Many-body Physics in Neutrino and Dark Matter Detection
Cheng-Pang Liu
National Dong Hwa University
Nov. 09, 2017
RIKEN-TW Workshop of Recent Developments in QCD and QFT, NTU, Taipei
• A collaboration consists of NP/HEP theorists, atomic theorists, and experimentalists.
• Core members: Jiunn-Wei Chen (NTU), Hsin-Chang Chi (NDHU), CPL (NDHU), Lakhwinder Singh (AS), Henry T.
Wong (AS), Chih-Pan Wu (NTU)
• Adjunct members: Keh-Ning Huang (Sichuan U.), Shin- Ted Lin (Sichuan U.), Qian Yue (Tsinghua, Beijing)
• Former members: Hao-Tze Hsiao (NTU), Chih-Liang Wu (NTU)
• Supported in part by NCTS-ECP (2015-2018) and MoST
• Introduction
• Why Bother with Low Energies?
• Theory Basics
• Selected Works
• Summary
Neutrino Physics
- An Interdisciplinary Study
+ Atomic Physics
+ …
DNP/DPF/DAP/DPB Joint Study on
the Future of Neutrino Physics (2004)
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3 Recommendations (APS 2004)
★ A phased program of sensitive searches for neutrinoless nuclear double beta decay
★ A comprehensive U.S. program to complete our
understanding of neutrino mixing, to determine the
character of the neutrino mass spectrum and to search for CP violation among neutrinos
• Development of an experiment to make precise
measurements of the low-energy neutrinos from the sun
How NP/AP Becomes Relevant?
• As sources: beta decay, double beta decay, electron capture …
• As media: the Sun, supernovae, the Earth (atom. &
geo.) …
• As detectors: neutrino-nucleus/atom scattering/capture
Dark Matter Physics
- An Interdisciplinary Study, too!
+ Atomic Physics
+ …
WIMP Paradigm
PandaX-II (PRL 117, 121303, ’16) LUX (PRL 118, 021303, ’17)
★ Racing towards the “neutrino floor” !
How about “Light Dark Sector”?
• Snowmass 2013 Rep. “Dark Sectors and New, Light, Weakly-Coupled Particles” (arXiv:1311.0029), compelling cases:
• Axions and Axion-Like Particles (<1eV)
• Dark Photons (masses vary)
• Light Dark Matter (sub-GeV, neutral/milli-charged)
• Anomalies in X-ray (∼keV) and γ-ray (∼MeV–GeV) lines indirectly point to potential LDM particles.
How NP/AP Becomes Relevant?
• As detectors: DM-nucleus/atom scattering/capture …
• As media: DM captured/boosted, decay/annihilate in stellar environments …
• As sources: dark bound states, mirror DM (dark nuclei, atoms etc.) …
In this talk, focus on the detector aspect in direct
Important Issues
• Can a scattering event be constructed as completely as possible?
• If not, how is a detector observable related to the primary scattering event?
• Is the primary event predicted by theory reliable?
Why Low Energies?
Where Interests Are
• Solar, supernova, reactor, geo-neutrinos (keV-MeV)
• Sterile neutrinos (eV or keV)
• Relic neutrinos (sub-eV)
• Light DM (sub-GeV)
Fluxes Are Big
Potential Enhancement / Filter
Nuclei and atoms have rich structure, e.g., each energy level has its own specific quantum numbers, it can
provide potential
• enhancement (resonance scattering …)
• filter (selection rules in angular momentum, parity, isospin …)
to experimental observables.
Important Physical Scales
• For reactor/solar/supernova neutrinos:
E𝛎 ~ 100 keV - 20 MeV
• Max. energy deposition by m𝛎 to mA: 2E𝛎2/(mA+2E𝛎) < 10 keV (if elastic)
• Atomic scales with effective charge Zeff (shell-dep.):
pe ~ Zeff me𝛂, E𝝌 ~ Zeff me𝛂2, me𝛂 = 3.7 keV
• Current lowest detector thresholds:
Tmin ~ keV (nuclear), ~100 eV (electronic)
Atomic effects important for low-E neutrino detection!
Important Physical Scales
• For NR (v/c ~ 10-3), LDM (m𝝌 ≤ 10 GeV):
p𝝌 ≤ 10 MeV, E𝝌 ≤ 5 keV
• Max. energy deposition by m𝝌 to mA: 4m𝝌mA/(m𝝌+mA)2 E𝝌 < 2 keV (if elastic)
• Atomic scales with effective charge Zeff (shell-dep.):
pe ~ Zeff me𝛂, E𝝌 ~ Zeff me𝛂2, me𝛂 = 3.7 keV
• Current lowest detector thresholds:
Tmin ~ keV (nuclear), ~100 eV (electronic)
• Atomic effects important for LDM detection!
Theory Basics
What Are Needed?
• HEP: 𝝂/𝝌-matter interaction (model-driven / EFT) 𝓛int
• HEP/NP/AP: Differential cross section d𝝈/dT
• AstroP: 𝝂/𝝌 energy / velocity spectrum 𝝓(v⃗)
• Exp-Th: Energy loss of 𝝂/𝝌 in detectors
Neutrino EM Interactions
• General EM current for spin-1/2 particles:
• For 𝛎’s and q2=0:
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anapole el. dipole
anomalous mag. dipole charge
EFT DM-matter Lagrangian
• Leading-Order
• Next-to-Leading-Order O(q)
Refs: Fan et. al., JCAP11(2010) 042; Fitzpatrick et. al., JCAP02(2013) 004
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Reaction Channels
• Elastic: 𝝂/𝝌 + A → 𝝂/𝝌 + A (2-body)
• Discrete excitation: 𝝂/𝝌 + A → 𝝂/𝝌 + A* (2-body)
• Ionization: 𝝂/𝝌 + A → 𝝂/𝝌 + e- + A+ (3-body, our focus)
• Channel separation is not trivial
Differential Cross Section
Example: a c1(e) type interaction with NR DM
• All dynamical information in response functions
• ECM for CM recoil, EF-EI for internal state change
• Biggest challenge: many-body wave functions for the initial and final states
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Free Electron Approximation
• No atomic calculation needed (almost)
• Validity at sub-keV regimes needs justification
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T>Bi atomic shell open free scat.
Our MB Approach: MCRRPA
An ab initio method improved upon Hartree-Fock theory
• MC [multi-configuration]: open-shell atoms have more than one ground-state configuration. Eg. for Ge:
• R [relativistic]: Zα~0.25(Ge) / 0.4(Xe)
• RPA [random phase approximation]: residual 2e
correlation is important for atomic excited / ionized states
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Benchmark: Ge Photoionization
10-2 10-1 100 101
σ γ (Mb)
101 102 103 104
T (eV) -10
-5 0 5 10
Rel. Diff. (%)
5% agreement!
solid vs. atom
(PLB 731, 159, ’14)
Benchmark: Xe Photoionization
na ry
(PLB 774, 656, ’17)
Selected Works
Neutrino EM Moments
(PLB 731, 159, ’14; PRD 90, 011301(R), ’14; PRD 91, 013005, ’15)
• Basic properties of elementary particles
• Potential new physics
• Implication for astrophysics & cosmology
Beauty of Low-T Detectors
• Neutrinos scatter off free electron with energy deposition T:
• Low threshold detectors:
GEMMA: Ge @ 1.5 keV; TEXONO: Ge @ sub keV
• Price to pay:
Atomic binding effects!
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˥ଓW,CR MM mQ
Ge AI by MM
FEA works o.k.
FEA overshoots
typical for reactor 𝛎’s MM: 2.9×10-11𝝁B
Ge AI by mQ
FEA works o.k.
FEA overshoots
typical for reactor 𝛎’s
FEA under!
FEA better EPA works o.k.
mQ = 1.0×10-12e
Current Direct Limits
From PDG 2016
• MM: 2.9×10-11𝝁B (GEMMA ’13); 7.4×10-11𝝁B (TEXONO ’07)
• mQ: [1.5×10-12e (from GEMMA); 2.1×10-12e (from TEXONO)]
• CR: 3.3×10-32cm2 (TEXONO ’10)
• All with reactor anti-𝛎 sources
Low-E Solar Neutrinos
(PLB 774, 656, ’17)• pp neutrinos (~hundreds of keV) still not fully observed
• Multi-ton scale LXe (Xenon1T, LZ, DARWIN) detectors are capable (through electron recoil with sub-keV th.)
• Can test solar models to 1% level (~100 ton-yr)
• Important for DM detection background
Solar Neutrinos Detection
Liquid Xenon
Solar Neutrino-Xenon Scattering
Assume 1-ton liquid xenon & 1-year exposure:
FE overestimate!
Low-E Solar Neutrino Rate
• Neutrino & DM physics is interdisciplinary.
• Many-body physics is essential for sub-keV detectors of neutrinos and dark matter.
• High-quality many-body calculations can substantially reduce theoretical errors.
• Energy loss mechanism still needs better understanding.