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Academic year: 2021

Share "影響呼吸器依賴病患家屬選擇呼吸照護病房因素及滿意度調查"


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本研究旨在探討影響呼吸器依賴病患家屬選擇呼吸照護病房因素及滿意度調查。以臺北縣市 41 所呼吸照護病房之主

要決策家屬為研究母群體,隨機抽出 20 所呼吸照護病房,以結構式問卷進行調查,共發出 320 份問卷,回收有效問 卷 288 份,回收率 94.4 % 。所得資料以 Mann-Whitney test 、 Kruskal-Wallis test 、 Spearman's correlation 、 MANOV A 檢定進行推論性統計分析。







較重視「硬體規劃」與「作業服務」構面;有宗教信仰及信仰道教的決策家屬較重視「方便性」構面;決策家屬教 育程度為大專以上及訊息來源不足夠者較重視「硬體規劃」、「作業服務」與「專業服務」構面。

四、決策家屬對病患接受呼吸照護病房醫療服務後整體滿意度平均得分為 3.98 分(介於滿意與普通之間),滿意度

總量表平均得分為 3.88 分(滿分 5 分)。決策家屬較滿意「專業服務」、「作業服務」與「價格因素」構面,而滿 意度得分最高前五項依序為:訪客彈性、護理人員服務態度、呼吸治療師服務態度、呼吸治療師技術、護理人員技 術。






Factors Affecting the Selection and Satisfaction of Respiratory Care Ward for Families of Ventilator-Dependent Patients


The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting the selection and satisfaction of Respiratory Care Wards (RC Ws) for families of ventilator-dependent patients. Questionnaires were developed to survey the main decision-making family members of ventilator-dependent patients from 20 randomly selected RCWs among 41 RCWs in Taipei. A total of 320 questi onnaires were sent out and 288 (94.4%) of valid questionnaires returned. The statistical analyses were performed by Mann-W hitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman's correlation coefficient and MANOVA.

The main findings were shown as follows:

1. Professional service, price factor and convenience were the main factors affecting the family decision for ventilator-depend ent patients in the selection the RCW. The results revealed that the physician’s moral values, the nurse's service attitude, the p hysician’s skills, the physician’s service attitude, and the nurse's skills were concerned the most by decision-making families of ventilator-dependent patients'.

2. The information source for the decision-making families of ventilator-dependent patients to choose among the RCW is mai nly from the broche from RCW, and this obviously can not provide adequate information for these families.

3. If the patient's age is older, the patient’s consciousness state is better or the decision maker is patient’s daughter, then the de cision-making relatives paid more attention to the professional service of RCW. Unmarried decision-making relatives paid mo re attention to hardware plan and the general service. The decision relatives who had religious belief or believe in Taoism paid more attention to the convenience. If the he relatives had higher education degree, or the relatives had not enough information, then the decision-making relatives pay more attention to hardware plan, regular service and the professional service.

4. The satisfaction of the decision-making relatives on the RCW medical care is between “satisfied” and “ ordinary”, with a sc ore of 3.98. The average score of satisfaction evaluation scale is 3.88. The decision-making relatives were most satisfied in th e aspects of professional & regular service and the service fee. The top five items of satisfaction were: flexibility in visiting ho urs, nursing staff's attitude, respiratory therapist's attitude, respiratory therapist's skills, and the nursing staff's skills.

5. Among the relatives, males and “walking” group were more satisfied in the “convenience”. The decision-making relatives who have formal job were more satisfied in the “professional service”, while those who have sufficient information were mor e satisfied in the “hardware plan”, “regular service”, “professional service”, “service fee” and “convenience”.

This research suggests that the critical care unit should strengthen the team-work function, while the RCW manager should re gularly check the families’ latest demands, as well as address the important and unsatisfied aspects by the families. We also pr opose that the relevant government departments should establish the RCW organization's resource network, in order to impro ving the effectiveness of medical care systems.



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