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A Study of a Web-based Children Literature Community on Processes of Creating and Learning-Using Wanlai Children ... 周政助、晁瑞明


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of a Web-based Children Literature Community on Processes of Creating and Learning-Using Wanlai Children ...


E-mail: 9510172@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The current systems are available for children e-learning mainly consist of static learning content, but it lacks interaction and learning efficacy. It is rarely seem systems constructed with exploitation of both children psychology and system characteristics. To create an environment for autonomic learning, this study is based on the concept of ‘web learning community’. Through the data gathered by the system, and supported with questionnaire survey, the influence and effect of ‘web learning community’ on students are discussed. The result also provided a construction strategy for the ‘web learning community’ system. The result of the study indicated the system constructed has a positive influence on teachers’ IT management skill; significant influence on students’ learning and writing. Throughout the process of study, students often participated in intuitive web-based activities, value peer-to-peer relationship. With the rising of students learning autonomy, the learning attitude would affect learning efficacy.

According to the finding, the learning on ‘web learning community’ should allow autonomic learning and enrichment of instruction content. Integration of the system with classroom activity could enhance learning efficiency. Feedbacks after the learning activities allow more understanding to the learning pattern. To recommend the system usage over more school as to explore the

‘web learning community, and organizational learning model, we may see more benefit in instruction.

Keywords : Children Literature, web-based learning, web learning community Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書...iii 中文摘要...iv 英文摘要...v 誌謝...vi 目錄...vii 圖目錄... ix 表目

錄...xi 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景...1 第二節 研究動機與目的...2 第 三節 研究範圍與限制...3 第四節 研究流程...4 第五節 論文架構...7 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 兒童文學創作...9 第二節 學習理論...12 第三節 網路學習社群的營

造...14 第四節 網路學習社群的教學策略...18 第五節 網路學習社群的系統建構策略...19 第六節 網 路學習社群的研究策略...21 第七節 目前兒童文學創作相關網站之探討...22 第三章 研究方法 第一節 系統設計 理念...24 第二節 建立系統架構...25 第三節 系統實作流程...36 第四節 研究工 具...37 第五節 研究實施方式...40 第四章 數位化兒童文學社群創作系統實作 第一節 十項系 統功能介紹...43 第二節 實作後的檢討...59 第五章 數位化兒童文學社群創作系統評估 第一節 學 習活動內容分析...61 第二節 社群學習活動案例...67 第三節 歷屆兒童文學創作成果統計...72 第四節 問卷調查...74 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論...85 第二節 建

議...89 第三節 未來研究方向...90 參考文獻...92 附錄 一...97 附錄二...100


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