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Academic year: 2021

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( Renin Inhibitors )


- ( renin-angiotensin system RAS )

( angiotensin convert- ing enzyme inhibitor, ACEI ) AT1 ( angiotensin AT1-receptor blocker, ARB ) RAS


aliskiren Aliskiren ( plasma renin activity,

PRA ) I II aliskiren


ᙯᔣෟĈඪ৵-ҕგچᑅ৵ր௚ ( Renin-angiotensin system, RAS ) ඪ৵ ( Renin )

ඪ৵Ժט጗ ( Renin inhibitors, ˫Ⴭ Direct renin inhibitors, DRI ) Aliskiren


ඪ৵-ҕგچᑅ৵ր௚ ( renin-angiotensin sys- temĂ RAS ) дҕᑅ۞ଠט˯Էႊ඾ޝࢦࢋ۞֎

ҒĄ࿅ޘ۞ R A S ߿ّົֹҕგچᑅ৵ I I ( a n - giotensin IIĂ Ang II ) ᆧΐĂ Ang II ົֹҕᑅ˯̿

ͷѣܳซ௟ࡪϠܜүϡซ҃ጱ࡭ጡء๋̝चĄኜ тҕგچᑅ৵ᖼೱᅔ৵Ժט጗ ( angiotensin con- verting enzyme inhibitorĂ ACEI )ăҕგچᑅ৵

AT1ତצጡܡᕝ጗ ( angiotensin AT1-receptor blockerĂ ARB ) ̏జᙋ၁Ξͽڼᒚ੼ҕᑅă͕਽

აᄃ࠹ᙯ۞͕ҕგ়ঽ1, 2Ą൒҃ϫ݈Ξϡ۞ᘽۏ

̙֭ਕѣड़гԺט RAS ĂЯࠎ ACEI ă ARB ă ӀԌ጗ౌົ߿̼΃ᐺّ۞ͅ㒝፟ᖼ҃ጱ࡭ඪ৵ᛖ

΍ᄃҕ୻ඪ৵߿ّ ( plasma renin activity Ă PRA ) ᆧ੼3, 4Ą ACEI ົጱ࡭ҕგچᑅ৵ I ( angiotensin IĂ Ang I ) ᆧΐĂ҃ Ang I ΞϤϏజܡᕝ۞ҕგچ ᑅ৵ᖼೱᅔ৵ ( angiotensin converting enzyme in-


hibitor, ACE ) ٕܧ ACE ֶᏥྮश ( ACE-indepen- dent pathwayĂּт chymase ) តೱј Ang II Ą ARBăӀԌ጗˵ౌົᆧΐ Ang I ă Ang II 5( ֍ܑ

˘ )Ą

ඪ৵ߏ๊̼ R A S ۞ௐ˘ᄃిதࢨט ( r a t e limiting ) ՎូĂͷ၆ٺ׎צኳęҕგچᑅ৵ࣧ

( angiotensinogen, AGT ) ѣ੼ޘ۞পளّĂٙͽ ඪ৵Ժט጗ ( renin inhibitors ) ೩ֻ˞дኑᗔ۞

R A S߿̼੓ؕᕇಶܡᕝι۞ΞਕّĄГ۰Ăඪ

৵Ժט጗̙ᇆᜩ k i n i n ΃ᔁĂٙͽ̙ົѣтТ ACEI͔੓઀ݜăҕგৠགྷّͪཚ ( angioneurotic edema ) ۞ઘүϡĂ˵̙ົ͔੓ Ang I ă Ang II ᆧ ΐ6Ą

࿅Ν 3 0 ѐֽĂࡁտ۰࡭˧ٺࡁ൴ඪ৵Ժט


prosegment۞ᙷҬۏ ( analogs of the prosegment of the renin precursor )7Ă׎ޢҡᐌ඾ჟ௟۞̼ጯԼ ซăࢫҲ̶̄ณ҃ࡁ൴΍ enalkiren8ă remikiren 9ă zankiren10ă ciprokiren11ඈඪ৵Ժט጗Ą఺ֱѝഇ

۞ᷴ ّ ( ٕᙷᷴ ّ ) ඪ৵Ժט጗གྷϤր௚ّ


ڇϠۏӀϡޘ ( bioavailability, Ŵ 2% )ăൺड़ăઐ

੼۞ЪјјώĂЯѩ௣տ՟ѣјࠎથݡĄ ܕѐֽགྷϤ̶̄ሀݭԫఙᄃඕ೿វ̶ژጯ҃


ّඪ৵Ժט጗Ą׎̚ Aliskiren ( ࡁ൴΃ቅĈ SPP 100 ) தАԆјᓜԖྏរĂٺ 2007 ѐ 3 ͡଀ז

઼࡚ࢴݡᘽۏგநԊ( Food and Drug Administration, FDA ) ٚᄮĂ҃јࠎ౵ܕ˩ѐֽ˯ξ۞າᙷ੼ҕ ᑅڼᒚᘽĄώ̬͛̚௜۞ඪ৵Ժט጗ͽ Aliskiren ࠎ͹Ą


RAS͹ࢋϤඪ৵ᄃҕგچᑅ৵ၹј( ֍ဦ˘)Ą RASٺܜഇአ༼ҕटณ ( blood volume ) ᄃր௚ҕ ᑅԷႊ඾ޝࢦࢋ۞֎ҒĂ༊ҕटณഴٕ͌ҕᑅ˭

ࢫॡ఺ RAS ಶజ߿̼੓ֽĂࢵАߏඪ᝙ᛖ΍ඪ



ඪ৵ߏϤඪ᝙۞ඪක஧౭ጡ௟ࡪ ( j u x t a - glomerular cell, JG௟ࡪ ) ̶ک۞కϨኳ̶ྋᅔ

৵Ą JG ௟ࡪགྷϤˬᙷו፬҃ᛖ΍ඪ৵ٺҕ୵ೈ


1.Ϲຏৠགྷ߿̼ĈགྷϤ JG ௟ࡪ۞ɘ1-ඪ˯ཛྷ צጡ ( ɘ1-adrenoreceptor )Ą

2.ඪજਔҲҕᑅ ( ּтϤր௚ّҲҕᑅٕඪજ ਔব৫͔ٙ࡭ )Ĉ็ˢ̈જਔ ( afferent arteriole ) ᑅ


ဦ˘Ĉඪ৵- ҕგچᑅ৵ր௚Ą N E P Ĉ n e u t r a l e n - dopeptidaseć PEP Ĉ prolyl-endopeptidase ć ACEĈ angiotensin converting enzyme ć ACE 2Ĉ angiotensin converting enzyme 2 ć Ang Ĉ angiotensinogenć AT1R Ĉ angiotensin AT1-re- ceptorć AT2R Ĉ angiotensin AT2-receptor Ą


ಏ˘ RAS Ժט



PRA ᆧΐ ᆧΐ Ժט

PRC ᆧΐ ᆧΐ ᆧΐ

Prorenin ᆧΐ ᆧΐ ᆧΐ

Plasma ACE Ժט ൑Ժט ൑Ժט


AGT ࢫҲ ࢫҲ ൑ត̼

Ang I ᆧΐ ᆧΐ ࢫҲ

Bradykinin ᆧΐ ൑ត̼ ൑ត̼


Ang II ࢫҲ ᆧΐ ࢫҲ

Aldosterone ࢫҲ ࢫҲ ࢫҲ

Ang ( 1-7 ) ᆧΐ ᆧΐ ࢫҲ

RAS: renin-angiotensin system; ACEI: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin AT1-re- ceptor blocker; PRA: plasma renin activity; PRC: plas- ma renin concentration; ACE: angiotensin converting en- zyme; AGT: angiotensinogen; Ang: angiotensinĄ



3.็ᏮҌඪ᝙ᅈѡ̈გ ( distal tubule ) ۞ท፧

ޘഴ͌Ĉᅈѡ̈გ۞ቜ૜೹ ( macula densa ) ዐ ତ ٺ JG ௟ࡪĂቜ૜೹Ξຏᑕทăന፧ޘĂ༊ᅈѡ


৵ֹܳ JG ௟ࡪᛖ΍ඪ৵Ă҃༊ᅈѡ̈გ۞ทă ന፧ޘ̿੼ॡ݋Ժטඪ৵ᛖ΍Ą

༊ඪ৵జ JG ௟ࡪᛖ΍ĂιಶགྷϤకϨኳ̶

ྋ ( proteolytic cleavage ) ֹ҃дҕ୵ೈᒖ̚۞

AGTෘྋј Ang I Ąҕგ̰ϩ௟ࡪ̶ک ACE ૟ Ang Iෘྋј Ang II Ă఺჌Ϡј Ang II ۞Վូд۱


ඪ৵۞Аᜭۏߏ̙׍߿ّ۞ preprorenin Ă preproreninГᖼតјඪ৵ࣧ ( prorenin )ĄొЊ۞


௕ ( secretory granula )ĂΩ˘ొЊ۞ඪ৵̙ࣧགྷక Ϩኳ̶ྋ҃ۡତᛖ΍Ҍҕ୵ೈᒖ̚Ąдϒ૱ଐڶ

˭Ăҕ୻̚۞ඪ৵ࣧ፧ޘߏඪ৵፧ޘ۞˩ࢺĄк ᇴ۞ඪ৵ࣧజ prosegment ᄏҝ߿ّొҜ ( active site ) ̙҃׍߿ّ ( ֍ဦ˟ )Ąѩ prosegment Ξᇶ ॡχฟ҃ѣ߿ّĂ఺჌׍Ξਗ਼ّ۞ՎូჍࠎܧక Ϩኳ̶ྋّ߿̼ ( non-proteolytic activation )12Ą дҋ൒ېၗ˭ ( pH 7.4 ă 37 ƨ )Ă׍߿ّ̝ඪ৵

ࣧࡗ 2% Ă҃дྵҲ໢ăҲ pH ࣃॡ఺Ѻ̶ͧົ

ᆧΐ ( Ƃ 15% )Ą

Ҍ̫ѣ׌࣎ඪ৵ତצጡజ൴னĄௐ˘࣎ߏ M6PR ( mannose-6-phosphate receptor )ĂΞඕЪඪ

৵ࣧăඪ৵҃૟̝ৼˢ ( internalize ) ௟ࡪ̚Ăߏ

˘჌୻ੵّତצጡ ( clearance receptor )13ĄΩ˘࣎

পҾ۞ତצጡߏ ( P ) RR ( ( pro ) renin receptor )Ă ᄃ̝ඕЪޢඪ৵۞๊̼߿ّົᆧΐĂͷඪ৵ࣧ˵

ԆБ߿ّ̼Ą(P)RR ۞߿̼Ξᆧΐ plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 ( PAI-1 )ă TGF-ɘ1Ъјซ҃

͔࡭ fibronectin ă collagen I ᆧΐ14( ֍ဦˬ )Ą

˟ă Ang I ᄃ׎ࢉϠۏăᖼೱᅔ৵

AGT ( ӣ 453 ࣎ঊૄᅕ ) Ϥք᝙ᄦౄ҃ᛖ΍

ٺҕ୵ೈᒖ̚Ăజඪ৵ෘྋ׎̬ٺ leucine ( Leu ) ᄃ valine ( Val ) ̝ม۞ᷴ ᔣ҃யϠ׍ 10 ࣎ঊૄ

ᅕ۞ Ang I Ą Ang I ̙׍Ϡۏ߿ّĂᐌޢགྷϤ̙Т शྮயϠ̙Т۞ᷴ ( ֍ဦ˘ )Ą

ဦ˟Ĉඪ৵ࣧజ p r o s e g m e n t ᄏҝ߿ّొҜ̙҃׍߿

ّĂѩ prosegment Ξᇶॡχฟ҃ѣ߿ّĂ఺჌

׍ Ξ ਗ਼ ّ ۞ Վ ូ Ⴭ ࠎ ܧ క Ϩ ኳ ̶ ྋ ّ ߿ ̼ Ğnon-proteolytic activationğĂ߿̼۞ඪ৵ࣧ׎

๊̼ਕ˧Ξజඪ৵Ժט጗ԺטĄొЊ۞ඪ৵ࣧགྷ కϨኳ̶ྋّ߿̼Ğproteolytic activationğј ࠎඪ৵Ą

ဦˬĈඪ৵ࣧăඪ৵࠰ᄃତצጡ(PRR)ඕЪĄඕЪޢĂ ඪ৵๊̼ҕგچᑅ৵ࣧ(AGT)ԛјҕგچᑅ৵-I (Ang I)۞߿ّᆧΐĄᄃତצጡඕЪޢĂࣧώ൑๊

̼үϡ۞ඪ৵ࣧயϠԛၗ˯۞ԼតĂซ҃யϠт Тඪ৵ਠ۞๊̼ਕ˧Ąҕგچᑅ৵-I Гགྷҕგچ ᑅ৵ᖼೱᅔ৵( A C E ) үϡ҃யϠҕგچᑅ৵- II(Ang II)Ă Ang II ᄃ AT1ତצጡඕЪĄඕЪޢ۞

ତצጡ፬൴కϨ፬∰(protein kinase)-ERK1/2 Ă ซ҃ᆧΐࡪል৵ࣧ߿̼Ժט጗-1(plasminogen activator inhibitor-1Ă PAI-1)ăᖼ̼јܜЯ̄-ɘ1 (transforming growth factorɘ1Ă TGF-ɘ1)Ą T- GF-ɘ1Ξ͔࡭ fibronectin ă collagen I ۞ᆧΐĄ P R RĈ(pro)rennin receptor ć ACE Ĉ an- giotensin converting enzymeć Ang Ĉ an- giotensinogenć ERK Ĉ extracellular regulated kinasesć AGT Ĉ angiotensinogen ć AT1 Ĉ angiotensin AT1-receptorĄ


1.Ang Iགྷ ACE யϠ Ang II

ACEΞ๊̼ Ang I ᖼೱј Ang II Ă˵Ξෘྋ

׍ҕგᕖૺ˧۞ bradykinin Ąٙͽ ACEI ۞ࢫҕ ᑅड़ڍੵ˞Яࠎഴ͌ A n g I I Ϡј̝γĂԺט bradykininజෘྋ˵Էႊ඾ొЊ֎ҒĄ

2.Ang Iགྷܧ ACE ҃யϠ Ang II

Ang IΞགྷϤ chymotrypsin-like angiotensin- generating enzyme ( CAGE ) ٕ chymase ඈᅔ৵ᖼ ೱј Ang II Ą

3.Iགྷ ACE2 யϠ Ang-( 1-9 )

ACE2 ( angiotensin converting enzyme 2 ) ᄃ ACEѣ 42% ۞࠹ҬޘĂхдٺ͕᝙ăඪ᝙۞ҕ გ̰ϩ௟ࡪĂΞ૟ Ang I ̶ྋј̙׍Ϡۏ߿ّ۞

Ang-( 1-9 )15Ą Ang-( 1-9 ) Гགྷ ACE ٕ neutral en- dopeptidase ( NEP )̶ྋј Ang-( 1-7 )16Ą ACE2 ̙


4.Ang Iགྷ NEP யϠ Ang-( 1-7 )

Ang-( 1-7 ) д RAS ̚ߏԷႊ඾ͅШአ༼۞֎

ҒĂιΞ၆ԩ Ang II ۞ ( ҕგќᒺă௟ࡪᆧത ) үϡ17Ą Ang-( 1-7 ) хдٺҕ୵ă͕᝙ăҕგ

̚ĄϤ Ang-( 1-7 ) ͔࡭ᛖٸ۞ҕგᕖૺ̶̄ѣ݈

Еཛྷ৵ᙷ ( prostanoids )ă NO ( nitric oxide )ă̰

ϩϤֽ࿅ໂ̼Я̄ ( endothelium-derived hyperpo- larizing factorĂ EDHF ) ඈ18,19Ą Ang-( 1-7 ) ˵׍

ԩҕংԛј۞পّ20Ą Ang-( 1-7 )˵ΞϤ Ang II གྷ ACE2 ̶ྋֽ҃Ăٙͽдֹϡ ACEI ٕ ARB ॡ Ξᆧΐ Ang-( 1-7 ) ੼྿ 25 ࢺ21Ą Ang-( 1-7 ) ۞ତ צጡߏ Mas22Ą

5.Ang IIགྷ aminopeptidase யϠ Ang-III ă Ang IVĄ


Aliskiren۞̼ጯ̶̄ёࠎ C30H53N3O6 Ć 0.5 C4H4O4Ă̶̄ณ 609.8 ( ̼ጯၹౄ֍ဦα )Ă ࠎϨҒ຋เৰϐĂ׍੼ޘͪ໘ّĂથݡͽᏺ጗ݭ ё˯ξĄ

˘ăᘽۏજ˧ጯ ( pharmacokinetics )

ॲፂ Nussberge ඈˠ۞ࡁտĂ aliskiren ˾ڇ ϠۏӀϡޘࠎ 2.5% Ăҕ̚ыप፧ޘߏдڇᘽޢ 3Ƃ 6 ̈ॡĂҕ̚۞Η਽ഇπӮ 23.7 ̈ॡ ( 20 Ƃ 4 5̈ॡ ) Ă޺ᜈڇϡ 5 Ƃ 8 ͇ޢ྿זᘦؠېၗ

ဦ̣Ĉڇϡᘽۏޢҕ୻ඪ৵፧ޘĞactive renin concen- trationğĞဦ˯ğăҕგچᑅ৵ů I ፧ޘĞဦ̚ğă ҕგچᑅ৵ů II ፧ޘĞဦ˭ğҡᐌॡม۞ត̼Ą A300 (aliskiren 300 mg)ć V160 (valsartan 160 mg)ć A150+V80 (aliskiren 150 mg+ valsartan 80 mg)Ą

ဦαĈ Aliskiren ۞̼ጯၹౄ


( steady state )23Ąᄃ۩ཛڇϡ࠹ྵĂ੼਌۹฼ࢴ

̚Тॡڇϡ aliskiren Ă׎ AUC ( area under the curve ) ົࢫҲ 62% Ăҭ఺̙ົᇆᜩ၆ٺ PRA ̝ Ժט24Ą Aliskiren ͹ࢋͽϏ΃ᔁݭၗགྷᓙଵڴĂ

̈ٺ 1% གྷϤ̈ܮଵ΍Ąڇϡ 150 ă 300 ă 600 mg aliskiren̝ trough-to-peak ratios ( T/P ratio )̶

Ҿࠎ 0.64 ă 0.98 ă 0.8625Ą

ᄃ irbesartan ׀ϡॡĂ aliskiren ҕ̚፧ޘົ

ࢫҲĂ҃ᄃ atorvastatin ă ketoconazole ׀ϡॡĂ a l i s k i r e nҕ̚፧ޘົ˯̿Ą A l i s k i r e n ົࢫҲ furosemide̝ҕ̚፧ޘĄ

дҁѐˠ ( Ÿ 65 years ) ڇϡ aliskiren ޢ׎ҕ

̚፧ޘྵѐᅅˠர੼Ăҭߏ̙ᅮࢋአፋ጗ณ26Ą Aliskiren۞ᘽۏજ˧ጯдˠ჌ม൑मҾ27Ą

˟ăᘽड़ጯ ( pharmacodynamics )

дϒ૱ҕᑅշّצྏ۰ڇϡ aliskiren ޢĂ PRAă Ang I ă Ang II ࠰ࢫҲ҃׎˭ࢫ඀ޘᄃ˾

ڇ aliskiren ۞጗ณӔϒ࠹ᙯĄҕ୻ᄃԌ୵̚۞ al- dosterone፧ޘϺࢫҲĄᄃщᇐ጗̈́ enalapril ࠹

ྵĂ aliskiren Ξͽѣड़۞ᆧΐӀԌทүϡ ( natri- ureisis ) ҃൑ӀԌ࿔үϡ ( kaliuresis )Ą၆ٺ Angiotensin II ۞Ժטүϡ඀ޘĂڇϡ aliskiren 160 mg۰ᄃڇϡ enalapril 20 mg ۰࠹༊Ąᄃщᇐ

጗࠹ͧĂֹϡ੼጗ณ۞ aliskiren ΞͽࢫҲ Ang II

྿ 80% Ăݒֹҕ୻ඪ৵፧ޘ ( plasma renin con- c e n t r a t i o n , P R C ) ˯̿෹࿅ 1 0 ࢺĄՏ͇ڇϡ aliskiren 160 mgٕ Enalapril 20 mg ၆ٺҕ̚ Ang II

፧ޘ۞˭ࢫ඀ޘߏ࠹Ҭ۞Ą Aliskiren ࢫҲҕ୻

ᄃԌ୵̚ aldosterone ྿ 40 Ƃ 50%23Ą

Aliskirenͧ valsartan Հਕו፬ඪ৵ᛖٸҌೈ

ᒖ̚Ą Aliskiren Ξܡᕝ valsartan ಏ፾ֹϡॡ۞

PRAă Ang I ă Ang II ᆧΐĂٙͽ׌۰׀ϡົѣ םТүϡ ( synergistic effect ) ( ֍ဦ̣ )28Ą



[ ̙Т጗ณ̝ aliskiren vs щᇐ጗ ]

Oh BHඈˠࡁտ aliskiren ۞ड़ڍĂצྏ۰ࠎ ᅅޘٕ̚ޘ۞੼ҕᑅଈ۰ 672 ˠĂᐌ̶፟Ҿڇϡ ˣฉ aliskiren 150mg ă 300mg ă 600mg ăٕщᇐ


α ௡ ঽ ˠ ׎ ќ ᒺ ᑅ Ɲ න ૺ ᑅ ۞ ࢫ Ҳ ̶ Ҿ ࠎ 13.0/10.3ă 14.7/11.1 ă 15.8/12.5 mmHg ă 3.8/4.9 mmHgĄͧྵࣃ଀ڦຍ۞ߏĂдઃᘽ׌ฉޢĂ၁ រ௡̙ҭ՟ѣͅᇅன෪҃ͷֶ൒Ξͽ៍၅זࢫᑅ ड़ڍ25Ą

[ aliskiren vs losartan ]

Stantonͽᐌ፟ăᗕ۠ྏរࡁտ aliskiren ̝ࢫ ᑅड़ڍᄃщБّĄ 226 Ҝᅅޘٕ̚ޘ੼ҕᑅঽˠ ᐌ̶፟ј 5 ௡̶ҾՏ͇˾ڇ 37.5 mg ă 75 mg ă 150 mgă 300 mg ۞ aliskiren ٕ 100 mg ۞ losartan αฉĄඕڍពϯ a l i s k i r e n ࢫҲ P R A 5 5 % Ƃ 83%Ă҃ losartan ݋ߏᆧΐ PRA 110% Ąҕᑅ˭

ࢫ۞඀ޘд aliskiren 300 mg ᄃ losartan 100 mg ߏ


[ aliskiren vs irbesartan vs щᇐ጗ ]

Gradmanͽᐌ፟ăᗕ۠ăщᇐ጗၆໰ྏរࡁ տ 652 ҜᅅޘҌ̚ޘ੼ҕᑅঽˠĂᐌ፟Տ͇ග̟

˘Ѩ aliskiren ( 150 ٕ 300 ٕ 600 mg )Ăٕ irbesar- tan 150 mgĂٕщᇐ጗Ąඕڍពϯڇϡ aliskiren 150 mg۞ࢫҕᑅड़ڍߏᄃڇϡ irbesartan 150 mg ۰࠹ҬĂ҃ڇϡ aliskiren 300 mg ٕ 600 mg ̝න

ૺഇҕᑅࢫҲड़ڍͧڇϡ irbesartan 150 mg рĄ

׎щБޘăटצޘඈઘүϡ൴Ϡத࠰ᄃ irbesar- tanٕщᇐ጗࠹Ҭ30Ą

[ aliskiren vs irbesartan vs amlodipine vs щᇐ

጗ ]

JordanඈˠАϡՏ͇ hydrochlorothiazide ( HCTZ ) 25 mgڼᒚනૺഇҕᑅࠎ 95 Ƃ 109 mm Hgͷ֗វኳณ޽ᇴ ( body mass index Ă BMI )ŵ 30 ۞ঽˠĂ 4 ฉ̝ޢГଂ׎̚Ա΍၆ٺѩڼᒚ൑

ͅᑕ۰ ( nonresponder ) В 489 ҜĄ఺ 489 Ҝঽˠ

ੵ˞ᚶᜈග̟Տ͇ HCTZ 25 mg ̝γĂᐌ፟ăᗕ

̶۠ј 4 ௡ĂՏ̶͇Ҿ୹ΐ aliskiren 150 mg ă irbesartan 150 mgă amlodipine 5 mg ăٕщᇐ጗

ڼᒚαฉĂତ඾ԯ aliskiren ă irbesartan ă am- lodipine௡Տ͇۞጗ณᆧΐ˘ࢺГ੠ᖸˣฉĄඕ ڍពϯ Aliskiren+HCTZ ۞ࢫҕᑅड़ڍᄃ irbesar- tan+HCTZă amlodipine+HCTZ ࠹Ҭ ( ќᒺƝන

ૺഇҕᑅ˭ࢫࣃ̶Ҿࠎ 15.8/11.9 ă 15.4/11.3 ă 13.6/10.3 mm Hg )Ąд۲ࡡ۞੼ҕᑅঽˠֹϡௐ

˘ቢ thiazide ӀԌ጗൑ڱ྿јҕᑅଠטॡĂЪ׀


ֹϡ aliskiren ߏ੼ޘѣड़۞31Ą [ aliskiren vs lisinopril ]

Strasser۞ࡁտߏᐌ፟ăᗕ۠ྏរĂනૺഇҕ ᑅ̬ٺ 105 Ƃ 120 mm Hg ۞ 183 Ҝঽˠᐌ̶፟ј aliskiren 150 mg ( n=125 ) ᄃ lisinopril 20 mg ( n=58 )

׌௡ڼᒚ 8 ฉĄඕڍពϯĂ aliskiren ௡ᄃ lisino- pril௡၆ٺනૺഇҕᑅ۞ࢫҲޘ ( -18.5 mm Hg vs -20.1 mm Hg )ăќᒺഇҕᑅ۞ࢫҲޘ ( -20.0 mm Hg vs -22.3 mm Hg )ă၆ڼᒚѣͅᑕ۰൴Ϡத ( re- sponder rate, 81.5% vs 87.9% ) ౌߏ࠹Ҭ۞Ą Aliskiren

௡ᄃ lisinopril ௡Яઘүϡ҃ઃᘽ۞ͧதߏ࠹Ҭ۞

( 3.2% vs 3.4% )Ă౵૱֍۞ઘүϡߏᐝ൭ăᆄݟۆ ( nasopharyngitis )ăᐝຶ ( dizziness ) 32Ą


[ aliskiren vs HCTZ vs aliskiren/HCTZ vs щᇐ

጗ ]

Villamilඈˠࡁտֹϡ aliskiren ă HCTZ ٕ aliskiren/HCTZ۞ѣड़ّăщБّᄃ၆ٺ PRA ̝ ᇆᜩĄВ 2776 Ҝනૺഇҕᑅ̬ٺ 95-109 mm Hg

۞ঽˠᐌ፟ăᗕ̶۠јڇϡ a l i s k i r e n ( 7 5 ă 150ă 300 mg )ă HCTZ ( 6.25 ă 12.5 ă 25 mg )ă aliskiren+ HCTZăщᇐ጗α̂௡Ą 8 ฉޢඕڍព ϯࢫᑅड़ڍдಏ፾ֹϡ aliskiren ֹͧϡщᇐ጗

рĄ҃дࢫҲҕᑅ඀ޘă၆ڼᒚѣͅᑕ۰൴Ϡ தăҕᑅᒔ଀ଠטத͞ࢬĂ aliskiren+ HCTZ ͧ ಏ፾ֹϡ aliskiren ٕ HCTZ ౌֽ଀рĄಏ፾ֹϡ aliskirenॡ PRA ࢫҲ 65% Ăಏ፾ֹϡ HCTZ ॡ PRAᆧΐ 72% Ă҃ aliskiren+ HCTZ ົࢫҲ P R AĄ A l i s k i r e n + H C T Z ΞͽࢫҲಏ፾ֹϡ HCTZॡٙயϠҲҕ࿔۞൴Ϡத33Ą

[aliskiren vs aliskiren/HCTZ vs aliskiren/irbe- sartan vs aliskiren/ramipril]

O'Brienඈˠ۞ࡁտߏᅅޘҌ̚ޘ۞੼ҕᑅ ଈ۰Ăග̟ aliskiren ( ঽˠᇴĂ n = 6 ) ٕ aliskiren + HCTZ ( n = 17 ) ٕ aliskiren + ramipril ( n = 21 )

ٕ aliskiren + irbesartan ( n = 23 )Ąඕڍពϯ aliskiren + HCTZ ͧಏ፾ֹϡ aliskiren ѣՀр۞ࢫ ᑅड़ڍ ( ќᒺഇƝනૺഇҕᑅ -18.4/ -10.6 vs -10.4 / -5.8Ă p=0.0007 )Ąд Aliskiren + ramipril ͧಏ፾

ֹϡ ramipril рć aliskiren + irbesartan ˵ͧಏ፾

ֹϡ i r b e s a r t a n ѣՀр۞ࢫᑅड़ڍĄಏ፾ֹϡ

Aliskiren 150 mg ࢫҲ PRA 65% ( P<0.0001 ) ҃ ramiprilă irbesartan ۞ಏ፾ֹϡົ͔࡭ PRA Чᆧ ΐ 90% ă 175% Ą༊ HCTZ ă ramipril ă irbesar- tanᄃ aliskiren Ъ׀ֹϡॡĂ PRA ̙ົᆧ੼34Ą

[ a l i s k i r e n v sщᇐ጗ v s v a l s a r t a n v s aliskiren/valsartan vs valsartan/HCTZ ]

Poolඈˠ૟ 1123 ҜᅅޘҌ̚ޘ۞੼ҕᑅଈ ۰ᐌ̶፟јщᇐ጗ăಏ፾ϡ aliskiren ăಏ፾ϡ v a l s a r t a nă aliskiren/valsartan ă valsartan/

HCTZĄ 8 ฉޢĂಏ፾ϡ aliskiren ۰ͧϡщᇐ጗

۰ѣ௚ࢍຍཌྷ۞ࢫҲҕᑅ ( p < .0001 )Ą၆ᘽۏய Ϡઘүϡ۞൴ϠதЧ௡Ӯᄃщᇐ጗௡൑ព඾म ளĂ૱֍۞ઘүϡߏᐝ൭ăཛᕫĄ Aliskiren/val- sartan̝ࢫҕᑅޘͧ׌۰࣎Ҿಏ፾ֹϡॡՀਕࢫ ҲҕᑅĂ҃ᄃ valsartan/HCTZ ̝ࢫҕᑅޘ࠹༊ͷ щБّ׌۰൑मҾ35Ą

ᔵ൒ Pool ඈˠ۞ྏរពϯಏ፾ϡ aliskiren ۰

ͧϡщᇐ጗۰ѣ௚ࢍຍཌྷ۞ࢫҲҕᑅĂҭЯࠎщ ᇐ጗ड़ڍ࿅̂ ( ќᒺૺഇҕᑅƝනૺഇҕᑅࠎ -10.0Ɲ-8.6 mmHg Ăֹ҃ϡ aliskiren 300 mg ۰ࠎ -15.0Ɲ-12.3 ) ҃జᘃႷѣϨҗّ੼ҕᑅ۞צྏ

۰Ąࠎ˞ଵੵѣϨҗّ੼ҕᑅ۞ΞਕّĂ Oparil ඈˠֹϡᛸ૲ݭҕᑅాᜈႾീϨ͇ˣ̈ॡ۞ҕ ᑅĂ൒ޢᏴፄ׎නૺഇҕᑅŸ 90 mmHg ͷπӮ ळҜනૺഇҕᑅࠎ 95 Ƃ 109 mmHg ۞ 1797 Ҝঽ ˠซˢྏរĄঽˠᐌ̶፟јα௡Ă̶ҾՏ͇ගᄃ aliskiren 150 mg ( 437ˠ)ă valsartan 160 mg ( 455 ˠ)ă aliskiren 150 mg + valsartan 160 mg ( 446ˠ )ăщᇐ጗

( 459ˠ )Ąαߐഇ̝ޢĂЧ௡ڇϡ۞጗ณౌΐࢺ ГڇϡαߐഇĄඕڍពϯ aliskiren 300 mg + val- sartan 320 mg௡۞නૺഇҕᑅ˭ࢫޘ ( 12.2 mmHg )

ͧ aliskiren 300 mg ௡ ( 9.0 mmHg )ă valsartan 320 mg௡ ( 9.7 mmHg )ăщᇐ጗௡ ( 4.1 mmHg )ౌֽ

଀рĄΩγĂڇᘽˣฉޢঽˠ۞ҕ࿔፧ޘ ŵ 5.5 mmol/LдЧ௡۞൴Ϡத̶ҾࠎĈщᇐ጗௡( 3% )ă aliskiren௡ ( 2% )ă valsartan ௡ ( 2% )ă aliskiren + valsartan௡ ( 4% )36Ą

ˬăซҖ̝̚ aliskiren ᓜԖྏរ

1.AVOID ( Aliskiren in the eValuation of prOteinuria in Diabetes ) ྏរĈд׍కϨԌ۞ௐ˟

ݭ Ꭴ Ԍ ঽ ͷ ̏ ֹ ϡ A R B ڼ ᒚ ۞ ঽ ˠ Ă ග ̟


aliskiren 300 mgٕщᇐ጗̱̝࣎͡ड़ڍͧྵĄ 2.ALLAY ( ALiskiren in Left ventricular Assessment of hypertrophY )Ĉдѣν͕ވ۲̂۞

ঽˠĂග̟ aliskiren 300 mg ٕ losartan ٕ׌۰׀

ϡ˝̝࣎͡ޢĂͽ MRI ͧྵν͕ވ۞ኳณ ( LV mass )Ą

3.ALOFT ( ALiskiren Observation of heart Failure Treatment )Ĉдѐ᛬Ÿ 18 ໐̝Тॡ׍੼ҕ ᑅᄃᘦؠېၗ͕਽აͷ BNP ( brain natriuretic pep- tide )ŵ 100 pg/mL ۞ঽˠĂੵ˞ᇾ໤ڼᒚ̝γĂ ග̟˩˟ฉ aliskiren 150 mg ٕщᇐ጗Ăͧྵ׎ड़ ڍ ( BNP ̝˭ࢫޘ ) ᄃщБّĄܐՎ۞ඕڍ̏д 2007ѐ 9 ͡ٺለ߷͕᝙ጯົ۞ 2007 ѐᗁጯົᛉ

൴ܑĄ Aliskiren ព඾гࢫҲ BNP ࣃ ( ֍ܑ˟ )Ă

͕᝙෹ࢰگᑭߤ˵ពϯν͕ވ·๱ᑅព඾Լච ( p=0.047 vs щᇐ጗ )Ą

4.AVIATOR ( Aliskiren in Visceral Obesity AT risk patients Outcomes Research )Ĉࠎܐ৺ّ࿰֨

ྏរĂෞҤ aliskiren ߏӎΞؼᏵ੼Пᐍঽˠௐ˘

Ѩ൴Ϡࢦ͕̂ҕგְІ ( first major cardiovascular event )۞ॡมĄ࿰ࢍќᐂ 15000 ˠĄ

5.ALTITUDE ( ALiskiren Trial In Type 2 Diabetic nephropathy )ĈࠎГ൴ّ࿰֨ྏរĂ࿰

ࢍќᐂ 6000 ˠĂෞҤ aliskiren ߏӎΞؼᏵᎤԌ ঽ׀൴া΍ன۞ॡมĄ

ͽ˯݈˟ีྏរ̝ඕڍ࿰ࢍ 2007 ѐ൴ܑĂ

҃ޢ׌۰̝ඕڍҤࢍࡗд 2011 Ƃ 2013 ѐ൴ܑĄ


ᔵ൒ aliskiren జ࿰ҤΞͽдඪ৵Ժט጗۞ξ ಞ˯፾ᅳࢲᛢ̣ѐĂҭߏາ˘΃۞ඪ৵Ժט጗˵

̏णฟᓜԖྏរĂּтฟ൴΃ቅࠎ SPP635 ۞ᘽ ۏ̏дซҖ phase IIa ྏរĂ SPP635 ۞˾ڇϠۏ ӀϡޘΞ྿ 30% ćฟ൴΃ቅࠎ SPP1148 ۞ᘽۏ

̏дซҖ phase I ྏរĄΩγ˵ѣᇴछᘽᇄ˵ϒ дࡁᄦඪ৵Ժט጗Ą



дధкᓜԖྏរ˘ͯ࠻рᓏ̚Ă S e a le y ᄃ L a r a g h೩΍˞ᖰຕ۞ෞኢĄ΁ࣇ੫၆ᓁᇴ෹࿅

5000ˠ۞̱࣎ᓜԖྏរ ( ώ͛ણ҂͛ᚥ̚۞25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35

) ۞ඕڍઇ̶ژ൴னĈ( a ) ಏ፾ֹϡ aliskiren ॡĈ 600 mg ۞ࢫᑅޘ̙ͧ 300 mg ֽ଀рć጗ณ

ͅᑕ ( dose response ) តளޝ̂ćᄃ ARB ăӀԌ

጗࠹ྵ֭ܧࠎՀѣड़̝ԩ੼ҕᑅᘽć( b ) ׀ϡڼ ᒚॡĈ a l i s k i r e n / ӀԌ጗۞ࢫᑅड़ڍҬͼͧ

aliskiren/ARBٕ aliskiren/ACEI рć෹࿅ˬ̶̝

˘۞ڼᒚঽˠ׎ҕᑅ̙ਕ˭ࢫҌҲٺ 140/90 ć

ࡶ૟щᇐ጗ड़ڍৼˢ҂ᇋĂ݋၆ڼᒚѣͅᑕ۰ Ŵ 50% ĄΩγĂ΁ࣇ޽΍Ξਕߏ aliskiren ͔੓ඪ


ࣇ۞ඕኢߏĈֹϡ aliskiren ѣΞਕ͔҃ͅ੓ҕᑅ

˯̿Ăд఺ΞਕّإϏঐੵ̝݈Ăֹϡ׎΁̏జ ᇃھֹϡͷྵܮآ۞ࢫҕᑅᘽٕధߏ౵ᖎಏᄃ౵


੫၆ Laragh ۞ෞኢĂܜഇࡁտ RAS ۞ڱ઼

ˠ Azizi д Lancet ൴ܑ˞˘ቔаᑕ۞͛ౢ38Ą͛

̚޽΍Ĉ( a ) Laragh ͔ٙϡ̝ྏរᇴྵ͌ ( В̱

࣎ )Ă҃၆ٺྏរ̚۞ aliskiren ࢫᑅड़ڍ՟ѣͽ

̳ϒ۞͞ёઇ̶ژĂͷ၆ٺྤफ़۞ҿ᝝ѣᄱć( b )

ྏរฟ݈̝ؕૄ໤ҕᑅ̙ٽޙϲ ( צА݈ڇϡ۞

ᘽۏٕࢴۏඈᇆᜩ ) ć( c ) ੼ҕᑅঽˠග̟

aliskiren̝ޢଂϏѣٙᏜĶaliskiren ͔࡭۞੼ҕ ᑅķ ۞ன෪ĂЯࠎ׎ࢫҕᑅड़ڍࠤҌΞͽдઃ

ᘽ׌ฉޢ៍၅זĄ̙࿅Ă Azizi ˵Тຍ Laragh ۞

࠻ڱĈĶ тڍΪ඾ࢦٺଠטҕᑅĂ՟ѣᙋፂព ϯಏ፾Տֹ͇ϡ aliskiren 150 Ƃ 300 mg ͔ٙ࡭

۞ ҕ ᑅ ˭ ࢫ ޘ ົ ͧ ϫ ݈ Ξ ϡ ۞ Ї ˘ ࢫ ҕ ᑅ ᘽ рķĄ

ܑ˟Ĉ ALOFT ྏរֹ̚ϡ aliskiren ͔ٙ੓۞Ч჌Ϡ̼


Marker Aliskiren, Placebo,

n=156 n=146 p

Plasma renin(ng/mL/h) -5.71 -0.97 Ŵ 0.000

BNP (pg/mL) -61 -12.2 0.016

NT-proBNP (pg/mL) -243.6 761.7 0.0106 Urinary aldosterone (nmol/d) -9.2 -7 0.015 ALOFTĈ Aliskiren Observation of Heart Failure Treatmentć

BNPĈ brain natriuretic peptide ć NT-proBNP Ĉ N- terminal proBNPĄ



дઘүϡ༊̚Ă૱֍۞ѣཛᕫăᐝ൭ăᆄݟ ۆăᐝຶ ( dizziness )Ă׎̚౵͔ˠڦϫ۞ߏཛᕫ ( ˘ਠಡӘࡗࠎ 2% Ă҃ Oh BH ۞ಡӘ݋ߏдֹϡ aliskiren 600 mg۰׎ཛᕫ൴Ϡத੼྿ 11.4% ) 25Ą Яࠎдҁဂྏរॡ൴ன aliskiren ၆ඕབᕆቯѣֱ

ו፬ّĂٙͽ FDA дઇᆶߤॡĂؼܜˬ࣎͡ឰ Ϧኛ˯ξ۞̳ΦГྃ· 3 0 Ҝઉ૵צྏ۰ڇϡ aliskirenޢ۞̰ෛᙡᑭߤಡӘ ( ඕڍពϯඕབᕆ ቯ൑ត̼ )Ąдֹϡ aliskiren 150 Ƃ 300 mg ॡ΍

ன۞ᐝ൭ăᆄݟۆăཛᕫඈઘүϡజᄮࠎ̂кᇴ ᄃ aliskiren ൑ᙯ ( ֍ဦ̱ )39Ą

ΩγĂдϦኛ˯ξ۞ॡ࣏Ă̏ڇϡ aliskiren

෹࿅˘ѐ۞ঽˠΪѣ 1250 ˠĂܜഇֹϡ̝щБ




ٺજۏăˠᙷ၁រٙពϯ۞ᘽۏүϡإѣޞٺᓜ Ԗ˯జᙋ၁Ąඪ৵Ժט጗ٙ׍ѣ۞ሕдّᐹ๕ ࠎĈ

1.ΞࢫҲҋ൒ّ੼ҕᑅဂ ( spontaneous hy- pertensive ratĂ SHR ) ൴Ϡν͕ވ۲̂40ć

2.ֹϡඪ৵Ժט጗ٺ͕҉ୟ๫۞ҁဂĂ׎Լ චν͕ވϐഇᑅă׹ᙝҕგܡԩăඪ᝙ҕ߹ณ۞

඀ޘĂᄃֹϡ ACEI ॡ۞඀ޘߏ࠹Ҭ۞41ć 3.၆ٺ၁រဂ۞͕᝙ăඪ᝙ѣ᜕ܲड़ڍ42ć 4.Ξᆧΐ੼ҕᑅঽˠ۞ඪ᝙ҕ߹ณ43ć 5.Ξព඾ࢫҲకϨԌ44Ą

ඪ৵Ժט጗ٙ׍ѣ۞ሕдّК๕ࠎĈ ( 1 ) ˾ڇϠۏӀϡޘҲ ( າ˘΃ඪ৵Ժט጗

݋Ξ྿ 30% )ć

( 2 ) ڇϡ̙Т጗ณ۞ aliskiren ̝ޢĂ׎ҕ̚

፧ޘᐌ඾጗ณᆧΐ҃ᆧ੼ ( dose-response )23Ăҭ ߏдࢫҲҕᑅ͞ࢬĂᆧΐ጗ณ ( 300mg Ɩ 600mg ) ݒ՟ѣ dose-response ன෪25,30Ą Laragh ᄮࠎΞਕ ߏ aliskiren ͔੓ඪ৵ͅᑕّ̿੼͉к҃ٯঐ׎ొ

̶۞ࢫᑅड़ڍ37Ăҭߏৌϒ۞፟ᖼ̪̙ځĄ ( 3 ) ACEIă ARB ̿੼ PRA ᄃ PRC Ăඪ৵Ժ ט጗ᔵ൒ֹ PRA ࢫҲĂҭ̿੼ PRC ۞඀ޘߏ A- CEIă ARB ۞׌ࢺͽ˯23, 36Ąඪ৵ࣧăඪ৵ᄃତ צጡ ( ݈̝ࢗ( P )RR ) ඕЪޢΞਕົ͔੓ܳញჯ



( 4 ) ܕѐֽϤٺࡊጯछ۞Ӆ˧Ăֹԧࣇᒢྋ ז RAS ᔘѣ ACE2 ă Ang-( 1-7 ) ඈјЊĂֹ଀

R A S ЧјЊม۞Ϲ̢үϡត଀Հ᏾ტኑᗔĄ Ang-( 1-7 ) Ξ͔੓ҕგᕖૺĂΞԺט͕҉௟ࡪϠ ܜ45ĂΞࢫҲᎤԌঽ၁រજۏ̝కϨԌ46Ąтڍ Ang-( 1-7 ) ̝Ϡјព඾ࢫҲॡĂົֹ͕Αਕצຫ47Ą ACEIă ARB Ξᆧΐ Ang-( 1-7 )Ă҃ඪ৵Ժט጗

ົֹ Ang-( 1-7 ) ˭ࢫ ( ֍ܑ˘ )Ă఺၆ٺ׎ࢫҕ ᑅड़ڍă͕Αਕඈѣңᇆᜩ̪൒̙ځĄ

( 5 ) Aliskiren 300 mg̝ಏᆊࠎ 2.8 ࡚̮Ăд

̏൴ܑ۞ᓜԖྏរ̚Ăᄃ aliskiren 300 mg ࢫᑅड़ ڍ࠹Ҭ۞ᘽ጗ಏᆊ̶ҾࠎĈ ARB ᙷů Losartan ( 100 mg ) 2.82࡚̮ă Valsartan ( 320 mg ) 2.71 ࡚

̮ć ACEI ᙷů Ramipril ( 10 mg ) 2.35 ࡚̮ćӀԌ

጗ᙷů hydrochlorothiazide ( 25 mg ) 0.19 ࡚̮ ( ˯

ࢗЧಏᆊߏ 2007 ѐ 9 ઼࡚͡৸ࡗߙछშྮᘽԊ

۞ಡᆊ )Ą ACEI ă ARB ̏జᙋ၁ੵ˞ࢫҲҕᑅ


ACEIă ARB ܮآ۞ aliskiren ੵ˞ࢫҲҕᑅ̝



ဦ̱Ĉֹϡ aliskiren 150 mg (ALI 150)Ă aliskiren 300 mg (ALI 300)Ăщᇐ጗(PL)̝ޢᐝ൭ăᆄݟۆă ཛᕫඈઘүϡ۞൴ϠதĄ *p <0.05 vs ALI 150 and ALI 300Ą


R A S၆ٺአ༼ҕᑅԷႊ඾ޝࢦࢋ۞֎ҒĄ кѐֽĂԺט RAS ۞ᘽۏ ( ACEI Ă ARB ) ̏జ


়ঽĄགྷϤԺטඪ৵҃ܡᕝ RAS ໚ᐝ۞៍ه̏

хд 30 ѐĂдкีᅳા۞ࡁտ۰۞Ӆ˧̝˭Ă

௣ٺѣௐ˘࣎˾ڇඪ৵Ժט጗ę aliskiren ˯ξĄ дڼᒚ੼ҕᑅ͞ࢬĂᇴ࣎ᓜԖྏរពϯĂд ಏ፾ֹϡॡĂ aliskiren ( 150 Ƃ 300 mg ) ۞ࢫҲҕ ᑅड़ڍͧщᇐ጗р҃ᄃӀԌ጗ă ACEI ă ARB ۞ ड़ڍߏ࠹ܕ۞ ( ֍ܑˬ )Ąд aliskiren ׀ϡ׎΁ᘽ ۏॡĂᔵ൒࠰ͧщᇐ጗Հѣड़гࢫҲҕᑅĂ൒҃



ፂ aliskiren ࠎᇴ̙к۞ᓜԖྏរඕڍĂࢋଯᖧ aliskirenઇࠎڼᒚ੼ҕᑅ۞ௐ˘ቢᘽۏ ( ಏ˘ֹ

ϡٕЪ׀΁჌ᘽۏ ) Ҭͼ̪ѣޞથၻĄͧྵᖰຕ


̙рٕயϠઘүϡ ( ݜမăͪཚăᘽۏ࿅ୂඈ ) ॡĂ̖҂ᇋֹϡ aliskiren Ąдܧϡ aliskiren ̙Ξ ͷڇϡޢᘽड़ָ̙҃ࢋ҂ᇋ׀ϡ׎΁ᘽۏॡĂӀ Ԍ጗ߏௐ˘Ᏼፄ ( ੵ˞ड़ৈ/ᘽᆊ۞҂ณ̝γĂ aliskiren۞̿੼ҕ࿔үϡΞᄃӀԌ጗۞ࢫҲҕ࿔

үϡ̢࠹ٯঐ )33Ą

2007ѐ 3 ͡Ă aliskiren జ FDA ८఼ࣞ࿅۞

ዋᑕাΪѣڼᒚ੼ҕᑅĂ጗ณࠎ 150 Ƃ 300 mg Ą

ܑˬĈ Aliskiren ۞ᓜԖྏរඕڍ

ү۰ ͛ᚥ ഇมߐഇ ᘽۏ ጗ณ צྏˠᇴ නૺᑅត̼ mmHg ௚ࢍ

Oh BH 25 8 ALI 150 167 - 10.3 p < 0.0001 vs PL

ALI 300 166 - 11.1 p < 0.0001 vs PL

PL 163 - 4.9

Gradman 30 8 ALI 150 127 - 9.3 p < 0.005 vs PL

ALI 300 130 - 11.8 p < 0.0001 vs PL, p < 0.01 vs IRB

IRB 150 133 - 8.9 p < 0.05 vs PL

PL 130 - 6.3

Oparil 36 4 ALI 150 430 - 7.5 p < 0.0001 vs PL; p < 0.0001 vs ALI + VAL VAL 160 453 - 8.7 p < 0.0001 vs PL; p < 0.001 vs ALI + VAL ALI 150 + VAL 160 438 - 10.5 p < 0.0001 vs PL

PL 455 - 4.8

Jordan 31 8 ALI 300 + HCTZ 25 113 - 11.9 p < 0.0001 vs PL + HCTZ 25 IRB 300 + HCTZ 25 117 - 11.3

AML 10 + HCTZ 25 122 - 10.3

PL + HCTZ 25 117 - 7.9

Villamil 33 8 ALI 150 183 - 8.9 p < 0.05 vs PL

ALI 300 180 - 10.3 p < 0.0001 vs PL

ALI 150 + HCTZ 25 187 - 12.7 p < 0.0001 vs PL; p < 0.05 vs Чಏ˘ᘽ ALI 300 + HCTZ 25 173 - 14.3 p < 0.0001 vs PL; p < 0.05 vs Чಏ˘ᘽ

HCTZ 25 173 - 9.4 p < 0.05 vs PL

PL 192 - 6.3

Pool 35 8 ALI 150 177 - 10.3

ALI 300 175 - 12.3 p < 0.0001 vs PL

VAL 160 58 - 11.0 p < 0.05 vs ALI 150 (ො)

VAL 320 60 - 11.3 p < 0.05 vs ALI 150 (ො)

ALI 300 + VAL 320 58 - 12.9 p < 0.001 vs PL (ො)

PL 176 - 8.6

ALIĈ aliskiren ć PL Ĉ placebo ć IRB Ĉ irbesartan ć VAL Ĉ valsartan ć HCTZĈ hydrochlorothiazide ć AML Ĉ amlodipine Ą



ੵ˞ࢫҲҕᑅ̝γĂ׎၆ٺ͕᝙ăඪ᝙ߏӎѣт Т ( ࠤҌ෹෸ ) ACEI ă ARB ਠ۞ड़ৈ݋إ൑၁ ᙋĄдඈޞՀкăՀᚑᖰ۞ᓜԖྏរඕڍ൴ܑ۞


۞ঽˠĂֶ໰ዋᑕা҃ග̟̏జᇃھֹϡͷѣ၁ ᙋ۞ᘽۏ ( ּт ARB ă ACEI )ĂҬͼߏྵЪآ˫



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New Class of Antihypertensive Drug - Renin Inhibitors

Meng-Hsiu Wu, Jing-Ren Jeng, Ji-Hung Wang, and Chi-Mo Lin

The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important in regulation of blood pressure, electrolyte balance and vascular growth. Suppression of the RAS, through angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or angiotensin AT1-receptor blocker (ARB), is a proven effective therapeutic approach to the treatment of hypertension, heart failure and renal disorders. Renin, is the first step of the RAS, has long been recognized as the preferred target for RAS blockade. Intensive efforts have been devoted to the development of potent renin inhibitors over past twenty years. Aliskiren is the first in a new class of agents known as oral renin inhibitors and is approved for the treatment of high blood pressure as monotherapy or in combination with other antihypertensive medications. The effectiveness of aliskiren in lowering blood pressure was demonstrated in clinical trials, which included patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Given the success of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in re- ducing morbidity and mortality amongst patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiac failure, nephropa- thy and atherosclerosis, renin inhibitors may have the potential to be beneficial in the same disease states. In the long term, obviously, large studies comparing renin inhibition with the other blockers of the RAS will be needed.

( J Intern Med Taiwan 2008; 19: 277 -288 )

Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital



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