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Research of Relationships of Surfing Recreationists’ Sensation Seeking, Perceived risk ,and Recreational Experience: A 黃敏芝、吳淑女


Academic year: 2022

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Research of Relationships of Surfing Recreationists’ Sensation Seeking, Perceived risk ,and Recreational Experience: A


E-mail: 321990@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research aimed at exploring relationships of sensation seeking, perceived risk, and recreational experience among surfing recreationists. Using a convenience sampling and snowball sampling , a 6-page questionnaire was administered on the surfing reereationists at Wushih Harbor. Of the 500 questionnaires distributed, 449 were completed and returned. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability test, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson correlation. A majority of the samples were male, 26-30 years old, university educated, holding professional jobs, unmarried, with a monthly discretionary income of under

$20,001-$40,000. Most subjects were repeat visitors of Wushih Harbor. The average was 2.7 years surfing, partners being mostly friends and classmates, average annual investnent in surfing gears of $21,142, the majority never competed in surfing contests.The surfing duration was 4.8 hours each time, and the majority owned a personal surfboard, with no surfing club or society connection.

The particepants rated their skills at 3.97 out of 10 and challenge of the surf at 7.66 out of 10. The results indicated that: 1. There were significant differences in recreational experience with different varied behavior of recreationists’ surfing. 2. There were significant differences in perceived risk with different varied behavior of recreational surfing. 3. There were significant differences in perceived risk with different sex, age and month income. 4. There was a significant positive relationship between recreationists’

surfing sensation seeking and recreational experience. 5. There was a significant negative relationship between recreationists’

surfing sensation seeking and perceived risk. 6. There was a significant negative relationship between recreationists’ surfing perceived risk and recreational experience. At last, based on the findings and a comprehensive discussion and recommendation were offered to related organizations, surf related industry and future researchers.

Keywords : sensation-seeking、perceived risk、recreational experience、surfing recreationists Table of Contents

中文摘要 ......................... iii 英文摘要 .................

........ v 誌謝辭  ......................... vii 內容目錄 .......

.................. viii 表目錄  ......................... X 圖目 錄  ......................... Xi 第一章  緒論................

....... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機................ 1   第二節  研究問題...

................ 4   第三節  研究範圍與對象................ 4   第四節   研究限制................... 5 第二章  文獻探討..................

... 6   第一節  台灣衝浪運動的沿革.............. 6   第二節  遊憩體驗.......

............ 10   第三節  知覺的風險.................. 16   第四節  刺 激尋求................... 21 第三章  研究方法....................

. 27   第一節  研究架構................... 27   第二節  研究假設........

........... 28   第三節  問卷設計與操作性定義............. 28   第四節  抽樣 方法................... 38   第五節  預試與正式調查................

38   第六節  資料處理與分析................ 39 第四章  研究結果...........

.......... 42   第一節  遊憩體驗因素分析............... 42   第二節  量表信 度分析與描述.............. 44   第三節  背景特性分析................. 50   第四節  參與特性分析................. 51   第五節  假設驗證之分析.......

......... 57 第五章  摘要、討論與建議................. 76   第一節  研究結果 摘要................. 76   第二節  綜合討論................... 78    第三節  建議..................... 86 參考文獻  ................

........ 89 附錄A   衝浪遊憩者之刺激尋求、知覺風險及遊憩體驗調查表.. 106 REFERENCES


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