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Academic year: 2022

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(依姓氏筆劃排列) 余騰耀

王釿鋊 馬金玲 楊顯整薄懷照 張兆平


王邦蓉潘惠萍劉惠君 1995101日創刊

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2 2017






專訪城市插畫家 張柏舟



(FEW Nexus)

發展趨勢 與應用潛力





近年來我國面臨備用容量率和備轉容量率持續偏離最適值,且區域供電吃緊;再加上核 四封存、再生能源供電不穩定、天然氣來源與安全存量的不確定性,以及火力發電可能導致 的溫室氣體排放等因素,未來限電夢魘將如影隨形。有鑒於各界對未來能源危機之關切,本 社於今年 8 月 10 日召開「我國能源安全指標研討會」,財團法人台灣經濟研究院、行政院 原子能委員會核能研究所等國內重要能源政策智庫,分別於會中發表研究成果。此外,亦邀 集國內產官學研專家以圓桌論壇方式,分析目前國內能源現況及產業需求,並提出若干具體 的中長期政策,作為政府能源政策走向之建言。

水、糧食、能源向來都是全球探討的重要議題,若要解決問題,勢必要以糧食 - 能源 - 水鏈結進行整體思考。為了解三者間的競合關係,本社舉辦專題研討會與座談會,並出版「糧 食、能源、水資源鏈結 (FEW Nexus) 發展趨勢與應用潛力」專題報告。目前的研究多半重視 各鏈結問題,如量的平衡,偏向直接供給與消耗,事實上,間接消耗量亦必須納入考量。因此,




本社為增進在台修讀博、碩士學位之境外研究 生對台灣企業及環境有更多的認識,特別安排參訪 台灣優質企業之活動,實地了解企業之經營實況及 雙向交流討論;期使對台灣企業有更深入的瞭解,

進而提升境外生加入台灣企業的意願,同時協助企 業網羅優秀的國際人才,創造雙贏局面。

本社於2014 年首度試辦在台境外研究生企業

參訪活動,截至2016 年吸引來自 31 國約 210 名

境外研究生報名活動,累計共甄選出116 名境外研

究生參訪我國優良企業。今(2017) 年持續辦理「境

外研究生企業參訪」活動,共收到來自20 個國家、

19 所大學,143 位之境外生報名 ( 包括博士生 61

位及碩士生82 位 ) 角逐兩梯次共 60 位活動名額,


今年度第一梯次特別安排參訪在業界頗具盛 名、深具實力的五家優質企業,依參訪順序為東元

電機、士林電機廠( 重電廠 )、華城電機、宏全國

際( 無菌飲料廠 )、友嘉實業等 ( 股 ) 公司,以及

拜訪經濟部招商投資服務中心。透過參訪企業深入 介紹企業經營的理念、產品特色及核心價值,與雙 方的交流問答,以及帶領學員走訪廠區參觀實際運 作,讓學員打破書本的局限,讓課堂所學知識與實 際營運生產運作連結,從實務面拓展學員的視野,

預見未來進入企業的工作情況;企業除了可近距離 觀察參訪學員的個性及潛力,找到相互適配的優秀 人才之外,同時亦可藉此推廣,提高企業知名度。

本活動為加深學員對台灣風景及人文的感受及 體驗,特於第三天規劃不同面向的參觀行程,包括 921 地震教育園區、彩虹眷村及內灣合興車站等景 點,讓境外生感受台灣的真善美、以及對生活的認

真與對土地的憐惜。以下摘錄本梯次29 位同學參


CTCI Foundation was established in 1959 as a non-profit organization to serve the greater good

by training technical talents as well as improving industrial and national productivity. For international graduate students, CTCI Foundation has been arranging visits to Taiwan's prominent enterprises which are representative of their industries and also in need of international talents. The main goals of the visit are to foster a deeper understanding about prospects of Taiwan's corporations and working environments, and bring together positive interactions between corporations and international students. It is hoped that through learning business philosophy and vision of Taiwan's representative corporations and industry development, international students will make plans to pursue careers and join these corporation's in Taiwan so as to foster a win- win situation for all parties.

2014 had marked the first attempt of Enterprise Visit activity by CTCI Foundation. Up until 2016, a total of 210 international graduate students from 31 countries had applied for the activity, and a total of 116 graduate students have visited various representative corporations in Taiwan.

The tremendous effort by CTCI has gained a wide recognition and notice by both corporations as well as international graduate students. For the year of 2017, the Enterprise Visit activity received applications from a total of 143 distinguished graduate students from 20 different countries which are studying in 19 universities in Taiwan. In short, these 61 Ph.D students along with 82 Master students have to compete for just 60 available slots.

For Tier One of 2017 trip, the arrangement for enterprise visits includes TECO Electric

& Machinery Co., Shihlin Electric & Engineer Corporation, Fortune Electric Co., Ltd., Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co., Ltd., and Fair Friend

◤企劃暨工程科技室 楊顯整代主任˙鍾侑靜副管理師


The enterprise visit gives me a deeper understanding about the current Taiwanese industry.

The industry visit was interesting and it was informative to get to know the companies. For future visit, my suggestion is that companies could invite employees to share their working experiences and daily routines. They could also provide information on what kind of job opportunities and careers are available in their respective companies. I also liked the investment information session. I believe that few people, including myself, have considered this 愛德溫 Gamborino Castaneda Edwinn


臺灣大學 NTU 電機工程學系 碩士生

Enterprise Co., Ltd. All of these companies have developed great technological advancement and are representative of their industries. On the other hand, the governmental agency of InvesTaiwan Service Center walks students through investment options. It is hoped that through learning of vision, business philosophy, core value, and product strengths of corporations, Q&A session interaction, and actual walk-through of factory operation, these international graduate students can connect academic learning with actual industrial realities as well as operations in an effort to broaden their mindset and understanding. On another level, this also helps them to anticipate what actual working criteria and conditions might apply if they were working as the staffs. As for the corporations, they get to observe student participants' personalities and potentials in the matchmaking process. As corporations search for suitable candidates, they also get to promote reputation and brand names of their companies world-wide.

To help foster an understanding of Taiwan's beautiful scenery and local artistic developments, activities on the third day include special visits to Earthquake Museum of Taiwan, Taichung Rainbow Village, and Hexing Train Station. These sites represent aspects of Taiwan's natural beauties and the appreciation for the land that we live in. For now, let us refer to the feedbacks from 29 international graduate students from Tier One of 2017 trip.

opportunity. While in recent years it has become much more common for people to start their own business thanks to crowdsourcing platforms and startup incubators, it is well known that a startup is a very taxing, high-risk endeavor that few people are willing to take. Nonetheless, it is good to know that the Taiwanese government facilitates support for those that are willing to try. It would be better to have more information about how they can support us in moving to Taiwan and facilitate the process of getting a working visa. Personally, given the right conditions, and with a good idea, I might try in the future. Overall, I think it was a good experience, getting to know other foreign students, and sharing experiences and contacts which are both important to our professional development.

Originally, when I applied for the CTCI camp, I had anticipated to visit Asus Company as I wanted to see their innovation and technology. Due to schedule change by the camp, I was disappointed.

However, through the visit, my disappointment was replaced by the new discovery and new experience from visiting companies including TECO, Shihlin Electronic, Fortune Electric, Hon Chuan, and Fair Friend. These companies gave me a new perspective about Taiwanese company because all of them do great things with innovation and high technology. Fair Friend Group really surprised me the most while I was watching their presentation. The company has already taken over more than 100 machinery companies around the world. It is simply a big company with very high revenues. This changes my understanding of what big and well-known companies in Taiwan should be. Moreover, this camp gives me warm welcome and suggestions. The camp gives foreign students more opportunities to work in Taiwan. According to these visited companies, they have high potential to expand in global market, and are able to offer jobs to us who are non-Taiwanese citizens. My experience of finding jobs in Taiwan was difficult, because the job hunting websites are in Mandarin, and many companies do not need foreigners. This 鄭成利 Thanawat Tachasomboonsuk


元智大學 YZU 工業工程與管理學系 碩士生


I'm very grateful for this opportunity provided by CTCI Foundation. Until a few days ago, Taiwanese companies were a mystery to me, I have always wanted to know details such as how to get a job here, what industries are looking for foreigners, and how is the working environment, and what are the requirements for foreigners? This visit gave me a better perspective on how to get a job in Taiwan as a foreigner. At first, I thought finding a job in Taiwan as a foreigner will be a difficult task. However, after participating in this visit, I feel more confident that I can find a job here. With this trip I gained a better perspective on Taiwanese industries and their working culture. I was surprised that in every company, there is always a breast feeding room.

This shows they care about their female workers and provide a pleasant working environment for their employees. Also, it surprised me that most of the companies are very stable, growing at a fast pace as highly qualified companies with ISO 9001 and ISO 50001 standards. A suggestion for the companies is that during next visit, they can show the number of international employees working for them in the presentation. It was very inspiring to see a foreigner presenting products on behalf of Fair Friend Enterprise; I think this can be a good example for future visits. Another suggestion is for companies to include presentation on the kinds of incentives employees receive, rate and numbers of employee satisfaction, job openings, and contact information of HR manager.

During the three-day trip, I learnt about Taiwan's representative companies and their products introduction. These included: TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd., Shihlin Electric &

阮英俊 Nguyen Anh Tuan 越南 (Vietnam) 中興大學 NCHU 應用數學系 博士生

Engineering Co., Ltd., Fortune Electric Co., Ltd., Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co., Ltd., and Fair Friend Enterprise Co., Ltd. Throughout the visits, I realized that the demand of recruiting international students for Taiwan labor market is huge and I have many opportunities to find a job here.

Coincidently, in the past, I had already worked for CTCI Corporation ( 中 鼎 工 程 ) in Vietnam as a piping engineer. One of the most important targets of this trip is to find jobs for international students.

My suggestion is that, during the meeting with companies, it would be much better if the company staff could show more job openings which are available as well as the related qualifications for application. Thank you so much for the trip and support from the staffs. I hope to find a job soon and even get opportunity to work for the CTCI Corporation again.

I want to thank CTCI for providing three- day enterprise visits, which makes me feel so refreshed and satisfied. The trip not only brings me many memorable experiences, but also helps me to learn of Taiwan's working environment and job opportunities. We had visited five companies in total and the most interesting companies to me are TECO, FFE and THC respectively. These companies are all closely related to my study field and they are all looking for a cooperative business in Vietnam. TECO is famous for motor making, and now they are trying to make motor becoming smarter by applying AI or IoT within. FFE is well- known as precision tool making company which is so close to my former major of Automation.

THC surprised me with the up-to-date-automation manufacturing line. The other three companies of Shihlin, Fortune, and ITSC also enriched my experience and understanding about Taiwanese enterprise. Even though Shihlin and Fortune specialized in transformers maker, but they target different markets. ITSC interested me with their point-based salary payment and job lisiting website.

After the trip, I try to contact two companies for future job opportunities and I hope I could become one of the company members in the future. The trip 張琮鴻 Hung, Do Cong 越南 (Vietnam)

中正大學 NCCU 電機工程學系 碩士生 史茗艾 Miriam Aida Sibrian Bueso

宏都拉斯(Honduras) 元智大學 YZU 管院博士生

camp suggests another way to find jobs in Taiwan and also helps us to explore international Taiwanese companies that I did not know before. I would like to thank CTCI Foundation because of it.


桑德揚 Rajendran Soundararajan 印度 (India) 臺灣大學NTU 光電工程學研究所 博士生

It was my first enterprise visit in Taiwan. It is exciting to see such a small country can have a huge manufacturing industry. I did not know TECO is the largest manufacturer of motors and covers diversified fields of manufacturing on top of home appliances. As a physicist, I was glad to see the making of transformers from Shihlin and Fortune Electric Corporations. The technical staff explained information on transformers and its making very well. The visit to InvesTaiwan Service Center was important and much appreciated. As a foreigner, we should know important guidelines about working and starting business in Taiwan.

For the visit to Taiwan Hon Chuan, a packaging manufacturing company, I was surprised that only few technicians were there for beverage packaging.

Utilizing advanced machines and equipment, it was completely automated from start to finish.

The Fair Friend Group was my favorite company.

This company is the world's third largest machine tool manufacturer and has branches all over the world. Their monitoring of units and processes are really advanced given the use of current VR technology. If I get a chance, I would like to work in this industry to improve my skills. The visit to the earthquake museum was very useful to learn about earthquakes, building constructions in Taiwan, and safety guidelines. No one can stop natural disasters, but we can always work on precautions to ensure safety. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. We not only get to see different processes and machineries running live projects, but also learn about internships and job opportunities here.

The enterprise visit sponsored by CTCI SINGH, Haobijam B. K. 印度 (India)

台北科技大學 NTUT 電資學院外國學生專班 博士

Foundation provides a meaningful platform to explore new and efficient technologies, socialize with people with diversified cultures and ethnicities, and explore new possibilities for job seeking students. Every company discussed what they value and shared discoveries and technological applications of new craft, tools, and products. The one-on-one talk with experienced experts also helps students to understand various requirements for the depth of cooperation required beyond general school education. The special interest group session allows students to swap implementation tips or techniques and listen to descriptions of both proper and improper ways. Overall, it provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in a given area and shares important research advances in a field of special interest to participants. The best part of this journey is that every company shares their management practices amongst diverse Taiwanese technological companies, strategies on how to expand markets in new regions. They also provide job opportunities to foreign talents. This enterprise tour is of high quality and equally beneficial to each individual student. A suggestion for future visit is perhaps adding software companies on top of current IT and electric companies. This trip revealed significant information in our daily life which we never give importance to. Last but not least, my special thanks go out to CTCI Foundation for providing such a wonderful enterprise tour.

I think I was one of the luckiest students to get the opportunity to visit world-leading companies in Taiwan. As a PhD student for the last three years, I mainly focused on my lab work throughout these years. Because of this reason, even though Taiwan is a developed country now, I still did not know much about these companies. The trip was amazing and showed many job opportunities in Taiwan. As well, CTCI also helps me to open my eyes in the search for other job opportunities. It was one of the most fantastic trips I ever had in my life, I learnt a lot, and feel inspired and motivated. I appreciate support from other participants. Please continue this visiting program for future students.

Osman Ahmed Zelekew 衣索比亞 (Ethiopia) 台灣科技大學 NTUST 材料科學與工程系 博士生 also gives me a chance to meet new friends from

the world. We shared stories with each other, and it is interesting to get to know various perspectives from friends with different personalities. I believe that we will have a positive network in the future.


It was my pleasure to attend this amazing enterprise visit activity by CTCI. By joining this program, I have learned many things. There are abundant opportunities of expatriate works with many of Taiwan's big companies. The contribution of foreigners helps to develop the economy. As well, there are guidelines to be followed to fulfill some requirements to become a professional worker here.

The enterprise tour allowed us to get first-hand experience to see the real working atmosphere in the companies of TECO, Shihlin, Fortune, Hon Chuan, and Fair Friend Enterprise. I met many great international talents in Taiwan, as they are not only smart in their field of studies, but also speak English fluently as well as Mandarin. I just realized the importance of mastering Mandarin language can be beneficial for my future career. Therefore, it motivated me to improve my Mandarin proficiency.

Originally, I had planned to go back to my country after finishing study at National Central University.

But, through the visit, I realized many new opportunities were given to me, including working in Taiwan. I now have reasons to strengthen my ability after joining this event now. Thanks to CTCI Foundation for the kind and friendly guidance. Not only did I learn many things, but I also enjoyed this trip so much. CTCI Foundation is great at sponsoring this activity, and I hope this activity can be well known by all international students in Taiwan.

During the July trip, we visited five big companies in Taiwan. TECO is one of the top electric motors manufacturers in Taiwan which specializes in manufacturing electric motors for more than 52 years. Taiwan has a good prospect in manufacturing industry with Shihlin Electric and Fortune Electric, known as two great manufacturers of electric and power transformers. Hon Chuan produces packaging for beverage products, including plastic bottles, bottle caps, and labels.

Fica Aida N. Aini 印尼 (Indonesia) 長庚大學 CGU 機械工程學系 碩士生


自14 國 15 校的同學一起參訪企業、遊覽臺灣的

美麗風景。首先,感謝中技社盡心盡力的安排行程 與照顧每位學員,讓來自不同國家的同學們的食住 行都感到舒適,也盡最大可能尊重每個人的飲食風

俗。其次,我們參觀了5 家公司:東元電機、士林

電機、華城電機、宏全國際和友嘉集團,每一家公 司都很熱心的接待我們,講解公司的發展史、主要 產品及核心技術等。印象最深刻的莫過於參訪生產 工作間,學習行業專業相關知識,也瞭解未來發展 趨勢,豐富了自己的知識。非常感謝每家公司專業 人員,在酷暑和嘈雜的廠房裡耐心的講解及一一解 答問題。最後,感謝同行的同學,彼此尊重對方的 習慣,愉快的進行交流,觀念碰撞,讓我獲益甚多。

這次的活動非常成功,希望之後會陸續舉辦這樣具 有意義的活動,促成更深廣的交流!

雷瑊 Lei Jian 中國 (China)

清華大學 NTHU 化學工程學系 博士生

The three-day CTCI Foundation trip in July 2017 has been an enriching experience. I have learnt much about manufacturing business in the energy sector in Taiwan. Shihlin Electric impressed me much with their warm reception and presentation. Another company, Hon Chuan, was impressive as well. The Hon Chuan's HR presenter especially provided concrete job 森亞博 Kostadinov Yavor Asenov 奧地利 (Austria) 淡江大學 TU 國際事務與戰略研究 博士生

Some of the major customers include Coca Cola, Pepsi, Uni-President and so on. Fair Friend Group (FFG) is Taiwan's largest machine tool maker. And we also visit one governmental sector, InvesTaiwan Service Center (ITSC), which offers free service for foreigners who want to work or invest in Taiwan. It is such a wonderful trip that we get to learn about Taiwan's companies growing from scratch to the top of where they are now. As a foreigner student in Taiwan, I am interested in joining one of these companies when they offer vacancies matching my personal abilities. My suggestion for companies is to include more information about the job openings since the main purpose is to help Taiwan's companies recruit international talents.

阿芭特 Alfonsina Abat 印尼 (Indonesia) 中央大學 NCU 化工與材料工程學系 碩士生


Mansour Jawida 巴勒斯坦 (Palestinian Territories) 交通大學 NCTU 人文社會科學 碩士生

Taiwanese enterprise trip as sponsored by CTCI is a unique experience to me in different aspects. First of all, I would not be given such chance to get to know the companies that we visited without this trip. I admire all the hard work I have seen from all of these companies. As a person coming from developing country, this is really an eye-opening experience to see what the future could be like by working step by step through people's commitment. Secondly, I learned presentation skills from the representatives at those companies, they are professionals in that they used trend notions in management and marketing. As well, the 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan is very informative and I learnt a lot about this tragic disaster. My thesis was about museum development and I am interested to see good examples and lessons that I can share with colleagues and this one was very helpful. Another amazing thing about this trip is meeting lovable people from different countries and forming new friendships. I truly wish to come back as an employee in the future.

I would like to thank CTCI Foundation, and the organizers and those who were managing the visit from beginning to the end for their fantastic well-organized and kind treatment. The impact and important learning from the visit are summarized below. Social interaction:During the visits, I communicated with many participants as a way to Ejigu Assamen Ayalew 衣索比亞 (Ethiopia)

台灣科技大學 NTUST 光電工程研究所 博士生

To begin with, I would like to thank CTCI Foundation so much for providing this opportunity.

As the Indian proverb says, “cultivating good thoughts into someone's mind is not only for their growth, but also for all over the world”, this enterprise visit helps us to see a different domain.

Aside from learning culture of Taiwan, we also met new friends to form good relationship from the trip. As well, we got to see new approaches for technological breakthrough in these companies.

The visit has provided five different kinds of company and one governmental organization, productions, and infrastructures. We have learned new technologies with new perspective. This attracted everyone to seek employment in Taiwan, as everyone wants to work with a well-respected organization. From this trip, I personally liked and wanted to work for companies such as TECO and FFG. I appreciate the hospitality as well as enterprise visit opportunity from CTCI.

Sathesh Tamilarasan 印度 (India)

台北科技大學 NTUT 製造科技研究所 碩士生 learn new experiences from new friends. Learning about Taiwanese enterprises:After the visit, I learnt that these Taiwanese companies are great in quality product and worldwide market. I also understood that strong motivation, passions, teamwork and cooperation are typical characteristics of Taiwanese companies. The information learning from TECO, FFG, THC are very impressive. An important note is that, I decided to work in Taiwan after my gradation because I believe Taiwan is the right place where you can find co-existence of peace, passion, hard work, and science in business practice. Science and technology:I think that science and technology of Taiwan should be a role model for other countries, especially for developing countries like my country.

All high quality products in Taiwan indicate that Taiwan is using the modern science and technology properly. I believe the people of Taiwan have a special contribution to the world. I love Taiwan and I will tell people that Taiwan is a lovely country wherever I travel to. To sum up, the 2017 CTCI enterprise visit was successful and it changes my mentality deeply.

vacancies. My personal suggestion is that, the selection of companies could be more polarized, so as to cover wider variety of industries. I was a bit disappointed that this visit did not include notebook makers because Taiwanese notebook producers are internationalized and hold majority stake in the global market. Overall, the trip was interesting, enriching, and positive. I would strongly recommend CTCI Foundation to my students in the future.

Please accept my sincere gratitude!


柯昀君 Killian Brittany 美國 (United States) 臺灣大學 NTU 公共衛生學系 碩士生

Thank you so much for providing enterprise visit activity. It was interesting and I felt excited to meet friends from different countries, cultures, and traditions. While I have studied about Industry 4.0 in university, I acquired new knowledge when I could see factory operation up close and personal.

Taiwan is known for its manufacturing industry.

Through this visit, I realized Taiwan is also quite developed with high tech, Industry 4.0, and green industries.

To Thanh Thu 越南 (Vietnam)

虎尾科技大學 NFU 工業管理系 碩士生

Thanks much to the CTCI Foundation and staff for organizing this trip and providing a wonderful experience for foreign students! In my opinion, it is already a good thing that foundations such as CTCI are proactive in organizing these trips and encouraging foreign students to stay in Taiwan after graduation. Many foreigners that I have met in Taiwan are under the impression that Taiwan, in general, does not provide a welcoming work environment for foreigners. Trip such as this shows that there are government entities that are working to make it more welcoming for international talents. Because none of the companies were related to my field of study, I did not get the chance to make work connections on this trip. I would recommend either making sure the trip includes a variety of companies, or targeting the trips for specific majors (i.e. engineering, marketing, sales, business). For example, the first trip could be for the aforementioned majors, and the second trip could be for other students from different degrees and interests.

The company visit provides opportunity for international graduate students studying in Taiwan universities, to develop practical experience and get first-hand information for running industry- based researches. It also helps to connect students to high-tech companies with recruitment needs for international talents. TECO's high standard technology with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates as well as energy efficiency certificates makes me want to have such TECO branches in my home country too. Shihlin Electric

& Engineer Corporation manufactures electrical and power transformers, switch gear, controls and automotive electrical devices. Every year, it goes through design re-development and market enhancement for continuous improvement.

Fortune Electric makes products similar to those of Shihlin Corporation. THC Company specializes in packaging automation. As we have seen from the trip, it is going beyond labor-intensive stage and working to be environmental friendly. Fair Friend Enterprise Corporation is a wonderful company that Girma, Wubshet Mekonnen 衣索比亞 (Ethiopia) 台灣科技大學 NTUST 化學工程研究所 博士生

My thanks go out to the CTCI Foundation and staff for organizing this 2017 enterprise visit. At first, I am eager to learn about how these leading companies operate in Taiwan, as well as how they run factories. Unlike pictures from textbooks, products in different industries are carefully designed, planned, and then manufactured through production stages as the end products. As I am still trying to connect my research to real business model, the 3-day enterprise visit is really inspiring as it gives me precise pictures to build up my own business in Taiwan, and motivates me to conduct my research more actively. My suggestion is that perhaps we could consider visiting two more companies on the third day. And it might help to include nano technology or biotech industries on the visit list, aside from manufacturing giants, since this might be quite interesting to participants. Other than that, information from InvesTaiwan is helpful and insightful.

Namkhaidorj Galkhuu 蒙古 (Mongolia) 東華大學 NDHU 企業管理學系 碩士生

engages in machine tool, PCB, industry equipment, and green energy businesses. Generally speaking, the trip was successful with wonderful memories.

Industrial visit activity created possibility for having a job in Taiwan, which I am looking forward to after graduation. My personal suggestion is perhaps we could increase the number of participants in the future. Since many students want to join the visit and work in Taiwan, but do not have such opportunity yet.


Vinothkumar Jeganathan 印度 (India) 台灣科技大學 NTUST 電子工程系 博士生

I enjoyed the visit very much and appreciated the opportunity and hospitality from CTCI. The enterprises and dedication from the CTCI team are impressive, and this makes me think the Taiwanese society is special. My comment for future visit is that, while all companies are great for this trip, as I am studying in field of Biotechnology, it might be helpful to add some biotech companies. As I heard, the government of Taiwan places a great effort on biotech and biomedical industries. I will look forward to hearing future information or update from CTCI. I really appreciated the opportunity and thank you for Kefyalew Dagnew ADDISU 衣索比亞 (Ethiopia) 台灣科技大學 NTUST 應用科技研究所 博士生 游翰思 Yohanes Hutabalian 印尼 (Indonesia)

清華大學 NTHU 化學工程系 碩士生

The CTCI enterprise visit of 2017 helps me to know more about the prospect of working and establishing career in Taiwan. We have visited five companies, most of them play important role in industrial productions. For example, TECO's motor products such as air conditioners and other kinds of motors are mostly used in Taiwan. Moreover, these companies’ products are exported to places around the world. Some of their branches and sales offices are not only in Taiwan, but also in other countries. During the factory tour, we were guided and explained about how products were designed and produced from beginning to the end with a chance for up close and personal observation during the process. All company staffs welcomed us to join their company as foreigners who would be graduating from universities in Taiwan. Although

劉媛 中國 (China)

清華大學 NTHU 材料科學工程學系 碩士生 感謝中技社規劃安排這次境外生企業參訪活 動,讓我們有機會了解一些台灣的國際企業,了解 沒有機會接觸到的領域,收獲新經驗及新知識,結 交新朋友,品嚐當地特色料理,參觀新打卡景點,


這次參訪特別安排了三家不同的電機廠參觀,通過 連續參觀兩家生產變壓器的電機廠,使我對變壓器 的製備和構造有了更進一步的了解,從課本中的 理論圖走出對應實際的設備,一開始還覺得有些抽 象,但在每家企業的工作人員詳細介紹後慢慢地開 始理解了機器每個部分的功能和作用。除了電機 廠,我們還參觀了宏全公司自動化飲料的塑膠包裝 過程,和友嘉集團的機械零件產品,都受益匪淺。

最後一天下午的大雨是旅程的小遺憾,但不會影響 我對整體行程的正向評價。真心推薦中技社企業參 訪活動,真的很棒!

I was not interested in a few of the companies, the visit itself was still a valuable experience in my life.

All of these companies care about employees’

welfare, environmental friendliness, and efficient management. After my graduation in 2018, I will try to find a job in Taiwan as my first career. There is also a good possibility that perhaps I can still work with one of those companies’ subsidiary in my country of Indonesia. The third day sightseeing arrangement is also one of my favorite parts about this trip. In these three days, I met new friends who are very talented and I will keep in touch with them.

The three day trip was a great experience for me to learn what job opportunities are available in Taiwan, and the criteria for foreigners to be recruited by these companies. I was pleased to learn about options which are available to international students.

As well, I got to meet people coming from different countries and cultures. Unlike movies, the trip gave me the real time exposure at factory. It is my first time experiencing advanced technology of Industry 4.0 with virtual reality. I am much impressed by Shihlin Electrics, Fair Friend Group and THC. I learned a lot of practical ideas about transformer manufacturing and other interesting things. The session at ITSC with the government agents helped to clarify many previous doubts we had about VISA process, permit, and other formalities. I was worried about my career before attending the visit, but now I am feeling somewhat relaxed that a lot of options are available for international students. It would be nice to learn which students benefitted from the enterprise visit. I am very thankful to the CTCI Foundation for the wonderful arrangement. Please kindly continue this type of enterprise visit activity for international students.


The enterprise visit was great. The companies on the list are big and famous. The company HR also introduced these corporations in a clear and easy way to all foreign participants. The itinerary for last day was awesome. Visiting earthquake museum was an interesting activity and it really opened my eyes to a new kind of domain as I acquired new-found knowledge about earthquakes.

As well, the rainbow village is as beautiful as a memorable place for visitors. A personal thought is that, perhaps CTCI Foundation can provide some snacks such as biscuits or breads for the first day when student group gathers together. I will recommend this activity to all my friends and juniors, to take part for next visit, thanks!

林方馨 Lim Fang Shin 馬來西亞 (Malaysia) 臺灣師範大學 NTNU 數學研究所 碩士生

gave detail information regarding company's vast operations. Their virtual factory setup, real-time monitoring of facilities abroad and fully connected online management system were very remarkable.

To be a mechanical engineer, there were a lot to learn in the plant. For students looking for research- based jobs, the corporations could consider including an introduction to their R&D projects.

Having a visit to R&D facility would help us gain an understanding of the research environment in the industry. This trip has given me a valuable glimpse into Taiwanese industry that could potentially affect my future career direction.

“The product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap”(Aaron Levie, co-founder of Box). From the enterprise visit, we learn about

“real business” and engineering management through observation of operation of the company and plant. It is a practical opportunity to learn about factory production and work-related opportunities and information. One of the leading manufacturers of power-related products, Fortune Electric Corporation, is committed to connect worker and 習顯恬 Siti Sulikhah 印尼 (Indonesia)

台灣科技大學 NTUST 電子工程學系 碩士生 The company personnel of TECO were

friendly. Their presentation was very helpful in providing a comprehensive overview of the company operations. At InvesTaiwan Service Center, the presentation given by the hosts was informative and helpful to foreigners. Besides giving information for entrepreneurs looking to invest in Taiwan, the center could also try to include information on how to go about initiating startup and fund-raising in Taiwan. At Shihlin Electric, the representatives of the company gave a good explanation of the ongoing manufacturing processes and answered technical queries proficiently. The representative from Fortune Electric gave a very good presentation and the visit through the transformer manufacturing plant was a very useful learning experience. At Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise, the presentation was useful in providing us with a good idea of company operations. At Fair Friend Enterprise, the presentation was professional, impressive and Syed Ahmad Raza 巴基斯坦 (Pakistan)

台灣科技大學 NTUST 機械工程學系 博士生

本次企業參訪中對宏全的in-house 創新商業

模式帶來的思維衝擊和印象最為深刻,與理工科領 域常接觸到的技術為王的思路不同,宏全以外延思 維連結上下游,化繁為簡,減少對接環節成本,創 造了雙贏,在密切合作關係的基礎上,進一步拓 展了自身的業務版圖。在技術以外還有更廣闊的 世界,這是宏全給我最大的啟示。第三天的觀光,

徜徉在彩虹眷村的美好中,我想到的是,你的價值 具備不可替代性,這個世界將為你保留一片天地。


英文口說有打通任督二脈之感。返校歸舍,我的印 度室友聽完我的見聞,扼腕於當時沒有留意到中技 社的活動資訊,建議在經費允許的狀況下,可適當

投入諸如FB 等新媒介平臺的經營,一者提升這項

活動在青年族群中的傳播效率,二者可在平臺上即 時發布活動照片等,令貴社的公益形象更為鮮活親 切。三日一別,餘韻未了,好懷念跟大家在一起的 三天。

吳劍遠 中國 (China)

清華大學 NTHU 材料科學工程學系 博士生 the hospitality and support for the foreign students.


TECO Electric and Machinery impresses me much as it is a big manufacturer of all kinds of motors from big sized industrial machineries to small sized electrical appliances. InvesTaiwan Service Center:It provides a very useful platform as matchmaker between job seekers and companies.

Shihlin Electric & Engineer:The factory visit gives me a new perspective for Taiwanese manufacturing factories. The one that impresses me the most is the size of transformers. It could be produced with large scale used for wind turbine. The company does not always depend on machines, as it still needs workers to do some parts of the work.

Fortune Electric is my favorite company, since the factory is large, clean, and well-organized which specialized in production of big transformers. This is my first time to see large transformers, and learn that in order to ship to overseas customers, the biggest transformers must be sent in parts.

However, for the transformer's core, it must be well- sealed with waterproof materials and it is impossible to dismantle and send in parts. The visit gives me 岑宛珊 Silvia Jocunda 印尼 (Indonesia)

成功大學 NCKU 建築系 碩士生

TECO is a great and the largest manufacturer of heavy power in Taiwan. It manufactures high performance motors as main products and has a global market share in more than 30 countries.

InvesTaiwan Service Center, a government agency, helps companies in needs of international talents to recruit and also provide consulting services.

ITSC representative demonstrated the online registration procedure and explained the steps to apply for a working permit. Shihlin Electric focuses on manufacturing power-related products, such as vehicle electric equipment, heavy power products, industrial products, and automation equipment. Fortune Electric is a leading domestic power transformer manufactures; Hon Chuan manufactures integrated beverage packaging; FFG is the third largest CNC machine tool maker with three major divisions of business, such as machine tool, industry equipment, and green energy division.

My favorite company is FFG, because of the brilliant strategy by CEO Jimmy Chu to merge many companies in order to expand production scales and market shares in the world. Specifically, FFG implements high technology on their products as complicated as airplane wings and components of High Speed Rail. And for the last day, we travelled to the Rainbow Village located in Taichung. It is a state-of-art, rainbow grandpa paints on the house wall and the street with colorful cute pictures from flowers, trees, birds to a variety of other animals.

I hope CTCI Foundation will continue organizing meaningful and enjoyable trip like this.

Eka Adi Prasetyo J.P. 印尼 (Indonesia) 台灣科技大學 NTUST 電子工程學系 博士生 a new perspective on how transformer is being produced in a professional and great factory like this in Taiwan. Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise:When I see this company's production process, it is high tech and specialized in mass production of different kinds of beverages in bottles. Fair Friend Enterprise has many kinds of production uses for machinery and transportation. It also applies high tech system to organize and run metal production such as transformers. It is truly an unforgettable enterprise visit activity I ever participated.

industry 4.0, as well as carefully balance operations, profitability and sustainable development. On the other hand, Shihlin Electric has successfully signed a long-term exclusive contract with leading American manufacturers to represent their interests in vehicle electrical equipment. In addition, it is also an important supplier of Taipei 101. Both of these are collaborated under guidance of Taiwan Power Company (TPC). As well, Fair Friend Group (FFG) is consisted of CNC machine tool factory with Green Energy development. This company has created intelligent machine tools with concepts of “new”,

“renewable”, and “energy”. To provide the best products and services, TECO Corporation is on the cutting edge of renewable energy technology to help change the world. The InvesTaiwan Service Center (ITSC) offers an integrated window to provide more business-friendly services and attract international firms to invest in Taiwan. This system is the result of coordination mechanism and joint effort by various county governments.


近年面臨核四封存、既有核電廠屆齡除 役、火力電廠設廠困難、再生能源無法穩定供 電、國際能源價格波動與溫室氣體排放等內外 挑戰。本社本著公益法人的立場,鑒於各界對 於國內能源情勢之關心,嘗試建構一套能夠對 於能源供應、需求及基礎設施情況進行綜合評 估的指標系統,做為政府檢討能源相關政策的 參考依據,協助國家達成能源供需穩定、經濟 持續活絡、社會永續發展的願景。

此項議題由國立中央大學管理講座教授 梁啟源博士擔任主持人,並由本社研究成員 與財團法人中華經濟研究院的專家學者共組 團隊進行「共同研究」。以世界能源理事會 (World Energy Council,以下簡稱 WEC) 的「能 源供應安全之風險與脆弱度的衡量(Security of Energy Supply Indicators for Measuring Vulnerability and Risk)1」作為基礎架構,建構 一套考量我國能源經濟情況特性的本土化能源 安全脆弱度。

本議題自去(105)年度初步完成脆弱度 的試編工作,而今(106)年度更強化此指標 對於過往重大政治、經濟、能源情勢變化的捕 捉能力,並於8 月 10 日召開一場「我國能源 安全指標研討會」2,會中除了邀請財團法人 台灣經濟研究院、行政院原子能委員會核能研 究所等國內重要能源政策智庫分別發表研究成 果之外,另以圓桌論壇之方式,邀集國內產官 學研專家分析目前國內能源現況及產業需求,

並提出政府能源政策走向之建言。以下將簡述 本團隊所建構之台灣能源安全脆弱度的研究成 果,與讀者分享。

國際能源署(International Energy Agency) 定義能源安全(Energy Security) 為「在可負擔 的價格下能夠不間斷地取得能源」,且能源安 全包含許多面向。長期下之能源安全主要在於

一、 WEC「能源供應安全之風險與脆弱


伴隨經濟發展與永續環境所需,及時增加能源 供給,而短期內之能源安全則著重於能源系統 在供需平衡中迅速應對突發性變化的能力。世 界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)所定義 的能源安全,則是指「在可承受的價格之下,

能有可靠、穩定和可持續的能源供應,並透過 全球合作來有效地實現」。

而WEC 自 2008 年起與歐盟合作,進行 歐盟成員國能源風險的衡量,其基礎架構參考 Frondel 等人 (2009)3之方法學概念來衡量能源 風險,特點包括:考量一國各類燃料供給中自 產的貢獻、進口份額及燃料出口國之供應中斷 機率,即著重於相對稀少性;其重點在於量化 長期能源供給風險,數值反應潛在的化石燃料 進口損失,換言之,此指標可被歸類為資源脆 弱度或實體可取得性的指標。

然而,Frondel 等人(2009)之方法學,

僅著重供給面的變化,並未能充分考量需求面 的情況,故有視能源需求為外生給定的限制,




第一層為初級能源供應風險,考量不同能源的 進口依存度、自產能源占初級能源供應比重、

能源多樣性和能源進口來源國的供給中斷風 險;第二層則考量電力和天然氣等基礎建設的 品質和可靠度;第三層則納入消費端對能源 風險影響,例如消費端可透過增加能源使用效 率,促使能源使用與經濟成長脫勾等,可減緩 能源危機帶來的潛在影響。

依據WEC(2010)的架構和概念,初級 能源供應風險主要衡量煤、油、天然氣、鈾及 其他初級能源之進口概況,以及各類能源之進 口分散程度和各進口來源國之政治風險程度,


在天然氣基礎設施中,主要考量第一層當中之 天然氣供給風險,以及國內天然氣儲存能力,



簡而言之,WEC 將國家能源安全依能源 供應、能源基礎設施和最終能源消費等面向進 行系統性分析,可深入解析一國能源風險更為 細緻的變化成因,且其指標所需資料亦能符合 公開透明、具可信度、具延續性、完整性等相 關原則。本研究考量台灣為獨立電網,更需 重視基礎設施端之風險變化,故本研究選擇了 WEC 之能源風險及脆弱度作為分析我國能源 安全程度之架構,並在此基礎上進行本土化的 試編工作。

台灣能源經濟脆弱度係由初級能源供應脆 弱度(PEV)、基礎設施脆弱度(IV)和最終 能源消費脆弱度(EEV)所組成。本研究考量 我國電力系統屬於獨立電網,並未對外連接的 特性,進一步調整基礎設施風險衡量項目,調 整後之架構如圖1 所述,並說明方法學如後。

二、 「台灣能源經濟脆弱度」本土化方 法學

其中,xi=(xid,xi1,…,xij,…,xiJ ) 表示一國能源 進口占比之矩陣;其中xij表示自j 國進口 i 類 能源占本國i 類能源總供應占比;xid代表i 類 能源於國內自產之比率。R 為能源出口國政經 穩定度的風險矩陣;rj即能源由來源地j 供應 之風險指標,而rd為自產能源之供應風險,原 則上以0 計算。各類初級能源的項目則包括了 煤、石油、天然氣、鈾及再生能源(含其他)

等初級能源。另外,本指標所引用的各進口來 源國的政經風險,係根據OECD 所建構的政 經風險指數(OECD Political Risk)每半年定 期發布的數據;並考量各進口能源來源國的集 中或分散情形。

若某一類能源過於集中自少數國家進口 時,顯示該類能源的進口來源不夠多元化,容 易產生較高風險,假使各進口來源國的政經風 險又偏高,則對一國之該類能源初級供給風險 更為嚴峻。反之,假使進口來源國的政經風險 較低,則即使進口來源雖屬集中,但因進口來


1 調整後之本土化能源脆弱度衡量細部架構圖


14 2017 AUTUMN 123

源供應占比向量,亦即w1+…+wI=1。Π 為各類 能源供應脆弱度矩陣;本矩陣的對角線 πii 即 為PEVi,故

值得注意的是,在原始WEC 的架構之中,

PEV 係從 PEVi以i 類能源供應量占該國總能 源供應「占比平方」為權數計算而得。然而,

後述之基礎設施面的電力生產結構風險及最終 能源消費面的最終能源消費結構風險所採用之 權數,係以i 類能源占該國總發電量「占比」,

及i 類能源占該國最終能源消費量「占比」,

故出現不一致狀況。本研究經數次專家諮詢會 後,決定採取一致的權數設計,以各類初級能 源供應「占比」取代「占比平方」作為權數。

( 二 ) 基礎設施面 1. 備用容量率負偏離度

其 中,PRMt (Percent Reserve Margin) 為 備 用 容 量 率 實 績。 ORM (Optimal Percent Reserve Margin) 為 最 適 備 用 容 量 率, 設 為 15%。公式前項代表資源閒置,後項代表備用 不足。λ1及 λ2為權數,目前分別設為0 與 1,


備用容量率衡量電力系統發電端供電可靠 度。備用容量率如果低於最適值,則可靠度下 降,甚至限電。故若負偏離度愈高,代表系統 出現限電的可能性越高。

2. 備轉容量率負偏離度

其中,PORt (Percent Operating Reserve) 為 備 轉 容 量 率 實 績。OOR(Optimal Percent Operating Reserve) 為最適備轉容量率,設為 10%。公式前項代表資源閒置,後項代表備用 不足。λ1及 λ2分別設為0 與 1。

其中,i=N, M, S。公式前項代表供大於需,

後項代表需大於供。λ1及 λ2分別設為0 與 1,


我國電網分北、中、南三區,區域內應維 持發電與用電相當為最佳,若區域內發電不足 以供應用電需求時,須透過跨區輸電幹線輸送 電力支援。故負偏離度愈高表示各區域內電力 供需愈不均衡,區域間電力輸送壓力較高。

4. 與他國電網連接負偏離度

其中,最適連接度依據歐盟的建議設為 10%。λ1及 λ2分別設為0 與 1,亦即僅考慮 我國與他國電網連接度低於歐盟建議最適值的 風險。

我國的供電系統孤立,無法藉助鄰國輸電 進行供需調節,故若負偏離度愈高表示電力系 統自立求生的壓力越大。迄今我國與他國電網 並聯度為0,壓力最高,若未來我國電網能與 他國連接,將可降低風險。

5. 負載率

平均負載t ⁄ 尖峰負載t

其中,分子為特定時間內( 日、月、年 ) 平均每小時之輸出電力。例:全年發電量除以 8760 小時 ( 一年小時數 ),分母則為特定時間 內每小時輸出電力之最高值。

一般而言,負載率代表設備利用率,越 高越好。但因為負載率具有極值(100%),若 太過接近極值,代表所有機組都處於高運轉狀 態,若電力需求突增,將容易導致跳電。另外,

和主要國家比較,我國的負載率極高,代表未 來再進行負載轉移的空間所剩無幾,故以此指 標捕捉負載轉移空間餘裕降低的風險。


率越高,從取得至消耗所經歷的天數越少,故 也代表存貨管理效率越好。然而,由於液化天 然氣載運船若在入港前後遇到颱風,須因安全 因素遠離待命。引此,若天然氣進口來源中斷 可撐天數小於3 天,台灣即有可能因為颱風因 素而斷氣。故以此月周轉次數捕捉天然氣進口 來源中斷下可撐天數降低的風險。

7. 電力生產結構風險 ∑i Si×PEVi

電力生產結構風險受一國各類能源發電 量占總發電量比重(Si)和各類發電燃料所對 應之PEVi而定。若發電組合集中於某一發電 技術,且該發電技術所對應的能源供給風險偏 高,將使電力生產結構風險較大,因此需藉由 多元化和分散化方式來降低可能風險。

( 三 ) 最終能源消費面 1. 能源價格


其中,Pi為標準化後的煤、油、氣國際價 格、再生能源(含水力)發電成本、核能發電 成本(含核後端成本)。Si為依據煤、油、氣 與電力占最終能源消費結構比重,以及煤、油、

氣、再生能源(含水力)、核能占發電結構比 重,所計算的煤、油、氣、再生能源、核能的 結構占比。

本指標捕捉能源進口成本、各類再生能源 發電成本、核能發電成本(含核後端成本)的 變化對於能源用戶使用能源的壓力增減幅度。

2. 能源密集度

最終能源消費量t ⁄ 實質國內生產毛額t

本指標表示我國的能源使用效率。數值越 低代表能源使用效率越高,當能源使用越有效 率時,可提高能源用戶因應能源價格上漲的能 力,進而減少能源消費脆弱度。

3. 最終能源消費結構脆弱度 EEV= ∑ S×EEV

( 四 ) 標準化與權重

為了解決不同指標具有不同單位與數值範 圍的問題,WEC(2010)原依據歐盟議會所 建議的方法進行標準化,也就是指標q 在地區 c 及時間 t 的標準化值 ,等於該指標之 原始值 減去其最小值之後,再除以其最 大值與最小值的差(亦即全距);但此標準化 方式可能因新資料加入,改變原序列極值,產 生全部回溯的情況,使結果不具一致性,加上 部份數值經標準化後,可能其標準化值未能顯 現原水準值代表之風險意涵。例如某一指標在 特定時點下之原始數值為整個時間序列資料最 小值時,則在標準化後將為0,造成原始數值 的風險因標準化後歸零的缺點,故本文將標準 化方式加以修改,參見下式:

其中,Top 為歷史最高點;Base 值則直 接設為0。指標標準化後進行加總時,則採由 下往上的方式(Bottom-Up),由最底層的次 指標開始計算,向上加總成主指標。此外,再 視指標性質,分別採用能源進口占比平方、初 級能源占比、發電占比、最終能源消費占比及 固定等分權重的方式來設定權重。

能源,風險程度越高,若能源消費的品項越分 散,則能源消費的來源風險越低。

三、 編制結果

本研究建構之台灣能源經濟脆弱度涵蓋了 1990 年第 1 季至 2017 年第 2 季的數據,編制 結果摘述如下:

( 一 ) 初級能源供應脆弱度

1990 年因伊拉克入侵科威特,使得當時 我國原油供應風險偏高,直到波灣戰爭結束之 後,才逐漸回降。2000 年後,中東地區雖偶 有緊張情事,但OECD 仍調降阿曼、科威特 等中東國家之國家風險,促使我國原油進口風 險漸次降低。此外,早期我國煤的進口來源國



阿曼、汶萊與埃及等國),降低我國天然氣供 應風險。不過,2017 年 6 月,卡達遭到中東 各國斷交,政經風險可能因而增加,值得後續 關注(如圖2 所示)。


2017 年第二季脆弱度則小幅上升至 32.46(如 圖4 所示)。然而,由於屬於類自產能源之核 能發電占比持續降低,天然氣進口漸次攀升,

我國未來總初級能源供應脆弱度將更容易受到 天然氣供應風險變化影響。

0 20 40 60 80 100

1990Q1 1991Q2 1992Q3 1993Q4 1995Q1 1996Q2 1997Q3 1998Q4 2000Q1 2001Q2 2002Q3 2003Q4 2005Q1 2006Q2 2007Q3 2008Q4 2010Q1 2011Q2 2012Q3 2013Q4 2015Q1 2016Q2

4 初級能源供應脆弱度(1990 年第 1 季 ~2017 年第 2 季)

2 我國初級能源進口結構與進口國風險


3 我國初級能源結構


資料來源:Country Risk Classification(OECD),本研究繪製。


助於增加天然氣安全存量天數,進而有效降低 基礎設施脆弱度。然而,近年來因備轉容量率 屢創新低,2016 年曾出現 77 天供電警戒的橘 燈,甚至有3 天出現限電警戒的紅燈。今年以 來(統計至2017 年 7 月 31 日),雖然未出現 紅燈,但也亮了58 個橘燈。加上北部電廠面 臨停用與除役的限制,區域供電日益不均,隨 著天然氣佔我國能源供給的比率上升,我國液 化天然氣設備利用率遠高於亞洲其他液化天然 氣使用國(如圖6 所示),而近年天然氣月周 轉次數又回升到歷史高點,進口來源若出現中 斷(例如颱風),可撐天數僅餘八日。在此狀 況之下,基礎設施脆弱度已於2017 年第二季 惡化到97.94,已臨近 1990 年代的限電局勢

(如圖7 所示)。

若未來核能全面停用,加上協和電廠除 役,淡水河以東的大台北地區將無電廠,必須 仰賴中南部電廠支援。再考量未來興建的再生 能源亦多集中在中南部,將使得中北輸電幹線 承擔極大的送電壓力。此外,天然氣第三接收 站的興建若不能如期完成,天然氣儲輸設施的 營運壓力將面臨極大挑戰。最後,我國負載率 極高(近五年平均82%,遠高於主要國家的 59%~77%),代表所有機組都處於高運轉狀 態,容易因為電力需求突增而跳機,亦顯示未 來進行負載轉移的空間餘裕有限,無法抵消電 力供應緊澀狀態,使得基礎設施脆弱度難有回 降的機會。

( 三 ) 最終能源消費脆弱度

我國進口能源占比達98%,故深受國際 能源價格波動影響。國際能源價格曾於2008 年達到歷史高點,並於2008~2009 年間因美 國次貸風暴引發全球金融危機、2014~2015 年 間因原油供需失衡促使油價兩度大幅下降,國 內能源消費者所面臨之劇烈波動的進口能源價 格風險難以消弭。早期國內再生能源僅水力發 電,發電成本低。近年太陽能與風力發電的占 比增加,使得再生能源(含水力)的平均發電 成本逐漸走高;加上核能發電的平均成本因為 核能電廠發電實績衰退,平均每度核能發電將 分攤較高的核後端成本,使得國內整體零碳發 電成本走高。於此同時,我國能源密集度持續 降低,表示生產每一單位附加價值時,所需之 能源越來越少。可提高能源用戶因應能源價格 上漲的能力,進而減少最終能源消費脆弱度。

最終能源消費結構的集中度則於近年出現微幅 下降(如圖8 所示),抵銷因基礎設施脆弱度 上升而使最終消費結構風險上升的幅度。


5 我國歷年備用容量率實績與限電次數 資料來源:本研究繪製。

7 基礎設施脆弱度(1990 年第 1 季 ~2017 年第 2 季)

8 最終能源消費結構集中度 資料來源:本研究計算。

35.0 37.0 39.0 41.0 43.0 45.0

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

50 60 70 80 90 100

1990Q1 1991Q2 1992Q3 1993Q4 1995Q1 1996Q2 1997Q3 1998Q4 2000Q1 2001Q2 2002Q3 2003Q4 2005Q1 2006Q2 2007Q3 2008Q4 2010Q1 2011Q2 2012Q3 2013Q4 2015Q1 2016Q2


圖 9  最終能源消費脆弱度(1990 年第 1 季 ~2017 年第 2 季)



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