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國立空中大學 105 學年度上學期期末考試題【副參】23


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 105 學年度上學期期末考試題【副參】23

科目:英文文選 2-1 頁

I. 是非題 15% 每題 3%

1.( ) It is possible that it has ruptured.其中畫線部分是名詞子句 P 215

2.( ) I cannot know for certain until I open you up. 其中畫線部分是副詞子句 P 215

3.( ) To get up early is good for the health. 其中畫線部分是介系詞片語 P 233

4.( ) “Come on, stop joking! Crusoe wore clothes! 其中畫線部分是動名詞 P 250

5.( ) There were 14 more people on the bus, and they all complained about injuries and back pain.=

There were 14 more people on the bus, all complained about injuries and back pain.

P 313

I.是非題 15% 參考答案

1 O

2 O

3 X

4 O

5 X

II. 選擇題 50% 每題 5%

1 of 6 at

2 saying 7 from

3 and 8 for

4 preparing 9 around

5 in 10 out of

1. When Chinese New Year arrives, none of us has to look ____ a calendar to know that a very special time is upon us. (P 254)

2. His hats are his special characteristic. He must have quite a collection. They make him seem more lively, and different ____ other professors. (P 246)

3. A couple years ago, I wrote a newspaper column _____ the time of the American holiday Thanksgiving Day, and was surprised to receive several comments about it from readers. (P 236)

4. I have been so busy packing for the trip back home and _____ goodbye to people that I haven’t had time to buy any gifts yet for my family. (P 227)

5. I just could not go on. I felt so weak, ____ the pain had become very intense. (P 219)

6. Mr. Jefferson was far prouder of the University and his contributions to Virginia’s state Constitution than ______ having served as President up in Washington. (P 394)

7. Oh, she’s as strong as an ox. She was back on her feet _____ no time. (P 382)


國立空中大學 105 學年度上學期期末考試題【副參】23

科目:英文文選 2-2 頁

8. She is busy _____ preparing dinner. (P 378)

9. I am very sorry that got so _____ ______ hand. (P 372)

10. Sir, I am sorry, you and your children cannot sit at that table. It is reserved _____ another party. (P 369)

II. 選擇題 50% 每題 5% 參考答案

1 at 6 of

2 from 7 in

3 around 8 Preparing

4 saying 9 out of

5 and 10 for

III. 簡答題:請說明下列不定詞片語的功能 20% 每題 10%

1. To help my parents in their old age is my duty. (P 234)

參考答案 To help my parents in their old age 當主詞

2. His dream is to travel around the world. (P 233)

參考答案 to travel around the world 當補語

IV. 問答題 15%

Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.

His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail message.

請說明畫線部分的功能 (P 294)


who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida 形容詞子句修飾 man

and 連接 was on a business trip, was planning to meet him there the next day

When he reached his hotel 副詞子句修飾 decided to send
