Report on the Review Surveys of the THIRD Strategy on
Information Technology in Education [Appendices]
December 2012
Education Bureau The Government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Table of Contents
Appendix 1: Construct Map of Review Survey(s) ... 2
Appendix 2: Development of Indicators of Review Survey(s) ... 13
Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Primary School Sector (RS1PE) ... 20
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Secondary School Sector (RS1SE) ... 25
Appendix 5: Questionnaire for Special School (Mainstream Curriculum) Sector (RS1EME) .. 30
Appendix 6: Questionnaire for Special School (Special Curriculum) Sector (RS1ESE) ... 35
Appendix 7: Questionnaire for Primary School Sector (RS2PE) ... 40
Appendix 8: Questionnaire for Secondary School Sector (RS2SE) ... 45
Appendix 9: Questionnaire for Special School Mainstream Curriculum Sector (RS2EME)... 50
Appendix 10: Questionnaire for Special School Special Curriculum Sector (RS2ESE) ... 55
Phase (I) Studyi Review Areas
Selected Phase (I) Study Indicators
UNESCO Study Review Areas
Selected UNESCO Study Indicators
Review Survey(s) Review Areas
(Related Action No. of the Third Strategyii)
Possible / Modified* Indicators for Review Survey(s)
[# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Input Dimension
EV1 Students’
Perception of Learning with IT EV2
Teachers’ IT Competency as well as Teachers’
& School Heads’
Perception of ITEd
Teachers’ Competency in ITEd I. Teachers’ IT competency
(1) Teachers’ overall level of IT competency (2) School heads’ views on teachers’ IT
competency in the school
(3) Teachers’ / therapists’ self-evaluated level of confidence in selecting appropriate IT resources for students
Teachers’ & School Heads’ Perception of ITEd I. Teachers’ ITEd perception – roles of
(1) Teachers’ / therapists’ perceived roles when applying IT in learning and teaching
Professionals Use and Teaching
(1) Level of expertise in the use of ICTiii
(1) IT Deployment for Learning / Teaching (1 & 2)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Teachers’ overall level of IT competency#
(2) School heads’ views on teachers’ IT competency in the school# (3) Teachers’ / therapists’ self-evaluated level of confidence in
selecting appropriate IT resources for students (Modified to --- Teachers’ / therapists’ self-evaluated level of confidence in using IT resources in teaching*)
(4) Teachers’ / therapists’ perceived roles when applying IT in learning and teaching(Modified to --- Teachers’ / therapists’
perceived roles in ITEd development*) From UNESCO
(1) Level of expertise in the use of ICT# Target Indicator(s)
(1) Human resources
(2) Teachers’ confidence in using IT
Input Dimension
Community-wide Support &
Parents’ Involvement in Promotion of ITEd I. Home-school collaboration
(1) School heads’ views on the kind of home-school collaboration activities / measures and promotion of ITEd activities / programmes which school has organised / participated
(2) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measures to engage parents’ involvement in the promotion of learning and teaching with IT
Student use and
learning (1) Number of learners with ICT access outside school
(1) Parental Support (6) (2) IT Deployment in
School (6 & 7)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) School heads’ views on the kind of home-school collaboration activities / measures and promotion of ITEd activities / programmes which school has organised / participated
(2) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measures to engage parents’ involvement in the promotion of learning and teaching with IT
(3) Parents’ and students’ views on the adequacy of IT facilities at home (Modified to --- School heads’ views on the adequacy of IT facilities at home*)
(4) School heads’ views on the ways to communicate with parents (5) School heads’ views on the way(s) that PTA can help in ensuring
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
II. Parents as the supporters and motivators for students learning with IT
(1) Parents’ and students’ views on the adequacy of IT facilities at home
III. Parents' use of IT as a communication tool (1) School heads’ views on the ways to
communicate with parents
IV. Role of parents to ensure students' understanding of ethical, legal and health issues involved in using IT
(1) School heads’ views on the way(s) that PTA can help in ensuring students’
understanding of ethical, legal and health issues involved in using IT
Community-school Collaboration
I. Help offered to the poor / needy students (1) School takes measures to cater for poor
students’ needs of IT resources / support (2) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether
schools have appropriate measure(s) to address digital divide issue
(3) Families with Personal Computer(s) at Home by Monthly Family Income
(4) Families with Internet Access at Home by Monthly Family Income
students’ understanding of ethical, legal and health issues involved in using IT
(6) School takes measures to cater for poor students’ needs of IT resources / support
(7) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measure(s) to address digital divide issue
(8) Families with Personal Computer(s) at Home by Monthly Family Income (Modified to --- Families with Personal Computer(s) at home*)
(9) Families with Internet Access at Home by Monthly Family Income (Modified to --- Families with Internet Access at home*) From UNESCO
(1) Number of learners with ICT access outside school Target Indicator(s)
(1) Availability & type(s) of mechanism(s) / measure(s) deployed (2) Provision of computers & Internet access at home
(3) Parents’ participation
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Context Dimension
School ITEd Curriculumiv
School ITEd Curriculum I. IT Learning Targets
(1) Frequency of students’ use of computers in school
(2) Students’ views on the ways they learn knowledge and skills of IT
(3) Information on school ITEd curriculum (4) School heads’ self-evaluation on
opportunities for students to learn the knowledge and skills of IT
(5) School heads’ self-evaluation on teachers’
provision of opportunities to students to learn IT knowledge across school curriculum
(6) ITEd Team’s views on the incorporation of Information Literacy in school curriculum (7) School heads’ views on the frequency of IT
use in various KLAs
(8) Students’ view on KLAs in which teachers frequently use computers in class
(9) Teachers’ views on the type of school task(s) that they use IT
II. The use of IT across KLAs / generic skills (1) School heads’ views on the school
curriculum design with integrated use of IT
Curriculum /
Textbooks (1) Existence of a prescribed curriculum at all levels, both formal and non-formal and those for minorities and with special needs that incorporates ICT (to be sourced from both national and school levels)
(2) Manner in which ICT is introduced or being taught in the school and the hours spent on its teaching
(3) Educational levels at which ICT is introduced as a separate subject (4) Subjects into which ICT
is introduced
(5) Extent of ICT integration in the curriculum
(6) Purposes for which computers are being used for instruction in schools at the pre-school, elementary, secondary and non-formal education levels
(1) IT Deployment for Learning / teaching (1, 2 & 8)
(2) IT Deployment in School (1)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Frequency of students’ use of computers in school [Modified to --- Availability of computer room(s) for student use beyond school hours*]
(2) Students’ view on the ways they learn knowledge and skills of IT (Modified to --- Ways that students learn knowledge and skills of IT*)
(3) School heads’ self-evaluation on opportunities for students to learn the knowledge and skills of IT#
(4) School heads’ self-evaluation on teachers’ provision of opportunities to students to learn IT knowledge across school curriculum [Combined with (3) and modified to --- School heads’
self-evaluation on provision of opportunities for students to learn the knowledge and skills of IT*]
(5) Information on school ITEd curriculum
(6) ITEd Team’s views on the incorporation of Information Literacy in school curriculum (Modified to --- Incorporation of Information Literacy in school curriculum*)
(7) School heads’ views on the frequency of IT use in various KLAs (Modified to --- Extent of teachers’ computer use in class*) (8) Students’ views on KLAs in which teachers frequently use
computers in class (Modified to --- Extent of teachers’ use of IT in various subjects / KLAs*)
(9) Teachers’ views on the type of school task(s) that they use IT (Modified to --- Teachers’ ways of using IT*)
(10) School heads’ views on the school curriculum design with integrated use of IT
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
(2) IT Deployment in
School (1) cont. From UNESCO
(1) Existence of a prescribed curriculum at all levels, both formal and non-formal and those for minorities and with special needs that incorporates ICT (to be sourced from both national and school levels)#
(2) Manner in which ICT is introduced or being taught in the school and the hours spent on its teaching
(3) Educational levels at which ICT is introduced as a separate subject (Modified to --- ICT is introduced as a separate subject*) (4) Subjects into which ICT is introduced
(5) Extent of ICT integration in the curriculum
(6) Purposes for which computers are being used for instruction in schools at the pre-school, elementary, secondary and non-formal education levels#
Context Dimension
School ITEd Curriculum
Target Indicator(s)
(1) Availability of computer rooms(s) for student use beyond school hours
(2) Information about school’s ITEd curriculum (3) Way(s) of using IT
(4) Extent of IT use
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
EV5 School Professional Development in ITEd (Training Opportunities)
School Professional Development in ITEd (Training Opportunities)
I. Types & effectiveness of ITEd professional development
(1) Training received by school teachers to equip themselves with knowledge and skills (2) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on the types
and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have
(3) Teachers’ / therapists’ experience in the participation of ITEd professional development
(4) School heads’ views on the types and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have
Professionals Use and Teaching
(1) Percentage of teaching professionals who acquired pre-service training on ICT (sourcing from national and school levels) (2) Percentage of teaching
professionals who received training in the last 3 years as part of in-service training (3) Level of ICT training
(basic, intermediate, advanced) for both pre-service and in-service
(4) Number of hours teachers are trained
(5) Reasons for participating in ICT training
(6) Use of Internet for teaching and how often
(1) IT Deployment in School (1&2) (2) School Expectations
on ITEd (2)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Training received by school teachers to equip themselves with knowledge and skills
(2) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on the types and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have#
(3) Teachers’ / therapists’ experience in the participation of ITEd professional development
(4) School heads’ views on the types and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have
(1) Percentage of teaching professionals who acquired pre-service training on ICT (sourcing from national and school levels)# (2) Percentage of teaching professionals who received training in the
last 3 years as part of in-service training#
(3) Level of ICT training (basic, intermediate, advanced) for both pre-service and in-service#
(4) Number of hours teachers are trained# (5) Reasons for participating in ICT training# (6) Use of Internet for teaching and how often Target Indicator(s)
(1) Teachers’ professional development on ITEd (2) Way(s) of using IT
(3) Professional Supportv
Context Dimension
EV6 School Leadership
IT Plan / Policy
I. ITEd plan – learning
(1) Statements of visions and goals in ITEd plans
(2) School heads’ views on the contribution from different stakeholders to the formulation of ITEd plan
(3) School heads’ views on how well the ITEd plans are implemented
(4) School heads’ views on the obstacles to the implementation of ITEd plan
II. ITEd plan – resources and support
(1) ITEd team’s views on whether ITEd plan matches with the needs of teachers, parents,
ICT-Based Policy and Strategy
(1) National / sub-national policy for ICT in education (formal and non-formal)
(2) Master Plan with a time frame
(3) Budget plan and appropriations
(4) Proportion of budget on ICT for education vis-à- vis national budget for education in US Dollars as well as ICT items / activities on which the money is spent on
(1) IT Deployment in School (3)
(2) IT Deployment for Learning / Teaching (1&2)
(3) Resources (4) (4) School Expectations
on ITEd (2)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Statements of visions and goals in ITEd plans
(2) School heads’ views on the contribution from different stakeholders to the formulation of ITEd plan#
(3) School heads’ views on how well the ITEd plans are implemented
(4) School heads’ views on the obstacles to the implementation of ITEd plan
(5) ITEd team’s views on whether ITEd plan matches with the needs of teachers, parents, students and society (Modified to --- School heads’ views on whether ITEd plan matches with the needs of parents, students and society*)
(6) Whether school has a clear school-based ITEd plan to portray the infrastructure requirements
(7) Whether school has a clear school-based IT plan to portray the
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
students and society
(2) Whether school has a clear school-based ITEd plan to portray the infrastructure requirements
Teachers’ Perception of IT Plan / Policy I. Feeling of support
(1) Whether school has a clear school-based IT plan to portray the ITEd professional development for teachers
(5) Organisational structure responsible for implementing the master
(6) Scope and level of ICT programme
(7) Monitoring and evaluation scheme or mechanism
(8) Statement of inclusion of women, minorities, and those with special needs in ICT policy
(9) Manner by which the country and schools implement ICT for education if no ICT policy exists
(10) Existence of technology master plan in schools
ITEd professional development for teachers# From UNESCO
(1) National / sub-national policy for ICT in education (formal and non-formal)#
(2) Master Plan with a time frame (3) Budget plan and appropriations
(4) Proportion of budget on ICT for education vis-à-vis national budget for education in US Dollars as well as ICT items / activities on which the money is spent on (Modified to --- Proportion of budget on ITEd*)
(5) Organisational structure responsible for implementing the master plan
(6) Scope and level of ICT programme#
(7) Monitoring and evaluation scheme or mechanism
(8) Statement of inclusion of women, minorities, and those with special needs in ICT policy#
(9) Manner by which the country and schools implement ICT for education if no ICT policy exists#
(10) Existence of technology master plan in schools
Target Indicator(s) (1) Human resources (2) Financial resources
(3) School-based ITEd Development Plan
(4) Satisfaction with school current ITEd development (5) Technical support
Context Dimension
Digital Resources
& Infrastructure
School's e-learning Platform / Internet and Other Digital Resources
I. Types, quantity and quality of resources and support
(1) School heads’ views on the development and management of school-based digital resources
(2) School heads’ views on the importance of the sources of digital resources
(3) Schools’ provision of school homepage and / or e-learning platform
I. Curriculum / Textbooks II. ICT
Infrastructure and Access
I. Enabling Environment (1) Access to and use of the
following by
y no. of schools and non-formal learning centres
y no. of students / learners
y no. of teachers / school staff
i. Electricity ii. Computers iii. Handhelds
(1) IT Facilities and Accessibility (4 & 5) (2) IT Deployment in
School (3) (3) Resources (4 & 5) (4) School Expectations
on ITEd (5)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) School heads’ views on the development and management of school-based digital resources
(2) School heads’ views on the importance of the sources of digital resources
(3) Schools’ provision of school homepage and / or e-learning platform
(4) Frequency of teachers using HKEdCity (Modified to --- Whether teachers use free-of-charge or fee-charging resources*)
(5) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether school has established a mechanism for storing / retrieving digital resources to facilitate teaching, learning and sharing
(6) School heads’ self-evaluation on the adequacy of up-to-date
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
I. Types, quantity and quality of resources and support
(1) Frequency of teachers using HKEdCity (2) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether
school has established a mechanism for storing / retrieving digital resources to facilitate teaching, learning and sharing (3) School heads’ self-evaluation on the
adequacy of up-to-date digital resources in school
School IT infrastructure
I. Types, quantity and quality of resources and support
(1) Information about IT facilities and Internet connection provided by the school
(2) School allows students to use computer facilities after school
(3) Students’ views on the opening hours of computer facilities after school
(4) School heads’ views on the need to upgrade school IT infrastructure
(5) School heads’ self-evaluation on the provision of up-to-date IT infrastructure
(PDAs) iv. Telephone v. Intranet vi. Internet
vii. TV / VCR / VCD / DVD
viii. Radio
(2) Number of computers per 100 students / learners
(3) Location of computers in schools / NFE centres (4) Existence of software
used for teaching and learning and sources of these software
II. Internet Connectivity (1) Number of computers
connected to the Internet either as stand alone or networked
(2) Kinds of Internet connection and speed / bandwidth by schools and learners
(3) Number of hours in a month used by schools accessing the Internet
digital resources in school
(7) Information about IT facilities and Internet connection provided by the school
(8) School allows students to use computer facilities after school (9) Students’ views on the opening hours of computer facilities after
school [Modified to --- Students’ utilisation of computer room(s) after school*]
(10) School heads’ views on the need to upgrade school IT infrastructure
(11) School heads’ self-evaluation on the provision of up-to-date IT infrastructure
(1) Access to and use of the following by
y no. of schools and non-formal learning centres y no. of students / learners
y no. of teachers / school staff*
i Electricity# ii Computers iii Handhelds (PDAs) iv Telephone# v Intranet vi Internet
vii TV / VCR / VCD / DVD# viii Radio#
(2) Number of computers per 100 students / learners (3) Location of computers in schools / NFE centres#
(4) Existence of software used for teaching and learning and sources of these software
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Context Dimension
Digital Resources
& Infrastructure (cont’d)
(4) Access, use or possession of e-mail and websites by no. of schools, no. of teachers and other staff (principal), and learners III. Systems and Hardware (1) Number of PCs running
on various platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) (2) Age of computers
(5) Number of computers connected to the Internet either as stand alone or networked#
(6) Kinds of Internet connection and speed / bandwidth by schools and learners
(7) Number of hours in a month used by schools accessing the Internet#
(8) Access, use or possession of e-mail and websites by no. of schools, no. of teachers & other staff (principal), and learners (9) Number of PCs running on various platforms (Windows, Linux,
(10) Age of computers# Target Indicator(s)
(1) Student to computer ratio
(2) Availability of computers in school library for student use (3) Availability of computers and digital projectors
(4) Availability and type(s) of digital devices for learning purposes (5) Availability of Internet connection
(6) Availability of computer room(s) for student use beyond school hours
(7) Students’ utilisation of computer room(s) after school
(8) Availability of digital resources [including e-system(s) / mechanism(s)]
(9) Availability & type(s) of mechanism(s) / measure(s) deployed (10) Way(s) of using IT
(11) Resources support
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Context Dimension
EV8 School
Technology-using Culture and ITEd Development
School IT Culture
I. School ITEd innovation
(1) Projects / programmes schools took part to explore innovative technology and equipment in learning and teaching
II. School ITEd innovation, sharing and collaboration among schools
(1) Whether and how school shares experience in using IT in an innovative way
(2) School’s participation in ITEd exhibition / contest / sharing outside school
(3) School’s participation in ITEd project / collaboration with higher learning institutions
School ITEd Development
I. School ITEd innovation, sharing and collaboration among teachers
(1) Whether school has attempted innovative use of IT to enhance teaching and learning II. The use of IT embedded into the daily
practices of schools
(1) School heads’ self-evaluation on IT integration in daily practices in school
(1) IT Deployment in School (2 & 5) (2) IT Deployment in
School for Learning / Teaching (1 & 2)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Projects / programmes schools took part to explore innovative technology and equipment in learning and teaching
(2) Whether and how school shares experience in using IT in an innovative way#
(3) School’s participation in ITEd exhibition / contest / sharing outside school
(4) School’s participation in ITEd project / collaboration with higher learning institutions
(5) Whether school has attempted innovative use of IT to enhance teaching and learning
(6) School heads’ self-evaluation on IT integration in daily practices in school
Target Indicator(s)
(1) Availability & type(s) of mechanism(s) / measure(s) deployed (2) Collaborative project(s) / activity(ies) organised by school (3) Way(s) of using IT
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Process Dimension
EV9 Students’
Learning Activities with IT
Learning with IT
I. Information processing skills with IT (1) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often
they provide students with tasks which require them to build knowledge in using IT (2) Students’ self-evaluation on the mastery of
information processing with IT
(3) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether students have applied information processing skills to solve problems in school tasks and real-life situations
(4) Teachers’ views on the design of learning activities that facilitate students in information processing with IT
II. Learning subject matter / knowledge with IT
(1) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often they arrange self-study task(s) by allocating digital resources
(2) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether teachers provide self-study task(s) to students by allocating digital resources
I. Student Use and Learning II. ICT
Infrastructure and Access
(1) Number of learners with ICT access outside school
(2) Actual use of computers and related ICTs in subjects schoolwork (3) Levels of skills in use of
various ICT applications (4) Source of learning of
computer and ICT-related skills
(5) Use of ICT in schoolwork by number of learners and degree of use
(6) Access and use of computers after school hours within and outside schools
(1) IT Deployment for Learning / Teaching (1 & 2)
(2) Students’ Awareness / Competency in Use of IT (8)
(3) Parental Support (6)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often they provide students with tasks which require them to build knowledge in using IT (Modified to ---Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often they provide students with tasks which require them to use IT*) (2) Students’ self-evaluation on the mastery of information
processing with IT (Modified to --- School heads’ self-evaluation on students’ mastery of information processing with IT*) (3) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether students have applied
information processing skills to solve problems in school tasks and real-life situations (Modified to --- School heads’
self-evaluation on whether students have applied information processing skills to solve problems in school tasks*)
(4) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on the design of learning activities that facilitate students in information processing with IT (5) Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often they arrange self-study
task(s) by allocating digital resources#
(6) School heads’ self-evaluation on whether teachers provide self-study task(s) to students by allocating digital resources From UNESCO
(1) Number of learners with ICT access outside school
(2) Actual use of computers and related ICTs in subjects schoolwork#
(3) Levels of skills in use of various ICT applications (Modified to --- Levels of skills in use of IT*)
(4) Source of learning of computer and ICT-related skills#
(5) Use of ICT in schoolwork by number of learners and degree of use#
(6) Access and use of computers after school hours within and outside schools
Target Indicator(s)
(1) Availability of computer room(s) for student use beyond school hours
(2) Students’ utilisation of computer room(s) after school (3) Way(s) of using IT
(4) School heads’ perception of students’ level of competency (5) Proper use of IT
the Third Strategyii) [# denotes indicators which are excluded from Review Survey(s)]
Process Dimension
EV10 Teachers’
Pedagogical Practices with IT
Teaching with IT
I. Management of learning with IT
(1) Frequency of teachers / therapists using IT in classroom / training / therapy
(2) Ways of teachers’ / therapists’ using IT in the classroom / training / therapy
(3) The subject(s) which teachers use computers for teaching most frequently
Assessing with IT
I. Assessment of learning with IT
(1) Frequency that students submit assignments via various electronic means
Creating IT-enriched learning environment I. Student-centred learning environment with
(1) Teachers’ confidence in supporting students in learning subject matters when using IT
I. Teaching Professionals Use and Teaching
Infrastructure and Access
(1) Purpose and frequency of use of computers by number of teachers (2) Level of expertise in the
use of ICT
(3) Number of hours per week for ICT-aided instruction
(1) IT Deployment for Learning / Teaching (1 & 2)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Frequency of teachers / therapists using IT in classroom / training / therapy (Modified to --- Whether teachers / therapists use IT in classroom / training / therapy*)
(2) Ways of teachers’ / therapists’ using IT in the classroom / training / therapy
(3) The subject(s) which teachers use computers for teaching most frequently
(4) Frequency that students submit assignments via various electronic means (Modified to --- Whether students are requested to submit assignments via electronic means*)
(5) Teachers’ confidence in supporting students in learning subject matters when using IT (Modified to --- Teachers’ confidence in using IT for teaching*)
(1) Purpose and frequency of use of computers by number of teachers
(2) Level of expertise in the use of ICT#
(3) Number of hours per week for ICT-aided instruction# Target Indicator(s)
(1) Teachers’ confidence in using IT (2) Way(s) of using IT
(3) Extent of IT use
Outcome Dimension
EV11 Students’
Outcomes in different Key Learning Areas and the Development of Generic Skills
IT Learning Targets as one of the generic Skills
I. Learning about IT – IT Learning Targets (1) Students’ attitude towards social and ethical
issues related to the use of IT
(1) Students’ Awareness / Competency in Use of IT (6)
From Phase (I) Study
(1) Students’ attitude towards social and ethical issues related to the use of IT (Modified to --- Provision of guidelines on social and ethical issues of using IT for teachers and students*)
Target Indicator(s) (1) Proper use of IT
Review Survey(s)
Phase (I) Study 1 Selected / Modified* Indicators
Selected / Modified*
Related Action of the Third Strategy Review
Areas Identified Indicators 1. IT Facilities
Accessibility 1.1 Student to computer ratio
1.1.1 No. of computers in school a. total
b. by no. of students
Information about IT facilities and Internet connection provided by the school
School allows students to use computer facilities after school
Availability of computer room(s) for student use beyond school hours*
Access to and use of the following by a) no. of schools and non-formal learning centres (NFE); b) no. of students / learners, c) no. of teachers / school staff*
(1) Computers (2) Handhelds (PDAs) (3) Intranet
(4) Internet
Number of computers per 100 students / learners
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
4.To enable schools to maintain effective IT facilities
1.1.2 No. of computers in school for student use (excluding computers in staff rooms and general office)
a. Total
b. by no. of students 1.2 Availability of
computers in school library for student use
1.2.1 No. of computers in library for student use
1.3 Availability of computers and digital
1.3.1 In all classrooms (excluding special rooms and laboratories)
1.3.2 In all special rooms 2 (including laboratories)
1.4 Availability and type(s) of digital devices for learning purposes
1.4.1 No. of digital projectors (mobile &
non-mobile use)
1.4.2 No. of electronic whiteboards 1.4.3 No. of other digital devices 1.5 Availability of Internet
1.5.1 Wi-Fi connection Kinds of Internet connection
and speed / bandwidth by schools and learners
1.5.2 Bandwidth of Internet connectivity
1.6 Availability of computer room(s) for student use beyond school hours
1.6.1 No. of opening hours of computer room(s) per week for student use beyond school hours
Access and use of computers after school hours within and outside schools
1.6.2 No. of computers in computer room(s)3 for student use after school
1.7 Students’ utilisation of computer room(s) after school
1.7.1 Average no. of students using computers in computer room(s) beyond school
hours per day Students’ utilisation of computer room(s) after school*
School allows students to use computer facilities after school
1.7.2 Average no. of hours that each student uses computer in computer room(s) beyond school hours per day
1 Phase (I) Study refers to “Phase (I) Study on Evaluating the Effectiveness of the ‘Empowering Learning and Teaching with Information Technology’ Strategy (2004/2007)”
2 Special rooms refer to those rooms mainly used for educational purposes. Each “Remedial Teaching Room” should be counted as one special room
Indicators Areas
2. Resources
2.1 Human resources
2.1.1 No. of staff members responsible for coordinating ITEd development
Teachers’ / therapists’ perceived roles in ITEd development*
Organisational structure responsible for implementing the master plan
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
4.To enable schools to maintain effective IT facilities
2.1.2 No. of IT technical support services (TSS) staff members4
2.1.3 No. of ITEd team members
2.2 Financial resources
2.2.1 Average5 annual ITEd expenditure6 a. total
b. as percentage of school annual expenditure7
Whether school has a clear school-based ITEd plan to portray the infrastructure requirements
Budget plan and appropriations Existence of technology master plan in schools
Proportion of budget on ITEd*
2.3 Availability of digital resources [Including e-system(s) / mechanism(s)]
2.3.1 Personalised spaces a. School homepage b. Teacher homepage c. Student homepage
School heads’ views on the importance of the sources of digital resources
Schools’ provision of school homepage and / or e-learning platform
School heads’ views on the development and management of school-based digital resources
Access, use or possession of e-mail and websites by no. of schools, no. of teachers & other staff (principal), and learners 2.3.2 Interactive platforms
a. Intranet
b. e-learning platform 8 / Learning management system (LMS)
c. Campus TV d. Others 3. IT
Deployment in School
3.1 School-based ITEd Development Plan
3.1.1 Basic information a. type
b. average duration
c. availability of evaluation mechanism(s)
Statements of visions and goals in ITEd plans School heads’ views on whether ITEd plan matches with the needs of parents, students and society*
Master Plan with a time frame Existence of technology master plan in schools
Monitoring and evaluation scheme or mechanism
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
3.1.2 Consideration(s) / criterion(ia) for developing School-based ITEd development plan
4 Non-teaching staff employed for providing IT technical support
5 With reference to the last 2 years’ school records
6 Including expenses on i) Employment of TSS personnel; ii) Internet connectivity & security services; iii) Digital resources for learning & teaching; iv) Replacement / upgrading of school’s IT; v) Arrangement of maintenance services for school’s IT facilities procured by government funds; vi) Extension of opening hours for school’s IT facilities; vii) Purchase of IT-related consumables; and viii) Other ITEd-related items
7 Excluding teaching staff salaries
8 E-Learning platform is a learning system developed on the environment of the Internet / Intranet which provides various learning tools such as learning materials / download, assignment submission, on-line tests and learning records, etc.
Indicators Areas
3. IT
Deployment in School (cont’d)
3.2 Availability & type(s) of
mechanism(s) / measure(s) deployed
3.2.1 e-system(s) / mechanism(s) deployed to facilitate
a. work flow b. communication c. other aspects
School heads’ self-evaluation on IT integration in daily practices in school
School heads’ views on the ways to communicate with parents
School heads’ views on the development and management of school-based digital resources
School heads’ self-evaluation on whether school has established a mechanism for storing / retrieving digital resources to facilitate teaching, learning and sharing
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
4.To enable schools to maintain effective IT facilities
5.To strengthen technical support to schools and teachers
3.2.2 Measure(s) / scheme(s) deployed to
a. enhance students’ learning effectiveness
b. promote students’ information literacy c. bridge digital divide
d. encourage parents’ participation in ITEd
School heads’ views on the way(s) that PTA can help in ensuring students’ understanding of ethical, legal and health issues involved in using IT
School takes measures to cater for poor students’ needs of IT resources / support School allows students to use computer facilities after school
School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measure(s) to address digital divide issue
School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measure(s) to engage parents’ involvement in the promotion of learning and teaching with IT
School heads’ views on the kind of home-school collaboration activities / measures and promotion of ITEd activities / programmes which school has organised / participated
School heads’ views on the ways to communicate with parents
2.To continue to sharpen teachers’ IT pedagogical skills
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
5.To strengthen technical support to schools and teachers
7.To continue the computer recycling scheme
8.To enhance students’
information literacy
Indicators Areas
3. IT
Deployment in School
(cont’d) 3.3 Information about school’s ITEd curriculum9
3.3.1 Mode of offer a. as a discrete subject
b. integrated across different disciplines c. integrated into extra-curricular
activities d. other modes
Information on school ITEd curriculum School heads’ self-evaluation on provision of opportunities for students to learn the knowledge and skills of IT*
School heads’ views on the school curriculum design with integrated use of IT
Ways that students learn knowledge and skills of IT*
Incorporation of Information Literacy in school curriculum*
Information Communication Technology (ICT) is introduced as a separate subject*
Manner in which ICT is introduced or being taught in the school and the hours spent on its teaching
Subjects into which ICT is introduced
Extent of ICT integration in the curriculum
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
3.4 Teachers’ professional development on ITEd
3.4.1 Type(s) of measure(s) / scheme(s) deployed
Training received by school teachers to equip themselves with knowledge and skills
Teachers’ / therapists’ experience in the participation of ITEd professional development
School heads’ views on the types and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have
2.To continue to sharpen teachers’ IT pedagogical skills
5.To strengthen technical support to schools and teachers
3.4.2 Theme(s) of programme(s) / activity(ies)
3.5 Collaborative project(s) / activity(ies) organised by school
3.5.1 Type(s)
Projects / programmes schools took part to explore innovative technology and equipment in learning and teaching
School’s participation in ITEd exhibition / contest / sharing outside school
School’s participation in ITEd project / collaboration with higher learning institutions
2.To continue to sharpen teachers’ IT pedagogical skills
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
3.5.2 Organisation(s) involved
9 “ITEd curriculum” refers to the application of IT in learning and teaching of each Key Learning Area (KLA) (including Computer Studies / IT curriculum) a) to develop IT skills; and
b) to foster the development of information literacy (information processing skills and attitude) and generic skills (collaboration skills, communication skills, creativity, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, self-management skills, study skills, IT skills and numeracy skills).
Indicators Areas
4. IT
Deployment for Learning / Teaching
4.1 Teachers’ confidence in using IT
4.1.1 Percentage of confident / very confident teachers (per subject / KLA)
Teachers’ / therapists’ self-evaluated level of confidence in using IT resources in teaching*
Teachers’ confidence in using IT for teaching*
2.To continue to sharpen teachers’ IT pedagogical skills
4.2 Way(s) of using IT
4.2.1 Use of emerging technology School heads’ self-evaluation on whether teachers provide self-study task(s) to students by allocating digital resources
Teachers’ / therapists’ views on how often they provide students with tasks which require them to use IT*
Whether school has attempted innovative use of IT to enhance teaching and learning Teachers’ / therapists’ views on the design of learning activities that facilitate students in information processing with IT
Whether students are requested to submit assignments via electronic means*
Ways of teachers’ / therapists’ using IT in the classroom / training / therapy
Teachers’ ways of using IT*
Whether teachers use free-of-charge or fee-charging resources*
Existence of software used for teaching and learning and sources of these software Use of Internet for teaching and how often
1.To provide a depository of curriculum-related teaching modules with appropriate digital resources
4.2.2 Use of free-of-charge resources
4.2.3 Use of fee-charging resources a. on-line
b. off-line
4.2.4 Assigning students to use IT to perform tasks beyond school hours
4.3 Extent of IT use 4.3.1 Frequency in terms of descriptors
Extent of teachers’ computer use in class*
Whether teachers / therapists use IT in classroom / training / therapy*
Extent of teachers’ use of IT in various subjects / KLAs*
The subject(s) which teachers use computers for teaching most frequently
Extent of ICT integration in the curriculum
Purpose and frequency of use of computers by number of teachers
Indicators Areas
5. Students’
Awareness / Competency in Use of IT
5.1 School heads’ / representatives’
perception of students’
level of competency
5.1.1 In information literacy School heads’ self-evaluation on whether students have applied information processing skills to solve problems in school tasks*
School heads’ self-evaluation on students’
mastery of information processing with IT*
Levels of skills in use of IT*
8.To enhance students’
information literacy 5.1.2 In technical skills
5.2 Proper use of IT 5.2.1 Guideline(s)
School heads’ self-evaluation on whether students have applied information processing skills to solve problems in school tasks*
Provision of guidelines on social and ethical issues of using IT for teachers and students*
6. Parental
Support 6.1 Provision of computers
& Internet access at home10
6.1.1 Computer access
School heads’ views on the adequacy of IT facilities at home*
Families with Personal Computer(s) at Home*
Number of learners with ICT access outside school
7.To continue the computer recycling scheme
6.1.2 Internet access Families with Internet Access at Home*
6.2 Parents’ participation 6.2.1 Type(s) of activity(ies)
School heads’ views on the kind of home-school collaboration activities / measures and promotion of ITEd activities / programmes which school has organised / participated
School heads’ self-evaluation on whether schools have appropriate measures to engage parents’ involvement in the promotion of learning and teaching with IT
6. To raise parents’
information literacy and assist them in guiding children to use IT at home
7. School Expectations on ITEd
7.1 Satisfaction with school
current ITEd development
7.1.1 Level of satisfaction School heads’ views on how well the ITEd plans are implemented
3.To assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plan
7.2 Professional support11 7.2.1 Theme(s) of ITEd professional development for teachers
School heads’ views on the types and modes of ITEd professional development they would like to have
4.To enable schools to maintain effective IT facilities
10 The figures refer to students (P1 to S6 / S7) studying full-time in public sector schools (i.e. primary, secondary & special), including Direct Subsidy Schools
11 e.g. sharpening teachers’ IT pedagogical skills, facilitating school’s implementation of ITEd, etc.