Statistics and Census Service
2nd QUARTER/2010
No. 2
Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
Statistics and Census Service
In the second quarter of 2010, approvals were granted to the construction of buildings with a gross floor area of 13,210 square metres that will provide 96 units upon completion, of which 71 are residential units.
Meanwhile, gross floor area of new buildings started totalled 5,840 square metres, which will provide 41 units upon completion, of which 33 are residential units.
Gross floor area of buildings (including extensions) completed totalled 609,154 square metres in the second quarter of 2010, altogether providing 1,869 units, of which 1,801 are residential units, including 1,121 three-bedroom apartments; in addition, a total of 2,307 parking spaces for cars and 379 parking spaces for motorcycles were available.
Table 1 - Principal indicators of construction approvals, new buildings and completion of buildings
Construction approvals Construction of new buildings Completion of buildings 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 End-use
Q2 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2
Gross floor area (m²) - total 28 031 10 169 13 210 34 819r124 615 5 840 377 824 64 769 609 154 Residential 3 514 2 764 6 844 958r 65 914 3 605 23 703 18 341 208 747
Commercial 1 475 939 5 040 1 343r 4 290 929 1 953 1 433 7 689
Office - 468 - - 468 - 229 - -
Industrial - 5 998 - 9 950 5 998 - - - -
Others 23 042 - 1 325 22 568 47 944 1 306 351 939 44 995 392 718
Number of units - total 48 42 96 60r 508 41 220 149 1 869
Residential 34 30 71 12r 476 33 185 136 1 801
Commercial 11 7 23 8r 24 7 29 6 58
Office - 4 - - 4 - 1 - -
Industrial - 1 - 36 1 - - - -
Others 3 - 2 4 3 1 5 7 10
Parking spaces
For cars - - 1 16 496 - 1 086 146 2 307
For motorcycles - - - 30 93 - 379 138 379
- Absolute value equals zero r Revised figures
There were 3,353 cases of real estate sale and purchase contracts made in the second quarter of 2010;
the number of units transacted rose by 6.2% quarter-to-quarter to 4,572 and the total value went up by 29.4% to MOP6.44 billion.
Total value of mortgage loans amounted to MOP45.19 billion, up by 4.6 times quarter-to-quarter.
Table 2 - Real estate transaction and mortgage
Mortgage credits Real estate transactions
Total Residential Year Quarter Number of
notarized deeds
Number of units
Value (MOP million)
Number of units
Value (MOP million)
Number of units
Value (MOP million)
2009 9 111 11 546 14 954 8 965 52 009 6 469 8 076
1 766 1 291 1 388 1 414 1 626 621 699
2 2 109 2 847 3 284 1 845 35 347 1 523 1 740 3 2 825 3 323 3 937 2 687 5 967 1 896 2 326 4 3 411 4 085 6 344 3 019 9 068 2 429 3 312 2010
1 3 370 4 307 4 980 4 125 8 073 2 904 3 434 2 3 353 4 572 6 442 4 004 45 186 2 583 4 016 Note: Residential mortgage credits include mortgage on residential units with carpark(s).
In the second quarter, a total of 8,575 building units were purchased and sold at MOP16.79 billion according to Stamp Duty records, up by 34.3% and 67.5% respectively quarter-to-quarter. Among them, 3,334 new units at MOP9.78 billion were still within the property tax exemption period, up notably by 94.5% and 113.0% respectively quarter-to-quarter.
There were 5,372 residential units amounting to MOP13.78 billion, up by 38.3% and 73.5%
respectively quarter-to-quarter. In addition, there were 466 commercial units, 338 office units, 55 industrial units and 2,305 parking spaces.
Analyzed by year of completion of building, there were 2,212 residential units completed in 2000 and after, 1,940 units in 1990-1999 and 1,220 units in 1989 and before.
As regards floor area of residential unit, 2,635 units (49.1% of total) had an area of 50 to 99.9 square metres.
A total of 3,742 residential units were situated in the Macao Peninsula, 828 in Taipa and 802 in Coloane. Regarding the price of transaction, 1,154 residential units were sold for over MOP4,000,000;
1,248 units for over MOP2,000,000 to MOP4,000,000; 1,609 units for over MOP1,000,000 to MOP2,000,000; and 1,361 units for MOP1,000,000 or less.
Table 3 - Transaction of building units by end-use
2009 2010 End-use
Q2 Q1 Q2
Number of units 3 713 6 386 8 575
(Of which: Intermediate Transfer of Title) 827 1 363 2 848
Residential 2 277 3 884 5 372
(Of which: Intermediate Transfer of Title) 486 792 1 773
Commercial 495 409 466
Office 36 153 338
Industrial 45 53 55
Parking spaces 835 1 843 2 305
Others 25 44 39
New buildings - subtotal 1 103 1 714 3 334
Old buildings - subtotal 2 610 4 672 5 241
Value (MOP million) 4 572 10 024 16 795
(Of which: Intermediate Transfer of Title) 1 977 3 922 8 835
Residential 3 763 7 942 13 780
(Of which: Intermediate Transfer of Title) 1 806 3 751 8 432
Commercial 484 1 007 1 120
Office 50 221 807
Industrial 69 127 91
Parking spaces 182 397 565
Others 23 330 432
New buildings - subtotal 2 493 4 591 9 781
Old buildings - subtotal 2 079 5 433 7 014
In the second quarter of 2010, there were 2,848 units (33.2% of total) were purchased and sold under Intermediate Transfer of Title, up sharply by 109.0% quarter-to-quarter, and the total value soared by 125.3% to MOP8.84 billion. Among them, 1,773 were residential units and the total value surged by 124.8% to MOP8.43 billion.
Graph 1 - Transaction of building units as per Stamp Duty records
3 713
6 386
8 575
2 848 1 363
827 0
2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000
Q2 2008
Q3 Q4 Q1
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
Q2 Number
2.2. Average price of transaction Residential units
In the second quarter of 2010, opening sale of the major residential property pushed up the average transaction price of residential units in Coloane by 1.3 times quarter-to-quarter to MOP59,509 per square metre of usable area, bringing the overall average price of residential units to increase by 19.3% to MOP32,026 per square metre. Meanwhile, the average transaction price of residential units in the Macao Peninsula increased by 3.5% from the previous quarter to MOP27,603 per square metre, and the average price of those in Taipa went up by 3.8% to MOP28,372 per square metre.
Analyzed by year of completion of building, the average price for residential units completed in 1990-1999 stood at MOP25,601 per square metre and the price for those completed in 2000 and after was MOP44,890 per square metre, up by 13.4% and 10.1% respectively quarter-to-quarter; moreover, the average transaction price for those completed in 1989 and before rose by 3.8% to MOP18,620 per square metre.
Analyzed by floor area, the average transaction price of residential units with an area of 50 to 99.9 square meters registered a notable increase of 26.9% quarter-to-quarter to MOP32,486 per square metre.
For those having an area of 150 square metres and over, the average price dropped by 4.3% to MOP45,944 per square metre.
Table 4 - Average transaction price of residential units (per square metre) in selected districts
MOP 2009 2010
Q2 Q1 Q2
Year of building completion District
Overall 2000 and after
1990 to 1999
1989 and before
Total of Macao 18 928 26 845 32 026 44 890 25 601 18 620
Macao Peninsula 17 794 26 674 27 603 39 666 25 302 18 575
Areia Preta e Iao Hon 11 155 19 812 22 857 21 426 26 756 18 219
NATAP 22 859 32 307 34 413 40 722 24 704 ~
Doca do Lamau 23 988 28 151 29 157 31 615 28 203 20 677 Horta e Costa e Ouvidor Arriaga 16 231 25 261 25 745 30 819 28 386 20 120
ZAPE 17 659 16 011 19 620 20 360 20 710 16 214
NAPE e Aterros da Baía da Praia Grande 39 577 59 793 48 445 55 988 31 581 27 692 Barra / Manduco 9 121 16 556 26 676 53 100 20 237 16 564
Taipa 22 366 27 342 28 372 32 889 26 070 23 446
Jardins do Oceano e Taipa Pequena 21 838 27 893 29 608 29 214 29 628 ~ Baixa da Taipa 22 685 27 255 28 366 32 101 26 252 24 863
Coloane 20 588 25 778 59 509 59 950 27 774 ~
~ No figure provided
Graph 2 - Average transaction price of residential units (per square metre) by usable area
With regard to the transaction of residential units under Intermediate Transfer of Title, the average price of those in Coloane reached MOP59,950 per square metre in the second quarter of 2010, pushing the overall average transaction price up by 7.2% quarter-to-quarter to MOP48,093 per square metre. On the other hand, the average price of those in the Macao Peninsula and Taipa decreased by 9.4% and 7.3%
quarter-to-quarter to MOP42,097 and MOP35,275 per square metre respectively.
Table 5 - Average transaction price of residential units (per square metre) under Intermediate Transfer of Title
2009 2010 District
Q2 Q1 Q2
Total of Macao 31 184 44 865 48 093
Macao Peninsula 31 017 46 440 42 097
NATAP 29 796 40 825 41 809
Doca do Lamau 25 939 36 783 35 190
NAPE e Aterros da Baía da Praia Grande 62 421 83 155 64 607
Taipa 31 690 38 043 35 275
Baixa da Taipa 31 690 35 239 33 421
Coloane ~ ~ 59 950
~ No figure provided
48 008
26 964
45 944
26 622
31 347
38 446 32 486 25 597
17 803
25 466
20 171 12 053
5 000 15 000 25 000 35 000 45 000 55 000
Q2 2009
Q3 Q4 Q1 2010
≧ 150 m2 100 - 149.9 m2 50 - 99.9 m2 < 50 m2
Industrial units and Office units
In the second quarter of 2010, the average transaction price of industrial units was MOP6,712 per square metre, up by 2.9% quarter-to-quarter.
Table 6 - Average transaction price of industrial units (per square metre) by year of building completion
MOP Year of building completion
Year Quarter Industrial units
1990 to 1999 1989 and before
2009 6 079 6 866 5 866
1 6 421 ~ 6 517
2 5 815 6 958 5 529
3 5 480 6 789 4 760
4 6 293 7 256 6 036
1 6 526 6 601 6 483
2 6 712 8 422 6 079
~ No figure provided
Meanwhile, the average transaction price of office units decreased by 6.6% quarter-to-quarter to MOP22,169 per square metre.
Table 7 - Average transaction price of office units (per square metre) in selected districts
MOP Year Quarter Total of Macao ZAPE NAPE e Aterros da
Baía da Praia Grande Baixa de Macau
2009 21 650 18 787 23 561 12 605
1 22 228 15 091 23 164 ~
2 19 556 18 054 21 230 ~
3 20 049 20 213 22 778 11 043
4 23 177 19 793 25 233 14 309
1 23 740 18 869 28 486 23 186
2 22 169 16 896 22 252 28 838
~ No figure provided
1. Real estate: Classified according to the type of registration. Every unit of a property is considered as a separate item of real estate if individually registered; otherwise, the whole property is counted as one.
2. Building units: Including residential, commercial, office and industrial units, parking spaces, hotel and other units.
3. New buildings: Refer to building units entitled to property tax exemption, as stipulated in a) and b) of item 1 under article 9 of the Regulation of Urban Property Tax currently in force, which prescribes the following as new buildings: 1) In the Macao Peninsula, residential and/or commercial units completed for up to four years, and up to five years for industrial units. 2) In the Islands, residential and/or commercial units completed for up to six years, and up to ten years for industrial units.
4. Intermediate transfer of title: A real estate transaction whose full transfer of ownership has not been completed. For taxation purposes, payment of 0.5% of Stamp Duty gives legal effects to the respective transaction.
5. Including transaction of residential units valued MOP3,000,000 or less that were exempt from the payment of Stamp Duty according to law.
6. The average transaction price of building units is calculated according to the price per square metre of usable area. The division of districts is solely for statistical purposes.
7. The calculation of the average transaction price of office units only covers office buildings with ten storeys or higher.
The following statistical tables are available for download from our website:
1. Construction of residential units started in the private sector by type of unit 2. Completion of residential units in the private sector by type of unit
3. Notarial deeds by institution
4. Real estate transactions by notarial deed 5. Real estate mortgages by notarial deed 6. Real estate transactions by end-use
7. Real estate transactions by location, value and type of real estate 8. Real estate transactions by value of real estate and mortgage status
9. Real estate transactions with mortgage credits and value of mortgage, by type of mortgage, value of credit and type of real estate
10. Building units transactions with mortgage credits and value of mortgage, by type of mortgage, value of credit and end-use of building unit
11. Real estate transactions by value of real estate, legal nature and place of residence or headquarters of buyer and seller
12. Real estate mortgages by type of mortgage, value of credit and type of real estate 13. Real estate mortgages by type of mortgage, value of credit and end-use of building unit
14. Real estate mortgages not involving real estate transaction by type of mortgage, value of credit, location and type of real estate
15. Real estate mortgages by type of mortgage, value of credit, legal nature and place of residence or headquarters of borrower
16. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units by district as per Stamp Duty records 16A. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units under intermediate transfer of title by
district as per Stamp Duty records
16B. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units (not including intermediate transfer of title and those that have been scheduled for value re-evaluation) by district as per Stamp Duty records
17. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units by district and year of building completion as per Stamp Duty records
17A. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units under intermediate transfer of title by district and year of building completion as per Stamp Duty records
17B. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units (not including intermediate transfer of title and those that have been scheduled for value re-evaluation) by district and year of building completion as per Stamp Duty records
18. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units by usable area as per Stamp Duty records
18A. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units under intermediate transfer of title by usable area as per Stamp Duty records
18B. Average transaction price per square metre of residential units (not including intermediate transfer of title and those that have been scheduled for value re-evaluation) by usable area as per Stamp Duty records
19. Average transaction price per square metre of industrial units by year of building completion as per Stamp Duty records
19A. Average transaction price per square metre of industrial units under intermediate transfer of title by year of building completion as per Stamp Duty records
20. Average transaction price per square metre of office units by main district as per Stamp Duty
20A. Average transaction price per square metre of office units under intermediate transfer of title by main district as per Stamp Duty records
21. Residential units sold as per Stamp Duty records by main district and year of building completion 22. Residential units sold as per Stamp Duty records by main district and usable area
23. Residential units sold as per Stamp Duty records by main district and value of unit transacted
The following tables are available in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics of DSEC Table 40 - Buildings completed – private sector
Table 41 - Units and area of buildings completed – private sector Table 42 - Buildings started – private sector
Table 43 - Units and area of buildings started – private sector
Table 44 - Units and gross floor area of buildings completed – private sector Table 45 - Units and gross floor area of buildings started – private sector Table 46 - Building units sold as per Stamp Duty records
Table 47 - Value of building units sold as per Stamp Duty records
Table 48 - Number of buyers of transacted building units by end-use of unit and buyer's status as per Stamp Duty records
Table 49 - Value of transacted building units by end-use of unit and buyer's status as per Stamp Duty records
Table 53 - Deeds notarized by type
Table 54 - Transactions of real estate by declared value Table 55 - Mortgage loans by credit value
SOURCES – Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau Financial Services Bureau
1st Notary Office, 2nd Notary Office, Notary Office of the Islands and private notary offices
Further statistical information can be obtained from the Documentation and Information Centre of the Statistics and Census Service of Macao:
Alameda Dr. Carlos d´Assumpção, No. 411-417, Dynasty Plaza, 17th floor,
Tel. : 8399 5311 Fax : 2830 7825
E-mail: Website:
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