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臺灣菸酒股份有限公司 101 年從業評價職位人員甄試試題


Academic year: 2021

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臺灣菸酒股份有限公司 101 年從業評價職位人員甄試試題

甄試類別【代碼】:資訊技術員 A【C9904】、資訊技術員 B【C9905】、

資訊技術員 B-原住民組【C9906】、化工技術員【C9907】、








注意:•作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

‚本試卷正反兩頁共 40 題,每題 2.5 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答案,


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壹、國文 一、閱讀測驗

那個 38°C 的盛暑,蟬聲和鳳凰花一樣囂張,無止盡的嘶聲不斷催開更激烈的花勢。我一直不喜歡那咄



•譬喻 ‚擬人 ƒ誇飾 „映襯


•囂張 ‚蠻橫 ƒ霸道 „激烈


•譬喻 ‚映襯 ƒ雙關 „誇飾



•司馬遷和司馬光 ‚司馬遷和司馬昭

ƒ司馬遷和司馬相如 „司馬相如和司馬光


•陸機 ‚左思 ƒ陶淵明 „謝靈運


•崇山峻嶺 ‚山明水秀 ƒ男耕女織 „雞飛狗跳


•徬徨 ‚逍遙 ƒ闌干 „芬芳


•區區治國大計,非我所知 ‚區區在下,才疏學淺

ƒ以區區之眾居二敵之間,非良策也 „區區之心,竊慕此耳


•床第之間 ‚趨之若鶩 ƒ墓木已栱 „鱠炙人口



‚標的物的「價格」於契約中不應載明 ƒ「工程契約」屬於「承攬契約」之一種


【4】11.下列各選項「 」中的字,何者前後讀音不同?

•「躉」售市場:立「盹」行眠 ‚「跫」音不響:秋蟬寒「蛩」

ƒ乜乜「踅」踅:好「學」不倦 „偃「蹇」困窮:斬將「搴」旗


•女兒出嫁後潑一盆水 ‚生日禮物不可以是時鐘

ƒ贈送候選人大白蘿蔔 „銀行開張櫃檯放置鳳梨



‚輔幣:為輔助本位貨幣進行交易而發行幣值小的貨幣 ƒ法幣:法律賦與強制通用的貨幣



•《史記》:司馬光 ‚《三國志》:諸葛亮

ƒ《新五代史》:歐陽脩 „《資治通鑑》:東方朔



‚《本草綱目》是明人李汝珍所作,記載中國醫學用藥的名稱與作用 ƒ《夢溪筆談》是宋人沈括所作,記載古代科舉與官職的發展及沿革



•姜子牙:《封神演義》 ‚秦瓊:《大明英烈傳》

ƒ狄青:《隋唐演義》 „李逵:《開河記》



‚鐵騎無聲望似水,想關河,雁門西,青海際 ƒ生子當如孫仲謀


【1】18.「天下有大勇者,卒然臨之而不驚,無故加之而不怒,此其所挾持者甚大,而其志甚遠也。」下列 選項,對此段文字之解釋,何者正確?





【3】19.(甲)在高處,她愛紡的就是那些雲 (乙)而我底妻是架很好的紡織機 (丙)我底妻子是樹,我也是的 (丁)松鼠的梭,紡著縹緲的雲。下列選項中,何者的排列才是此詩正確的順序?

•丁乙甲丙 ‚乙甲丁丙 ƒ丙乙丁甲 „甲乙丁丙

【3】20.「年輕時不論旅行何處,我最愛逛市場市集。看當地人吃什麼怎麼吃?平民滋味極具魅力,那裡藏 著冒煙的人生,離他們的喜怒哀樂最近。」下列選項,何者是作者喜歡逛市場市集的主要原因?

•可以嘗試異國食物 ‚可以買到便宜商品

ƒ可以感受真實人生 „可以反省自我生命




【3】21. While I am away on business, my neighbor will help me _____ the dog. It needs to go out for exercise every day.

• lock ‚ feed ƒ walk „ bathe

【1】22. Unfortunately, the oil spill from the oil tanker has posed a _____ to marine life. A large quantity of fish might get sick or even die.

• threat ‚ sweat ƒ breath „ wealth

【1】23. At a formal dinner, you should watch your table _____.

• manners ‚ partners ƒ amounts „ coaches

【2】24. What we should wear tomorrow _____ on the weather.

• intends ‚ depends ƒ expends „ suspends

【1】25. Taiwan has _____ hundreds of bags of rice to poor families in South Africa, hoping to help the people pass through the winter.

• donated ‚ included ƒ produced „ mentioned


【3】26. Let’s not go to Tony’s Kitchen. I want to try the new steakhouse. It is said that the food there is much _____.

• well ‚ good ƒ better „ best

【4】27. Peter: How many employees _____ in the company? Mary: About 500.

• is it ‚ is there ƒ are they „ are there

【2】28. If I _____ you, I would turn down the offer. I don’t think your management skills can be put to good use in that company.

• am ‚ were ƒ can be „ had been

【3】29. _____ he finished his breakfast, he picked up his backpack and waved his parents goodbye.

• As well as ‚ As long as ƒ As soon as „ As far as

【1】30. Every once in a while, I drive to visit my grandmother, _____ lives by herself in the countryside.

• who ‚ which ƒ that „ when


As the saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.” 31 , with things like last-minute reviews or parties to go to, we all need to stay up late sometimes. Below is some practical advice to help you stay wide awake into the night.

Firstly, make sure you sleep well the night before, as this will prepare you for the day ahead and keep you 32 longer. For teenagers, seven or eight hours’ sleep should usually be enough. Another wise move is to avoid rich or 33 foods like cake or hamburgers. Instead, stick to fruit, vegetables and grains before your late night, as these should fill you up without making you sleepy.

Drinks that contain lots of caffeine, like coffee and Red Bull, will boost your 34 for a few hours. But too much caffeine can make you feel anxious and give you a headache. A more effective drink choice is green tea, which contains less caffeine but should keep you going for longer. 35 , taking vitamin B tablets is good for your immune system and can help you concentrate.

So next time you need to burn the midnight oil, be sure to follow these handy tips!

【1】31. • However ‚ Therefore ƒ Likewise „ Besides

【4】32. • drowsy ‚ tired ƒ nervous „ active

【2】33. • healthy ‚ fatty ƒ frozen „ organic

【3】34. • income ‚ profit ƒ energy „ confidence

【2】35. • That is ‚ Even better ƒ In short „ As usual


It is said that long time ago there were only nine families in Jiufen. Because it was a remote village, daily necessities were not easily accessible to them. Thus a habit was formed that when someone made the long trip to buy things, nine pieces of the same item would be purchased, one for each family. Hence, the place was called Jiufen, meaning “nine portions” in English.

Jiufen used to be the center of gold mining. It is located on the hills of northeastern Taiwan, overlooking the sea. In 1890, gold was found near Jiufen, which soon attracted prospectors of 4,000 families to the poor village.

Thus it became gold city of Asia and called little Shanghai or little Hong Kong. However, with the decline of gold mining activities, Jiufen faded. Later, several movies were filmed here and the movies won international recognition. For example, the film A City of Sadness has won first prize in Venice Film Festival and awakened people’s memories of Jiufen. It seems that the prosperous old streets, buildings, mines and the glamorous gold digging days are flashing before our eyes. The place is whispering its golden past. Now, there are many unique teahouses in Jiufen. These teahouses are best stops during a visit to this mountain village. Also, there is the beautiful ocean view of Keelung outer sea.

【4】36. What does Jiufen mean in English?

• Nine mines ‚ Nine habits

ƒ Nine families „ Nine portions

【2】37. Which of the following does NOT refer to Jiufen?

• Gold city of Asia ‚ Keelung outer sea ƒ Little Shanghai „ Little Hong Kong

【1】38. In 1890s, what made Jiufen, the remote unknown village, prosper?

• Gold mining ‚ Film industry

ƒ Daily necessities „ International recognition

【1】39. When Jiufen was almost forgotten, what awakened our memories of the once prosperous town?

• Movies ‚ Teahouses

ƒ Old streets „ Ocean views

【3】40. According to the passage, which of the following about Jiufen is NOT true?

• Jiufen is a mountain village, located in the northeastern of Taiwan.

‚ In the past, Jiufen villagers would help the other villagers buy daily necessities.

ƒ When prospectors began to seek fortune in Shanghai, Jiufen’s prosperity declined.

„ It is recommended that visitors go to one of the teahouses during their visit to Jiufen.



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