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Academic year: 2022

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105 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試試題本



考試科目(編號):英文 (C3202)


1. 考試時間:90 分鐘。

2. 請在答案卷上作答,並答案卷每人一張,不得要求增補。

3. 請核對報考甄試類(群)組別、考試科目是否相符。

4. 單選題共 40 題。



單 選 題 , 共 40 題 , 每 題 2.5 分

Ⅰ .字 詞 彙 測 驗 : 請 選 出 最 適 當 的 答 案 , 並 將 代 表 字 母 (A, B, C, D)填 入 答 案 卷 中

1. The Internet _____ gets a lot of hits; many users visit it.

(A) site (B) online (C) review (D) scene

2. Everyone _____ just in time before the bomb exploded; nobody was killed.

(A) agreed (B) escaped (C) warned (D)chatted 3. David lives quite a _____ from where he works, so he has to spend a

lot of time on commuting.

(A) period (B) space (C) variety (D) distance

4. Some cities in southern Taiwan were _____ from severe dengue fever outbreaks.

(A) searching (B) settling (C) suffering (D) saluting

5. You should buy s omething to protect the screen of your smart phone from _____.

(A) patches (B) matches (C) catches (D) scratches

6. You need to _____ your dog. He’s running wild and ju mping on people.

(A) count (B) cancel (C) control (D) contact

7. This soup tastes _____! I’m going to ask the waiter to take it back and bring me something else.

(A) excellent (B) wonderful (C) overweight (D) awful

8. Wait just a minute. I’m on the phone _____ a pizza right now.

(A) ordering (B) talking (C) organizing (D)submitting

9. Please call me _____ your airplane is going to arrive late.

(A) in case of (B) in case (C) due to (D)because of 10. The letter was _____ to be here yesterday, but it hasn’t arrived yet.

(A) opposed (B) exposed (C) disposed (D) supposed


11. Richard _____ his cell phone and called his girlfriend.

(A) agreed to (B) agreed with (C) took out (D) took off

12. Can you help me to _____ something nice to wear to my friend’s birthday party?

(A) pick out (B) take after (C) put off (D) take to

13. _____ that Taiwan was once home to millions of butterflies.

(A)All of a sudden (B) So far (C) They say (D) Of course

14. The annoying neighbor sang the same song loudly _____ again tonight.

(A) not at all (B) by and by (C) over and over (D)in any case

15. The soldiers planned to _____ the bridge so that their enemies cannot cross it.

(A) blow up (B) build up (C) turn around (D) take after

Ⅱ . 綜 合 測 驗 : 請 選 出 最 適 當 答 案 , 並 將 代 表 字 母 (A, B, C, D)填 入 答 案 紙 中 。

Have you always wanted to invest, but didn’t know where to get started? There are three basic guidelines to smart investing. Number one is to have clear (16) . Decide on how long you will inv est and what your needs will be (17) the future. Number two is to

understand the range of possibilities. You can have a (18) of stocks, bonds, funds, certificates of deposits, and savings accounts . Each of these products has different risks (19) them and also different potential (20) . Understand them before you buy, so there won’t be any big surprises later.

16. (A) goals (B) collection s (C) myster ies (D) notes

17. (A) at (B) on (C) in (D) with

18. (A) nature (B) means (C) method (D) mix 19. (A) resulted in (B) associated with

(C) accused of (D) judging



I have great news to report. I just got a promotion and raise! I’ve been working for my co mpany for the past three years, and things have gone well. First, I helped my department increase (21) by 200% during that time. We have advertised and (22) our products at trade shows, in the newspaper s, and on TV. As a (23) , our compan y’s reputation and image have improved . In additional to increased sales, I’ve established a good working relationship with my (24) . We recognize each person’s

strengths and respect others’ opinion s. I think my coworkers feel I can lead the department (25) the right direction. Therefore , I

humbly accepted the promotion and raise. And I’ll strive to do my best for my co mpany a nd my customers in the future.

21. (A) costs (B) burdens (C) debts (D) sales

22. (A) promoted (B) planned (C) departed (D) divided 23. (A) success (B) saving (C) result (D) request

24. ( A ) cashiers (B) colleagues (C) competitors (D) candidates

25. (A) for (B) in (C) with (D) on

One way of i mproving your English is to read English language newspapers. Some of (26) use good modern English that is not (27) . They a re often easier to read than books of the same

(28) because you are already (29) the events reported. If you haven’t enough time to read the whole newspaper, a good plan is to concentrate on the i tems that particularly (30) you. So just keep reading English language newspaper, and you can improve your


26. (A)this paper (B) this papers (C) these paper (D)these papers 27. (A) so difficult to understand (B) so difficult for understand

(C) too difficult to understand (D) too difficult to understanding

28. (A) difficulty level (B) level difficult (C) difficult level (D) level difficulty


29. (A) fa miliarity to (B) familiarity with (C) familiar to (D) fa miliar with

30. (A) interesting to (B) interest (C) interests (D) interest in

Ⅲ . 閱 讀 測 驗 : 閱 讀 短 文 後 , 請 選 出 最 適 當 答 案 , 並 將 代 表 字 母 (A, B, C, D) 填 入 答 案 卷 中

An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon overtaken by a young motorcycle policema n. As he started to make out the ticket, the woman behind the wheel said impolitely,

“Young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine.” The officer did not say a word, but kept writing.

“I’m also a friend of chief of the p olice station,” continued the woman, getting more angry. Still he kept on writing. “Young man,” she persisted. “I know Judge Franklin and State Senator Peterson.”

Handing the speeding ticket to the woman, the officer asked pleasantly,

“Tell me, do you know Peterson Right?”

“Why, no,” she admitted.

“Well, that is the man you should have known,” he said, heading back to his motorcycle, “I am Peterson Right.”

31. The policeman stopped the car _____

(A) because it was an expensive car.

(B) because the driver was not polite enough.

(C) because the driver was going to commit some crime.

(D) because the driver was driving beyond the speed limit.

32. The woman was getting angry because _____

(A) she didn’t know the policeman’s name.

(B) the policeman kept on writing a ticket to her.

(C) the policeman didn’t know her friends.

(D) the policeman didn’t accept the bribe.

33. The policeman _____

(A) was bad at hearing. (B) had a sense of humor.

(C) was narrowly - minded. (D) had no sense of duty.

34. The woman was most likely to be _____



35. The policeman was _____

(A) an upright officer. (B) an impolite young man . (C) a stupid fellow. (D) a proud guy.

The African elephants can boast the biggest ears in the world. They can grow as large as three -and -a half feet across. You might think that a gigantic animal like the elephant wouldn’t have much to worry about, but it has its problems too. And its huge ears can help it deal with many problems ranging from pesky insects to great danger.

The ears are very effective fans that can be used to swat flies. The elephants’ huge ears also help them hear everything that’s happen ing nearby. A mother elephant can hear the approach of a dangerous lion that would kill her calves.

The elephants’ great size can sometimes present a heat problem.

The larger an object, the harder it is for it to lose heat. Elephants live on the hot plains of Africa, where keeping cool is not an easy task.

Elephants’ huge ears help them cool their bodies so they can survive in the heat. The large surfaces of the ears have many blood vessels that are very close to the surface of the skin. Blood that is close r to the surface cools more easily.

The most impressive use of the ears, though, is seen in an elephant’s threat display. When trying to threaten another animal, the elephant cries out loudly and charges with both ears spread wide. This makes the huge beast look almost twice as large as it r eally is. Few enemies would dare to stand up to anything that colossal .

36. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Large ears are the result of evolution .

(B) The huge ears of African elephants help them survive in many ways.

(C) African elephants lose heat through their ears.

(D) The elephants’ great size really presents a heat problem.

37. The African elephant’s large ears help it _____

(A) hide . (B) cool off .

(C) find food . (D) control its calves .


38. We can conclude that if elephants did not have big ears they would probably _____

(A) see better. (B) be sma ller.

(C) not live in Africa . (D) not be able to survive .

39. In the last paragraph, the author calls the elephant’s threat display

“impressive.” This means that it is_____

(A) productive. (B) entertaining. (C) admirable . (D) ordinary.

40. The underlined word colossal in the last sentence means _____

(A) very large . (B)very angry. (C) fast . (D) ver y cool .
