 .585 100.000

Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36


% of Variance


e % Total

% of Variance


e % Total

Initial Eigenvalues

Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Rotation Sums of

Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.

When factors are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.



Scree Plot

Factor Number

35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1











Factor Matrixa

.742 .705 .696 .684 .681 .664 .664 .663 .662 .658 .657 .647 .642 .636

.630 .485 .617

.617 .611 .603 .602 .598 .538 .530 .523

.516 .415 .509


.443 .440 .425


.444 .406 .442

.513 .488 Q27

Q11 Q16 Q12 Q24 Q14 Q28 Q6 Q29 Q15 Q18 Q22 Q40 Q25 Q35 Q31 Q19 Q26 Q7 Q23 Q32 Q30 Q5 Q39 Q38 Q17 Q9 Q33 Q4 Q3 Q8 Q21 Q34 Q36 Q1 Q2

1 2 3 4


Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.

4 factors extracted. 6 iterations required.


Goodness-of-fit Test Chi-Squa

Pattern Matrixa

.661 .605 .580 .534 .447 .435 .425 .408

.753 .680 .660 .645 .606 .602 .489 .462

.669 .634 .595 .534 .516 .462 .513 .431 .480 .473 .425

-.865 -.830 -.589 -.472 -.463 Q15

Q7 Q14 Q6 Q19 Q18 Q27 Q5 Q26 Q16 Q35 Q36 Q38 Q33 Q39 Q34 Q40 Q32 Q1 Q2 Q23 Q4 Q3 Q11 Q12 Q24 Q8 Q22 Q29 Q28 Q30 Q21 Q17 Q31 Q9 Q25

1 2 3 4


Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalizatio Rotation converged in 18 iterations.



Factor Score Coefficient Matrix

-.027 -.033 .163 .012

.011 -.038 .145 .032

.016 -.030 .102 .012

-.001 -.024 .108 .004

.078 .014 -.018 -.013

.140 .032 .025 .034

.152 -.003 .010 .022

-.053 .033 .080 -.005

.049 -.002 -.031 -.053

-.092 .125 .187 -.023

-.083 .100 .151 -.033

.162 -.012 .010 -.006

.212 -.018 -.019 -.007

.084 -.008 .035 -.049

.030 -.014 -.010 -.073

.108 .043 -.043 -.033

.102 .053 -.023 .006

-.013 -.023 .014 -.067

.040 -.036 .081 -.060

-.013 -.015 .161 -.016

.048 -.019 .125 -.021

.054 -.038 .066 -.057

.086 -.015 .001 -.047

.120 -.015 .053 -.049

-.066 .006 -.029 -.284

-.067 -.003 -.046 -.330

.025 -.005 -.041 -.112

.067 .023 -.038 -.063

-.042 .087 .089 .000

-.007 .127 -.027 .013

.017 .108 -.036 .034

.027 .254 -.044 .031

.018 .151 -.079 .014

-.039 .144 -.020 -.017

-.008 .120 -.016 -.002

.016 .096 .044 .012

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q11 Q12 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35 Q36 Q38 Q39 Q40

1 2 3 4


Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.


Factor Score Covariance Matrix

2.400 1.968 3.361 -.296

1.968 1.852 2.429 7.610E-02

3.361 2.429 3.928 -.720

-.296 7.610E-02 -.720 2.341 Factor

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.



****** Method 2 (covariance matrix) will be used for this analysis ******

R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A)

Mean Std Dev Cases

1. Q1 4.1780 .8132 545.0

2. Q2 4.0239 .8794 545.0

3. Q3 3.7248 .9784 545.0

4. Q4 4.0239 .8918 545.0

5. Q5 2.2917 1.0560 545.0

6. Q6 2.7982 1.0126 545.0

7. Q7 2.8679 .9437 545.0

8. Q8 2.9394 1.0719 545.0

9. Q9 2.5468 .9954 545.0

10. Q10 3.9615 .8137 545.0

11. Q11 2.9394 1.2013 545.0

12. Q12 3.1560 1.0962 545.0

13. Q13 2.7156 .8962 545.0

14. Q14 2.9413 .9296 545.0

15. Q15 2.7303 .9249 545.0

16. Q16 2.9376 .9528 545.0

17. Q17 2.4917 1.0130 545.0

18. Q18 2.4202 .9784 545.0

19. Q19 2.6330 1.1381 545.0

20. Q20 3.1963 1.0236 545.0

21. Q21 3.5651 1.0537 545.0

22. Q22 3.3853 .8943 545.0

23. Q23 3.8569 .9204 545.0

24. Q24 3.2349 .9393 545.0

25. Q25 3.0183 .9073 545.0

26. Q26 2.9339 .9904 545.0

27. Q27 2.8606 .9921 545.0

28. Q28 2.9046 1.0821 545.0

29. Q29 2.6991 1.0767 545.0


34. Q34 2.7046 1.0231 545.0 35. Q35 2.6661 1.0958 545.0 36. Q36 2.1358 .9490 545.0 37. Q37 2.0404 .9731 545.0 38. Q38 2.7119 1.0828 545.0 39. Q39 2.7193 1.2559 545.0 40. Q40 2.9193 1.1102 545.0 _

Item-total Statistics

Scale Scale Corrected

Mean Variance Item- Squared Alpha if Item if Item Total Multiple if Item

Deleted Deleted Correlation Correlation Deleted

Q1 114.0514 463.1187 .3918 .5094 .9378 Q2 114.2055 462.7261 .3699 .4962 .9380 Q3 114.5046 459.8276 .3982 .4316 .9378 Q4 114.2055 460.4540 .4244 .3958 .9376 Q5 115.9376 452.8307 .5240 .4149 .9368 Q6 115.4312 449.0692 .6384 .5488 .9359 Q7 115.3615 453.1467 .5838 .5181 .9364 Q8 115.2899 459.0592 .3763 .3306 .9381 Q9 115.6826 456.9854 .4586 .4340 .9374 Q10 114.2679 474.8215 .0567 .1609 .9400 Q11 115.2899 441.6915 .6805 .6872 .9353 Q12 115.0734 445.8365 .6579 .6516 .9356 Q13 115.5138 465.8679 .2797 .3207 .9387 Q14 115.2881 451.4187 .6382 .5950 .9360 Q15 115.4991 451.9269 .6284 .6305 .9361 Q16 115.2917 449.8136 .6624 .5691 .9358 Q17 115.7376 455.3152 .4893 .4824 .9371 Q18 115.8092 450.1290 .6361 .5816 .9359


Q21 114.6642 461.6499 .3254 .3010 .9385 Q22 114.8440 453.1907 .6173 .5341 .9362 Q23 114.3725 453.6128 .5875 .5482 .9364 Q24 114.9945 450.3952 .6576 .5781 .9358 Q25 115.2110 453.5602 .5980 .5393 .9363 Q26 115.2954 451.9512 .5833 .4671 .9364 Q27 115.3688 446.6303 .7126 .6254 .9353 Q28 115.3248 448.4697 .6077 .6246 .9361 Q29 115.5303 448.6429 .6071 .6388 .9361 Q30 115.6789 454.5199 .5222 .4791 .9369 Q31 115.8495 450.2825 .5942 .4816 .9362 Q32 115.3046 449.3813 .5808 .5284 .9363 Q33 115.7284 7.0180 .4337 .4613 .9376 Q34 115.5248 61.5440 .3390 .4149 .9384 Q35 115.5633 47.5847 .6192 .6385 .9360 Q36 116.0936 0.1070 .4049 .4922 .9378 Q37 116.1890 5.0396 .2742 .4331 .9388 Q38 115.5174 2.7465 .5116 .5640 .9370 Q39 115.5101 8.3864 .5176 .4813 .9370 Q40 115.3101 6.7070 .6298 .5427 .9359 _

Reliability Coefficients 40 items

Alpha = .9384 Standardized item alpha = .9378


Appendix III

Pilot Sample of The Writing Attitude Questionnaire


這是一份用來了解你(妳)對英文作文態度的問卷。答案沒有對 錯之分,請依照你(妳)的感受,真實回答。你(妳)的熱心填答,


國立新店高中教師 張碧珠 謹啟 九十年八月十四日



1. 學校:_______________________ 學校所在城鎮:______________

2. 填表日期:_____________

3. 班級:_________________

4. 學號:_________________

5. 姓名:_________________

6. 性別:□男 □女

7. 除了學校英文課之外,你每週大約花多少時間自己學習英文?

□沒有 □1~3 小時 □4~6 小時 □7~9 小時 □10 小時以上

8. 你(妳)於何時開始學習英文?


9. 你曾在英語系國家居住過嗎?若有請著明多久時間。

□ 有:______ 年 ______ 月 □ 沒有

10.你曾經有過到英語系國家短期遊學的經驗嗎?若有請著明多久時 間。

□有: ______年 ______個月 □ 沒有

11.承上題,如果有,國外的寫作課和國內的相比,你覺得最大的不 同是什麼?

□ 教法 □ 教材 □ 其他 _________________


□ 有 □沒有


□高一 □ 高二 □ 高三


填答說明:請圈選你(妳)認為合適的答案,不要考慮太多,也不要遺 漏任何一題。1 是「非常不同意」、2 是「不同意」、 3 是「無意見」、

4 是「同意」、 5 是「非常同意」。

非 常 同 意 同 意 無 意 見 不 同 意 非 常 不 同 意

1.為了以後求學的需要,我必須精通英文作文……….1 2 3 4 5



5.要用英文來寫自傳,我信心十足……….1 2 3 4 5 6.英文寫作應是一種愉快的學習歷程……….1 2 3 4 5

7.我喜歡在英文寫作課中分享彼此作品的活動...…………..1 2 3 4 5

8.在我的日常生活中,英文作文沒有太多用處……….1 2 3 4 5 9.我喜歡用英文在網路上聊天……..………...1 2 3 4 5

10.英文寫作對我而言,是一項全新的挑戰...………1 2 3 4 5 11.若不是考試要考,我實在不太想學英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5 12.為了父母或老師的要求,我才勉強去寫英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5 13.在正式寫作前我會和同學透過小組討論激盪靈感………..1 2 3 4 5

14.我喜歡參與英文寫作課中的學習活動………..1 2 3 4 5

15.我喜歡和別人討論有關英文作文相關的事情………..1 2 3 4 5

16.我會多花一些課外的時間練習英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5

17.我通常會用英文寄送電子郵件給我的朋友………..1 2 3 4 5

18.寫英文作文時,我覺得蠻自在的…..………1 2 3 4 5 19.我覺得我有寫好英文作文的天份…..………1 2 3 4 5

20.如果我學不好英文作文,一定是老師教學太差…………..1 2 3 4 5

21.寄卡片給朋友時我會使用英文寫祝賀詞……….….1 2 3 4 5

22.我會把握任何可以學習英文作文的機會………..1 2 3 4



24.學習英文作文滿足了我對英文學習的需求………..1 2 3 4 5

25.為了寫好英文作文,我會多方蒐集相關的題材…………..1 2 3 4 5 26.上英文作文課時,我喜歡和老師在課堂上互動…………..1 2 3 4 5 27.學習英文作文提高了我對英文學習的興趣………..1 2 3 4 5

28.我會試著用英文來作筆記………..………1 2 3 4 5

29.我會試著用英文來寫日記….……..……..……….1 2 3 4 5

30.我會在 BBS 版上用英文來 Post 我的東西………1 2 3 4 5

31.如果有機會,我會爭取參加英文作文比賽………..1 2 3 4 5 32.如果有別的選擇,我就不會選英文作文課………..1 2 3 4 5 33.寫英文作文時,我總是感覺文思枯竭無從下筆…………..1 2 3 4 5 34.我會不好意思和同學分享我所寫的英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5

35.想到要上英文作文,我就一個頭兩個大………..1 2 3 4 5 36.我對英文考試中作文部分比較沒有把握………..1 2 3 4 5

37.我很害怕英文寫作時出現很多文法上的錯誤………..1 2 3 4 5

38.我很害怕英文造句練習………..1 2 3 4 5

39.我害怕我會在英文寫作課被老師當掉………..1 2 3 4



Standardized Sample of The Writing Attitude Questionnaire


這是一份用來了解你(妳)對英文作文態度的問卷。答案沒有對 錯之分,請依照你(妳)的感受回答。你(妳)的熱心填答,將會對 老師在教學上的改進有所助益。謝謝你(妳)的幫忙!

國立新店高中教師 張碧珠 謹啟 九十年九月十日



1. 學校:_______________________ 學校所在城鎮:______________

2. 填表日期:_____________

3. 班級:_________________

4. 學號:_________________

5. 姓名:_________________

6. 性別:□男 □女

7. 除了學校英文課之外,你每週大約花多少時間自己學習英文?

□沒有 □1~3 小時 □4~6 小時 □7~9 小時 □10 小時以上 8. 你(妳)於何時開始學習英文?

□幼兒 □國小一二年級 □國小三四年級 □國小五六年級 □國


10. 你(妳)曾經有過到英語系國家遊學的經驗嗎?若有請註明多久 時間。

□有: 共______年 ______個月 □ 沒有

11. 承上題,如果有,國外的寫作課和國內的相比,你覺得最大的不 同是什麼?

□ 教法 □ 教材 □ 教法及教材 □ 其他 _________________

12. 你曾經在學校以外的地方上過英文寫作的課程嗎?

□ 有 地點: _______________ □沒有 13. 貴校何時開英文寫作課?

□高一 □ 高二 □ 高三


填答說明:請圈選你(妳)認為合適的答案,不要考慮太多,也不要遺 漏任何一題。1 是「非常不同意」 、 2 是「不同意」 、 3 是「無意見」、

4 是「同意」、 5 是「非常同意」。

非 常 同 意 同 意 無 意 見 不 同 意 非 常 不 同 意

1.為了以後求學的需要,我必須精通英文作文……….1 2 3 4 5

2.未來的工作中,英文寫作會是很重要的能力之一……….1 2 3 4 5

3.學好英文作文,讓我可以認識更多外國朋友……….1 2 3 4 5



7.我喜歡在英文寫作課中分享彼此作品的活動...…………..1 2 3 4 5

8.在我的日常生活中,英文作文沒有太多用處……….1 2 3 4 5 9.我喜歡用英文在網路上聊天……..………...1 2 3 4 5

10.我的印象中英文寫作是很枯燥無味的………...1 2 3 4 5

11.若不是考試要考,我實在不太想學英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5 12.為了父母或老師的要求,我才勉強去寫英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5 13.我害怕我會在英文寫作課被老師當掉………..1 2 3 4 5

14.我喜歡參與英文寫作課中的學習活動………..1 2 3 4 5

15.我喜歡和別人討論有關英文作文相關的事情………..1 2 3 4 5

16.我會多花一些課外的時間練習英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5

17.我通常會用英文寄送電子郵件給我的朋友………..1 2 3 4 5

18.寫英文作文時,我覺得蠻自在的…..………1 2 3 4 5 19.我覺得我有寫好英文作文的天份…..………1 2 3 4 5

20.我很害怕英文造句練習………. 1 2 3 4 5

21.寄卡片給朋友時我會使用英文寫祝賀詞……….….1 2 3 4 5

22.我會把握任何可以學習英文作文的機會………..1 2 3 4 5

23.學習英文作文是值得的...….………..1 2 3 4



25.為了寫好英文作文,我會多方蒐集相關的題材…………..1 2 3 4 5 26.上英文作文課時,我喜歡和老師在課堂上互動…………..1 2 3 4 5 27.學習英文作文提高了我對英文學習的興趣………..1 2 3 4 5

28.我會試著用英文來作筆記………..………1 2 3 4 5

29.我會試著用英文來寫日記….……..……..……….1 2 3 4 5

30.我會在 BBS 版上用英文來 Post 我的東西………1 2 3 4 5

31.如果有機會,我會爭取參加英文作文比賽………..1 2 3 4 5 32.如果有別的選擇,我就不會選英文作文課………..1 2 3 4 5 33.寫英文作文時,我總是感覺文思枯竭無從下筆…………..1 2 3 4 5 34.我會不好意思和同學分享我所寫的英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5

35.想到要上英文作文,我就一個頭兩個大………..1 2 3 4 5 36.我對英文考試中作文部分比較沒有把握………..1 2 3 4 5

Appendix V

The Viewpoints of Writing Task Questionnaire


這是一份用來了解你(妳)對英文寫作教學課程活動的調查表。答案沒 有對錯之分,請依照你(妳)的感受,真實回答。你(妳)的熱心填答,將 會對老師教學的改進有所助益。謝謝你(妳)的幫忙!


張碧珠 謹啟



Part I Paragraph writing---

1.對 Unit 1 Topic Sentence & Paragraph 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

2..對 Unit 2 Topic Sentence & Controlling ideas 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 3.對 Unit 3 Reading & Summary 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

4.對 Unit 4 Tense Instruction by a Story 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 5.對 Unit 5 Sentence Combining 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 6.對 Unit 6 Paraphrasing 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

7.對 Unit7 Guided Writing & Reading 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 Part II Free writing—

1. 對 Unit 1 Interview & Description 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡


2. 對 Unit 2 Letter to Myself 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 3. 對 Unit 3 Letters Reflection 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 4. 對 Unit 4 Complete Story 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 5. 對 Unit 5 Stories Reflection 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 6. 對 Unit 6 Getting Ideas 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

7. 對 Unit 7 Getting Ideas 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難 8. 對 Unit 8 Revision 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

9. 對 Unit 9 Developing course & Effect Paragraph 的喜歡程度如何?


□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

11.對 Unit 11 Comparison & Connectors 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難

12.對 Unit 12 Portfolios & Process Writing 的喜歡程度如何?

□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡 原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益

□ 8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難


Table 5.35 Error Analysis (Student: Rachel )



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