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高雄市立小港國中 105 學年度第二學期第一次段考一年級英語科試題


Academic year: 2021

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高雄市立小港國中 105 學年度第二學期第一次段考一年級英語科試題

班級:一年 班 座號: 號 姓名:____________



聽力測驗 (25%) :每題將撥放兩次,仔細聆聽後作答。

一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片。(每題 1 分,共 5 分)

( ) 1.

(A) (B) (C)

( ) 2.

(A) (B) (C)

( ) 3.

(A) (B) (C)

( ) 4.

(A) (B) (C)

( ) 5.

(A) (B) (C)

二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應。(每題 2 分,共 10 分)

( )6.(A) Sure I can. (B) No, I am not. (C) No, that’s not my number.

( )7.(A) I’m the host. (B) This is George. (C) Hold on, please.

( )8.(A) Yes, I have dinner at six. (B) No. I get up after seven. (C) Yes, I go to school at six every morning.

( )9.(A) He has nice hair, too. (B) I don’t have blue eyes. (C) Yes, you are very handsome.

( )10.(A) Yes, he is. (B) Yes, he can. (C) No, he doesn’t.

三、言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。(每題 2 分,共 10 分)

( )11.(A) The boy can sing and dance. (B) The girl can’t join the contest. (C) The boy can do tricks with his dog.

( )12.(A) Five. (B) Nine. (C) Thirteen.

( )13.(A) He is the man’s cousin. (B) He has long hair. (C) He likes music.

( )14.(A) The USA. (B) England. (C) Japan.

( )15.(A) Zack is helping Mandy. (B) Mandy can play dodge ball. (C) Zack does his homework every day.




四、綜合選擇 (30%,16-25 每題 1 分/26-35 每題 2 分)

16. ( )Don’t be sad. Be happy. You can me anytime(任何時間).

(A) count (B) paint (C) call (D) carry

17. ( )Kevin: Hello, is Lily there? Lily’s dad: Yes, , please.

(A) call (B) speak (C) count (D) hold on 18. ( )Wait a . My dad will(會)speak to you later.

(A) minute (B) day (C) week (D) year 19. ( )Don’t too much money with you.

(A) count (B) carry (C) catch (D) call 20. ( )Let’s look at the pictures on the .

(A) computer (B) week (C) hour (D) story 21. ( )Grandma cannot sleep well the night.

(A) between (B) behind (C) during (D) before

22. ( )The man on TV can a flower(花)into a bird. Isn’t that cool?

(A) surf (B) wash (C) call (D) change

23. ( )Jane: My husband has of books in his study(書房). Bella: Wow! That’s a lot of books.

(A) lips (B) ears (C) eyes (D) hundreds 24. ( )Don’t talk with your full(滿的).

(A) lips (B) mouth (C) eyes (D) arms

25. ( )Brad Pitt is a movie star(明星). Everyone knows him.

(A) famous (B) magic (C) brown (D) hard 26. ( )My dad be at home now, but I not sure.

(A) may; am (B) can; can (C) is; am (D) may; may 27. ( )There is not at the concert tonight.

(A) any great things (B) anything great (C) some great things (D) something great 28. ( )May I make a phone call your new cellphone?

(A) for (B) with (C) at (D) on

29. ( ) lots of homework to do from Monday to Friday.

(A) It’s (B) They’re (C) There’s (D) There are 30. ( )Dad: Don’t they play the guitar? Jill: Yes, they .

(A) don’t (B) are (C) can (D) do

31. ( )Jill: I study, study, and study. Emi: Come ! you watch TV?

Jill: Yes. I do it only on Saturdays.

(A) in; Do (B) on; Don’t (C) in; Are (D) on; Aren’t

32. ( )Max: Who English every day? Leo: My sister, Emi, . (A) is studying; is (B) is studying; are (C) study; do (D) studies; does 33. ( )Jacky a new girlfriend now. Look! He some snacks with her.

(A) is having; is having (B) has; has (C) is having; has (D) has; is having 34. ( )Does your sister sports or exercise on Sunday morning?

(A) plays; does (B) do; play (C) play; do (D) does; do

35. ( )Their daughter, Emily, to their bedroom and good night to them(他們)every evening.

(A) go; say (B) are going; saying (C) goes; says (D) is going; saying

五、克漏字測驗: 8% (每題 2 分,共 8 分)

(At Amy’s house)

Ted: Where are you, Amy? Amy: I’m in my room. What’s up?

Ted: Are you studying for the tests? Amy: No. I (36) any tests tomorrow.

Ted: Then, what are you doing? Amy: I’m surfing the Net.

Ted: Surfing the Net? (37) you do that every day?

Amy: Yes, I do. I use the computer (38) about three hours every day.

Ted: Three hours? Amy: Yes. How about you?

Ted: Well, I do (39) only on weekends.

 tomorrow 明天 36.( )(A) have not (B) don’t have (C) can not (D) are not



37.( )(2)(A) Do (B) Can (C) Are (D) Aren’t 38.( )(3)(A) in (B) on (C) for (D) at

39.( )(4)(A) them (B) these (C) those (D) it

六、閱讀測驗:12% (每題 2 分,共 12 分)

 c a m p 營隊 skill 技巧 group activity 小組活動

junior high school 國中 fee 費用 information 資訊

40.( )Who can join the camp?

(A) Tony; 14 years old. (B) Mr. Brown; 40 years old.

(C) Mary; 5 years old. (D) Miss Lee; 24 years old.

41.( )What do the students do at the camp?

(A) They surf the Net in the library. (B) They write short stories.

(C) They jump rope at the camp. (D) They learn basketball from Jeremy Lin.

42.( )Which(哪一個)is NOT true(正確的)?

(A) The fee is NT$3,000. (B) You can call Mr. Wang for more information.

(C) The place for the camp is at the Happy Zoo.

(D) Mr. Brown’s thirteen-year-old daughter can join the camp.

Dear Lisa,

How’s everything going? I’m fine here in New York for a summer school. I am busy

but happy here. I have twenty hours of English class a week. From Monday to Friday, there are four classes in the morning for listening, speaking, reading, and writing, one hour for each. In the afternoon, I have PE class for sports, and I like my time to exercise with my new friends. I can also learn a lot of English from them.

I’m going back to Kaohsiung in three weeks. Hope to see you soon.

Best wishes, Roy

 summer 夏天 each 每一個 PE class 體育課 hope 希望 soon 很快地

43.( ) What is Roy in a summer school for?

(A) He doesn’t like the life(生活)in New York. (B) He wants(想要)to learn English well.

(C) He has too much free time. (D) He is not happy in Taiwan.

44.( ) What may Roy do in the afternoon?

(A) He may paint beautiful pictures. (B) He may surf the Internet.

(C) He may play tennis. (D) He may play the guitar.

45.( ) Which(哪一個)is NOT true(正確的)about Roy?

(A) He is now in the USA. (B) He is busy in New York. He has no time to do any exercise.

(C) He has a great time with his new friends. (D) He will(將)be in America for three weeks.

背面尚有非選擇題 25%




一年 班 號 姓名:

選擇題 非選擇題 總分

七、字彙測驗:10%(每題 1 分)






51. Eva: What’s the t g under your schoolbag? Eva’s brother: It’s my watch.

52. You can jog, but you can’t r r-s e here.

53. 7-ELEVEN is open twenty-four h rs a day.

54. The five-year-old girl can sing and dance to the m c.

55. The cook p es some cooking skills(技巧)in the kitchen every day.

He wants(想要)to be a great chef(大廚).

八、依指示作答:6%(每題 2 分)

56. Can your dog, Rocky, do any tricks?(先肯定簡答,再詳答)

57. I’m not studying English now.(把句尾時間用 every day 改寫)

58. Tom has two hot dogs for dinner.(依畫線的地方造原問句)

九、翻譯:9%(每題 3 分)

59. 我的貓會接球。那你的貓呢?

60. 從星期二到星期四,Tina 在學校吃午餐,但我們沒有。

61. 那是艱辛的工作,但是他不介意。他非常喜愛棒球。



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