Note: Schedule is tentative and subject to change
(英文)English Conversation and Writing
授 課 教 師 曾明慧 ( Eva Tseng)
開 課 班 級 社工一
Department of Social Work
學 分 2
必 修 或 選 修 必修 全 年 或 半 年 全年
The purpose of this course is to help students develop English speaking and writing skills. Reading and writing strategies will be introduced to help students develop the skills they need to become fluent and accurate academic readers and writers. In addition, this course encourages students to use English to express their feelings, ideas, and opinions. Each lesson includes games, role-play, surveys, situational dialogs and plenty of activities.
Participants should be able to:
Recognize basic English grammar
Recognize different types of reading strategies Write compound and complex sentences Write a paragraph with a solid structure Recognize different form of articles Summarize an article
Outline an essay Write an essay (Speaking)
Speak English all the time in the class
Express their feelings, ideas and opinions in English Present a formal report in English
Austen, Jane. (2000) Pride and Prejudice. Oxford University Press 2000.
Wright, David & Ko-Alagata, Lovely. (2006) Talking in class2002. Taipei: Studio Classroom.
Jones, Leo. (2002). Let ’ s talk 1 . Cambridge University Press 2002.
Jones, Leo. (2002). Let ’ s talk 2 . Cambridge University Press 2002.
Grading Policy:
A. Attendance
100% attendance is expected. If you must miss a class or need to arrive late, please let Ms. Tseng know. Make up work can be arranged if you inform the teacher in advance.
Full attendance + active participation: + 1-5 points (bonus) Each lateness: - 0.5 point of your final grade.
Each absence: - 2 point of your final grade (without excused double) 3 absences ( excused & unexcused) : failing final grade
B. Conversation
Assignments/Class participation/quizzes 30%
Interview Project 20%
Show & Tell 25%
Group Project Presentation(Self-shot film) 25%
Bonus points:
Visit the Museum of World Religions --Location please check : (http://www.mwr.org.tw)
Sign up for the English speech contest Requirements:
1. Bring your textbooks and dictionary for each class.
2. You are expected to only speak English during class.
3. Food and cell-phone are not allowed in class.
4. Sleeping in the class is considered an absence.
5. If you are absent on the exam day, no make up test can be taken.
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