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s u r f a c e m a r k e r a n d l o w C D 3 , C D 1 9 m a r k e r . T r e a t m e n t w i t h r e t i n o i c a c i d o r 1


Academic year: 2021

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Establishment and Characterization of an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Line that Causes Granulocytic Sarcoma from Taiwanese



急性白血病是一種血液的惡性疾病,發病的原因是因為造血功能進行時白血球細 胞分化異常,在骨髓中會堆積大量的惡性芽球細胞,進而影響到正常的血球功 能。急性白血病發生異常的血球屬比較分化前期的細胞,可能是由於放射線、病 毒、化學藥物或免疫缺陷等原因使得造血細胞發生改變。在分類上依細胞來源可 分為髓性(meyloid)及淋巴性(lymphoid)白血病。急性髓性白血病是成人最好發的 白血病之一,在傳統的FAB 分類以細胞型態及特殊細胞化學染色可分為八個亞 型(M0-M7),在西元兩千年 WHO 則加入分子生物上的變因而有了新的分類法。

正因為多樣化的亞型表現,我們對急性髓性白血病的研究,就非常仰賴各種不同 分型的細胞株。以往的白血病細胞株來源多屬高加索人種,並沒有任何屬於台灣 本土的急性髓性白血病細胞株。本論文以國人急性髓性白血病M2 亞型病人之骨 髓檢體為來源,成功建立一白血病細胞株M201。在含 10%胎牛血清的 IMDM 培 養液中,此細胞株能穩定的生長並保留原本芽球細胞之形態,在細胞表面則表現 強的CD33、CD14 標誌與較弱的 CD3、CD19 標誌。在維他命 A 酸及 1α,25 vit.D3 的刺激下,可分化為嗜中性白血球及單核球,染色體檢查則可看到多重且複雜的 異常。在動物實驗中,發現此細胞株能成功在小鼠骨髓內形成白血病,在腹腔及 皮下形成顆粒性細胞肉瘤,我們希望此細胞株對於往後的急性髓性白血病的研究 能有所助益。


Acute leukemia is characterized by accumulation of malignant blasts in bone marrow.

Leukemic cells have abnormal differentiation. Acute leukemia can be grouped into myeloid and lymphoid types. The exact cause of leukemia is still not known. Acute myeloid leukemia is the most common leukemi


surface marker and low CD3,CD19 marker. Treatment with retinoic acid or 1α,25- dihydroxy vitamin D3 induced cells to differentiate into neutrophils or monocytes, respectively. Karyotyping study showed multiple abnormalities. In the NOD/SCID xenogeneic animal study, we found that this cell line could generate granulocytic sarcoma in vivo. We believe that this is first AML cell line ever established from Taiwanese. We hope that this cell line will be useful for AML studt in the future.



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