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國立空中大學 101 學年度下學期期中考試題【副參】02 科目:實用英文


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 101 學年度下學期期中考試題【副參】02

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 1 頁

壹 、 閱 讀 方 法 測 驗──50 分 。 1-3 題每題六分;4-7 題每題八分。

這門課的教學節目帶、課本的導讀與學訊上的文章都一再的強調學習與閱讀的方法,請依題目的 意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問甚麼,再去找答案;另外,這不是考翻譯,


第一到第三題是句子的分段,請依據最合理、最常見的方式:逗號、介係詞片語、連接 詞(and/or) 、不定詞或子句將句子分段。請將每一段的第一個字和最後一個字寫出即可。

1 . T h e r e wa s c o n f l i c t wh e r e v e r wh i t e p eo p l e t ri e d t o t a k e n at i v e Ame r i c a n l a n d s .請將這個句子分成三段,錯二段就全錯

2 . It’s a great way to find something you need and save a few bucks at the same time. 請將 這句話分成五段,錯三段以上就全錯。

3 . Th e c o l o r i s s o o t h in g t o my e ye s , a n d t h e r e i s n o b r i g h t s u nl ig h t b e c a u s e o f t h e c a n o p y p r o v id e d b y t h e l e a v e s o f t h e t r e e s . 請將這個句子分成六 段,錯三段以上就全錯:

4 . Did you know that the building over there on the left is the National Concert Hall and the one on the right is the National Opera House? 請問:and 這個字連接這句話中的哪些 部分?只需寫出每一段的開頭與結尾的英文字即可。

5 . Once again/, there are many different ways/ of communicating/ with people/ in such situations/, depending on your intention/, i.e./ what you want to say or achieve/ and how well you know the person. 這句話已分成了九段,請問 (1) 這句話的主要結構是那一 段?(2) and 這個字連接這句話中的哪二段?(寫出號碼即可) 。


國立空中大學 101 學年度下學期期中考試題【副題】02

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 4-2 頁

6 . But something you often see there are privately-run libraries where customers can borrow books for a fee. 這個句子中共有二個形容詞子句,請分別將它們的第一個字和最後 一個字抄下即可。

7 . Here in this country, there is often a focus on group activities in class where students learn to cooperate with each other and be less dependent on the teacher.

請問(1) 這個句子中有一個形容詞子句,請將它的第一個字和最後一個字寫出; (2) and 這個字在這個句子中是連接那些東西?請將每一段的第一個字和最後一個字寫 出即可。

貳 、 閱 讀 測 驗──50 分 。請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問


1. Harry: Well, let’s send all invitations in Chinese, and you can do an English translation for family and friends in the States. ____

Ah-mei: Terrific.

(1) Doesn’t it sound interesting? (2) How does that sound? (3) Shall we? (4) What’s in your mind?

2. Clerk: If you don't like this color, we have different ones.

Would you like to take a look?

Customer: No, I don't think so, but thank you ______.

(1)either (2)certainly (3)somehow (4)anyway 3. Chen: Hi, Jia-chen. What’s up?

Lin: Oh, ____. How about you?

(1) I am fine. (2) I am not too well. (3) Pretty good. (4) Nothing much.

4. Ah-mei: It’s been a long time since I was last here. I hope I can still find the place.

Harry: Don’t ask me. ____.


國立空中大學 101 學年度下學期期中考試題【副題】02

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 4-3 頁

Ah-mei: The guidebook says it is at 10 Ming-Shen road.

(1) I don’t want to go. (2) I am not interested. (3) I don’t have a clue. (4) I am all yours.

5. Harry: Every citizen who turns 75 will receive a card honoring their long life. And then on the 100th birthday, you can arrange for a call from the White House.

Ah-mei: Tell my grandpa about that!

請問 Ah-mei 說這句話的意思最有可能是:(1) 這個好消息要趕快告訴我祖父 (2) 那 就去幫祖父安排呀 (3) 有膽去向我祖父說(4) 這種事情一定會嚇壞我祖父

6. John: Did anything catch your fancy?

Nicole: Well, the prices aren’t too high, but I saw so many things made in Taiwan.

請問 “Did anything catch your fancy?” 是甚麼意思?

(1) 有沒有吸引你的?(2)有沒有喜歡的? (3)有沒有抓到甚麼? (4)有沒有買到特價品? (5) 有沒有買到夢幻的商品?

7. Why can’t we emphasize the thing we have in common instead of focusing on our differences?


(1) 專注在相同點 (2) 強調差異 (3) 相同點與差異並重 (4) 談這些很煩人

8. I guess we don’t have to worry because we’ll be in the hands of someone who knows what she is doing.

請問 “hands,” “someone,” 和 “she” 指的是同一人還是不同的人?

(1) 不是 (2) 是 (3) hands 不是 (4) someone 不是 (5) she 不是


國立空中大學 101 學年度下學期期中考試題【副題】02

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 4-4 頁 9. 當你聽到有人說:“Let’s just play it by ear.”,意思是說甚麼?

(1) 靠耳朵聽音辨位 (2) 憑感覺做事 (3) 見機行事 (4) 做事不必用大腦

10. Harry: That was some bus ride! I feel there were more people on the bus than in my hometown. Parksburg is a small town in Iowa, you know. It’s nice to be able to breathe the fresh air now that we are in the park. Harry 說的這一段話中有那些線 索可以幫你解讀他在一開頭時說的:That was some bus ride!

(1) there were more people on the bus than in my hometown (2) Parksburg is a small town in Iowa (3) It’s nice to be able to breathe the fresh air now that we are in the park. (4) 以上皆是 (5) 以上皆非


壹 、 閱 讀 方 法 測 驗──50 分 。 1-3 題每題六分;4-7 題每題八分。

1 . T h e r e wa s c o n f l i c t / wh e r e v e r wh i t e p eo p l e t ri e d / t o t a k e n a ti v e Ame r i c a n l a n d s .

2 . It’s a great way/ to find something/ you need/ and save a few bucks/ at the same time.

3 . T h e c o l o r i s s o o th in g / to my e ye s / , a n d t h e r e i s n o b r i g ht su n l ig h t / b e c a u s e o f t h e c an o p y p r o v i d e d/ by t h e l e a v e s / o f t h e t r e e s .

4 . t h e b u i l d i ng … Ha l l a n d t h e o n e… Ho u s e 5 . ( 1 ) 第 二 段 ; ( 2) 第 八 和 第 九 段

6 . ( 1 ) yo u o f t e n s e e ; ( 2 ) wh e r e … f e e

7 . ( 1 ) wh e r e … t e a c h e r ; ( 2 ) learn… other and be… teacher 貳 、 閱 讀 測 驗──50 分 。

1. 2 2. 4

3. 4 4. 3

5. 1 6. 1

7. 1 8. 2

9. 3 10. 4



國立空中大學 94

But we’ve watched some television and listened to the radio, and we don’t hear much difference in the way people speak.. 請問: 這句話中的二個

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第一個: Each cheng yu has a story behind it, and the more educated a person is, the more skillful he or she is in using cheng yu and knowing the stories.;第二個: using cheng yu