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The Impact of Achievement Goals, Academic Frustration Experience, Academic Self-efficacy on Academic Frustration Toleran 廖秋華、翁淑緣


Academic year: 2022

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The Impact of Achievement Goals, Academic Frustration Experience, Academic Self-efficacy on Academic Frustration Toleran


E-mail: 9901104@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of achievement goals, academic frustration experience, academic self-efficacy on academic frustration tolerance. Sub-jects of 588 elementary students throughout Taiwan were selected through a stratified sampling method. The statistical methods used were descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation, regression analysis and structural equation modeling. The results were as follows: Most elementary students had higher ap-proach-mastery goal, academic frustration experience was moderate, academic self-efficacy and academic frustration tolerance were acceptable overall. There were significant gender differences in the approach-mastery goal and avoidance-mastery goal. Girls got higher average score than boys. For avoidance-mastery goal, different grades have significance difference and sixth graders are better than fifth graders. In addition, approach-mastery goal, approach-performance goal, and academic self-efficacy were positively related to academic frustration tolerance. Academic frustration experience, avoidance-performance goal are negatively correlated with academic frustration toler-ance. Path analyses showed that achievement goals influenced students’ academic frus-tration tolerance both directly as well as indirectly through the mediation of academic frustration experience and academic self-efficacy. Implications for education were dis-cussed and suggestions for future study were also proposed.

Keywords : achievement goals ; academic frustration experience ; academic self-efficacy ; academic frustration tolerance ; academic resilience

Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ...............

...... vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  .............

........ x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究動機與目的...

......... 1   第二節  研究問題............... 5   第三節  名詞解釋.....

.......... 6 第四節  研究範圍與限制............ 8 第二章  文獻探討........

......... 10   第一節  學業挫折容忍力之探討.......... 10   第二節  成就目標理論與 相關研究......... 24   第三節  學業自我效能理論與相關研究....... 40 第三章  研究方法.

................ 49   第一節  研究架構................ 49 第二節  研究 假設................ 50   第三節  研究對象................ 51   第四節   研究工具................ 52   第五節  研究程序............... 73    第六節  資料處理與統計方法.......... 76 第四章  研究結果................. 77   第一節  描述性統計分析............ 77   第二節  背景因素不同之國小學童在成就目標、學 業 挫折經驗、學業自我效能與學業挫折容忍力 的差異分析.............. 85   第三節  成就目標、

學業挫折經驗、學業自我效能與 學業挫折容忍力之相關分析....... 90   第四節  成就目標、學業挫折經驗

、學業自我效能對 學業挫折容忍力的迴歸預測分析..... 94   第五節  國小學童學業挫折容忍力路徑模式之驗 證. 103 第五章  結論與建議................ 110   第一節  結論............

..... 110   第二節  建議................. 121 參考文獻 .............

........ 126 附錄A  研究問卷................. 149 REFERENCES

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