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  及口腔病理科全體醫師


Academic year: 2022

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陳玉昆 主任 林立民 醫師



General data & 醫學倫理討論: 羅世洺

Differential diagnosis & Treatment course:


Discussion: 簡瑜文


Name: OOO

Sex: Female

Age: 17 y/o

Native: 高雄市

Marital status: 未婚

Attending staff: O O O 醫師

First visit : 103/07/11


Pain over the left lower posterior area, referred from LDC for bony expansion over tooth 33,34,35 area



This 17 y/o female went to LDC because of pain over the lower left posterior area. The dentist found a bony

expansion over the alveolar ridge of the tooth 33,34,35 area. Therefore, the dentist referred her to our OS OPD for further examination and treatment.


Surface: Smooth

Shape: Dome

Size: 2.5 cm in diameter

Color: Pink

Consistency: Hard

Fluctuation (-)

Mobility: Fixed

Pain (+)

Tenderness (-)

Induration (-)

Ulceration (-)

Teeth tilting: tooth 33 (distal) 34 35 (mesial)



There is a well-defined homogeneous round-shaped mild radiopacity over the L’t parasymphysis area, extending from mesial root of tooth 31 to distal root of tooth 35, and from middle third of crown of tooth 33,34 to 0.5cm above the left mandibular border, measuring approximately 2.5 x 2.5 cm and causes

displacement of tooth 32, 33, 34, 35.


Dental findings:

Horizontal impaction: tooth 38,48

Distal-tilting: tooth 32, 33

Mesial-tilting: tooth 34,35,36


Underlying disease (-)

Hospitalization (-)

Surgery under GA (-)

Allergy: Denied


Attitude to dental treatment: Co-operative

General routine dental treatment


Risk factors related to malignancy

o Alcohol drinking (-)

o Betel quid chewing (-)

o Cigarette smoking (-)

Special oral habits: Denied


 


Intrabony or peripheral?

Inflammation, cyst, or neoplasm?

Benign or malignant?



Our case Intrabony Peripheral

Mucosal lesion - - +

Bone expansion + +/- -

Cortical bone

destruction - +/- -

Consistency Hard Hard Soft,firm,rubbery


Induration - - +/-

→Our case is a Intrabony



Our case Inflammation Neoplasm Regress or

progress Progress Regress Progress

Symptom - + +/-

Growth rate Months, years Hours, days,

weeks Weeks, months, years

Lymph node

enlarge - +/- +/-

Tenderness - - -

Fluctuation - +/- -

→Our case is a neoplasm.



Our case Benign Malignant Border Well defined

radiopacity Well-defined Poorly defined

Pain + - +

Induration - - +

Swelling with intact

epithelium + + -

Progress Slow Slow Fast

Metastasis - - +

Lymphadenopathy - - +

→Our case is a benign tumor



 

Working Diagnosis


Cemento-ossifying fibroma

Cemento-osseous dysplasia, focal

Fibrous dysplasia

Ameloblastoma, desmoplastic type


Our case Cemento–ossifying fibroma

Gender Female Female

Age 17 20~40

Site Left mandibular canine and premolar region

Mandibular premolar region

Symptom and

Sign Painful swelling Painless swelling

Jaw expansion + +


displacement + +


Radiologic features

Our case Cemento-ossifying fibroma

Density RO RO

Border Well-defined Well-defined with corticated margin R/L rim is uncommon

Shape Round Ovoid or Round

Root divergence or resorption

+ +


Our case Cemento-osseous dysplasia, focal

Gender Female Female

Age 17 30~60

Site Left mandibular canine and premolar region


especially posterior mandible Symptom and

Sign Painful swelling Painless

Jaw expansion + -


Radiologic features

Our case Cemento-osseous dysplasia, focal

Density RO Mixed

Border Well-defined Well-defined with irregular border

Shape Round Unilocular

Root divergence or resorption

+ -


Our case Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic)

Gender Female Both

Age 17 10~20

Site Left mandibular canine and premolar region


Symptom and

Sign Painful swelling Painless swelling

Jaw expansion + +


displacement + Superior displacement

Hormone related

Unknown +

(Do not progress beyond puberty)


Radiologic features

Our case Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic)

Density RO Ground glass

Border Well-defined Poorly-defined

Shape Round Unilocular


Our case Ameloblastoma , desmoplastic type

Gender Female No

Age 17 Wide age range

Uncommon in 10-19 Site Left mandibular canine

and premolar region

Posterior mandible

Symptom and

Sign Painful swelling Painless swelling

Jaw expansion + +


displacement + -


Radiologic features

Our case Ameloblastoma , desmoplastic type

Density RO Mixed or RL

Border Well-defined Poor-defined

Shape Round Mutilocular

Root divergence or resorption

+ -


Cemento-ossifying fibroma over tooth 33, 34, 35 area


 



First visit

Biopsy →H-P: cemento-ossifying fibroma 103/07/18

OP scheduled on 103/08/13

Arrange CT 103/08/04

G.A routine

Ask for second opinion for mand. lesion

OP scheduled on 103/08/28


There is a bony labial and lingual bony expansion with radiopacity over the parasymphysis area (2.3x2.4x2.6 cm) with intact but thinning buccal and lingual cortex.

Axial view (bone window)


There is a bony labial and lingual bony expansion of the left mandibular body (2.3x2.4x2.6 cm) with intact cortex, and cause displacement of teeth

coronal view (bone window)



No imaging evidence of active cardiopulmonary disease.


EKG Diagnosis: Sinus Bradycardia


Pathologic diagnosis: cemento-ossifying fibroma, tooth 33,34,35 area


 

Journal of Clinical Imaging Science; 2012;2:52 R Mithra, Pavitra Baskaran, M Sathyakumar


Benign fibro-osseous lesion




Origin of COF: periodontal membrane

Clicinal: slow-growing mass, asymptomatic

Histology: contains cementum, immature bony trabeculae


32-year-old female

Chief complain:

Swelling in the region of the upper front teeth for about 5 months

Present illness:

This 32 y/o female suffered from swelling over frontal upper area for about 5 months. This lesion was

asymptomatic and gradually increased in size.


Oral examination:

A diffuse swelling in the region of teeth 21-23 on the

labial aspect. The swelling was 4 ×3 cm in size and had bony expansion. Tooth 23 was displaced distally.

On palpation, the swelling was hard, non-tender, and was not fluctuant and compressible.


 Well-defined unilocular RL/RO lesion (calcification)

 Left anterior maxillary region in relation to tooth 21,22

 Tooth 21 was displaced mesially and tooth 22 distally

 Bony expansion

X-ray finding


Middle-aged female

Chief complaint:

Swelling on the right cheek for 6 months

Present illness

This middle-aged female suffered from swelling without pain on right cheek 6 months ago. This swelling gradually increased in size.


Oral examination

A diffuse swelling was on alveolar mucosa of tooth 13 to 16 buccal side. The surface of the lesion was smooth.

On palpitation, the swelling was found to be hard and non-tender.

Tooth 14,15 mobility, grade II


X-ray finding

 Well-defined lesion, scattered calcification and teeth within it

 On tooth 13 to 16 area, involving the floor of the maxillary sinus

 Bony expansion


52-year-old female patient

Chief complaint:

Swelling over right posterior lower area for 6 months

Present illness:

This 52 y/o female suffered from swelling without pain on right posterior lower area 6 months ago. This swelling gradually increased in size.


Oral examination:

A diffuse swelling measuring about 4 × 3 cm in size on tooth 44 to 47 buccal and lingual side with cortical plate expansion.

The swelling lacked tenderness, had a smooth surface, and was hard.

Tooth 45,47 mobility grade II


X-ray finding:

 Well-defined RL/RO lesion on tooth 44 to 47 area

 Expansion of buccal and lingual cortical plates

 Tooth 45,47 displacement, and tooth 47 root resorption




Odontogenic myxoma

Cemento-ossifying fibroma

Fibrous dysplasia

cement-ossifying fibroma


Non-odontogenic tumor

- Blast cells of mesenchymal tissue of periodontium


- 30~40 y/o  our case (O/X) - Female > male  our case (O) - Mandibular premolar region  our case (O/X) - Slow growing  our case (O) - Asymptomatic  our case (O/X)


Most reports suggest earlier trauma

Our case (X/O), case 3: tooth 46 extracted

Well-defined RL,RL/RO,RO lesion with cortical margin

Our case (O)


The important diagnostic feature in COF:

- centrifugal growth, round tumor mass

Root resorption, tooth displacement

 active proliferating stage


Fibrous dysplasia

- Ground glass, linear expansion

Cemento-osseous dysplasia - Bony expansion (-)

- Multifocal

Condensing osteitis - Vitality test

- Bony expansion (-)


Pindborg’s tumor (calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor) - Impacted teeth

- Scalloped margin

- Driven snow in the radiograph


- Tooth-like structure


Via conventional and specialized radiographs - Location

- Expansion of cortical plates - Internal architecture

- Periphery of the lesion

- Effect of the lesion on adjacent structures

Imaging also plays a pivotal role in outlining the treatment plan for cement-ossifying fibroma


 


生命的神聖性(Sanctity of life) :尊重自己和他人生命,尊重生命 的價值

行善原則(Beneficence) :醫師要盡其所能延長病人之生命且減 輕病人之痛苦。

誠信原則(Veractity) :醫師對病人有「以誠信相對待」的義務。

自主原則(Autonomy) :病患對自己之診療決定的自主權須得到 醫師的尊重。

不傷害原則(Nonmaleficence) :醫師要盡其所能避免病人承受不 必要的身心傷害。

保密原則(Confidentiality) :醫師對病人的病情負有保密的責任。

公義原則(Justice) :醫師在面對有限的醫療資源時,應以社會公 平、正義的考量來協助合理分配此醫療資源給真正最需要它的 人。



Enucleation後疼痛已較為緩解,並告知病人加強oral hygiene,以獲得更好的woung healing





細說明治療計畫 (enucleation under GA)、預後、風險

(併發症:嘔吐、喉嚨痛、腫脹等)並取得病人及家屬同 意後才進行手術。


當醫師充分說明病情及治療計畫、風險之後,是否讓病人 充分自主地選擇治療計畫?













無論病人之門診病歷、手術記錄、住院記錄等皆涉及病人 之隱私權,醫療工作者應善盡保密原則,不得任意洩漏,



亦得告知其配偶與親屬。以本case為例:除告知本人病情 外,也一併告知病人家屬。


本case經病理切片檢查為cemento-ossifying fibroma , 治療方式為surgical excision ,本case採用enucleation 的方式清除病灶,使復發率降到最低。


病史詢問、主訴、 病灶描述(X-ray、切片檢查)治療計 畫等應確實記錄。以呈現完整的治療結果。


詳細說明術後可能併發症及預後、術後衛教等。手術過程 避免造成不必要醫原性傷害。



Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Second edition p.553- 555,p557-560,p563-565 p611-615

Desmoplastic Ameloblastome: A case report ; J Dent Res Clin Dent Prospect 2011 Winter; 5(1):27-32

Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia: A Case Report Canıtezer et al., Dentistry 2012, 3:2

Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the mandible: Presentation of a case and review of the literature ; J Clin Exp Dent.


Imaging in the Diagnosis of Cemento-ossifying Fibroma: A Case Series;Journal of Clinical Imaging Science; 2012;2:52


 



 According to the patient, he first noticed swollen lymph nodes over left groin area(鼠 蹊部)which was not painful and he did not suffer from fever, leg pain nor swelling or ulcer

• An ulceration over lower left posterior gingival area from 2010 September....

 Metastasis to the oral soft tissues over labial gingiva of tooth 41,42..  Adenocarcinoma, metastatic over labial gingiva of lower anterior

• This 71 y/o male suffered from a fast-growing soft mass over left lateral tongue border for 2 months, the LDC dentist suggested him to go to OS OPD for further examination

Site Right retromolar area Mandible posterior (54%) Symptom/Sign Swelling and pain Asymptomatic and painless. swelling of the affected bone in

mandible, extending from distal side of tooth 32 and the impacted tooth 33 to the mesial root of tooth 75 and the impacted tooth 35, measuring about 3.0 x 3.0 cm²..

This 36 y/o female found there was an exophytic mass over the Lt palate for about 3 years, and one month ago,she went to 小港hospital 牙科for examination, receiving incisional

• This 60 y/o female patient suffered from pain over upper right posterior area; however, the dentist of LDC found another lesion over the upper left palatal gingiva of tooth