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An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used

in the Teaching of Life and Society in Secondary Schools


Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section Curriculum Development Institute

The Education Bureau HKSAR

2015 (revised)


教育局 課程發展處

個人、社會及人文教育組 二零一五(修訂)




Preamble iii

Explanatory Notes v

The Glossary of Life and Society Terms 1-109



前言 iii

使用說明 vi

生活與社會辭彙 1-109



This glossary provides Chinese translations of those English terms commonly used in the teaching of Life and Society at secondary level for the reference of teachers, students and other stakeholders. All comments and suggestions on the glossary are welcome and may be sent to:

Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Personal, Social and Humanities Education) Curriculum Development Institute

Education Bureau

13th Floor, Wu Chung House 213, Queen’s Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong Fax: 2573 5299

E-mail: ccdopshe@edb.gov.hk

前 言

本辭彙提供中學生活與社會課程在教學中常用英文詞語的中文翻譯,以備教師、學 生及其他持份者參考。歡迎各界對本辭彙提出意見和建議。來函請送交:

香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大厦13樓 教育局課程發展處


傳真:2573 5299




This glossary contains terms as well as names of some related organizations which are frequently used in the teaching of Life and Society (S1-3) in secondary schools.

The following principles are observed in the compilation of this glossary:

1. The English terms included in this glossary are listed in alphabetical order.

2. When more than one Chinese translation is given for an English term, and the Chinese translations are separated by a slash (/), the versions are equally preferable. The Chinese translations with fewer strokes will be listed first. For example:

barrier 妨礙/障礙/壁壘

3. When more than one Chinese translation is given for an English term, and the Chinese translations are separated by a semicolon (;), the versions are used in different contexts.

The Chinese translation(s) which is/are usually used in Hong Kong will be listed first.

For example:

corruption 貪污;腐敗

4. Where an English term has different meanings, the corresponding Chinese translations are preceded by numerals (1), (2) etc. The Chinese translations which with fewer strokes will be listed first. For example:

career (1)事業,(2)職業

5. Where there is an abbreviation for a term, it is given in square brackets. For example:

European Union [EU] 歐洲聯盟〔歐盟〕

6. Explanatory notes for the terms are given in braces. For example:

First Reading {of Bill} {條例草案}首讀

7. For the translation of the name of drugs / substances, please refer to the website of Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (http://www.nd.gov.hk/en/index.htm)

8. For the name of government departments and bureaus, please refer to the website of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.






1. 本辭彙包含的英文辭彙均以英文字母次序排列。

2. 當某英文辭彙有多於一個中文譯名,並以斜線號 (/) 分隔,表示各譯名的適切性 相等,筆劃較少的中文譯名會排在較前,例如:

barrier 妨礙/障礙/壁壘

3. 當某英文辭彙有多於一個中文譯名,並以分號(;)分隔,表示各譯名適用於不同 的情況。在香港較常用的中文譯名會排在較前,例如:

corruption 貪污;腐敗

4. 同一英文辭彙有不同釋義時,則以(1),(2)等分別列出。筆劃較少的中文譯名會排 在較前,例如:

career (1)事業,(2)職業

5. 中文或英文辭彙的縮寫放在方括號內。如:

European Union [EU] 歐洲聯盟〔歐盟〕

6. 注釋性內容均放在大圓括號內。例如:

First Reading {of Bill} {條例草案}首讀

7. 有關毒品/物質的中文譯名,請參考香港特別行政區政府保安局禁毒處網頁。


8. 有關香港特別行政區政府部門及決策局的名稱,請參考香港特別行政區政府網頁。




a high degree of autonomy 高度自治 abduction of children 綁架兒童 ability to pay principle 支付能力原則

abortion 墮胎

abrogation 廢除

absolute advantage 絕對優勢 absolute majority 絕對多數 absolute majority of votes 絕對多數票 absolute value 絕對值 abstention vote 棄權票

abstinence 禁慾/節制

abuse of a dominant market position 濫用市場支配地位 abuse of dominance 濫用支配地位 abuse of power 濫用權力 abuse of press freedom 濫用新聞自由 abuse of rights 濫用權利

accents 口音

accidental pregnancy 意外懷孕

accommodating 調節/適應/融通

accountability 交代/問責性/責任承擔

achievement 成就

acne 粉剌/暗瘡

acquired advantage 後天優勢

acquired immune deficiency syndrome [AIDS] 後天免疫力缺乏症〔愛滋病〕

acquisition (1)收購,(2)取得

act of aggression 侵略行為

acting 行動

Action Committee Against Narcotics [ACAN] 禁毒常務委員會 active and optimistic 樂觀積極

acts of state 國家行為

actual inflation rate 實際通脹率 actual investment 實際投資

actual saving 實際儲蓄

ad valorem 按值/從價


adaptability 適應力 adaptable to changes 善於應變

addict 吸毒者/有癖好者/有癮者

addiction 癖/癮

additive effects 附加影響 adequate time for preparation of the defence



adjournment debate 休會辯論

adjustable peg 可調整的固定匯率 adjustment disorders 順應失常/適應失常 administered price 管制價格/操縱價格 administrative command 行政指令

administrative detention 行政拘留 administrative measures 行政措施 administrative regulations 行政法規

adolescence 青少年期

adolescent 青少年

adoption 收養/領養

adrenal gland 腎上腺

adrenaline 腎上腺素

adult 成人/成年人

adult education 成人教育 adult literacy 成人識字率

adulthood 成年期

advance 預支/預付款/墊款

advanced socialist culture 社會主義先進文化

adversities 逆境

adversity quotient 逆境商數

advertisement 廣告

advertiser 廣告商

advisory committees 諮詢委員會

aesthetics 美的訴求

affectivity 情感

affirmative vote 贊成票

affordable essential drugs 負擔得起的基本藥物 African Union [AU] 非洲聯盟


aftercare 善後輔導

age group 年齡組別

age of entitlement to vote 有權投票年齡/選民年齡

age variables 年齡變數

ageing population 人口老化/高齡化社會

aggregate 總量

aggregate demand 總需求

aggregate expenditure 總支出/總開支 aggregate income 總收入

aggregate preference votes 累積選票

aggregate spending 總支出/總開支 aggregate supply 總供應

aggregate votes 總票數

aggressive (1)具侵略性/挑釁性,(2)進取

aggressor 侵略者

agitate 激動

agreements 協定

agricultural and rural modernization 農業農村現代化 Agricultural Bank of China 中國農業銀行 Agricultural Development Bank of China 中國農業發展銀行 agricultural machinery and tools 農機具

agriculture 農業

aid 援助

aid with strings attached 有條件的援助 aircraft carrier 航空母艦

alcoholism 酗酒

alienation (1)異化,(2)疏離感

All-China Federation of Trade Unions [ACFTU]


All-China Women’s Federation [ACWF] 中華全國婦女聯合會〔全國婦聯〕

All-China Youth Federation [ACYF] 中華全國青年聯合會〔全國青聯〕

alliance 同盟

allocation 分配/配置/調配

allocative efficiency 分配效率/配置效率/調配效率 allocative function 分配功能/配置功能/調配功能

ally 盟友


alter-globalization 另立全球化/另類全球化/變異全球化 alternative behaviour 替代行為

alternative values 另類的價值觀

altruism 利他主義

altruistic behaviour 利他行為

amalgamation 合併

ambassador 大使

amend 修改

ancestor worship 供奉祖先 ancestral hall 宗祠/祠堂 ancestral temple 宗祠/祠堂

androgen 雄激素

Announcements in the Public Interest [API] 政府宣傳信息

annuity (1)年金,(2)年金享受權

annul 撤銷

antenatal care 產前護理 anti-ballistic missiles 反彈道導彈

antibiotic 抗生素

antibody 抗體

anticipated inflation 預期的通脹 anti-competitive behaviour 反競爭行為 anti-competitive conduct 反競爭行為 Anti-drugs Publicity Campaign 禁毒宣傳運動 anti-dumping duty 反傾銷稅 anti-dumping law 反傾銷法

anti-globalization 反全球化 anti-inflation policy 反通脹政策

anti-monopoly policy 反壟斷政策

anti-racism 反種族主義

anti-recession policy 反衰退政策 anti-social behaviour 反社會行為

anti-terrorism 反恐怖主義

anti-trust 反托拉斯/反壟斷

anti-trust law 反托拉斯法律/反壟斷法律

anxiety 焦慮

anxiety dimension 焦慮維度


appeal 上訴

appearance 儀容

appointed members 委任議員

appointment 委任

appreciated value 升值/增值

appreciation (1){浮動匯率制下之}升值,(2)


appreciative 欣賞

approval 批准

April Fifth Action 四五行動

aptitude 才能傾向/性向

arbitrage 套利/套戥

arbitration 仲裁

architecture 建築

arms embargo 武器禁運

arranged marriage 撮合婚姻

art 藝術

artificial insemination 人工受孕

ASEAN-China free trade zone 中國-東盟自由貿易區;中國-東盟自貿區 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC] 亞太經濟合作組織〔亞太經合組織〕

Asia-Africa Development & Exchange Society of China


Asia-Europe Meeting [ASEM] 亞歐會議 Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行

assertiveness 堅守立場/堅持主見 assessable income 應評稅入息/應課稅收入

asset 資產

asset freeze 財產凍結/資產凍結

asset market 資產市場

asset value 資產值

assimilation 同化

Association of Former Diplomats of China 中國前外交官聯誼會 Association of Southeast Asian Nations



assumption 假定/假設

asylum-seekers 尋求庇護者


attachment (1)依附,(2)情感,(3)愛慕

attitude 態度

auction 拍賣

autarky 自給自足/閉關自守

authoritative parent 權威性家長

authority (1)法權,(2)當局,(3)職權,(4)


automatic adjustment mechanism 自動調節機制 automatic stabiliser 自動穩定因素 autonomous counties 自治縣

autonomous prefectures 自治州 autonomous regions 自治區

autonomy 自主

auxiliary industry 輔助工業

average cost 平均成本

average product 平均產量 average salary 平均工資 avoidance behaviour 迴避行為

axillary hair 腋毛



bad 負值品/負消費品

balance 平衡

balance of invisible trade 無形貿易平衡/無形貿易差額 balance of payments 國際收支平衡/國際收支差額 balance of payments account 國際收支平衡表

balance of payments adjustment 國際收支調整

balance of power 國際均勢/勢力均衡 balance of trade 貿易平衡/貿易差額

balance of visible trade 有形貿易平衡/有形貿易差額 balanced budget 平衡預算

balanced diet 均衡飲食/均衡膳食 balanced reporting 平衡的報道

ballot papers 選票

bank 銀行

bank credit 銀行信用/銀行信貸

bank draft 銀行匯票

Bank of China 中國銀行

Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited 中國銀行(香港)有限公司

bank reserve 銀行儲備

bank run 銀行擠提

Banking Ordinance 銀行業條例 banking service 銀行服務

banknote 銀行紙幣

bankrupt 破產

bargaining power (1)談判實力,(2)議價力

barrier 妨礙/障礙/壁壘

barrier to entry 加入行業的障礙 barrier to exit 退出行業的障礙 barrier to mobility 流動性的障礙 barrier-free life 無障礙生活

barrister 大律師

barter 以物易物/易貨

barter economy 以物易物經濟/易貨交易經濟

barter trade 以物易物/易貨貿易


base year 基期年/基準年 basic industries 基礎產業

Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China


basic necessity 基本必需品 basic pension 基本養老金

bear 承擔

bear market 淡市/熊市

beggar-thy-neighbour policy 損人利己政策 behaviour therapy 行為治療法

being area 存在領域

beliefs and opinions 信仰及見解

benefit (1)收益/利益,(2)福利/福利金

benefit principle 利益原則/受益原則

benevolence 仁慈

best lending rate 最優惠利率/最優惠貸款利率 betterment of human kind 人類整體福祉

betting duty 博彩稅

big market, small government 大市場,小政府

bigamy 重婚

bilateral agreements 雙邊協定/雙邊協議 bilateral economic cooperation 雙邊經貿聯委會 bilateral negotiation 雙邊談判

bilateral relations 雙邊關係 bill of exchange 匯票

bills (1)法律草案/法案/條例草案,(2)

票據,(3)帳單 binding effect 約束力

Binhai New District 濱海新區

biodiversity 生物多樣性

biological weapons 生物武器

birth canal 產道

birth control 生育控制/節育 birth or other status 出生或其他身份

bisexual 雙性戀的


black market 黑市 block vote method 全票制 block vote system 全票制

blog 網誌

blogger 博客

blue chip 優質股票/藍籌股

Boao Forum for Asia 博鰲亞洲論壇 board of directors 董事局/董事會

boil 瘡/癤

bond 債券

bond market 債券市場

bonus 紅利/花紅

boom 景氣/繁榮

border 邊界/邊境

border areas 邊疆地區

borderless 無國界

born in wedlock 婚生 born out of wedlock 非婚生

borrower 借貸人

borrowing 借貸

boundary 邊界/邊境

bourgeois liberalisation 資產階級自由化

bourgeoisie 中產階級/資產階級

boys’ home 男童院

brain drain 人才流失

breach of law 違法

breach of oath 違反誓言

Breakthrough 突破機構

breast feeding 母乳哺嬰

breasts 乳房

Bretton Woods System 布雷頓森林制度 broad money supply [M2] 廣義貨幣〔M2〕

Broadcasting Authority 廣播事務管理局 Broadcasting Review Board 廣播事業檢討委員會

broadsheet 大報

broker 經紀


budget 財政預算/預算 budget constraint 預算約束

budget deficit 預算赤字 budget surplus 預算盈餘 built-in stabiliser 內在穩定因素

bull market 牛市/旺市

bullionism (1)金銀本位主義,(2)重金主義

bully 欺凌

burden of proof 舉證責任

burden of proof lies on the prosecution 舉證責任在控方

bureaucracy 官僚組織制度/科層組織制度

burqa 布卡罩袍

business cycle 商業周期/商業循環/經濟周期 business services 商業服務

businessmen 商人

buyer’s market 買方市場

by-election 補選



cabinet 內閣

cadres 幹部

calory 卡路里

candidates 候選人/參選人/競選人

canons of taxation 賦稅準則

capital (1)國都;首都,(2)資本,(3)資

金 capital account 資本帳 capital accumulation 資本累積 capital and financial account 資本及金融帳 capital depreciation 資本折舊

capital expenditure 資本支出/資本開支 capital formation 資本形成

capital gain 資本增值/資本增益

capital goods 資本物品

capital inflow 資本流入/資金流入 capital intensive industry 資本密集工業

capital investment 資本投資

capital loss 資本損失/資本虧損

capital market 資本市場

capital movement 資本流動/資本移動 capital outflow 資本外流/資金外流 capital punishment 死刑

capital stock (1)股本,(2)資本存量 capitalised value 資本化價值

capitalism 資本主義

capitalist economy 資本主義經濟 capitalist system 資本主義制度 care and concerned 關愛

career (1)事業,(2)職業

careers guidance 就業輔導

Caritas Youth and Community Centre 明愛青少年及社區中心

cartel 同業聯盟/卡特爾

cartelisation 同業聯盟化/卡特爾化


case study 個案研究

cash advance 現金墊支

cash flow 現金流向/現金流量

cash reserve 現金儲備

casting vote 主席決定性一票/決定票 ceasefire (1)停火,(2)停火協定

celibacy 獨身生活

celibate 獨身者

censorship (1)審查,(2)檢查制度

censure 譴責

Central Authorities 中央

central bank 中央銀行

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection [CCDI] of the Communist Party of China

中國共產黨中央紀律檢查委員會〔中共 中央紀律檢查委員會〕

Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

中國共產黨中央委員會〔中共中央委員 會〕

Central Military Commission [CMC] of the People’s Republic of China

中華人民共和國中央軍事委員會〔中華 人民共和國中央軍委〕

Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China


Central Registry of Drug Abuse [CRDA] 藥物濫用中央資料檔案室

centration 中心性

certificate of deposit 存款證 Certificate of Indebtedness 負債證明書

certificate of origin 產地來源證/產地證明書 ceteris paribus 其他因素不變

ceteris paribus assumption 其他因素不變假設 Chairman of the Central Military Commission

of the People’s Republic of China



Chairman of the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference




Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China

中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務 委員會委員長〔全國人大委員長〕

challenge 挑戰

change in demand 需求改變 change in quantity demanded 需求量改變 change in quantity supplied 供應量改變 change in reserve assets 儲備資產的改變 change in supply 供應改變

Changjiang Delta 長三角 Charter of the Chinese People’s Political

Consultative Conference


Charter of the United Nations 聯合國憲章

chastity 貞節/貞操

checks and balances 制衡/權力制衡 chemical spermicide 化學滅精藥物 chemical weapons 化學武器

cheque 支票

cheque clearance 支票交換/支票結算 Chief Executive in Council 行政長官會同行政會議 Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region


Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


child labour 童工

child pornography 兒童色情製品 child prostitution 兒童賣淫 child soldiers 兒童兵

childhood 兒童期

China Arms Control and Disarmament Association


China Association for International Friendship Contact


China Association for Promoting Democracy 中國民主促進會


China Banking Regulatory Commission [CBRC]


China Construction Bank 中國建設銀行 China Democratic League 中國民主同盟 China Democratic National Construction



China Development Bank 國家開發銀行

China Disabled Persons’ Federation [CDPF] 中國殘疾人聯合會〔中國殘聯〕

China Foreign Exchange Trade System &

National Interbank Funding Center

中國外滙交易中心暨全國銀行間同業拆 借中心

China Futures Association 中國期貨業協會 China Insurance Regulatory Commission



China International Public Relations Association


China National Association for International Studies


China Securities Regulatory Commission [CSRC]


China Society for People’s Friendship Studies 中國國際友人研究會 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation 中國宋慶齡基金會 China Zhi Gong Party 中國致公黨

China’s People Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries


Chinese citizen 中國公民 Chinese customary law 中國習慣法 Chinese economy 中國經濟 Chinese nationality 中國籍 Chinese nationals 中國國民 Chinese nationals residing abroad 華僑 Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic



Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces [PAPF] 中國人民武裝警察部隊〔武警〕

Chinese People’s Liberation Army [PLA] 中國人民解放軍 Chinese People’s Political Consultative

Conference [CPPCC]


Chinese Society of International Law 中國國際法學會


Chinese Young Men’s Christian Association of Hong Kong (YMCA)


ChiNext stock market {深圳證交易所}創業板

choice 選擇

cities 市

citizen (1)公民,(2)市民

citizen journalism 公民新聞/平民新聞 citizen journalist 公民記者/平民記者 citizen reporter 公民記者/平民記者

citizenship (1)公民地位/公民身份/公民資格,

(2)公民精神,(3)公民權 city administration and law enforcement 城市管理行政執法〔城管〕

Civic Act-up 公民起動

civic awareness 公民意識

Civic Party 公民黨

civic responsibility 公民責任/公民義務 civil disobedience 公民抗命

civil law 民事法

civil proceedings 民事訴訟/民事程序

civil rights 公民權利

civil servants 公務員

civil society 公民社會

civilian (1)文事/文職,(2)平民

clan record 族譜

clansmen’s association 宗親會

classical economics 古典派經濟學

classical growth theory 古典經濟增長理論/古典增長理論

clean 廉潔

clean float 不干預浮動/純浮動

clean government 廉潔政府

clearance 票據交換/結算

clearing bank 票據交換銀行/結算銀行 clearing house 票據交換所/結算所 Clearing House Automated Transfer System



climate change 氣候變化


clitoris 陰核/陰蒂

closed area 禁區

closed economy 封閉經濟 closed market 封閉的市場 Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement



clot 血塊

cluster munitions 集束彈藥 coalition government 聯合政府

cocaine 可卡因/古柯鹼

code of practice 專業守則 Code on Access to Information 公開資料守則

coercion (1)脅迫,(2)強制

cohabitation 同居

coitus 性交

collapse 崩潰

collateral 抵押品

collective bargaining 集體談判/集體議價 collective ownership 集體所有/集體所有制 collective ownership by the working people 勞動群眾集體所有制

collectivisation 集體化

colour 膚色

command economy 指令經濟 Commander of the Hong Kong Garrison of the

Chinese People’s Liberation Army


commerce 商業

commercial bank 商業銀行 commercial interest 商業利益 commercial paper 商業票據

commission (1)佣金,(2)委員會

commitment 承諾

Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony


committees of general Party branches 黨總支部委員會 committees of Party branches 黨支部委員會 Commodities Trading Ordinance 商品交易條例


commodity 商品 commodity exchange 商品交易所

commodity market 商品市場

common good 共同褔祉

common law 普通法

common property 公共財產/共有財產 communicable disease 傳染病

communication (1)通訊,(2)傳意/溝通 Communist Party of China [CPC] 中國共產黨

Communist Youth League [CYL] of China 中國共產主義青年團〔共青團〕

community (1)社區,(2)社會

Community Care Fund 關愛基金

community organizations 社區團體/社會團體 community reinforcement therapy 社區為本家庭治療 Community Service Orders Scheme 社會服務令計劃

commutation (1)換算,(2)減刑

company 公司

company voter 團體投票人 comparative advantage 比較優勢 comparative cost 比較成本

compatriots 同胞

compensation 補償/補償金/賠償

compensation principle 補償原則 compensation trade 補償貿易

competition 競爭

competition law 競爭法 competition policy 競爭政策 Competition Policy Advisory Group



competitive demand 競爭性需求 competitive equilibrium 競爭性均衡 competitive firm 競爭性廠商 competitive goods 競爭性物品 competitive market 競爭性市場 competitive supply 競爭性供應

competitiveness 競爭力


competitor 競爭者

complaints 申訴/投訴

complement (1)互補,(2)互補物品/輔助品 complementary demand 相輔需求

complementary goods 互補物品/輔助品 complex division of labour 複雜分工

Composite Consumer Price Index 綜合消費物價指數 composite demand 複合需求

compound interest 複利息 comprehensive national power 綜合國力 Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty



Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme


compulsion 強迫

compulsive use 不能制止

compulsory drug treatment programme 強制性戒毒治療計劃

conceive 受孕

concentration index 集中度指數/集聚度指數 concentration measure 集中度指標

concentration ratio 集中度比率

conciliation (1)調停,(2)調解

condensation 凝結

Conditional Release Scheme [CRS] 有條件釋放計劃

condom 安全套/避孕套

confident 有信心

conflict 爭端/糾紛/衝突

conflict of interest 利益衝突 conflict resolution 解決爭端 conformist behaviour 從眾行為

conformity 從眾

confrontation 對抗

Confucius Institute 孔子學院

congress 國會/議會

conjugal family 夫婦式家庭

connotation 內涵/涵義


connubial family 夫婦式家庭 consanguine family 血親家庭

consensus 共意/共識

consequences 後果

consolidation 合併/綜合

conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消費

constituency (1)選區,(2)選舉界別 Constitution of the Communist Party of China 中國共產黨章程

Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國憲法 constitutional development 政制發展

constitutional document 憲制性文件 constitutional review of legislation 違憲審查

constrained maximisation 在局限下爭取最高利益/在局限條件下 利益極大化

constrained optimisation 在局限下爭取最優情況/在局限條件下 最優化

constraint (1)局限條件,(2)制約

construction and maintenance tax 城市維護建設稅〔城建稅〕

consulate 領事館

consultation (1)協商,(2)諮詢

consumer 消費者

consumer behaviour 消費者行為 consumer choice 消費者選擇 Consumer Council 消費者委員會

consumer goods (1)社會消費品,(2)消費品 consumer preference 消費者偏好

Consumer Price Index [CPI] 消費物價指數 consumer rights 消費者的權益 consumer sovereignty 消費者主權

consumerism 消費主義

consumers’ cooperative 消費者合作社 consumer’s interest 消費者權益

consumption 消費

consumption expenditure 消費支出/消費開支

content (1)內容,(2)知足

contestable market 可競爭市場


contingency plan 應急計劃/應變計劃

contraception 避孕

contraceptive injection 避孕注射針 contraceptive prevalence rate 避孕藥具普及率 contractionary effect 緊縮效果

contractionary policy 緊縮政策

contractor 承包商/承建商;承包單位

contradictory 矛盾

contravene 抵觸

control 控制/管制/調控

Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance


Convenor of the Non-official members of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港特別行政區行政會議非官守議員召 集人

Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of


禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇或處罰公約

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women [CEDAW]


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Convention on the Rights of the Child 兒童權利公約 conventional arms 常規武器 convertible money 可兌換貨幣

convulsion 抽搐/痙攣/驚厥

cooperative 合作

cooperative society 合作社

Copenhagen Accord 哥本哈根協議 coping strategies 應付策略

copulate 交配

core values 核心價值

Coroner’s Court 死因裁判法庭 corporal punishment 體罰

corporate bodies 法定團體 corporate social responsibility 企業社會責任 corporate voter 團體投票人


corporation (1)公司,(2)法團 correctional institution 懲教機構

corruption 貪污;腐敗

cost 代價/成本

cost benefit analysis 成本收益分析/成本效益分析 cost competitiveness 成本競爭力

cost effectiveness 成本效能 cost minimisation 成本極小化 cost of living 生活費用 cost of living index 生活費用指數 cost of production 生產成本 cost principle 成本原則

cost-push inflation 成本推動型通脹 Counselling Centres for Psychotropic

Substance Abusers [CCPSA]


counselling service 輔導服務

counter-terrorism 反恐怖主義/反恐怖活動

counties 縣

counting of votes 點票/點算選票

country 國家

coupon (1)息票,(2)配給券

courage 勇氣

Court of Final Appeal 終審法院 court proceeding 訴訟

courtship 求愛

craze for going abroad 出國熱

creative 具創意

creativity 創作力

credit (1)信用/信貸,(2)貸方

credit card 信用卡

credit contraction 信貸收縮 credit control 信貸控制 credit creation 信貸創造

credit facility (1)信貸服務,(2)信貸額

credit money 信用貨幣

creditor 債權人


creeping inflation 爬行式通脹/溫和通脹

criminal act 犯罪行為

Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Scheme


criminal case 刑事案

criminal law 刑事法

criminal offenses and punishment 刑責

criminal proceedings 刑事程序/刑事訴訟

crisis 危機

critical 批判性

critical attitude 批判性態度 critical period 關鍵期 critical thinking 批判性思考 cross-border trade 跨境貿易 crowding-out effect 排擠效果

crude 粗放式

cultivation of talented personnel to build an innovative country


cultural and recreational activities 文娛康樂活動 cultural capital 文化資本 cultural complex 文化中心 cultural rights 文化權利 cultural traits 文化特質

culture 文化

culture and civilisation heritage 文化及文明承傳 culture industry 文化工業

cumulative preference share 累積優先股

currency 貨幣/通貨

currency basket 一籃子貨幣/貨幣組合 Currency Board System 貨幣發行局制度

currency deposit ratio 現金存款比率

currency issue 貨幣發行/通貨發行

current account (1)往來帳戶/活期存款帳戶,(2)

經常帳 current consumption 當時消費 current market price 當時市價


current transfer 經常轉移

custom 風俗;習俗

customary law 習慣法

customs 海關

customs duty 關稅

cut-throat competition 割喉式競爭/惡性競爭

cybercrime 網上罪行/網絡罪行/網路罪行 cyberculture 網上文化/網絡文化/網路文化

cyber-friend 網友

cyber-relation 網上關係/網絡關係/網路關係

cybersex 網絡性愛陷阱/網路性愛陷阱

cyberspace 網絡空間/網路空間/網際空間 cyber-terrorism 網上恐怖主義/網絡恐怖主義/網路恐


cyber-warfare 網絡戰/網路戰

cyclical fluctuation 周期性波動 cyclical unemployment 周期性失業

cystitis 膀胱炎



Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 危險藥物條例

data-processing 資料處理

dating 約會

day-care centre 日間護理中心

de facto 事實上

de jure 法律上

death penalty 死刑

debenture 信用債券/債券

debit 借方

debt 債/債務

decision lag 決策延誤/決策時滯

decision-making (1)抉擇,(2)決策 decision-making process 決策過程

decisions 決定

declaration of interests 申報利益 Declaration of the Government of the People’s

Republic of China on the Territorial Sea


decode 解碼/譯碼

decoder (1)解碼員,(2)解碼器

deconcentration 分散/去集中化 deep recession 深度衰退

defamation 誹謗

default 不覆行/拖欠/無力償還

defence 防務

defence mechanism 防衛機制/防禦反應 deferred payment 延期支付

deficit 赤字

deficit budget 赤字預算 deficit financing 赤字財政

deflation 通貨緊縮

deflator 平減物價指數

deglobalization 去全球化

delegation 代表團

delegation of authority 授權


deliberative democracy 協商民主

delirium 譫妄

delusion 幻覺/妄想

demand 需求

demand curve 需求曲線

demand deposit 活期存款 demand management 需求管理 demand schedule 需求表

demand-pull inflation 需求拉動型通脹

demining 排雷

democracy 民主

Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong [DAB]


democratic centralism 民主集中制 democratic parties 民主黨派 Democratic Party 民主黨

demonstration 示威

demonstrators 示威人士/示威者

Deng Xiaoping Theory 鄧小平理論

denuclearisation 無核化

deodorant 除臭劑

dependency ratio 依賴比率/撫養比率

depopulation 人口下降/人口減少

deposit (1)存款,(2)保證金/按金

deposit creation 存款創造

deposit money 存款貨幣

deposit-taking company 接受存款公司

depreciation (1)折舊,(2){浮動匯率制下之 } 貶值

depreciation allowance 折舊免稅額/折舊金/折舊備抵

depressants 鎮抑劑

depressed mood 抑鬱情緒

depression (1)抑鬱/沮喪,(2)經濟蕭條/蕭 條

deputies to the National People’s Congress 全國人民代表大會代表 dereliction of duty 瀆職行為


derived demand 衍生需求

desertion 遺棄

desires 慾望/願望

de-skilling 技能退步

despise the poor and curry favor with the rich 嫌貧愛富 destructive competition 破壞性競爭

detention 拘留

determine by a majority of votes 以多數票表決

devaluation {固定匯率制下之}貶值

developed country 已發展國家;發達國家 developing country 發展中國家

development 發展/開發

development planning 發展規劃 Development Research Center of the State



deviance 異常/越軌

deviant behaviour 越軌行為

diagnose 診斷

dialects 方言

diaphragm (1)子宮帽,(2)橫隔膜

diarrhoea 腹瀉

dictator 獨裁者

dietary habit 飲食習慣

differentiated product 差別產品/差異產品

dignity 人性尊嚴

diligent 勤奮

diplomacy 外交政策

diplomatic immunities 外交豁免權 diplomatic privileges 外交特權 diplomatic relations 外交關係

diplopia 複視

direct discrimination 直接歧視 direct election 直接選舉 direct financing 直接融資

direct tax 直接稅


Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council


Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

中央人民政府駐香港特別行區聯絡辦公 室主任

dirty float 干預浮動/非純浮動

disability 殘疾

Disability Discrimination Ordinance 殘疾歧視條例

disabled 殘疾人士

disarmament 裁軍

disaster relief 救助災害 discharge duties 履行職務

discount (1)折扣,(2)折現,(3)貼水,(4)

貼現 discount house 貼現行

discount rate (1)折現率,(2)貼現率 discount window 貼現窗

discounted value (1)折現值,(2)貼現值 discretionary policy 酌情政策

discretionary power 酌情決定權

discrimination (1)分歧,(2)歧視 diseconomies of scale 規模負經濟

disenfranchise 使失去投票權

disguised unemployment 隱性失業

disillusionment 退幻化

disincentive 反效因素/反效刺激/抑制作用

disinfectant 消毒劑

disposable income 可支配收入/可用收入

disposable income per capita 人均可支配收入/按人口平均計算的可 支配收入

disposable personal income 個人可支配收入

dispute 爭執/糾紛/紛爭

disqualification of a voter 取消選民資格 disruptive disorders 破壞性失常

dissaving 負儲蓄

dissenting vote 反對票


dissident 持不同政見者/異見人士

dissociative 分離

dissociative anaesthesia 分離性麻醉

dissolution (1)解散,(2)撤銷

dissolved marriage 被撤銷的婚姻 distribution of goods 產品分配 distribution of income 收入分配 District Council 區議會

district councillors 區議會議員〔區議員〕

District Court 區域法院

District Management Committee 地區管理委員會

disutility 負功用/負效用

diversification 分散/多元化/多樣化 diversified and harmonious 和而不同

diversity 多元化

diversity and inclusiveness 多元共融

dividend 股息

division of labour 分工

divorce 離婚

domestic demand 內需

domestic export 本地出口/境內出口 domestic income 本地收入/境內收入 domestic industry 本地工業/境內工業 domestic product 本地生產/境內生產 domestic trade 本地貿易/境內貿易 domestic violence 家庭暴力

donation 捐贈

donkey vote 胡亂投票

donor fatigue 捐助疲勞症

dopamine 多巴胺

double coincidence of wants 雙向需求偶合 double counting 重複計算

“double-seat, double-vote” system 雙議席雙票制

download 下載

downtrodden 被壓迫的人

dowries 嫁妝


drone 無人駕駛飛機

drug abuse 藥物濫用

drug addict 吸毒者

drug addiction treatment centre 戒毒中心/戒毒所

drug pusher 毒販

drug trafficker 毒販 drug trafficking 販賣毒品 due process of law 正當法律程序

dumping 傾銷

durable goods 耐用物品

duties (1)稅,(2)義務

duty free 免稅的

dysmenorrhea 痛經/經痛



East Asia Summit 東亞峰會

economic 經濟

economic activity 經濟活動 economic analysis 經濟分析 economic construction 經濟建設 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement



economic development 經濟發展 economic downturn 經濟不景 economic efficiency 經濟效率 economic fluctuation 經濟波動 economic functions 經濟功能

economic globalization 經濟一體化/經濟全球化 economic goods 經濟物品

economic growth 經濟增長 economic indicator 經濟指標 economic migrants 經濟移民 economic operations adjustment 經濟運行調節 economic performance 經濟表現 economic policy 經濟政策 economic problem 經濟問題 economic profit 經濟利潤 economic reform 經濟改革 economic rights 經濟權利 economic sanctions 經濟制裁

economic sector 經濟部門/經濟領域 economic system 經濟制度/經濟體系 economic system reform 經濟體制改革

economic theory 經濟理論 economic welfare 經濟福利

economically active population 從事經濟活動人口 economically inactive population 非從事經濟活動人口 economies of scale 規模經濟

economist 經濟學家


economy 經濟/經濟體/經濟體系 effective demand 實效需求

effective exchange rate 實效匯率 effective exchange rate index 實效匯率指數

efficiency 效率

effluent 污水/廢水

effluent charge 排污費

ego 自我

egocentrism 自我中心主義

ejaculation 射精

elected members 民選議員

election 選舉

Election Committee 選舉委員會

Election Committee Subsector 選舉委員會界別分組 electoral system 選舉制度

electors 選民

electronic banking 電子銀行服務 Eleventh Five-Year Plan 十一五規劃

embargo 禁運

embassy 大使館

embryo 胚胎

emergence reaction 甦醒反應 emergency contraception 緊急避孕法 emergency contraceptive pills 緊急避孕丸 Emergency Relief (ER) Services 緊急救援服務 Emergency Relief Fund 緊急援助基金 emergency sessions 緊急會議

emotion 情緒

emotion management 情緒管理

emotional conflict 內心矛盾/感情衝突 emotional intelligence 情緒智商

emotional quotient [EQ] 情緒商數

empathy 同理心

employee 僱員;從業人員

Employee Insurance Scheme 僱員保險計劃 Employees Retraining Board 僱員再培訓局


employer 僱主

employment 就業/僱用

employment and income distribution 就業和收入分配 Employment Ordinance 僱傭條例

Employment Programme for the Middle-aged 中年就業計劃 employment structure 就業結構

empowerment 充權/賦權

empty the bird cage for new birds to settle down


empty-nest families 空巢家庭

empty-nesters 空巢老人

enact 制定

enchantment 著迷

endocrine gland 內分泌腺

endometrium 子宮內膜

endowment 賦值

enfranchise 授予投票權

enrolment ratio 入學率

enterprise (1)企業,(2)進取

enterprise retiree 企業退休人員

entrepot 轉口港

entrepreneur 企業家

entrepreneurship 企業家職能

entry deterrence 入行障礙 epidemic disease 流行性的疾病

Equal Opportunities Commission [EOC] 平等機會委員會〔平機會〕

equal status 地位平等

equality 平等

equality and mutual benefit 平等互利

equality before the courts 法庭上人人平等 equality before the law 法律面前人人平 equality of opportunity 平等機會/機會平等 equality of votes 相同票數/票數均等

equilibrium 均衡

equilibrium price 均衡價格 equilibrium quantity 均衡數量


equity (1)公平,(2)權益 equity principle 公平原則

erection 勃起

estate duty 遺產稅

estrangement 疏離感

ethnic areas 民族地區

ethnic diversity 種族多樣性 ethnic identity 種族身份 ethnic minorities 少數族裔人士

Eurocurrency 歐洲貨幣

European Union [EU] 歐洲聯盟﹝歐盟﹞

euthanasia 安樂死

ex ante (1)事前,(2)預期

ex post (1)事後,(2)實現

excess capacity 剩餘生產力

excess demand (1)供不應求,(2)超額需求量 excess supply (1)供過於求,(2)超額供應量 excessive competition 過度競爭

exchange (1)交易所,(2)交換,(3)匯兌 exchange control 外匯管制

Exchange Fund 外匯基金

exchange market 外匯市場 exchange rate 匯率/匯價

exchange value 交易價值/交換價值 exchange-rate effect 匯率效應

excise duty 消費稅

excite 激動

excitement 快感/刺激

execution lag 執行延誤/執行時滯 executive authorities 行政機關

Executive Council [ExCo] of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


executive-led 行政主導

exhaust gas 廢氣

exhausted vote 失效選票

exhibitionism (1)表現癖,(2)裸露癖


exit poll 票站調查 ex-mentally ill persons 精神病康服者

ex-officio members (1)當然委員,(2)當然議員 expansionary effect 擴張效果

expansionary policy 擴張政策

expectation 期望

expected rate of inflation 預期通脹率 expected rate of return 預期回報率

expenditure 支出/開支

expenditure approach 支出面;支出法

explicit cost 顯性成本

exploitation 剝削

export 出口{量或值}

export credit 出口信貸

export credit insurance 出口信用保證

export duty 出口稅

export price 出口價格

export subsidy 出口津貼/出口補貼 export substitution 出口替代

export tax rebates 出口退稅

Export-Import Bank of China 中國進出口銀行 exporting country 出口國/輸出國

export-oriented 出口導向/出口帶動/外向型 export-oriented economy 出口導向經濟/外向型經濟 export-oriented industry 出口導向工業/外向型工業 extended family 大家庭/擴大式家庭

external affairs 對外事務

external diseconomies of scale 外部規模負經濟 external economies of scale 外部規模經濟

external factor 外在因素/外圍因素 external trade 對外貿易

extremists 極端主義者

extrovert 性格外向的人



face value 面值/票面值

faction 派別

factor analysis 因素分析

factor cost 生產要素成本

factor endowment 生產要素賦值 factor income 生產要素收入 factor market 生產要素市場 factor mobility 生產要素流動性 factor of production 生產要素

factor payment 生產要素費用 factor return 生產要素回報

fair play 公平競爭

fair trade 公平貿易

fair trial 公正審判

fairness 公平/公正

fallacy 謬誤

fallopian tube 輸卵管

familism 家庭主義

family bonding 家庭凝聚力 family budget 家庭財政預算 family conflict 家庭衝突

Family Court 家事法庭

family cycle 家庭周期

family members of Chinese nationals residing abroad


family planning 家庭計劃

Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 香港家庭計劃指導會 family planning policy 計劃生育政策

family relationship 家庭關係

family size 家庭規模

family status 家庭崗位

Family Status Discrimination Ordinance 家庭崗位歧視條例 family structure 家庭結構

family system 家庭體系


family therapy 家庭治療

family tie 家庭聯繫

fans 迷{歌;影;球……}

fantasy 幻想

fantasy stage 幻想階段

farmers 農民

Federal Reserve System 聯邦儲備系統 Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour

Unions [FLU]


Federation of Hong Kong Industries 香港工業總會

feedback 反饋/回饋

feminism 女權主義

feminity 女性氣質

fertilisation 受精

fertility 生育力

festival 節日

fiat money 不兌現貨幣

fiduciary issue 信用發行

Fight Crime Committee 撲滅罪行委員會

filial piety 孝心/孝道

final adjudication 終審權

final product 終端產品/最後製成品

finance (1)金融,(2)財政/財務

finance company 財務公司 financial account 金融帳 financial asset 金融資產 financial centre 金融中心 financial crisis 金融危機 financial intermediaries 金融中介機構 financial market 金融市場 Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region


financial services 金融服務 financial tsunami 金融海嘯 financing channel 融資渠道

fine tuning 微調


firm (1)公司,(2)廠商 first preference vote 第一選擇票

First Reading {of Bill} {法案}首讀 fiscal and financial affairs 財政金融事務 fiscal and taxation systems 財稅體制 fiscal balance 財政結餘

fiscal drag 財政拖累

fiscal policy 財政政策

fiscal year 財政年度

Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共處五項原則 Five-Year Plan 五年計劃

fixed asset 固定資產

fixed asset investment 固定資產投資

fixed capital 固定資本

fixed capital formation 固定資本形成 fixed capital investment 固定資本投資

fixed cost 固定成本

fixed deposit 定期存款

fixed exchange rate 固定匯率

fixed factor 固定生產要素

fixed input 固定投入

flashback 倒敘錯覺

flexible exchange rate 浮動匯率/彈性匯率 floating exchange rate 浮動匯率/彈性匯率 floating population 流動人口

flow (1)流動,(2)流程,(3)流量

flow chart 流程圖

fluctuation 波動/起伏

foetus 胎兒

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO]


food hygiene 食物衛生

food poisoning 食物中毒

food-borne disease 食物傳播的疾病 forced repatriation 強行遣返

foreign affairs 外交事務


foreign capital and overseas investment 外資和境外投資 foreign currency 外幣

foreign direct investment 外來直接投資/海外直接投資 foreign domestic helpers 外籍家庭傭工

foreign exchange 外匯 foreign exchange control 外匯管制 foreign exchange market 外匯市場 foreign exchange rate 匯率/匯價 foreign exchange reserve 外匯儲備

foreign investment 外來投資/海外投資 foreign organizations 外國組織

foreign policies 外交政策

foreign political organizations or bodies 外國的政治性組織或團體

foreign trade 對外貿易

foreskin 包皮

formal group 正式群體/規制群體

formal rule 正式規條

formal social control 正規社會控制

formulation 制訂

forward arbitrage 遠期套息/遠期套匯 forward contract 遠期合約

forward exchange rate 遠期匯率 forward integration 前向結合 Four Cardinal Principles 四項基本原則

fourth power 第四權

fractional reserve system 部份儲備制度

franchise 特許經營權/專營權

franchised monopoly 特許經營壟斷/專營壟斷 fraternal twins 異卵孿生

fraternity (1)手足之情/友愛,(2)博愛

fraud (1)假貨/膺品,(2)欺詐/欺騙,


free economy 自由經濟

free enterprise system 自由企業制度

free entry 自由進入

free goods 免費物品


free port 自由港口

free trade 自由貿易

freedom and liberty 自由

freedom and privacy of communication 通訊自由和通訊秘密 freedom of assembly 集會自由

freedom of association 結社自由 freedom of choice of occupation 選擇職業自由 freedom of conscience 信仰自由 freedom of demonstration 示威自由 freedom of marriage 婚姻自由 freedom of movement 遷徙自由 freedom of procession 遊行自由 freedom of publication 出版自由 freedom of religious belief 宗教信仰自由 freedom of speech 言論自由 freedom of the press 新聞自由 freedom to conduct and participate in religious

activities in public


freedom to enter or leave the {Hong Kong Special Administrative} Region


freedom to preach in public 公開傳教的自由 freedom to travel 旅行自由

free-to-air TV 免費電視/免費廣播電視 frequent micturition 尿頻

frictional unemployment 阻滯性失業

friendship 友誼

fringe benefit 附帶福利/額外利益 from each according to one’s ability, to each

according to one’s needs


from each according to one’s ability, to each according to one’s work


frustration 困惑/挫折/挫敗

full employment 充份就業

function 職能

functional constituency 功能界別 future consumption 未來消費


futures contract 期貨合約 futures market 期貨市場



gain 益處/增益/獲益

gain from trade 貿易獲益

galloping inflation 急劇通脹/飛躍式通脹

gambling 賭博

gap 差距

gap between the rich and the poor 貧富差距/貧富懸殊

gay 男同性戀者

gazette 憲報

GDP per capita 人均本地生產總值/按人口平均計算的 本地生產總值;人均國內生產總值/按 人口平均計算的國內生產總值

gender equality 男女平等/兩性平等

gender role 性別角色

General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT]


General Assembly of the United Nations 聯合國大會 general mobilisation 全國總動員 general partnership 普通合夥 general price level 一般物價水平 General Secretary of the Central Committee of

the Communist Party of China


generalisation 通則/概論

generation gap 代溝

genes 遺傳因子

genitalia 生殖器官

genitals 生殖器官

genocide 滅絕種族

genuineness 名副其實/真實

geographical constituency 地方選區 geographical constituency boundary 地方選區分界 geographical constituency seats 地方選區議席 geographical mobility 地域流動性


gerrymandering 選區劃分不公

gestation 妊娠/懷孕

giddiness 頭暈

Gini Coefficient 堅尼系數;基尼系數

girl brides 兒童新娘

girls’ home 女童院

global 全球/環球

global citizens 世界公民 global citizenship 世界公民

global city 全球城市

global civil society 全球公民社會 global culture 全球文化

global financial crisis 全球金融危機;國際金融危機 global food security crisis 全球糧食危機

global interconnectedness 全球相互關聯

global issues 全球問題/全球議題 global partnership 全球伙伴關係

global security 全球安全 global village 地球村

global warming 全球暖化/全球變暖/全球增温

globalism 全球化

globalization 全球化

glocalization 全球本土化/全球在地化

“go global” strategy “走出去”戰略

goal-setting 訂立目標

gold standard 金本位

gonad 性腺

gonorrhoea 白濁/淋病

good 物品/貨品

goods and services tax [GST] 商品及服務稅

governance 管治

governing the country according to law 依法治國

government 政府

government bonds 國債

government expenditure 政府支出/政府開支 government intervention 政府干預


Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [HKSARG]


government revenue 政府收入 government ruled by law 法治政府 grass-roots level 基層 grass-roots organs of state power 基層政權 Great Depression 大蕭條

greedy 貪婪

greenhouse gases 溫室氣體

grievance (1)不滿,(2)申訴

Gross Domestic Income [GDI] 本地總收入;國內總收入 Gross Domestic Product [GDP] 本地生產總值;國內生產總值 Gross Domestic Product [GDP] at constant

market prices


Gross Domestic Product [GDP] at current market prices


Gross Domestic Product [GDP] at factor cost 以要素成本計算的本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product [GDP] deflator 本地生產總值平減物價指數;本地生產


Gross National Product [GNP] 本地居民生產總值;國民生產總值 gross output value 總產值

Group of 77 77 國集團

Group of Eight [G8] 八國集團 Group of Twenty [G20] 二十國集團 growing season 生長期

growth 增長

growth curve 生長曲線

Growth Enterprise Market {香港聯合交易所有限公司}創業板 growth hormone 生長激素

growth pattern 成長模式

growth rate 增長率

growth spurt 生長衝剌/發育急促增長

guerilla 游擊隊

guilt feeling 內疚/罪咎感



habeas corpus 人身保護令

haematuria 血尿

half-way house 中途宿舍

hallucination 幻覺

hallucinogen 迷幻劑

hand-eye coordination test 手眼協調測試 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index [HSCEI]

(HS H-shares Index)


Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporation Index [HSCCI]


Hang Seng Index 恒生指數

harassment 騷擾

hard power 硬實力

harmonious socialist society 社會主義和諧社會

headscarves 頭巾

health certificate 健康證明書 healthcare financing 醫療融資 hearing impaired persons 聽覺受損人士

hedging 對沖

hemorrhoid 痔

heredity 遺傳

hermaphrodite 雌雄同體{者}

hero-worship 英雄崇拜/偶像崇拜

herpes genitalis 生殖器疱疹 herpes simplex 單純疱疹

heterosexual 異性戀者

heterosexuality 異性戀

Heung Yee Kuk 鄉議局 hidden elderly 隱蔽長者

hidden youths 隱蔽青年

High Court

- Court of Appeal - Court of First Instance


- 上訴法庭 - 原訟法庭 high tolerance 高耐藥性


high-end manufacturing 高端製造業 highest judicial organ 最高審判機關 highest procuratorial organ 最高檢察機關 highly externally oriented 高度外向型 high-powered money 高能貨幣 high-tech industry 高技術產業

highest organ of state administration 最高國家行政機關 highest organ of state power 最高國家權力機關

hire purchase 分期付款

hire purchase scheme 分期付款方法 holding company 控股公司

homosexual 同性戀者

homosexuality 同性戀

honesty 真誠

honesty and integrity 誠信 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the

State Council


Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited


Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People’s Livelihood [ADPL]


Hong Kong Association of Banks 香港銀行公會 Hong Kong Award for Young People 香港青年獎勵計劃 Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance 香港人權法案條例 Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions



Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 香港交易及結算所有限公司 Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance



Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions [HKFTU]


Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 香港青年協會

Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期貨交易所有限公司 Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People’s

Liberation Army



Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會 Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Industrial Estate Corporation 香港工業公司 Hong Kong Industrial Technology Centre



Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate 香港銀行同業拆息率 Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局

“Hong Kong people adminstering Hong Kong” 「港人治港」

Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局 Hong Kong Progressive Alliance 香港協進聯盟 Hong Kong Red Cross [HKRC] 香港紅十字會 Hong Kong residents 香港居民 Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks



Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited


Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union 香港社會工作者總工會 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region



Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Committee of the Standing

Committee of the National People’s Congress

全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別 行政區基本法委員會〔香港基本法委員 會〕

Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港貿易發展局 Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian

Association (YWCA)


Hong Kong, China 中國香港 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 港珠澳大橋 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation



hormones 內分泌/荷爾蒙/激素

Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 host communities 目的地區 host countries 目的國家

hot money 游資/熱錢

household 住戶

household registration system (hukou system) 戶口政策


households enjoying the “five guarantees” 五保戶

human capital 人力資本

human development index [HDI] 人類發展指數 Human Development Report [HDR] 人類發展報告

human dignity 人性尊嚴

human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] 後天免疫力缺乏症病毒〔愛滋病病毒〕

human relationships 人際關係 human resources 人力資源

human rights 人權

human rights and responsibilities 人權與責任 humanistic qualities 人文素養 humanistic resources 人文資源 humanitarian work 人道工作

humanitarianism 人道主義

humanities 人文

human-made resources 人造資源

hunger 饑餓

hunger strike 絕食抗議

hydrocarbon 碳氫化合物

hymen 處女膜

hyperinflation 惡性通脹

hypertension 高血壓

hypothesis 假設/假說



(1) principle of legality - everything must be done according to law (2) separation of powers - disputes as to legality of law (made by legislature) and government acts (by

The copyright of the materials for this workshop belongs to the Education Bureau (EDB) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Schools are allowed to use them for

1.1.3 In an effort to provide affordable and quality KG education to all eligible children, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (the Government)

colour theory 色彩理論 colour wheel, colour circle 色輪. column

primary schools, secondary schools and special schools (with boarding section, if appropriate) in receipt of aid from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期貨交易所有限公司 Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited 香港銀行同業結算有限公司 Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate

Peace Between Japan and the People’s Republic of China, Treaty

automated cartography 自動製圖 automated data processing 自動數據處理 automated digitising 自動數碼化 automated feature recognition 自動要素識別 automated