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國立臺北教育大學 102 學年度碩士班招生入學考試


Academic year: 2021

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國立臺北教育大學 102 學年度碩士班招生入學考試

課程與教學傳播科技研究所課程與教學碩士班 教育學 科試題

一、 何謂批判教育學(Critical Pedagogy)?其主要論點為何?(10分)並請闡述 批判教育學對於台灣教育發展有哪些影響與啟示(15分)?

二、 試闡述德性(virtue)取向之道德教育主要意涵,並請說明其對於當前小學道 德教育之啟示與應用。(25分)

三、 敘說(narrative)研究是現今課程與教學領域常用的研究取向,請說明此研 究取向之源起、研究歷程、分析模式及可能限制。(25分)

四、 Research studies used to generate evidence-based practices, we should remember, speak from the perspective of central tendencies. The act of teaching, however, always inherits a local condition, with variations that cut across and within schools and classrooms, making it difficult for educators to align their own particular instructional dynamic with what others are saying is

‘ best’ from an evidence-based perspective. Clearly, there is error (or fallacy) in assuming that individual members of a group necessarily carry the average characteristics of the aggregate group. Most distressing is the prospect of assuming that best teaching practices are reliable and portable enough to script instruction, which poses the harmful possibility of closing down the

discretionary space teachers need to make responsive and educationally sound judgments in the classroom. The solution to this problem is quintessentially curricular and fundamentally Schwabian. It has to do with helping school reformers understand that the best way to approach good teaching really starts with people, not with ideas—that the basis of most of the best discourse on improving the way teachers teach has less to do with ideations about teaching than about on-the-ground conditions.

試說明以上段落文章之大要(10分),並闡述所謂「好教學」的主要概念為 何(15分)。(可用中文作答)



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