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Academic year: 2021

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B4, L5 綜合測驗

1. During World War II, Nazis seized control of Warsaw in Poland. They established the Warsaw Ghetto and herded 400,000 Jews into this area. __(1)__ and disease caused thousands of deaths every month. A social worker named Irena Sendler was determined __(2)__. She joined an underground resistance group, __(3)__ in food and medicine secretly. She wanted to do more when Jews started to get sent to the death camps. With the help of friends and

colleagues, she managed __(4)__ children out through various ways. These children were then given new identities with supporting __(5)__. Some were __(6)__ by Polish families. Others went to orphanages or convents. Irena __(7)__ of these identities and new homes in hopes of reuniting the children with their families after the war ended. __(8)__, Irena was arrested herself. Although she was tortured for information, she refused to put others __(9)__. Her friends saved her in the end and they continued their mission. If Irena and her friends had not helped, over 2,000 children __(10)__. To this day, Irena is regarded as a true heroine and her bold story continues to inspire people everywhere.

( )(1) (A) Courage (B) Starvation (C) Agent (D) Smuggler ( )(2) (A) to help (B) help (C) helping (D) helped

( )(3) (A) bring (B) to bring (C) bringing (D) brought ( )(4) (A) to getting (B) getting (C) got (D) to get

( )(5) (A) documents (B) ambulances (C) suitcases (D) executions ( )(6) (A) drowned out (B) come with (C) risen above (D) taken in

( )(7) (A) spread her wings (B) kept a record (C) struck a balance (D) came to mind

( )(8) (A) Luckily (B) Additionally (C) Especially (D) Unfortunately ( )(9) (A) on track (B) by heart (C) at risk (D) to come

( )(10) (A) will die (B) would have died (C) died (D) dying

2. My name is Irena Sendler. On October 20, 1943, eleven German agents __(1)__ into my apartment. They searched my house __(2)__ for a list I had already slipped to a friend. Our city, Warsaw, has been taken over by the Nazis. Over 400,000 Jews have been moved here and are dying of hunger and disease. __(3)__ these conditions, my friends and I have decided to sneak out some of the Jewish children. I know this will put all our lives __(4)__ risk, but I have no choice. So far, we have used all different ways to get them out, including putting them in suitcases and flour bags and even hiding some under ambulance stretchers. We’re determined __(5)__ as many children as possible. Hopefully, when this is all over, they can go on to live new lives with the new documents I have given them.

( )(1) (A) executed (B) admitted (C) burst (D) arrested

( )(2) (A) from generation to generation (B) from time to time (C) from door to door (D) from top to bottom

( )(3) (A) Horrifying (B) Horrified by (C) Horrify (D) To horrify ( )(4) (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) with

( )(5) (A) save (B) for saving (C) in saving (D) to save

3. “Good morning. Today we bring you a special feature on one woman’s brave acts __(1)__ the height of the Holocaust. Her name was Irena Sendler. On October 20, 1943, German agents burst into her apartment looking for one important __(2)__. Luckily, they didn’t manage __(3)__ her pass a list to a friend. At the time, Warsaw was overrun by the Nazis, and 400,000 Jews were taken there. Every month, they were dying of hunger and disease. __(4)__ to act, Sendler and her colleagues began sneaking out children. Some

children were placed in suitcases, while others were hidden under ambulance stretchers. They were given new identities and sent to nearby orphanages or Polish families. In order to

remember them all, Sendler __(5)__ their real names, parents’ names, and locations. Because of her brave acts, Sendler saved over 2,000 children. What a true inspiration she is to the world!”

( )(1) (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) with

( )(2) (A) prison (B) document (C) rage (D) version ( )(3) (A) seeing (B) to see (C) by seeing (D) in seeing

( )(4) (A) Determine (B) Determining (C) Determines (D) Determined ( )(5) (A) drowned out (B) took in (C) kept a record of (D) seized control of 4. It was October 20, 1943. Eleven German Gestapo officers busted Irena Sendler’s

apartment in Warsaw, Poland. If they had been just a few seconds earlier, they __(1)__ the note Sendler slipped to a friend. It was World War II, and the Nazis __(2)__ over 400,000 Jews to the area, calling it the Warsaw Ghetto. __(3)__, many of these Jews were dying from hunger and disease every month. Thus, Sendler and her friends decided to sneak children out by hiding them under ambulance stretchers with dogs barking to __(4)__ their cries. Upon escape, the children were given new IDs and birth records. The list that the German Gestapo __(5)__ were looking for contained all of these children’s real names, locations, and parents’ names. Although Sendler was caught, she never revealed the information and was eventually rescued by her friends. Thousands of Jews survived because of her brave actions.

( )(1) (A) have seen (B) would see (C) had seen (D) would have seen ( )(2) (A) herd (B) had herded (C) have herded (D) herding

( )(3) (A) For example (B) Unfortunately (C) Instead (D) Thus ( )(4) (A) give out (B) let out (C) drown out (D) drop out ( )(5) (A) agents (B) colleagues (C) smugglers (D) documents

5. Have you heard of the movie Schindler’s List? It was based on a man named Oskar Schindler, who was famous for __(1)__ and helping 1,200 Jews during WWII. At the time, any Jew who was considered healthy was forced to work in a labor camp, __(2)__ those that were unhealthy were sent to concentration camps to die. For Jews that carried out “essential work,” however, their lives were spared, which was exactly how Schindler saved their lives. Schindler was a smart businessman and __(3)__ German officers that his Jewish workers were making bullets for the German army—work that was no doubt “essential.” However, if the German officers __(4)__ a closer look, they would have found that all of Schindler’s bullets were useless. And if caught, Schindler would certainly have ended up __(5)__ or being executed. His story was made into a famous film and with good reason. He is an inspiration to many for his tremendous acts of bravery.


( )(2) (A) since (B) while (C) as (D) when

( )(3) (A) sneaked (B) convinced (C) slipped (D) recruited

( )(4) (A) took (B) could have taken (C) had taken (D) have taken ( )(5) (A) to jail (B) jail (C) go to jail (D) in jail

6. WWII was a period in history that many of us would rather forget. __(1)__, for the 400,000 Jews living in the Warsaw Ghetto, it was a matter of life and death. The Warsaw Ghetto was established by the Nazis in 1940, __(2)__ as the largest ghetto during WWII. It was not only crowded but also dirty and lacked electricity. Moreover, there wasn’t enough food for everyone. Stealing was not allowed, and the Germans often used extreme measures against the Jews, including public and private __(3)__ if caught. As a result, some died of hunger, __(4)__ others suffered from disease. However, __(5)__, the story of the Warsaw Ghetto serves as one great inspiration. Some brave people, including Irena Sendler, helped to save over 2,000 children there by hiding them in suitcases or sacks and then giving them new birth certificates* to start over. Although history is ugly, the bravery of some good people is beautiful.

註:certificate 證明

( )(1) (A) In fact (B) Therefore (C) Unfortunately (D) Similarly

( )(2) (A) functioned (B) functioning (C) to function (D) being functioned ( )(3) (A) seals (B) slips (C) smugglers (D) executions

( )(4) (A) while (B) because (C) since (D) as

( )(5) (A) all of a sudden (B) out of date (C) from now on (D) to this day 7. Have you heard of the story of Irena Sendler? If so, what do you know about her

amazing escape? After Sendler was captured, German officers referred to a __(1)__

containing where, when, and by whom they had been informed of her actions. The officers demanded the names of her colleagues and their addresses; however, Irena refused __(2)__ any information. Even __(3)__ with a death sentence, she still didn’t give in. However, little did she know that her colleagues had already bribed* the German executioner responsible for carrying out her death sentence, and that man would __(4)__ to help her escape. Irena was released on the way to her execution in February 1944. She could finally __(5)__ and continue to work to save Jewish children while living in hiding. Although she is a recently discovered hero, many people alive today have her brave actions to thank.

註:bribe 賄賂

( )(1) (A) pass (B) slip (C) sigh (D) sack

( )(2) (A) from revealing (B) by revealing (C) revealing (D) to reveal ( )(3) (A) threaten (B) threatened (C) to threaten (D) threatening ( )(4) (A) manage (B) seize (C) admit (D) convince

( )(5) (A) take in (B) breathe a sigh of relief (C) burst through (D) keep a record 8. A lot of heroes and heroines emerged during World War II, and Irena Sendler was one of

them. Sendler was a social worker who helped to __(1)__ over 2,000 children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, the largest of all the Nazi ghettos during WWII. How did a single woman __(2)__ such a difficult task? Well, she employed the help of friends and colleagues. They would often sneak the children out in suitcases or even under ambulance stretchers with dogs barking to __(3)__ their cries. Sometimes, the children were taken out through sewer pipes or

secret underground passages. Still others escaped through an old courthouse that stood at the edge of the ghetto. __(4)__ to help, Sendler did whatever she could to give the children the opportunity to survive, even providing them with new birth certificates* and family records once they were out. She put her own life __(5)__ to save the children. If caught, she would certainly have been executed. To this day, she is an inspiration to many for her selfless acts of bravery.

註:certificate 證明

( )(1) (A) arrest (B) smuggle (C) seize (D) seal

( )(2) (A) be managed to accomplish (B) manage to accomplish (C) be managed accomplishing (D) manage accomplishing

( )(3) (A) burst into (B) keep a record of (C) take in (D) drown out

( )(4) (A) Determined (B) Be determined (C) Determining (D) To determine ( )(5) (A) out of trouble (B) to worse (C) at risk (D) to the full

9. Many of us have heard of Schindler’s List, but did you know there was also a “Sendler’s list”? Although she received Yad Vashem’s Righteous Among the Nations award in 1965 for her __(1)__, unlike Schindler, Irena Sendler’s story has remained largely unknown. However, in 1999, __(2)__ to discover the truth, three high school girls in Kansas dug up her story and made it known to the world. It was their teacher, Norm Conrad, who __(3)__ them a 1994 U.S. News and World Report article about “The Other Schindlers.” He encouraged the girls to do further research. Later, to their surprise, they found that Sendler was still alive. They also found out about Sendler’s lists in jars buried during the war—her way of __(4)__ the

surviving children’s names and their parents’ names. __(5)__ WWII, Sendler helped over 2,000 Jewish children escape. Eventually, the Kansas girls combined all of the details of Sendler’s amazing acts in a play called Life in a Jar. What a beautiful tribute to this woman’s beautiful acts of courage!

( )(1) (A) prosperity (B) bravery (C) starvation (D) execution

( )(2) (A) determine (B) determined (C) determining (D) to be determined ( )(3) (A) was giving (B) gives (C) had given (D) giving

( )(4) (A) keeping a record of (B) taking in (C) seizing control of (D) drowning out

( )(5) (A) By the time (B) Not until (C) At the height of (D) For a time 10. What happened to Irena Sendler after WWII? Not surprisingly, she carried on her career

as a __(1)__ social worker in Poland. She received many awards for her __(2)__ acts, which included Yad Vashem’s Righteous Among the Nations award and the Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion. She also ended up __(3)__ Poland’s Order of the White Eagle. In her old age, she was cared for by one of the children that she had __(4)__, Elzbieta Ficowska. She __(5)__ all the Jews she had saved, with around 400 Jews smuggled by herself. __(6)__ on her actions, she claimed, “We who were rescuing children are not some kind of heroes.” She refused __(7)__ the term “hero.” She said, “The opposite is true─I continue to have qualms of conscience that I did so little. I could have done more. This regret will follow me to my death.” Although she had already done so much, she felt she __(8)__ more children if she had tried just a bit harder. __(9)__, the world had just begun to know of her bravery before she


passed away at 98. We share her story __(10)__ it can inspire people to follow in her path of courageousness. Thank you, Irena Sendler, for being an inspiration to us all!

( )(1) (A) elaborate (B) fake (C) compassionate (D) plentiful ( )(2) (A) brutal (B) courageous (C) determined (D) horrifying ( )(3) (A) awarding (B) being awarded (C) to award (D) be awarding ( )(4) (A) turned out (B) taken in (C) given up (D) drowned out

( )(5) (A) kept a record of (B) made use of (C) struck a balance in (D) was equipped with

( )(6) (A) To comment (B) Being commented (C) Commenting (D) Commented ( )(7) (A) to acknowledging (B) to acknowledge (C) acknowledged (D) being


( )(8) (A) could save (B) could have saved (C) should save (D) should have saved

( )(9) (A) As expected (B) Thus (C) Unfortunately (D) Instead

( )(10) (A) in hopes that (B) despite the fact that (C) as long as (D) once

B4, L6 綜合測驗

1. The Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association is a boxed-lunch delivery service in Mumbai, India. The __(1)__ delivers around 200,000 home-cooked meals straight to workers daily. Its success comes from the employees, known as dabbawalas, or “one __(2)__ carries a box.” With most residents commuting long distances from the __(3)__, this service saves them from carrying lunch boxes in cramped public transport. Also, workers receive healthy, home-made meals __(4)__ to the office.

The dabbawalas delivery system works very well. Each geographical area is assigned to twenty-five dabbawalas. Each person then collects about thirty tiffin boxes. The boxes are marked __(5)__ special characters and colors to reflect specific delivery details such as neighborhood, building, floor, and train station of origin. Not until the boxes have been sorted according to destination __(6)__ onto the trains. When they’ve reached their destination train station, the boxes get divided again __(7)__ more specific locations. Finally, the boxes are delivered to their owners. The entire process ensures delivery is __(8)__ and accurate. Mistakes are one __(9)__ sixteen million. In the afternoon, the dabbawalas follow the same route to collect and __(10)__ the lunchboxes. This delivery system is a true model of brilliance.

( )(1) (A) enterprise (B) commuter (C) transaction (D) excellence ( )(2) (A) which (B) what (C) who (D) when

( )(3) (A) tactic (B) suburbs (C) network (D) scheme

( )(4) (A) deliver (B) delivering (C) delivered (D) has delivered ( )(5) (A) on (B) for (C) between (D) with

( )(6) (A) they are carrying (B) they are carried (C) are they carried (D) are they carrying

( )(7) (A) depending on (B) depended on (C) to depend on (D) depend on

( )(8) (A) in time (B) on time (C) in no time (D) of all time ( )(9) (A) at (B) in (C) by (D) on

( )(10) (A) take in (B) drown out (C) come with (D) bring back

2. Can you imagine a company with 400,000 daily transactions and almost zero mistakes? Most assume only computers could achieve such __(1)__ accuracy. However, in this case, only bicycles and colored pens are __(2)__ used! It is all done by the Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association, a lunchbox delivery organization __(3)__ in Mumbai, India. The key to its success is greatly due to its employees, known as dabbawalas. A dabbawala, or “one __(4)__ carries a box,” is responsible for picking up lunchboxes from customers’ homes and delivering them to their workplaces as part of a well-organized scheme. Each lunchbox is categorized according to area for delivery and then more specifically by neighborhood, building, and floor to ensure that it is delivered and later brought __(5)__ to its correct place. The dabbawalas’ system is a near-perfect example of efficiency and teamwork that has been studied by institutions such as Harvard and FedEx.

( )(1) (A) flawless (B) efficient (C) massive (D) classical ( )(2) (A) thus (B) furthermore (C) actually (D) hardly ( )(3) (A) situates (B) situated (C) situating (D) is situated ( )(4) (A) who (B) which (C) where (D) what

( )(5) (A) in (B) out (C) back (D) about

3. “Welcome to our evening broadcast. Today, we bring you a special feature on a(n) __(1)__ whose 5,000 employees manage 400,000 deals a day without a mistake—and all without the use of computers! Actually, it’s done __(2)__ using nothing but colored pens and bikes! This is the Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association, a __(3)__ organization that sends its employees, known as dabbawalas, to pick up and deliver meals from people’s homes to their workplaces. By using a well-organized coding scheme, each lunchbox is divided first by its general area and then more specifically by neighborhood, building, and floor. One area has about twenty-five dabbawalas, each of __(4)__ manages around thirty tiffin boxes. Mumbai is a crowded city. __(5)__, it is difficult for most workers to bring their lunches with them on packed trains. By providing the dabbawala service, this organization offers not only help to workers in Mumbai but also job opportunities to people in need.” ( )(1) (A) transaction (B) enterprise (C) suburb (D) network

( )(2) (A) in a row (B) in a sense (C) in large part (D) in brief

( )(3) (A) Mumbai-basing (B) Mumbai-based (C) basing-Mumbai (D) based-Mumbai

( )(4) (A) them (B) those (C) who (D) whom

( )(5) (A) Fortunately (B) Merely (C) Additionally (D) Consequently 4. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them my organization handles four hundred

thousand __(1)__ on a daily basis with almost no mistakes. Furthermore, people are especially amazed by the fact that all of it is achieved using only bikes and colored pens! I work as a dabbawala for the Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association. My job is to pick up lunches from people’s homes and deliver them __(2)__ to their workplaces. The system we use is a well-planned coding system __(3)__ organizes the lunchboxes first based on area and then based on detailed information such as workers’ buildings or floors. Not until


all the lunchboxes have been brought back to their owners’ homes __(4)__. Since Mumbai is a crowded city, it is not convenient for most workers to bring their lunches __(5)__ them on trains. Therefore, the dabbawala service is helpful to them and at the same time, meaningful to us.

( )(1) (A) commutes (B) networks (C) enterprises (D) transactions ( )(2) (A) at times (B) in no time (C) on time (D) over time

( )(3) (A) that (B) what (C) in which (D) where

( )(4) (A) our job is done (B) is our job done (C) is done our job (D) our job done ( )(5) (A) on (B) for (C) with (D) along

5. What does the future of dabbawalas in Mumbai look like? With the rise of new

technology and food delivery apps like Uber Eats, one may question whether the dabbawala can __(1)__ survive in modern-day society. Moreover, the introduction of other food-delivery __(2)__ like Runnr and Swiggy has begun to crowd the industry. However, despite the

competition __(3)__ from modern-day technology, the number of dabbawalas working in Mumbai has been growing by 5 to 10% every year, and this growth does not appear to be slowing. The facts show that most people __(4)__ live in Mumbai still prefer to eat meals cooked in their own homes. Furthermore, the tactic that dabbawalas use bicycles, trains, and their own two feet to deliver food can better guarantee on-time delivery than systems relying on scooters or cars which might be caught in traffic. So, __(5)__, the future still looks bright for the dabbawalas even with the recent rise in competition. Now, where is my lunch? ( )(1) (A) merely (B) actually (C) particularly (D) accurately

( )(2) (A) schemes (B) commuters (C) transactions (D) enterprises ( )(3) (A) come (B) comes (C) coming (D) came

( )(4) (A) who (B) which (C) , who (D) , that

( )(5) (A) without delay (B) without exception (C) without a doubt (D) without a second thought

6. Working as a dabbawala in Mumbai is an exhausting job, but somebody’s got to do it! However, rest assured that—all that hard work doesn’t come without its reward. Although the service fee for users is low (five to eight hundred rupees a month, __(1)__ the distance

covered), the dabbawalas receive a decent monthly salary of eight to twelve thousand rupees. Considering that one __(2)__ six people in India is currently looking for work, that is not bad pay for labor which is not highly skilled. Furthermore, the dabbawalas, most of __(3)__ don’t have any formal education, enjoy relatively high social status for the valuable contribution to society. For example, people who come into contact with dabbawalas on the street often give way to them. __(4)__, feeding the city is respectable work, and dabbawalas’ recognition is proof of that. So, __(5)__ all these benefits, it’s no wonder why many people seek to become dabbawalas.

( )(1) (A) speaking of (B) due to (C) with regard to (D) depending on ( )(2) (A) on (B) in (C) at (D) for

( )(3) (A) who (B) whom (C) them (D) those

( )(4) (A) Without delay (B) Without exception (C) Without a doubt (D) Without a second thought

( )(5) (A) for (B) by (C) with (D) to

7. Have you heard of the dabbawala sorting system in Mumbai? It is famous throughout the world, having been studied by institutions __(1)__ Harvard and FedEx for its efficiency. The dabbawalas’ organization, Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association, is a __(2)__ of five thousand lunchbox delivery workers. Amazingly, __(3)__ all these workers, 85% can barely read or write! Therefore, the boxes are marked using a system of color-coded letters and numbers. This system shows the original point where the lunchbox was collected and to which it must therefore be __(4)__. Furthermore, these codes indicate the train station that the lunchbox must depart from, the destination station where it must be taken off the train, and then finally the exact delivery address, including the building number and floor. This complex system would likely not make any sense to average people, but a senior dabbawala can

understand it easily. __(5)__ such a simplified and streamlined* coding scheme, the

dabbawalas are able to get all the lunchboxes delivered to the correct destinations on time. It’s no wonder this sorting system has been studied by so many people!

註:streamlined 效率高的

( )(1) (A) among (B) like (C) plus (D) until

( )(2) (A) network (B) client (C) suburb (D) classic ( )(3) (A) of (B) for (C) with (D) on

( )(4) (A) brought back (B) taken in (C) loaded with (D) coded by ( )(5) (A) Upon (B) With (C) During (D) Because

8. How did the dabbawalas in Mumbai get started? Their appearance was due __(1)__ to a dockworker by the name of Mahadeo Havaji Bachche. During the time of the British Raj in the late nineteenth century, the city’s population was growing at an enormous rate. There was also an increase in the number of hungry workers __(2)__ lived in the suburbs and had to commute to work every day. What was worse, they had found no restaurants near their workplaces to feed them. __(3)__, a banker asked Bachche to bring his lunch from his home to his office every day. This idea quickly began spreading among the banker’s coworkers and then beyond. Sensing a good business opportunity, Bachche gathered friends and neighbors and organized a lunch delivery team __(4)__ of about one hundred workers. Over time, the dabbawala system has grown to an unbelievable size and now is responsible for over fifty million lunchbox deliveries a year. __(5)__ for its high efficiency and accuracy, the dabbawalas’ operative system has been studied by many enterprises as a true model of excellence.

( )(1) (A) in a row (B) in a sense (C) in large part (D) in brief

( )(2) (A) most of who (B) , most of who (C) most of whom (D) , most of whom ( )(3) (A) Particularly (B) Actually (C) Additionally (D) Consequently

( )(4) (A) consist (B) consists (C) consisting (D) consisted ( )(5) (A) Knowing (B) To know (C) Known (D) Knows

9. What is the daily life of a dabbawala like? A typical day begins early as they wake up at dawn to eat, pray, and exercise. They must have a __(1)__ breakfast since their routine, which begins at 8 a.m., is intense. After breakfast, they begin collecting the lunchboxes in their assigned areas. With the lunchboxes, they meet their colleagues at the train station __(2)__ the boxes are sorted into piles depending on delivery location. __(3)__ all the boxes are marked with special codes to indicate their destination can they be sent off. After finishing sorting the lunchboxes, the dabbawalas board the train and travel with them. After reaching


the destination, the dabbawalas must deliver lunchboxes __(4)__ for lunch, with the latest delivery at 1 p.m. Once this is complete, they can rest and enjoy some lunch themselves. After this break, the entire process is done again, but this time in reverse. The empty lunchboxes are collected and then __(5)__ to their owners’ homes, ready for the same cycle to begin again the next day.

( )(1) (A) nutrition-filling (B) nutrition-filled (C) filling-nutrition (D) filled-nutrition

( )(2) (A) , which (B) , that (C) , where (D) , whose

( )(3) (A) Whether (B) Not until (C) Although (D) Only before ( )(4) (A) at times (B) all the time (C) on time (D) of all time

( )(5) (A) brought back (B) brought about (C) brought up (D) brought out 10. Why is teamwork important? And what benefits does it bring to a(n) __(1)__? For

starters, teamwork can be beneficial to increasing __(2)__ by enabling workers to divide a project into multiple tasks that can be handled by different workers at the same time. Although sometimes it may seem easier to do things alone, there is a limit to what can be accomplished by one person. After all, the success of a company is due __(3)__ to its employees’ ability to do a lot in little time and teamwork is definitely one way to achieve it. Next, discussion among team members is often the source of creativity, __(4)__ we say “two heads are better than one”. Oftentimes, not until team members talk together __(5)__.

__(6)__, this is why companies like Google promote open work spaces and public areas. Another great benefit is that teamwork can optimize* output by __(7)__ workers to do the

tasks best suited to their specific expertise* and talents. Every person has their own

weaknesses and strengths and brings different things to the table. __(8)__ the nature of a task, a team can assign it to the person who can handle it the most quickly and accurately. In other words, the value of teamwork is shown how each teammate’s ability is made good use of. A team is a system __(9)__ a car. Each part of a car has its own function, just as each team member has their own role. __(10)__, each team member is needed to keep things running smoothly. These reasons and more are why teamwork is so important in the workplace. 註:optimize 優化 expertise 專業技能

( )(1) (A) inhabitant (B) commute (C) transaction (D) enterprise ( )(2) (A) excellence (B) compassion (C) starvation (D) efficiency

( )(3) (A) in large part (B) out of the question (C) to a lesser degree (D) by no means

( )(4) (A) which is why (B) which is how (C) that is why (D) that is how ( )(5) (A) can new ideas created (B) are new ideas created (C) can create new ideas

(D) new ideas are created

( )(6) (A) In no time (B) By contrast (C) On business (D) Without a doubt ( )(7) (A) taking (B) allowing (C) pushing (D) driving

( )(8) (A) In exchange for (B) For want of (C) On behalf of (D) Depending on ( )(9) (A) resemble (B) resembles (C) resembling (D) resembled

( )(10) (A) Specifically (B) Accurately (C) Merely (D) Consequently

UNIT 48 一、文意字彙

____________ 1. Don’t m d me! I did say that she could do better, but it doesn’t mean that I want to fire her.

____________ 2. Can we stop off at the bank? I need to w w some money from my account. ____________ 3. We’re going to have a Halloween party next Friday, so now I’m thinking what kind of

Halloween c e I should buy.

____________ 4. Joe is not very familiar with the school because he is just a f n. ____________ 5. The firefighters made a c s rescue of the dog from the flaming house.


( ) 6. It was very of you to remember my birthday and throw me a surprise party.

(A) thoughtful (B) shortsighted (C) timid (D) lawful

( ) 7. Studying abroad is a good opportunity to expand your .

(A) drafts (B) horizons (C) blossoms (D) arches

( ) 8. We live in a(n) of instant communication. Through social networking sites and messaging apps, it’s very easy to stay in touch with others.

(A) era (B) hose (C) frost (D) council

( ) 9. Troy stayed up all night playing online games, so he couldn’t help but off in class this morning.

(A) lean (B) surf (C) upload (D) doze

( ) 10. Amy that her five-year-old son was a genius because he could recite many poems from the Tang dynasty.

(A) boasted (B) surrendered (C) proceeded (D) bounced


(A) counter (B) errand (C) hopeful (D) lately (E) preferably (F) preposition

11. I’m quite that I can get the job because I did well in the interview. 12. Could you do a(n) for me? I want you to send a letter to Ms. Yang. 13. I’ve been really tired because I’ve been preparing for my final exam.

14. In this high school, every semester students must spend at least thirty hours on extra-curricular activities,

community service.

15. You should use the “about” after the word “excited.”

(A) stroke (B) telescope (C) wizard (D) download (E) crafts (F) cottage 16. It took me over two hours to this movie. My Internet connection is too slow!

17. The old man recovered after suffering from a severe .

18. You can buy some local arts and at a cheap price at the flea market.

19. Details on the Moon’s surface can only be seen through a . We can only see some shadows with our naked eyes.


UNIT 49 一、文意字彙

____________ 1. In MRT stations, most people have the habit of standing on the right side of an e r. ____________ 2. We should buy a new printer because the old one is no longer f l.

____________ 3. The teacher asked his students to make a short p n on how to save our planet. ____________ 4. We need to choose another restaurant which doesn’t provide meat or fish. Ming has been

a v n for years because of his religious belief.

____________ 5. As a superstar, Andy doesn’t like to talk about his p e life in order to protect his wife and his son.


( ) 6. I’ve got a 3,000-word to write before Friday, so I can’t go on a date with you.

(A) bracelet (B) cucumber (C) essay (D) pronoun

( ) 7. Jason going to the dentist because he hates to have his teeth cleaned.

(A) dreads (B) drills (C) frowns (D) mows

( ) 8. The TV hostess, Dee, is very famous for her quick .

(A) verb (B) wit (C) hostel (D) liquor

( ) 9. The trees gently with the breeze, making me feel very relaxed.

(A) crushed (B) crammed (C) swayed (D) drifted

( ) 10. There’s no sound from the TV. You should check the settings in the control panel.

(A) audio (B) cruel (C) mountainous (D) youthful


(A) cubes (B) cruelty (C) bras (D) eve (E) housewives (F) locker 11. Putting sugar into a cookie jar can keep the cookies crisp, because they will absorb the


12. I left all of my textbooks in the because they are too heavy, and I don’t have any assignments to do tonight.

13. We should stop buying makeup products that did tests on animals to stop animal .

14. In the past, most women became after they got married because people thought that it was the women’s job to take care of children.

15. On the of the election, the candidate cried when he gave a speech, hoping to get more votes. (A) syllables (B) witch (C) yogurt (D) prime (E) arms (F) seagulls 16. There are four in the word “dictionary.”

17. Eating is good for your health, but it may also make you fat if it contains too much sugar. 18. Smoking is the cause of lung diseases. You should try your best to quit smoking.

19. There are many flying above the ocean. Their white wings against the blue sky is such a delightful sight!

20. The wicked cast a spell on the poor princess. The princess couldn’t come back to life without a kiss from her true love.



____________ 1. The inappropriate joke about black men led to an a d silence.

____________ 2. The h e caused the worst floods in over fifty years as well as thousands of deaths. ____________ 3. If you want to be more muscular, you should eat foods rich in p n, such as eggs

and beef.

____________ 4. Tina tried in v n to surf in the bad weather. ____________ 5. I entered the mysterious store out of c y.


( ) 6. The Chinese Valentine’s Day falls on July 7th on the calendar.

(A) cunning (B) dynamic (C) experimental (D) lunar

( ) 7. You should apply some on your face because your skin becomes too dry in winter.

(A) cushion (B) humidity (C) lotion (D) multitude

( ) 8. According to the study, 20% of air pollution comes from vehicle .

(A) exhaust (B) curve (C) bulletin (D) extent

( ) 9. The party lost the election because the president had reduced the elderly’s benefits.

(A) hydrogen (B) telegram (C) walnut (D) welfare

( ) 10. In the past, students weren’t allowed to their hair or wear long hair. Nowadays they can have whatever hairstyle they want.

(A) furnish (B) dye (C) curse (D) await


(A) proverb (B) lousy (C) murmured (D) publicity (E) broil (F) underpass 11. There is no crosswalk here. To get to the other side of the road, you will need to go through the . 12. The old man to himself, but the nurse didn’t catch what he had said.

13. As the famous goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

14. Giving away free samples on the street is one way of getting for your products. 15. I rated this restaurant one star because the food there was .

(A) mustache (B) housework (C) dusty (D) exhausted (E) awaited (F) brutal 16. She bit her lower lip and nails nervously as she her scores for the college entrance exam. 17. The man died in a(n) terrorist bombing attack which led to the death of over 100 people. 18. It’s obvious that no one lives in this house because all the furniture is .

19. He has shaved off his because he wants to look younger.

20. You should train your son to do , such as doing the dishes or sweeping the floor in order to make him a more responsible boy.



• Similar to futures options except that what is delivered is a forward contract with a delivery price equal to the option’s strike price.. – Exercising a call forward option results

In JSDZ, a model process in the modeling phase is treated as an active entity that requires an operation on its data store to add a new instance to the collection of

– at a premium (above its par value) when its coupon rate c is above the market interest rate r;. – at par (at its par value) when its coupon rate is equal to the market

– at a premium (above its par value) when its coupon rate c is above the market interest rate r;. – at par (at its par value) when its coupon rate is equal to the market

N., The Meaning of the Ambedkarite Conversion to Buddhism and Other Essays (Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1997), p.25. [註 91]

Study the following statements. Put a “T” in the box if the statement is true and a “F” if the statement is false. Only alcohol is used to fill the bulb of a thermometer. An

In summary, the main contribution of this paper is to propose a new family of smoothing functions and correct a flaw in an algorithm studied in [13], which is used to guarantee

(a) The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by the planet on an object of mass m at its surface is given by F = GmM / R 2 , where M is the mass of the planet and R is