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應考人如有下列情事扣該節 成績 10 分,如再犯者該節不予計分


Academic year: 2021

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臺灣菸酒股份有限公司 109 年從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試試題 甄試類別【代碼】:從業評價職位人員/冷凍電氣【Q2701-Q2703】、




【Q2719-Q2723】、儲運【Q2724-Q2725】、護理【Q2726】、冷凍電氣 (原住民組)【Q2801】、訪銷推廣(原住民組)【Q2802】、機械(原住民組)





共同科目:國文、英文 *入場通知書編號:______________________

注意:作答前先檢查答案卡,測驗入場通知書編號、座位標籤、應試科目是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試人員 處理。使用非本人答案卡作答者,該節不予計分。

本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,




外接插卡、攝(錄)影音、資料傳輸、通訊或類似功能),且不得發出聲響。應考人如有下列情事扣該節 成績 10 分,如再犯者該節不予計分。1.電子計算器發出聲響,經制止仍執意續犯者。2.將不符規定之電子 計算器置於桌面或使用,經制止仍執意續犯者。


壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


貪「焚」:ㄌㄢˊ,貪心 再接再「厲」:ㄌㄧˋ,奮起








【2】3.焦桐:「帶著輕度的焦香,又沒有真正的燒焦,使蹄膀處於一種臨界狀態,這時候,危機即是轉機,不 能蹉跎,……。一隻燒得好的豬腳,宛如高尚的情操,會產生令人窒息的敬意。我們通過換喻,台灣的政客 太缺乏豬腳文化了,每次選舉都拚盡全力挑起族群、省籍情緒,他們多蠢得要命,又太耽溺焦香般的選票,


作者藉豬腳的烹飪,讚揚台灣的政治文化 作者藉豬腳的烹飪,嘲諷台灣的政治文化

作者藉豬腳的烹飪,先抑後揚台灣的政治文化 作者藉豬腳的烹飪,先揚後抑台灣的政治文化

【1】4.「他在山頭一個古老的建築物裡彈琴,琴聲傾瀉出來,像□□□□□那樣傾瀉出來」。□中應填入的選項為 下列何者?

冷冽的水珠 灰色的霧幕 一朵雲似的 藍水晶的蓋







子曰:「歲寒,然後知松柏之後凋也。」 子在川上曰:「逝者如斯夫,不舍晝夜。」









事後諸葛/馬後炮 焚琴煮鶴/殺風景 倒行逆施/開夜車 李代桃僵/背黑鍋












砌磋琢磨/玄疑緊張/獨樹一幟 按部就班/撲溯迷離/棘手摧花

偽鈔贗幣/交代事項/不刊之論 令人乍舌/仔細端詳/百無聊賴







窩心/心窩 屬下/下屬 人名/名人 犯罪/罪犯

【4】14.(甲)(□死一生+一言□鼎)÷三頭□臂(乙)□瘡百孔×□無一失-一日□里(丙)一箭□鵰×□分五 裂-□人成虎(丁)□□火急÷□人空巷-一曝□寒。若將上述四組成語數字加以運算,總和最小的選項是:

甲 乙 丙 丁


惜花連枝惜/愛屋及烏 大隻雞慢啼/大器晚成

惡馬惡人騎/一物剋一物 一枝草,一點露/珍惜光陰


化雨均霑 春秋鼎盛 桃李滿門 作育菁莪


「塑」造/「搠」倒在地 龍「蟠」虎踞/「幡」然悔悟

「斐」然成章/不「悱」不發 冒天下之大不「韙」/「闈」場


「ㄧˊ」笑大方/甘之如「ㄧˊ」 風聲鶴「ㄌ一ˋ」/暴「ㄌ一ˋ」之氣

六藝經「ㄓㄨㄢˋ」/「ㄓㄨㄢˋ」記作品 「ㄅㄧㄥˇ」息凝視/「ㄅㄧㄥˇ」告君王

【2】19.請在下列四組成語中,找出成語關係相同的組別為何?(甲)釜底抽薪/揚湯止沸(乙)過眼雲煙/電 光石火(丙)以鄰為壑/損人利己(丁)自甘墮落/自暴自棄

甲乙丙 乙丙丁 甲丙丁 甲乙丁



空/斷 晚/快 遲/緩 早/長

【4】21.「儘管貓被喻為非群居的動物,家貓還是可以在戶外集群,也可以形成一定的社會關係。當每隻貓都擁 有明顯的領域,持有地盤的貓通常會積極的抵抗陌生貓,凝視,發出嘶吼聲,再咆哮。如果該貓尚未離開,

地盤貓則會展開激烈的攻擊。欲攻擊的貓會壯大自己的身軀,豎起自己的毛髮,或將身子豎成弓形」。分析 這段話後,下列敘述何者錯誤?







甲丙丁戊乙 甲丁丙乙戊 甲乙戊丁丙 甲戊乙丙丁


他是黑夜中╱陡然╱迸發起來的╱一團天火╱從江東熊熊焚燒到阿房宮╱最後自火中提煉出 ╱一個霸氣 磅礡的╱名字──項羽

把今年的粽子統統都投海╱也未必能保證,鯊魚和潛水艇能一起引開╱無論是此岸或對岸╱汀芷渚蘭都已 經污染╱滄浪之水啊不再澄澈╱你的潔癖該怎樣濯清──陶潛

千年前為秋風所破的茅屋╱剩日下的竹影搖曳╱我小立在那座新築新修的╱草堂╱遙想當年 ╱你如何扶 杖嘆息,忍聽╱兒童抱茅的嬉鬧,下一刻╱隨手將一襲蕭然的長衫╱掛進唐詩麗的書櫥裡──白居易





【3】24.「暴風雨裡/一位朋友撐傘來接我/一手扶我的踉蹌/一手把堅定的傘柄/舉成了一面大盾牌/抵擋猖 狂的雨箭/後來才發現/逆風那一面他的衣衫/幾乎溼透於驟雨/喔,所謂知己/不就是一把傘嗎?──晴天 收起/雨天才為你/豁然開放」關於這首詩,解讀最不當的選項是:











貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


【1】26. In the movie, the ________ of all mankind, to live or to die, is counting on this superhero.

 fate  scar  pace  muse

【4】27. My niece screamed in ________ on seeing her birthday gift—AirPods she had dreamed of receiving.

 peace  terror  sorrow  delight

【2】28. As the violent typhoon raged on, we were ________ in the house, unable to go anywhere.

 reserved  confined  absorbed  inspected

【1】29. As the head ________ of this award-winning restaurant, Archie is always creating new recipes.

 chef  maid  butler  customer

【2】30. Before sharing news, search online for facts and ________ the information so that you won’t become one who spreads misinformation.

 adore  verify  expose  predict

【2】31. Anna found it hard to adjust to the ________ climate when she moved to Thailand. The heat was too strong to bear.

 smooth  tropical  pleasant  changing

【3】32. Considering consumers’ tighter budget, Apple is expected to release a more ________ model this spring.

 essential  conscious  affordable  prosperous

【2】33. As the government is stepping up efforts to put the disease under control, the tourist industry is ________

resuming business.

 suddenly  gradually  randomly  frequently 二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】

【3】34. The singer Elton John apologized to his fans after he lost his voice and ________ to cut a concert short.

 forced  had forced  was forced  was forcing

【3】35. Allen looked upset when he gazed at the picture, ________? I wonder what he was thinking about then.

 did he  was he  didn’t he  wasn’t he

【4】36. Your brother seems to have a crush on the girl ________ father owns the restaurant across the road.

 who  whom  which  whose

【1】37. All you need to do when preparing for big exams ________ study hard and do enough practices.

 is  to  are  will

【4】38. ________, the more mental workouts you get. That is, regular reading keeps your brain active.

 You often read more  You read more often

 The more you often read  The more often you read

【2】39. _______ the spread of COVID-19, one must ensure that their hands are free from germs. Washing hands with soap and water is the most effective.

 Prevent  To prevent  Preventing  By preventing

【2】40. Willy is filled with regrets. If he ________ smoking years ago, he might not have lung cancer now.

 quit  had quit  would quit  would have quit


Young smokers beware: On Monday, it became illegal in Iowa for anyone under 18 to smoke a cigarette. If 41 smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an under-aged offender could be 42 as much as $100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and taken home in the backseat of a police car. The law is part of the state’s campaign to 43 tobacco use greatly among all Iowans. The police are ordered to enforce the law, but some are skeptical. On their long list of priorities, this measure shares a spot with the neighbor ’s cat stuck in a tree. “We’re 44 busy to enforce a law like that,” said the Des Moines Police Department. Forty-four states have laws that ban selling cigarettes to minors or 45 minors from possessing tobacco, but these laws are rarely enforced.

【2】41.  catch  caught  catching  to be caught

【3】42.  given  rewarded  fined  frowned

【1】43.  reduce  increase  allow  perform

【3】44.  very  much  too  extremely

【2】45.  encourage  prohibit  let  take


I am one of those people who spend much time in coffeehouses talking to and observing others. One time I met half a dozen gentlemen who were talking about the different kinds of people in Europe. One of these men stated that he had all of the wonderful qualities of the English in his person. He went on to say that the Dutch were all greedy and hungry for money. The French were not to be trusted. The Germans were a bunch of drunks. The Spanish were too proud. In bravery, kindness, generosity, and every other virtue the English were better than the rest of the world.

The rest of the company, all Englishmen, accepted his statements as truth. I sat there and said nothing, so a companion of mine asked me if what that man said was not true. I replied that I could not judge until I had spent some time in those countries. Perhaps I might find that the Dutch were thrifty and saved their money, that the French were very polite, that the Germans are hard-working, that the Spanish were very calm and quite, and even that the English, although brave and generous, might be too bold and free-swinging when things went well and too sad when they did not. Soon after I said this, I lost the goodwill of my companions, and they all left me alone.

I paid my bill and went home. There I began to think about the silliness of national prejudice. I thought of the ancient wise man, when asked the country of his citizenship, replied that he was a “citizen of the world.” We have now become so English, French, Dutch, Spanish, or German that we are no longer citizens of the world. We are so much the citizens of one small society that we no longer think of ourselves as members of that grand society that includes all of humankind.

【3】46. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

 Coffee Shops in Europe  Story of an Ancient Wise Man

 Citizen of the World  Prejudice against Gentlemen

【4】47. Where did the author meet these English gentlemen?

 At a steak house.  At a barbershop.  At a theater.  At a coffeehouse.

【2】48. Of the following counties, which was NOT mentioned in the passage?

 France  Denmark  Germany  Spain

【2】49. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

 The author did not talk to others in coffeehouses.

 The English gentlemen did not like what the author said and left.

 These gentlemen all agreed on the good qualities of other nations.

 The author went home without paying the coffeehouse.

【1】50. Which of the following ideas is supported by the passage?

 National prejudice prevents us from being part of all humankind.

 The Englishmen are not citizens of the world.

 The Dutch do not get along with the French.

 The English are flawless and are far better than others.



You are given the wavelength and total energy of a light pulse and asked to find the number of photons it

use past tense to describe the features and life of ancient Greek civilization (e.g., Socrates was a philosopher. He was the teacher of Plato. He emphasized ethics and

volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =>

incapable to extract any quantities from QCD, nor to tackle the most interesting physics, namely, the spontaneously chiral symmetry breaking and the color confinement.. 


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