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An Empirical Study of Arbitrage Strategies on Stock Price Index Futures for TAIFEX in Taiwan 許順發、潘振雄;賴文魁


Academic year: 2022

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An Empirical Study of Arbitrage Strategies on Stock Price Index Futures for TAIFEX in Taiwan


E-mail: 9105706@mail.dyu.edu.tw


With the internationalization and liberalization of Taiwan''s financial market, and the APROC (Asia-Pacific Regional Operating Center) Project for Finance on Taiwan, more and more financial derivatives are introduced to Taiwan. Futures is one of them. Also, Taiwan''s stock market has emerged with active trading these years, so the market participants need an efficient financial instrument to manage their risk exposure. Under such condition, Taiwan International Mercantile Exchange (TAIFEX) was formally

established on September 9, 1997 and launched Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index Futures (TAIEX) on July 21, 1998, the first futures contract in Taiwan. In this project, we plan to design a series of arbitrage strategies and to analyze the frequency, duration, and rate of return of TAIEX when different strategies are executed. Also, in consideration of the risk and limits associated with the market, we''ll estimate the non-arbitrage band of index futures. Further, we''ll try to duplicate the stock price index by composing some so-called "blue-chip" stocks. The data we''ll collect is daily settlement price of TAIEX. The results of this study could be a reference for traders in futures markets to pursue a proper arbitrage strategy. In order to Duplicate the index, we use Microsoft Visual BASIC Ver. 6.0to design the stimulating program, and collect the price of daily settlement for TAIEX &

TAIFEX future from 21 July 1998 to 14 Jan. 1999. We select the stock portfolio from the 77 corporations in Morgan Stock Index.

The result of empirical study appear that : 1. The total earning profit of the firm is greater than the market investor and estimated value. 2. The risk of arbitrage is still exist. There three factors in the conclusion. 1. The efficiency of TAIFEX future is low in the beginning. 2. Use industrial category to modify Rudd’s optimization simulating method in moderation. 3. It’s above 80%

successful for empirical arbitrage and has more exceed profits. The main reason of Unsuccessful arbitrage is stock portfolio has more tracking error.

Keywords : Arbitrage ; TAIFEX ; TAIMEX ; Optimization ; Stock Price Index Futures ; Simulating Index ; Non-Arbitrage Space ; Carry-Cost Model

Table of Contents

第一章 緒 論 第一節 研究背景與動機 第二節 研究目的 第三節 研究架構 第四節 研究範圍與限制 本章註解 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 台股指數期貨簡介 第二節 股價指數期貨之套利 第三節 套利進行之交易成本及風險參數 第四節 建構套利現貨投資 組合 第五節 台股指數期貨套利實證研究 本章註解 第三章 研究方法 第一節 資料來源及處理 第二節 模擬指數之投資組合建 立 第三節 無套利區間估算 本章註解 第四章 實證研究 第一節 套利機會與幅度 第二節 套利投資組合之模擬誤差 第三節 獲 利績效 本章註解 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議


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