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Case Report


Academic year: 2022

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Case Report

報告者: Intern E 組 呂兆煜 吳迪峰 陳鈺文 陳韻婷 指導醫師:陳玉昆主任 林立民教授 暨口腔病理科全體醫


General Data

• Name : O O O

• Sex : Female

• Age: 36y/o

• Native: 高雄

• Marital status: 單身

• Attending staff: O O O 醫師

• First visit : 2015/11/25


Chief Complaint

• Mass over upper anterior labial side for 20 days



Present Illness

• This 36 y/o female patient found a mass and felt pain over upper anterior labial side for 20 days . She went to Tatung ear-nose-throat department for help and was given dexaltin and antibiotics. The mass has alleviated and pain relieved. She came to our OPD for further examination and treatment


Past History

• Past Medical History

– Systemic disease: denied – Hospitalization (+)

– Surgery under GA (+)

– Drug and food allergy: denied

• Past Dental History

– General routine dental treatment

• Attitude to dental treatment: co-operative


Personal Habits

• Risk factors related to malignancy

– Alcohol (+), quit, socially – Betel quid (-)

– Cigarette (+), for 20 years, 0.5 pack/day – Denied any other dental oral habits


OMF Examination

• MMO: 57mm

• Site: Upper right lip

• Size: 2.0 cm

• Color: whitish-yellow surrounded with pink

• Induration (+)

• Pain (+)

• Tenderness (+)

• Surface: smooth

• Base: sessile

• Shape: dome

• Mobility: fixed

• Consistency: firm

• Fluctuation (-)

• Skin adhesion (-)

• LAP (-)



Panorex (2015/12/02)






Cyst or neoplasm?

Benign or malignant?

Benign or malignant?

Working diagnosis


Inflammation, cyst, or neoplasm ?

Our case Inflammation Cyst Neoplasm

Color Pink to red Red Normal Variable

Fever - + - -

Consistency Firm Rubbery Sof Variable

Shape Irregular Irregular Regular Irregular

Discharge - + - +/-

Pain + + - +/-

Ulceration - - - +/-

Mobility Fixed Fixed Fluctuation Fixed

Duration 20 days Days Years Months


Benign or Malignant ?

Our case Benign Malignant

Border Clear Clear Unclear

Surface Smooth Smooth Rough, smooth

Ulceration - - +/-

Induration + - +

Pain + - +/-

Metastasis - - +/-

Mobility Fixed Movable/fixed Fixed

Duration 20 days Years/Months Months


Intrabony or peripheral ?

→ Our case is a

Our case Intrabony Peripheral Bone


- + -

Bony destruction

- + -

Consistency firm Hard Sof, firm,


peripheral malignant neoplasm


• Malignant minor salivary gland tumor

- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma - Adenoid cystic carcinoma


Most possible

Least possible

• Malignant mesenchymal tumor

- Fibrosarcoma


Differential Diagnosis


Mucoepidermoid carcinoma


Adenoid cystic carcinoma




Clinical impression

• Mucoepidermoid carcinoma over right upper lip


Treatment course


Treatment course


Incisional biopsy

HP report

Oral cavity, upper lip, middle right, incision, adenoid cystic carcinoma


Arrange CT, bone scan, chest PA, abdominal eccho, endoscope, CEA, TPA, SCC marker, panorex

Arrange operation under general anesthia on 2015/12/31.


Chest PA(2015/12/03)

Impression :

No imaging evidence of active cardiopulmonary disease.



EKG Diagnosis:          

■ Low voltage (chest )      



• Assessment :

. Reflux esophagitis, Grade A . Superficial gastritis at antrum

. ECA survey : WL(-), NBI(-), no LVL, group A      


Abdomen echo(2015/12/07)

DIAGNOSIS : No liver metastasis        



Treatment Plan

• WE+ Terudermis (12/31)





Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma(ACC)

• 3


most common salivary malignancies

• Commonly in head and neck

• Other sites: trachea, lacrimal gland, breast, skin, and vulva

• Distinctive histologic appearance

• Metastasis rate is high: bone and lung

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 3rd edition, p.495-497


Clinical and Radiographic Features

• Sex predilection: ≥ (3:2) ♀ ♂

• Age predilection: middle-aged,

rare younger than 20 y/o

• Site : 50-60% in minor salivary glands, palate

• Features:

- Pain, Slow growing mass

- Facial nerve paralysis if in parotid gland

- Bone destruction showed in radiograph if in palate or maxillary sinus

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 3rd edition, p.495-497


Histopathologic Features

• Mixture of myoepithelial and ductal cell

• Three major patterns, usually combination

– Cribriform, Swiss cheese – Tubular

– Soild

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 3rd edition, p.495-497


Treatment and Prognosis

• Recurrence and metastasis

→ Surgical excision, adjunct RT may improve survival rate in some cases

• Survival rate

– 5-year : 70%

– 10-year : 50%

– 20-year : 25%


TNM stage at diagnosis (P=0.03), Histological subtype (P=0.023),

Combined surgery and radiotherapy (P=0.03),

were significant factors of improved 5-year overall survival.


使用人工真皮 (Terudermis) 真的有比較好嗎?




Tom Beauchamp & James Childress 六大原則 - 1979

生命的神聖性 (Sanctity of life) 行善原則 (Beneficence) :


誠信原則 (Veractity) :醫師對其病人有「以誠信相對待」的義務。

自主原則 (Autonomy) :


不傷害原則 (Nonmaleficence) :


保密原則 (Confidentiality) :


公義原則 (Justice) :

醫師在面對有限的醫療資源時,應以社會公平、正義的考量來協助合理 分配此醫療資源給真正最需要它的人。


Jonson 架構


(Medical indication for intervention) 病人選擇

(Patient’s preference) 生命品質

(Quality of life) 社會脈絡

(Contextual issues)


Jonsen, Siegler and Winslade; Clinical Ethics:

A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine (3rd edition McGraw-Hill 1992 )


生命的神聖性 (Sanctity of life)

強調尊重自己和他人的生命 尊重生命的價值



行善原則 (Beneficence)

做了 wide excision 後是否有盡可能減輕患者 的不適與疼痛感?

A: 術前預先告知病人術後可能會有的疼痛 感,若有需要則搭配藥物的使用,並提醒 病人相關的術後照護方式



誠信原則 (Veractity)

手術前是否有詳細告知病人,使用人工真皮的優點與缺 點?

A: 自體植皮手術和人工真皮的差別


A: 需和病患解釋,人工真皮為取自於小牛的真皮,利用 其膠原網狀纖維以及額外覆蓋的矽膠層所組成

相關人員是否有向病患甚至是其家屬,清楚說明治療計 劃與癒後?

A: 應於告知病人且回答病人或家屬相關問提後,方才執 行手術



自主原則 (Autonomy)

在詳細解釋治療計劃以及風險後,是否有 讓病患完全自主的選擇治療計劃?

A: 除了清楚闡述相關治療計劃的優缺點和 比較之外,應避免使用主觀的用詞,來影 響或左右病人之選擇



不傷害原則 (Nonmaleficence)

術前是否有先完整瞭解病人的病史及是否適 合使用人工真皮?

A: 需清楚病人是否有任何系統性疾病,以 及相關的醫療紀錄,並評估使用人工真皮的 可行性和風險


A: 手術中應盡可能避免人為疏失,並在術 前先了解病人的狀況,搭配良好的術後照護




保密原則 (Confidentiality)

告知的對象 本人為原則

病人未明示反對時,亦得告知其配偶與親屬 病人為未成年人時,亦須告知其法定代理人

若病人意識不清或無決定能力 , 應須告知其法定代理 人、配偶、親屬或關係人

病人得以書面敘明僅向特定之人告知或對特定對象不 予告知



公義原則 (Justice)

以病人的情況來說,是不是真的需要使用 到人工真皮?

A : 若傷口涵蓋的範圍較大,或病人不適合使 用自體皮移植手術時,在評估病人的條件適 合後,建議使用




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