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Study Of The Relationship Between Implementing Corporate Governance System And Risk Control In Taiwan Financial Industry 楊昌烈、封德台


Academic year: 2022

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Study Of The Relationship Between Implementing Corporate Governance System And Risk Control In Taiwan Financial Industry


E-mail: 9403212@mail.dyu.edu.tw


There have been several financial crisis events successively occurring since 1995, such as great loss on financial derivatives handled by Lesen of Barings Bank (February, 1995), stealthily drawn commercial paper issued by Rui Ren Yang of International Bills Financial Corporation’s (IBFC) (June, 1995), Taiwan’s “landmine shares” of some listed companies (1998), the prettified financial statements of Enron (2001), falsely increased yield of World.com (2001), inflated figure on operating income of Xerox (2002), falsely listed operating incomes in branches of Merck (2002), real stock amount evasion of Bristol-Myers Squibb (2002) and cover-up loss on exchange rate derivatives operated by Rusnak AIB (2002). Such practical cases resulted in violent shocks to global financial industries. Even more, become proven examples between theory and business management. Observing Taiwan’s situation in recent years since 1990, we see the government aggressively promote financial deregulation and internationalization, release financial rules and execute a series of financial reform measures. In respect of banking business deregulation, the number of financial institutes and their branches substantially increased due to establishment of private banks and loosening of restriction on establishment of branches. Eventually, the financial market stepped forward to be completely competitive from being oligopsonistic in the past. Moreover, the number of competitors of similar nature increased in a short time, nevertheless, the financial business did not extend simultaneously. That leaded to aggravating competition among financial institutes, poorer accrediting conditionviiiand quality as well as risk control problem that Taiwan has never encountered. In 1998, in the conference at ministerial level called by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), it was clearly revealed that the corporate governance operation not being on right track is one of the key determinants for the Asian enterprises who are unable to upgrade their

international competitiveness. Our government has also recognized the importance of corporate governance, thus the Executive Yen established a “Committee for Reforming Corporate Governance”. Among the implement items for specific enterprises, first priority was given to formulating corporate governance guidelines for financial service enterprises (financial holding companies, banks, insurance companies). The Executive Yuan also passed “Measures Taken to Strengthen Corporate Governance and Action Plan” on Nov. 12, 2003 as a basis for the government agencies integrating force from private sector to promote corporate

governance. This research attempted to study corporate governances of the United States, German and Japan, and the present systems in Taiwan; meanwhile, exercise the theory and structure of corporate governance systems. Take the grade rating standards on 1600 listed companies worldwide conducted by S & P, U.S.A. in 2001 as query example to discover the connection between adoption of corporate governance system and financial risk control outcome in financial service enterprises. This research took Taiwan Cooperative Bank (state-run bank), Fubon Bank (financial holding company, family-run businesses group), Chung-shing Bank (bank in trouble) as analyzed cases. Each case posses its special background and representative. Therefore, it naturally ixprovided sufficient reference for management practice observed from the point of connection between corporate governance and risk control. Based on relevant important references and case study conclusion, the five points are contributed as below: 1.Evaluation systems for corporate governance should be implemented and additional risk control chief should be posited directly subordinate to the board. 2.Financial service law needs to be formulated, announced and implemented as soon as possible. 3.The meeting minutes of independent directors with supervisors should be kept in record and traced by the authorities. 4.Financial service enterprises in form of family-run business should be more self-restricted by implementing corporate governance system. 5.Morality and sincerity of the management are primary determinants of an outstanding enterprise.

Keywords : Corporate Governance、Risk Management、Risk Control、Basel II、Financial Institution、Financial Service Enterprises、 Bank、Cooperative Bank、Fubon Bank、Chung Shing Bank

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書---iii 中文摘要---v 英文摘要---vii 誌謝---x 目 錄---xii 圖目錄---.xv 表目錄---xvi 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機---1 1.2 研究問題與研究目的---4 1.3 研究範圍---6 1.4 研究限制---7 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 公司治 理之基本理論與架構---11 2.1.1 基本理論---11 2.1.2 公司治理之架構---15 2.2 公司治理


評分系統分析---18 2.3 獨立董事之法律根源與基礎---28 2.4 巴塞爾委員會之風險管理與監督原 則---35 2.5 風險管理之理論---42 2.5.1 風險管理的意義---43 2.5.2 金融風險管

理---44 2.6 各國公司治理運作---50 2.6.1 美國---50 2.6.2 德國---63 2.6.3 日 本---66 2.6.4 台灣---73 第三章 研究方法與架構 3.1 研究方法---87 3.1.1 個案研究 法---87 3.1.2 研究方法運用---89 3.2 研究架構---90 3.3 研究對象---91 3.4 研 究編碼---92 第四章 個案分析與命題推導 4.1 個案一:合作金庫銀行---95 4.2 個案二:富邦銀 行---112 4.3 個案三:中興銀行---125 4.4 個案對照分析---148 4.5 命題發

展---152 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論---167 5.2 研究貢獻---172 5.3 後續研究建 議---175 參考文獻 中文部分---177 英文部分---183 附錄 附錄一 標準普爾公司之公司治 理評分標準.---186 附錄二 風險控制效果評核之標準---190 附錄三 個案問項訪談題目(公司治理制度 問項及風險控制效果問項)---192 附錄四 本研究個案訪談對象、方式及次數---197


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