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The Study of User Cooperative Knowledge Sharing in Blog: a Community Perspective 呂理賢、許晉龍


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of User Cooperative Knowledge Sharing in Blog: a Community Perspective 呂理賢、許晉龍

E-mail: 9706962@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Blogs have to accord with rich contents that provide the communities-supported function and link the relationship between blog users and users. In recent year, Blog community has developed, and the users share knowledge and post articles with common goal.

However, it was attend to blog community in few researches. Therefore, the purpose of study is to develop and validate the user behavior model which explains what influence blog community user sharing knowledge. The study applies the theory of planned behavior model with community perspective constructs to accurately predict the blog community user behavior. This study uses the method of PLS that result analysis reveals that group cohesiveness, trust, reputation, mutual influence, self-efficacy, and facilitating condition are positively related to intention to cooperative knowledge sharing. The result will provide further insights into blog community managers the decision that the blog of the trends and development.

Keywords : blog ; community ; knowledge sharing ; TPB

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ....................

.. iv 誌謝辭  ...................... v 內容目錄 .................

..... vi 表目錄  ...................... viii 圖目錄  .............

......... ix 第一章  緒論.................... 1   第一節  研究背景....

............ 1   第二節  研究動機................ 3   第三節  研究目的.

............... 4   第四節  研究流程................ 4 第二章  文獻探討

.................. 6   第一節  部落格社群............... 6   第二節   計畫行為理論.............. 25   第三節  社群凝聚力............... 32    第四節  信任.................. 34   第五節  聲譽.................

. 37   第六節  利他行為................ 39 第三章  研究模型與假說..........

..... 41   第一節  研究架構................ 41   第二節  研究假說.......

......... 43 第四章  研究方法.................. 48   第一節  研究程序...

............. 48   第二節  問卷設計................ 48   第三節  問卷收 集................ 51   第四節  統計分析方法.............. 52 第五章  實 證分析與結果............... 54   第一節  樣本基本資料分析............ 54    第二節  測量模型之信度及效度檢定........ 56   第三節  結構模型與研究假說之檢定.......

. 59 第六章  結論與建議................. 61   第一節  研究發現與結論........

..... 61   第二節  研究貢獻................ 63   第三節  研究限制.......

......... 64   第四節  後續研究及建議............. 64 參考文獻 .........

............. 65 附錄  問卷..................... 92 REFERENCES

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This study intends to bridge this gap by developing models that can demonstrate and describe the mechanism of knowledge creation activities from the perspective of

3 recommender systems were proposed in this study, the first is combining GPS and then according to the distance to recommend the appropriate house, the user preference is used

Community of practice provides a platform for knowledge workers to share, learn and discuss the knowledge related to a particular topic, thus, the performance of the community

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a model, named as the Interhub Heterogeneous Fleet Routing Problem (IHFRP), to deal with the route design

Therefore, this research paper tries to apply the perspective of knowledge sharing to construct the application model for the decision making method in order to share the

Therefore, a new method, which is based on data mining technique, is proposed to classify driving behavior in multiclass user traffic flow.. In this study, driving behaviors

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the hospitality students’ entrepreneurial intentions based on theory of planned behavior and also determine the moderating

In this study, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 2) is employed to explore the relationships among the constructs of the model and website usage behaviors to investigate