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An Analysis of Disassembly for Flat Panel Display Under Product Life Cycle ~A Case Study of TFT-LCD 丁祥、杜瑞澤


Academic year: 2022

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An Analysis of Disassembly for Flat Panel Display Under Product Life Cycle ~A Case Study of TFT-LCD


E-mail: 9510929@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Abstract The photoelectric industry has a good prospect in Taiwan at present, is one of the important projects of development of science and technology of our country industry too, because the government's policy and foreign technological transformation, make the level display industry after managing in short a few years in Taiwan, already it become it is global one of exporting country not three major ,whose name is at the same time too at the north in industry per, in, the south and continent have panel factory of , act the important lifeblood role in the economic development of Taiwan , is influencing the for losing the future development of the demand and industries of relevant electronic industry too. Taiwan is on the expansionary and huge market and output of the level display, at the same time it is one of the government policy projects to the focal point of economic development too, because there is research value of height , hope to be put in order and probed into technological method and criterion that the level display is easy to disassemble with expert's interview by the documents and materials, the easy disassembling wants one to adopt the analytic

approach of matrix and expert's interview content and sum up and take out the rules, is it carry on via level display case easy to is it analyze and set up and examine the nuclear way to disassemble and then, set up the assessment way that the products are apt to disassemble finally, hope that there is help of the essence in examining cores and improving of apt disassembling assessment of TFT-LCD products to offer to the industry, in order to expect to reach and improve the relevant products for disassembling and retrieving the result that the efficiency and cost saving. Keyword: It is apt to Disassembly, TFT-LCD , Environment Effects Keywords : TFT-LCD

Table of Contents

表目錄………xi 第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景………

………1 1.2研究動機………2 1.3研究目的………

………4 1.4研究流程………4 1.5研究限制………

………5 第二章 文獻探討 2.1平面顯示器的發展與探討………7 2.1.1液晶螢幕顯示器…

………7 2.1.2液晶螢幕顯示器原理………8 2.1.3液晶螢幕顯示器生產 製程………11 2.1.4液晶螢幕顯示器之未來發展………15 2.1.5液晶螢幕顯示器產業 數值彙整………16 2.1.6液晶螢幕顯示器產品與功能分析………19 2.2 綠色設計………

………22 2.2.1綠色設計準則………22 2.2.2綠色設計架構流程圖…

………29 2.3組裝與拆解 2.3.1組裝和拆卸設計準則………30 2.3.2組裝次序的評 估………31 2.3.3為拆卸及回收而設計模式………33 2.3.4 DfX之定義…

………34 2.3.5綠色組裝與拆解設計的觀念………35 2.3.6產品壽命終期設 計建議(ELDA)………40 2.4文獻小結………42 第三章 研究方法 3.1研究架 構………43 3.2研究個案………45 3.3 矩陣分析法 基本介紹………47 3.4環境衝擊指標………48 3.5 拆解率評估…

………51 3.5.1矩陣分析拆解方向………52 3.5.2零件間連結 性………53 3.5.3產品物料回收率………54 3.6產品拆解優先 順序評估………55 第四章 個案研究結果 4.1平面顯示器易拆解性技術方法與準則………

……57 4.2矩陣分析易拆解性要項………64 4.3產品易拆解分析與檢核………

……68 4.3.1拆解率評估………69 4.4 平面顯示器產品易拆解整體性評估模式………

…89 第五章 結論與建議 5.1結論………93 5.1建議………

………94 參考文獻 中文文獻………95 英文文獻…………

………95 附錄 附錄一………101 附錄二……

………112 附錄三………125 附錄四…

………127 附錄五………130 圖 目 錄 圖1-1研究流程圖………5 圖2-1 TFT-LCD製造流程圖………14


圖2-2 全球TFT-LCD產值與產量………15 圖2-3 TFT-LCD各生產國市場佔有率………16 圖2-4綠色設計架構流程圖………30 圖2-5拆解及回收設計之系統模式………33 圖2-6 DfX設計流程………35 圖3-1研究架構………44 圖3-2 矩陣分析圖………48 圖4-1產品爆炸圖………74 圖4-2連結點拆 解語意變數………76 圖4-3產品零組件樹狀圖………86 圖4-4平面顯示器整體 性評估模式………92


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