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Forum of Educational Administration

December 2011, Volume 3 Number 2, pp. 89-117

A Study for the Development Process of Relations

between the School and the Community : An

Analysis on Blending Experiences of School-based

Curriculum and Community Culture

Yi-Cheng Lin


The purpose of this research was to explore the development process of relations between the school and the community, based on the blending experiences between the school-based curriculum of the case school and the community culture. This study adopted the qualitative method and collected data mainly from interviews with six participants who were school staff and community members. The main findings were as follows: (1) Initially, the case school and the local community were indifferent each other; (2) The principal of the case school led teachers to understand the culture of the local community and offered professional community learning courses in order to have more interactions between the school and the community; (3) Both the teachers and community members pursued the best balance between conflicts and compromises on the development of school-based curriculums; (4) The community culture that integrated into the school-based curriculum increased community awareness and reinforced the sustainability of the curriculum for learning qualities of the students. Finally, this study provides some suggestions for managements of school.



學校處在全面品質管理的潮流、教育市場化的社會之中,學校不可能是一 個封閉的社會系統;換言之,現今學校為一開放系統的組織(張慶勳,2006), 學校處在社區之中,社區為學校的外在環境,學校組織的外部成員來自社區人 士之子女,其要仰賴學校教育而成長與學習,兩者的關係可說是相當密切。台 灣早期國定課程原本立意良好,但長期實施的結果卻是讓教師教學流於形式與 固化,亦讓教師教學專業能力喪失。教育部(1998)在《國民教育階段課程總綱 綱要》清楚地賦予學校建構課程教材內容的彈性空間,相對地,學校得肩負起 更多的課程決定權責。質言之,在此教育改革潮流中鬆綁理念與權力下放訴求, 實施九年一貫課程,其不僅有後現代解構、去中心化及多元文化觀的取向、且 學校本位課程發展取代國定本教科書上的行動(陳伯璋,2001:6-7)。 原本學校在社區中扮演著精神文化的堡壘,處處以學校為中心,但隨著後 工業時代的來臨,後現代思潮的侵襲之下,社區意識逐漸抬頭,家長對於學校 事務參與度亦漸漸上升;學校的神聖地位不再牢不可破。的確,「學校社區化、 社區學校化」儼然形成現代教育的趨勢與必要性(林明地,2002;單文經,2002; McLaughlin & Talbert, 2001);再者,隨著在地化的意識覺醒與抬頭,各國教育改 革紛紛朝向「放眼全球、在地行動」進行,學校除肩負起學生知識的傳遞之餘, 更重要的是擔負起社區文化的傳承。


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