Optimal Algorithm
• We can reduce the running time to O(n) and the memory requirement to O(1).
• Note that
b(j; n, p) = p(n − j + 1)
(1 − p) j b(j − 1; n, p).
Optimal Algorithm (continued)
• The following program computes b(j; n, p) in b[ j ]:
• It runs in O(n) steps.
1: b[ a ] := ¡n
¢ pa(1 − p)n−a;
2: for j = a + 1, a + 2, . . . , n do
3: b[ j ] := b[ j − 1 ] × p × (n − j + 1)/((1 − p) × j);
4: end for
Optimal Algorithm (concluded)
• With the b(j; n, p) available, the risk-neutral valuation formula (27) on p. 248 is trivial to compute.
• But we only need a single variable to store the b(j; n, p)s as they are being sequentially computed.
• This linear-time algorithm computes the discounted expected value of max(Sn − X, 0).
• The above technique cannot be applied to American options because of early exercise.
• So binomial tree algorithms for American options
The Bushy Tree
2n Sun
Sun − 1 Su3
Su2d Su2d
Sud2 Su2d
Sud2 Sud2
Sun − 1d
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula
• The binomial model seems to suffer from two unrealistic assumptions.
– The stock price takes on only two values in a period.
– Trading occurs at discrete points in time.
• As n increases, the stock price ranges over ever larger numbers of possible values, and trading takes place nearly continuously.
• Any proper calibration of the model parameters makes the BOPM converge to the continuous-time model.
• We now skim through the proof.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• Let τ denote the time to expiration of the option measured in years.
• Let r be the continuously compounded annual rate.
• With n periods during the option’s life, each period represents a time interval of τ /n.
• Need to adjust the period-based u, d, and interest rate ˆ
r to match the empirical results as n goes to infinity.
• First, ˆr = rτ /n.
– The period gross return R = erˆ.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• Let
µ ≡ 1 n E
ln Sτ S
denote the expected value of the continuously compounded rate of return per period.
• Let
σ2 ≡ 1
n Var
ln Sτ S
denote the variance of the that return.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• Under the BOPM, it is not hard to show that b
µ = q ln(u/d) + ln d, b
σ2 = q(1 − q) ln2(u/d).
• Assume the stock’s true continuously compounded rate of return over τ years has mean µτ and variance σ2τ .
• Call σ the stock’s (annualized) volatility.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• The BOPM converges to the distribution only if nbµ = n[ q ln(u/d) + ln d ] → µτ, nbσ2 = nq(1 − q) ln2(u/d) → σ2τ.
• We need one more condition to have a solution for u, d, q.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• Impose
ud = 1.
– It makes nodes at the same horizontal level of the tree have identical price (review p. 260).
– Other choices are possible (see text).
– Exact solutions for u, d, q are also feasible: 3 equations for 3 variables.a
aChance (2008).
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• The above requirements can be satisfied by u = eσ
√τ /n, d = e−σ
√τ /n, q = 1
2 + 1 2
µ σ
n . (28)
• With Eqs. (28), it can be checked that nbµ = µτ,
nbσ2 =
1 − ³ µ σ
´2 τ n
σ2τ → σ2τ.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• The choices (28) result in the CRR binomial model.a
• A more common choice for the probability is actually q = R − d
u − d . by Eq. (25) on p. 230.
• Their numerical properties are essentially identical.
aCox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979).
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• The no-arbitrage inequalities d < R < u may not hold under Eqs. (28) on p. 271.
– If this happens, the risk-neutral probability may lie outside [ 0, 1 ].a
• The problem disappears when n satisfies eσ
√τ /n > erτ /n,
i.e., when n > r2τ /σ2 (check it).
– So it goes away if n is large enough.
– Other solutions will be presented later.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• What is the limiting probabilistic distribution of the continuously compounded rate of return ln(Sτ/S)?
• The central limit theorem says ln(Sτ/S) converges to N (µτ, σ2τ ).a
• So ln Sτ approaches N (µτ + ln S, σ2τ ).
• Conclusion: Sτ has a lognormal distribution in the limit.
aThe normal distribution with mean µτ and variance σ2τ .
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
Lemma 10 The continuously compounded rate of return ln(Sτ/S) approaches the normal distribution with mean (r − σ2/2) τ and variance σ2τ in a risk-neutral economy.
• Let q equal the risk-neutral probability p ≡ (erτ /n − d)/(u − d).
• Let n → ∞.a
aSee Lemma 9.3.3 of the textbook.
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (continued)
• The expected stock price at expiration in a risk-neutral economy isa
• The stock’s expected annual rate of returnb is thus the riskless rate r.
aBy Lemma 10 (p. 275) and Eq. (21) on p. 161.
bIn the sense of (1/τ ) ln E[ Sτ/S ] (arithmetic average rate of return) not (1/τ )E[ ln(Sτ/S) ] (geometric average rate of return).
Toward the Black-Scholes Formula (concluded)
aTheorem 11 (The Black-Scholes Formula) C = SN (x) − Xe−rτN (x − σ√
τ ), P = Xe−rτN (−x + σ√
τ ) − SN (−x), where
x ≡ ln(S/X) + ¡
r + σ2/2¢ τ σ√
τ .
aOn a United flight from San Francisco to Tokyo on March 7, 2010, a real-estate manager mentioned this formula to me!
BOPM and Black-Scholes Model
• The Black-Scholes formula needs 5 parameters: S, X, σ, τ , and r.
• Binomial tree algorithms take 6 inputs: S, X, u, d, ˆr, and n.
• The connections are
u = eσ
√τ /n, d = e−σ√
τ /n, ˆ
r = rτ /n.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 n
11.5 12 12.5 13
Call value
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 n
15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5
Call value
• S = 100, X = 100 (left), and X = 95 (right).
BOPM and Black-Scholes Model (concluded)
• The binomial tree algorithms converge reasonably fast.
• The error is O(1/n).a
• Oscillations are inherent, however.
• Oscillations can be dealt with by the judicious choices of u and d (see text).
aChang and Palmer (2007).
Implied Volatility
• Volatility is the sole parameter not directly observable.
• The Black-Scholes formula can be used to compute the market’s opinion of the volatility.a
– Solve for σ given the option price, S, X, τ , and r with numerical methods.
– How about American options?
aImplied volatility is hard to compute when τ is small (why?).
Implied Volatility (concluded)
• Implied volatility is
the wrong number to put in the wrong formula to get the right price of plain-vanilla options.a
• Implied volatility is often preferred to historical volatility in practice.
– Using the historical volatility is like driving a car with your eyes on the rearview mirror?
aRebonato (2004).
Problems; the Smile
• Options written on the same underlying asset usually do not produce the same implied volatility.
• A typical pattern is a “smile” in relation to the strike price.
– The implied volatility is lowest for at-the-money options.
– It becomes higher the further the option is in- or out-of-the-money.
• Other patterns have also been observed.
Problems; the Smile (concluded)
• To address this issue, volatilities are often combined to produce a composite implied volatility.
• This practice is not sound theoretically.
• The existence of different implied volatilities for options on the same underlying asset shows the Black-Scholes model cannot be literally true.
• So?
Trading Days and Calendar Days
• Interest accrues based on the calendar day.
• But σ is usually calculated based on trading days only.
– Stock price seems to have lower volatilities when the exchange is closed.a
• How to incorporate these two different ways of day
count into the Black-Scholes formula and binomial tree algorithms?b
aFama (1965); French (1980); French and Roll (1986).
bRecall p. 146 about dating issues.
Trading Days and Calendar Days (concluded)
• Think of σ as measuring the volatility of stock price one year from now (regardless of what happens in between).
• Suppose a year has 260 trading days.
• So a heuristic is to replace σ in the Black-Scholes formula witha
σ s
260 × number of trading days to expiration number of calendar days to expiration .
• How about binomial tree algorithms?
Binomial Tree Algorithms for American Puts
• Early exercise has to be considered.
• The binomial tree algorithm starts with the terminal payoffs
max(0, X − Sujdn−j) and applies backward induction.
• At each intermediate node, it compares the payoff if exercised and the continuation value.
• It keeps the larger one.
Bermudan Options
• Some American options can be exercised only at discrete time points instead of continuously.
• They are called Bermudan options.
• Their pricing algorithm is identical to that for American options.
• But early exercise is considered for only those nodes when early exercise is permitted.
Options on a Stock That Pays Dividends
• Early exercise must be considered.
• Proportional dividend payout model is tractable (see text).
– The dividend amount is a constant proportion of the prevailing stock price.
• In general, the corporate dividend policy is a complex issue.
Known Dividends
• Constant dividends introduce complications.
• Use D to denote the amount of the dividend.
• Suppose an ex-dividend date falls in the first period.
• At the end of that period, the possible stock prices are Su − D and Sd − D.
• Follow the stock price one more period.
• The number of possible stock prices is not three but four: (Su − D) u, (Su − D) d, (Sd − D) u, (Sd − D) d.
(Su − D) u
% Su − D
% &
(Su − D) d S
(Sd − D) u
& %
Sd − D
(Sd − D) d
An Ad-Hoc Approximation
• Use the Black-Scholes formula with the stock price reduced by the PV of the dividends.a
• This essentially decomposes the stock price into a riskless one paying known dividends and a risky one.
• The riskless component at any time is the PV of future dividends during the life of the option.
– Then, σ is the volatility of the process followed by the risky component.
• The stock price, between two adjacent ex-dividend dates, follows the same lognormal distribution.
An Ad-Hoc Approximation (concluded)
• Start with the current stock price minus the PV of future dividends before expiration.
• Develop the binomial tree for the new stock price as if there were no dividends.
• Then add to each stock price on the tree the PV of all future dividends before expiration.
• American option prices can be computed as before on this tree of stock prices.
The Ad-Hoc Approximation vs. P. 291 (Step 1)
S − D/R
(S − D/R)u
(S − D/R)d
(S − D/R)u2
(S − D/R)ud
(S − D/R)d2
The Ad-Hoc Approximation vs. P. 291 (Step 2)
(S − D/R) + D/R = S
(S − D/R)u
(S − D/R)d
(S − D/R)u2
(S − D/R)ud
(S − D/R)d2
The Ad-Hoc Approximation vs. P. 291
a• The trees are different.
• The stock prices at maturity are also different.
– (Su − D) u, (Su − D) d, (Sd − D) u, (Sd − D) d (p. 291).
– (S − D/R)u2, (S − D/R)ud, (S − D/R)d2 (ad hoc).
• Note that, as d < R < u,
(Su − D) u > (S − D/R)u2, (Sd − D) d < (S − D/R)d2,
The Ad-Hoc Approximation vs. P. 291 (concluded)
• So the ad hoc approximation has a smaller dynamic range.
• This explains why in practice the volatility is usually increased when using the ad hoc approximation.
A General Approach
a• A new tree structure.
• No approximation assumptions are made.
• A mathematical proof that the tree can always be constructed.
• The actual performance is quadratic except in pathological cases (see pp. 686ff).
• Other approaches include adjusting σ and approximating the known dividend with a dividend yield.
Continuous Dividend Yields
• Dividends are paid continuously.
– Approximates a broad-based stock market portfolio.
• The payment of a continuous dividend yield at rate q reduces the growth rate of the stock price by q.
– A stock that grows from S to Sτ with a continuous dividend yield of q would grow from S to Sτeqτ without the dividends.
• A European option has the same value as one on a stock with price Se−qτ that pays no dividends.a
aIn pricing European options, we care only about the distribution of
Continuous Dividend Yields (continued)
• The Black-Scholes formulas hold with S replaced by Se−qτ:a
C = Se−qτN (x) − Xe−rτN (x − σ√
τ ), (29) P = Xe−rτN (−x + σ√
τ ) − Se−qτN (−x),
(290) where
x ≡ ln(S/X) + ¡
r − q + σ2/2¢ τ σ√
τ .
• Formulas (29) and (290) remain valid as long as the dividend yield is predictable.
Continuous Dividend Yields (continued)
• To run binomial tree algorithms, replace u with ue−q∆t and d with de−q∆t, where ∆t ≡ τ /n.
– The reason: The stock price grows at an expected rate of r − q in a risk-neutral economy.
• Other than the changes, binomial tree algorithms stay the same.
– In particular, p should use the original u and d!a
aContributed by Ms. Wang, Chuan-Ju (F95922018) on May 2, 2007.
Continuous Dividend Yields (concluded)
• Alternatively, pick the risk-neutral probability as e(r−q) ∆t − d
u − d , (30)
where ∆t ≡ τ /n.
– The reason: The stock price grows at an expected rate of r − q in a risk-neutral economy.
• The u and d remain unchanged.
• Other than the change in Eq. (30), binomial tree
algorithms stay the same as if there were no dividends.
Curtailing the Range of Tree Nodes
a• Those nodes can be skipped if they are extremely unlikely to be reached.
• The probability that the price will move more than a certain number of standard deviations from its initial value is negligible.
• Similarly, suppose the stock price at maturity is known.
• The probability that the price will move outside that number of standard deviations in working backward is also negligible.
Curtailing the Range of Tree Nodes (continued)
• In summary, for certain stock prices, the strike price is so low or so high that it could not realistically be reached.
• For these prices the option value is basically deterministic.
• By working only within the said range of stock prices, we can save time without significant loss of accuracy.
Curtailing the Range of Tree Nodes (concluded)
• For time t, where 0 < t < T , the maximum and minimum stock prices Smax(t) and Smin(t) are:
Smax(t) = min
S0ert+ησ√t, Xe−r(T −t)+ησ√
T −t´ , Smin(t) = max
S0ert−ησ√t, Xe−r(T −t)−ησ√
T −t´ .
Traversal Sequence
• Can the standard quadratic-time binomial tree algorithm for American options be improved?
– By an order?
– By a constant factor?
• In any case, it helps to skip nodes.
• Note the traversal sequence of backward induction on the tree.
– It is by time (recall p. 259).
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree
a• Suppose we traverse the tree diagonally.
• Convince yourself that this procedure is well-defined.
• An early-exercise node is trivial to evaluate.
– The difference of the strike price and the stock price.
• A non-early-exercise node must be evaluated by backward induction.
aCurran (1995).
1 p
1 p 1 p
p p
p p
0,X Sud2h
0,X Sd3h
0,X Su d2h
0,X Su3h
1 p
1 p
1 p
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (continued)
Two properties of the propagation of early exercise nodes (E) and non-early-exercise nodes (C) during backward induction are:
1. A node is an early-exercise node if both its successor nodes are exercised early.
• A terminal node that is in-the-money is considered an early exercise node.
2. If a node is a non-early-exercise node, then all the earlier nodes at the same horizontal level are also
non-early-exercise nodes.
E *
. . -
- - .
E *
Rule 1 Rule 2 -
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (continued)
• Nothing is achieved if the whole tree needs to be explored.
• We need a stopping rule.
• The traversal stops when a diagonal D consisting entirely of non-early-exercise nodes is encountered.
– By Rule 2, all early-exercise nodes have been found.
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (continued)
• When the algorithm finds an early exercise node N in traversing a diagonal, it can stop immediately and move on to the next diagonal.
– By Rule 2, the node to the right of N must also be an early exercise node.
– By Rule 1 and induction, the rest of the nodes on the current diagonal must all be early-exercise nodes.
– They are hence computable on the fly when needed.
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (continued)
• Also by Rule 1, the traversal can start from the
zero-valued terminal node just above the strike price.
• The upper triangle above the strike price can be skipped since its nodes are all zero valued.
Visited nodes 0
0 0 0 0
Traverse from here Stop at diagonal D
Strike price Strike price
Early exercise nodes by Rule 1 Early exercise nodes by Rule 1
Exercise boundary Exercise boundary
Early exercise nodes Early exercise nodes
20 40 60 80 100Volatility 5
10 15 20 25
Percent of nodes visited by the diagonal method
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (continued)
• It remains to calculate the option value.
• It is the weighted sum of the discounted option values of the nodes on D.
– How does the payoff influence the root?
– We cannot go from the root to a node at which the option will be exercised without passing through D.
• The weight is the probability that the stock price hits the diagonal for the first time at that node.
Diagonal Traversal of the Tree (concluded)
• For a node on D which is the result of i up moves and j down moves, the said probability is
µi + j − 1 i
pi(1 − p)j.
– A valid path must pass through the node which is the result of i up moves and j − 1 down moves.
• Call the option value on this node Pi.
• The desired option value then equals
i + j − 1 i
pi(1 − p)jPie−(i+j) r∆t.
The Analysis
• Since each node on D has been evaluated by that time, this part of the computation consumes O(n) time.
• The space requirement is also linear in n since only the diagonal has to be allocated space.
• This idea can save computation time when D does not take long to find.
The Analysis (continued)
• Rule 2 is true with or without dividends.
• Suppose now that the stock pays a continuous dividend yield q ≤ r (or r ≤ q for calls by parity).
• Recall p = e(r−q)∆tu−d −d.
• Rule 1 continues to hold since, for a current stock price of Suidj:
The Analysis (concluded)
(pPu + (1 − p) Pd) e−r∆t
= £ p¡
X − Sui+1dj¢
+ (1 − p)¡
X − Suidj+1¢¤
= Xe−r∆t − Suidj(pu + (1 − p) d) e−r∆t
= Xe−r∆t − Suidje−q∆t
≤ Xe−r∆t − Suidje−r∆t
≤ X − Suidj.