• 沒有找到結果。



Academic year: 2022

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1. 由你決定。畢竟,你是領導者。

It is up to you decide. After all, you are the leader.

2. 你不是總統。不是由你來做決定。

You are not the president. It is not up to you to make the decision.

3. 在戰爭期間,我們真的很艱困。

During the war, we really had a hard time.

4. 冬天期間,溫度下降。

During the winter, the temperature drops.

5. 你在假期中做什麼呢?

What do you do during the holiday?

6. 戰爭期間中做什麼仍是一個秘密。

What was done during the war is still a secret.

7. 我不在乎他會做什麼。

I couldn’t care less about what he will do.

8. 他根本不在乎我們的社會。

He simply couldn’t care less about our society.

9. 他很努力所以他總是得很高分。

He works hard so that he always gets very high score.

10. 他試圖取悅每一個人所以大家都喜歡他。

He tries to please everyone so that everyone likes him.

11. 他使我對音樂有興趣。

He made me be interested in music.

12. 你打電話給我的時候,我正在看電視。

When you called me, I was watching TV.



13. 我已經寫完這封信了。

I have already written this letter.

14. 我去美國以前,已經學會開車。

I had learned driving before I went to America.

15. 你對音樂有興趣嗎?

Are you interested in music?

16. 你怕你的老師嗎?

Are you afraid of your teacher?

17. 你寫的故事很有趣。

The story which you wrote is very interesting.

18. 他喜歡打網球和籃球。

He likes playing tennis as well as basketball.

19. 他學數學跟法語。

He studies mathematics as well as French.

20. 他太胖了。

He is way too fat.

21. 房子對我來說太大了。

The house is way too large for me.

22. 他太年輕了,以至於無法勝任這份工作。

He is too young to do this job.

23. 他太重了,以至於無法勝任這份工作。

He is too heavy to do this job.

24. 他們太弱了,以至於無法抬起這塊沉重的石頭。

They are too weak to lift this heavy stone.

25. 我們來克服這件事。

Let us get over with this.



26. 國家終於克服了這場危機。

The country finally got over with this crisis.

27. 我不認為這個國家可以度過這場危機。

I don’t think the country will ever get over with this crisis.

28. 我厭倦了整天的學習。

I am sick and tired of studying all day.

29. 他厭倦了假裝是一個好男孩。

He is sick and tired of pretending to be a good boy.

30. 就運動而言,他領先於我。

For sports, he is ahead of me.

31. 我在數學上領先於 John,但中文上是落後他的。

I am ahead of John in mathematics, but behind him in Chinese.

32. 他不能不做那件事。

He cannot help doing it.

33. 我試圖讓他成為一個好人,但是徒勞無功。

I tried to make him a good guy, but in vain.

34. 我努力要贏得第一名,但徒勞無功。

I worked hard to win the first prize, but in vain.

35. 我終於贏了。

I have won finally.

36. 我已經練棒球好一段時間了。

I have been practicing baseball for a long time.

37. 在我上個週四第一次見到他之前我從來沒有見過他。

I had never seen him before I first met him last Thursday.



38. 富人總是把錢當作理所當然。他們從來不知道賺錢很難。

The rich always take money for granted. They never know that it is hard to earn money.

39. 如果發生火災,你應該盡可能越快逃跑越好。

In case of fire, you should escape as quickly as possible.

40. 萬一下雨了,你應該穿上雨衣。

In case of raining, you should put on a rain coat.

41. 在教會裡,每個人都安靜不語。

In a church, one never talks.

42. 在好學校裡,每個人都很努力。

In a good school, one works hard.

43. 為了成功,每個人必須努力工作。

In order to succeed, one must work hard.

44. 事實上,他總是上班遲到。

As a matter of fact, he is always late for work.

45. 事實上,他如此強健是因為他每天舉重。

As a matter of fact, he is so strong because he weight lifts every day.

46. 那位學生說話的樣子就好像他是老師一樣。

The student talks as if he is a teacher.

47. 這個人表現地好像他是一個大人物似的。

This guy acted as if he is a big shot.

48. 他應該戒除抽煙的壞習慣。

He should get rid of the bad habit of smoking.

49. 每個國家都應該戒除人們散播仇恨。

Every country should get rid of people who spread hate.



50. 我們應該消除我們城鎮內的老鼠。

We should get rid of rats in our town.

51. 我們應該戒除浪費水的習慣。

We should get rid of the habit of wasting water.

52. 他支持有錢的學生。

He is in favor of rich students.

53. 他們贊成吃雞肉。

They are in favor of eating chicken.

54. 他們現在吃魚肉取代雞肉。

Instead of chicken, they now eat fish.

55. 他現在被視為最佳籃球選手。

He is being considered as the best basketball player.

56. 他被要求成為一位歌手。

He was being asked to be a singer.

57. 懂數學的他總是思緒清晰。

He who knows mathematics is always clear minded.

58. 我對音樂從不感到興趣。

I have never been interested in music.

59. 我從不被認為是一位壞學生。

I have never been considered as a bad student.

60. 這個城市正遭受攻擊。

The city is being attacked.

61. 你是否被愛是不重要的。

Whether you are loved is not important.

62. 我不知道明天是否會下雨。

I do not know whether it will rain tomorrow.



63. 人們想要知道你是否會參選總統。

People want to know whether you will run for the president

64. 我不在乎你是否喜歡我。

I don’t care if you like me or not.

65. 你知道今晚是否會下雪嗎?

Do you know if it will snow tonight?

66. 你想要知道 John 是否會來嗎?

Do you want to know if John is coming or not?

67. 知道他是否是個壞人已經為時已晚。

It is too late to know whether he is a bad person or not.

68. 男孩就是男孩。

Boys are boys.

69. 你應該保持每天跑步,這將有助於你。

You should keep running every day. This will help you.

70. 不要顯露你的憤怒。

Never show your anger.

71. 你應該將快樂分享給其他人。

You should share happiness with others.

72. 他的話語激怒了他的老師。

His words angered his teacher.

73. 你應該越早努力工作越好。

You should work hard the sooner the better.

74. 你應該越早停止抽煙越好。

You should stop smoking the sooner the better.



75. Jack 從不在公眾場所顯露他的憤怒跟悲傷。

Jack has never shown his anger or sadness in public.

76. 他只不過是一個愚蠢的傢伙。

He is nothing but a stupid guy.

77. 他只不過是一個傻瓜。

He is nothing but a fool.

78. 看著窗外,他知道一場大風暴即將來臨了。

Looking out of the window, he knew that a big storm was coming.

79. 努力工作一整天下來,他非常疲累。

Having worked hard for all day, he is very tired.

80. 他不再生病了。

He is no longer ill.

81. 他不再富有了。

He is no longer rich.

82. 你身陷麻煩嗎?

Are you in trouble?

83. 我想知道是否能夠跟你吃午餐。

I wonder if I can have lunch with you.

84. 你介意跟我一起吃午餐嗎?

Would you mind having lunch with me?

85. 你介意我抽煙嗎?

Would you mind if I smoke?

86. 這部電影對我來說我很有興趣。

This movie is of great interest to me.

87. 快樂是重要的。

Happiness is important.



88. 那個在風暴中受傷的人受到很多人的幫助。

The person, injured in a storm, was helped by many people.

89. 那個試圖幫助的人被殺了。

The person, who tried to help, was killed.

90. 我很想看到你。

I am anxious to see you.

91. 他們急於知道結果。

They are anxious to know the result.

92. 我很期待見到你。

I am looking forward to seeing you.

93. 我很期待在倫敦見到你。

I am looking forward to seeing you in London.

94. 我當然愛你。

Of course I love you.

95. 當然,我想和你一起吃飯。

Of course I would like to have dinner with you.

96. 我喜歡游泳。

I am fond of swimming.

97. 我喜歡音樂。

I am fond of music.

98. 這場持續了三年的戰爭終於結束了。

The war, which lasted three years, is finally over.

99. 持續三年的戰爭終於結束了。

The war lasting three years is finally over.



100. 這城市遭受大風暴襲擊斷電了。

The city was attacked by a big storm lost electricity.

101. 遭受大風暴襲擊的城市斷水斷電了。

Attacked by a large storm the city lost water and electricity.

102. 他因被狗咬,目前病得很重。

Bit by a dog, he is now very ill.

103. 只要戰爭仍持續,你應該小心。

So long as the war is still going on, you should be careful.

104. 只要下雨,你應該帶一把傘。

So long as it is raining, you should carry an umbrella.

105. 我渴望看到我的母親。

I am eager to see my mother.

106. 他渴望知道他是否能進入這所大學。

He is eager to know whether he is admitted to this college.

107. 讓別人快樂的人將會快樂。

He who makes others happy will be happy.

108. 根據這個定理,你的理論是不會成真的。

Based upon this theorem, your theory cannot be true.

109. 根據最新消息,你將贏得第一名獎項。

According to the latest news, you are going to win the first prize.

110. 為了聰明,他讀了很多書。

In order to be intelligent, he reads a lot of books.

111. 為了強壯,他每天運動至少一個小時。

In order to be strong, he exercises at least one hour every day.

112. 為了快速恢復疾病,他遵守醫生所有的指示。

In order to recover from an illness quickly, he follows all instructions from the




113. 他將永遠被我們所有人記住。

He will be forever remembered by all of us.

114. 他永別了。我們再也看不見他了。

He is forever gone. We can never see him again.

115. 你有照顧你的兄弟嗎?

Do you take care of your brother?

116. 他可以舉起至少 100 公斤。

He can lift at least 100 kg.

117. 愛人者人恆愛之。

The person who loves others will be loved by others.

118. 玩火必自焚。

He who plays with fire will be burned by fire.

119. 實際上,做這種事情是錯誤的。

Indeed, it is wrong to do such a thing.

120. 實際上,他是個壞人。

Indeed, he is a bad person.

121. 你只要生病就應該多喝水。

As long as you are sick, you should drink more water.

122. 你一回到家就應該立打電話給我。

As soon as you get back home, you should call me immediately.

123. 我沒有通過考試。

I failed to pass the examination.

124. 我沒有得獎。

I failed to win the prize.



125. 儘管他很貧窮,但仍然很開心。

He is poor. Nonetheless, he is still happy.

126. 儘管他很富有,但仍然不快樂。

He is rich. Nonetheless, he is still unhappy.

127. 你昨天看到的小孩是我的兄弟。

The kid whom you saw last night is my brother.

128. 寫這本著名小說的作家昨天晚上去世了。

The writer who wrote this famous novel died last night.

129. 他不但運動好,而且數學也很好。

He is not only good in sports, but also good in mathematics.

130. 沒有人喜歡看這部電影。

No one likes watching this movie.

131. 每個人都享受聽這首音樂。

Everyone enjoys listening to this music.

132. 我今天值班。我現在不能去見你。

I am on duty today. I cannot go to see you now.


I am off duty now. I can go to have coffee with you this afternoon.

134. 他負責今晚的會議。

He is in charge of this meeting tonight.

135. John 負責野餐。

John is in charge of the picnic.

136. 因為暴風雨要來了,所以為了安全起見,他提早回家。

To play safe, he came home early because a storm is coming.

137. 我害怕他。

I am afraid of him.



138. 我們不怕鬼。

We are not afraid of ghosts.

139. 他無法獲取這些信息。

He has no means to obtain this information.

140. 你們兩個都要來看我。

Either of you should come to see me.

141. 你們兩個都不要來看我。

Neither of you should come to see me.

142. 我既不喜歡英文也不喜歡數學。

I like neither English nor mathematics.

143. 我們必須學習英語或拉丁語。

We have to study either English or Latin.

144. 所有人都喜歡你們兩個。

Both of you are liked by all of the people.

145. 人們既不喜歡下雨也不喜歡強風。

People like neither rain nor strong wind.

146. John 和 Mary 都不上大學。

Neither John nor Mary went to college.

147. Charles Dickens 寫的這本書在英國很受歡迎。

The book which was written by Charles Dickens is very popular in England.

148. 去年爆發的戰爭造成很多人死亡。

The war which broke out last year killed a lot of people.

149. 這部在英國製作的電影相當有名。

The movie which was made in England is quite famous.



150. 我認識他了。

I got to know him.

151. 我必須解決問題。

I got to solve the problem.

152. 他不太可能來。

He will unlikely come.

153. 不太可能會下雨。

It is unlikely going to rain.

154. 戰爭中有許多人(數十個)死亡。

Dozens of people died in the war.

155. 許多人(數十人)看過這部電影。

Dozens of people saw this movie.

156. 許多人(數十人)出來觀看比賽。

Dozens of people came out to watch the game.

157. 昨晚舉辦了一場慶祝他生日的宴會。

The party to celebrate his birthday took place last night.

158. 他希望他能夠一勞永逸地解決問題。

He hopes that he can solve the problem once and for all.

159. 要一勞永逸地解決這個問題是很難的。

It is hard to solve the problem once and for all.

160. 學生們眾所皆知的那個人將要來到我們大學。

He who is well known to students is coming to our university.


Do you like people who only talk about themselves?

162. 我不知道寫這本書的作者是誰。

I do not know the author who wrote this book.



163. 他不知道那個名字很奇怪的人。

He does not know the person whose name is rather strange.

164. 我不記得第一次見到她是什麼時候。

I don’t remember when I first met her.

165. 他絕不是一個壞學生。

He is by no means a bad student.

166. 他們絕對不貧窮。他們實際上是相當富有的。

They are by no means poor. They are actually quite rich.

167. 眼見為實。

Seeing is believing.

168. 被愛沒有像愛人一樣重要。

Being loved is not as important as to love.

169. 願我們永遠追求愛人更多,而不是被愛。

May we always seek loving more than being loved.

170. 儘管生病了,他還是去上學。

Despite being ill, he still goes to school.

171. 儘管下雨,他還是走路上班。

In spite of raining, he walks to work.

172. 除了游泳,他還練習打網球。

In addition to swimming, he also practices playing tennis.

173. 除了一杯牛奶,他還吃了兩個雞蛋。

He eats two eggs, in addition to a cup of milk.

174. 除了學習英語外,他還在學習法語。

In addition to learning English, he is also learning French.



175. 現在下雨了,然而我還是要去上班。

It is raining now. However, I still have to go to work.

176. 他現在很老了,但仍然努力工作。

He is very old now. However, he still works hard.

177. 我不知道他。

I am not aware of him.

178. 他並不知道我其實是他的老師。

He is not aware of the fact that I am actually his teacher.

179. 他不知道他其實很聰明。

He is not aware that he is actually very smart.

180. 今天預計會很熱。

It is expected to be hot today.

181. 估計他在運動上表現不錯。

He is expected to be good in sports.

182. 今天下午預計會下雨。

It is expected to rain this afternoon.

183. 這個消息不是基於事實。

This news is not based upon facts.

184. 這個科學發現是基於數學和實驗。

This scientific finding is based on mathematics and experiments.

185. 這份報告是基於他的實驗結果。

This report is based upon his experimental results.

186. 新聞必須基於事實。

News must be based upon facts.

187. 他打網球,而不是游泳。

Instead of swimming, he plays tennis.



188. 他正在演奏小提琴,而不是鋼琴。

He is playing the violin, instead of piano.

189. 他正在學習德語,而不是義大利語。

He is now studying German, instead of Italian.

190. 他無法知道這件事。畢竟這是最高秘密。

He has no way to know this. After all, this is top secret.

191. 我們不能對他有太多期望。畢竟,他只是一個孩子。

We cannot expect too much of him. After all, he is only a child.

192. 這個數學問題對他來說太困難了。畢竟,他只是一個學生。

This mathematics problem is too hard for him. After all, he is only a student.

193. 我沒有能力做這個工作。

I am not able to do this job.

194. 他不會游泳。

He is not able to swim.

195. 他們之中沒有一個能夠扛起這麼沉重的事情。

None of them is able to lift such a heavy thing.

196. 我們保證他們都會說英文。

We make sure that all of them are able to speak English.

197. 我不知道他是誰。

I do not know who he is.

198. 我不知道他從哪裡來的。

I do not know where he is from.

199. 我在找我的雨傘。

I am looking for my umbrella.



200. 我正在照顧我生重病的媽媽。

I am looking after my mother who is quite ill.

201. 很遺憾沒有人正在照顧他。

It is sad that no one is looking after him.

202. 根據最新消息,我們遭受到攻擊。

According to the latest news, we were attacked.

203. 根據氣象報告,明天會下雨。

According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.

204. 根據新的播報,將會有一場大風暴。

There will be a big storm, according to the new broadcast.

205. 很難克服這個難關。

It is hard to overcome this difficulty.

206. 我不知道我們該如何克服這個難關。

I do not know how we can overcome this difficulty.


I had known him before we met.

208. 我一直在準備考試。

I have been working on preparing for the examination.

209. 他練習網球已經很長一段時間了。

He has been practicing tennis for a long time.

210. 這本書是關於旅行的。

This book is about traveling.

211. 旅行對你是好的。

Traveling is good for you.

212. 他喜歡被愛。

He likes to be loved.



213. 當他還小的時候,我照顧他。

I took care of him when she was young.

214. 當你媽媽老了,你有照顧她嗎?

Did you take care of your mother when she was old?

215. 我們都應該照顧窮人。

We should all take care of the poor.

216. 我擔心沒有人會照顧我。

I am worried that no one would take care of me.

217. 我們需要更多的數學人才。

We need more people who are good in mathematics.

218. 這本書是由 Charles Dickens 寫的,同時他也寫了“雙城記”。

This book was written by Charles Dickens who also wrote “The Tale of Two Cities.”

219. 我不明白他所說的話。

I cannot understand what he said.

220. 人們不理解他所說的話。

What he said is not understood by people.

221. 他的成功是藉由努力工作。

He succeeded by working hard.

222. 他身體強壯是藉由每天運動。

He became strong by exercising every day.

223. 無法解釋他的話語。

His words cannot be explained.

224. 大家都知道他的數學很好。

Everyone knows that he is good in mathematics.



225. 他數學優秀是我們所有人都知道的。

That he is good in mathematics is known to us all.

226. 我不喜歡被認為是一個愚蠢的人。

I do not like to be thought as a foolish person.

227. 目前住在美國的一些奇怪的人,不喜歡猶太人。

Some strange people, currently living in the United States, do not like Jews.

228. 小時候教我數學的老師昨天去世了。

The teacher, who taught me mathematics when I was little, died yesterday.

229. 你喜歡被我教導嗎?

Do you like to be taught by me?

230. 不,我不喜歡被你教導。

No, I don’t like to be taught by you.

231. 我幾乎沒辦法想像你已經是大學生了。

I can hardly imagine that you are already a college student.

232. 他幾乎沒有工作。

He hardly works.

233. 每當下雨的時候,你應該帶上一把傘。

Whenever it rains, you should bring an umbrella.

234. 你不應該告訴任何人你昨晚見過誰(任何人)。

You should not tell anyone about whomever you met last night.

235. 他努力工作很長的時間,終於成功了。

Working hard for a long time, he finally succeeded.

236. 我會每天游泳,直到我 70 歲。

I will swim every day until I am 70 years old.

237. 我告訴他,他應該努力工作。

I told him that he should work hard.



238. 總統宣布我們贏得戰爭。

The President claimed that we won the war.

239. 總統告訴大家我們贏得戰爭。

That we won the war was told by the President.

240. 國家媒體報導,中國西南部四川省有一百多人被土石流活埋。

More than 100 people have been buried in the landslide in Sichuan province in south-western China, state media report.

241. 很多人因火災而死亡。

A large number of people were killed by the fire.

242. 只要你每天運動,你就會健康。

As long as you do exercise every day, you will be healthy.

243. 每當你生病的時候,你應該去醫院。

Whenever you are sick, you should go to the hospital.

244. 父親告訴我,他病了,我應該立即回家。

I was told by father that he was sick and I should go home immediately.

245. 士兵太累了以至於他們拒絕走更遠。

The soldiers were so tired that they refused to go further.

246. 他數學表現很好,是眾所周知的。

That he is good in mathematics is well known.

247. 我在去美國之前,就已經學習過英文了。

I had studied English before I went to America.

248. 我在讀「亂世佳人」這本書之前,就已經看過這部電影了。

I had watched the movie “Gone with the Wind” before I read the book.

249. 在 1990 年前我沒有看過飛機。

I had not seen an airplane before 1990.



250. 我因為這個不好的新聞(消息)感到沮喪。

I am frustrated by the bad news.

251. 這個不好的新聞(消息)令人沮喪。

This bad news is frustrating to everyone.

252. 我對音樂有興趣。

I am interested in music.

253. 音樂令我感到有趣。

Music is interesting to me.

254. 你有看過我的姊妹嗎?

Have you ever seen my sister?

255. 最糟的是,昨天下了一場大雨。

Worst of all, it rained heavily yesterday.

256. 貓一進來,老鼠就逃跑了。

The rats run away as soon as the cats come in.

257. 那個被車撞的男孩正在醫院。

The boy, hit by a car, is in hospital.

258. 房屋被火災毀壞。

The house was damaged by fire.

259. 他被認為是一位善良的老人。

He was considered a kind old man.

260. 城市被火燒毀了。

The city was destroyed by fire.

261. 每天游泳的人是健康的。

The person who swims every day is healthy.

262. 已經學英文一段時間,他現在英語很好。

Having learned English for a long time, he is now very good in English.



263. 自 1989 年以來我一直都在學習英語。

I have been studying English since 1989.

264. 自 1980 年以來,我每天早上都去游泳。

I have been swimming every morning since 1980.

265. 自上週六以來一直在下雨。

It has been raining since last Saturday.

266. 我正在看電視當你進來時。

I was watching TV when you came in.

267. 我從來沒有見過你的爸爸。

I have never seen your father.

268. 你有見過我的爸爸嗎?

Have you ever seen my father?

269. 我因暴風雨而無法去上學。

I cannot go to school due to the storm.

270. 我因暴風雨而無法去上學。

I cannot go to school because of the storm.

271. 我不能去上學因為有一場暴風雨。

I cannot go to school because there was a storm.

272. 我必須要待在家裡因為我生病。

I have to stay home due to my illness.

273. 我必須要待在家裡因為我生病。

I have to stay home because of my illness.

274. 我必須要待在家裡因為我生病。

I have to stay home because I am ill.



275. 昨天你看到的男孩是我的兄弟。

The boy whom you saw yesterday is my brother.

276. 昨天被你看到的男孩是我的兄弟。

The boy seen by you yesterday is my brother.

277. 如果你接受我們的邀請,那就太感激不盡了。

It would be greatly appreciated if you accept our invitation.

278. 如果你同意到我們大學來演講,那就太感激不盡了。

It would be greatly appreciated if you agree to give a talk in our university.

279. 我不能同意你再多了。

I cannot agree with you more.

280. 哪裡有仇恨,讓我帶來愛。

Where there is hatred, let me bring love.

281. 哪裡有黑暗,讓我帶來光明。

Where there is darkness, let me bring light.

282. 哪裡有絕望,讓我帶來希望。

Where there is despair, let me bring hope.

283. 哪裡有悲傷,讓我帶來喜樂。

Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.

284. 使我不要尋求被安慰,而是去安慰。

Let me seek not to be consoled as to console.

285. 使我不要尋求被理解,而是去理解。

Let me seek not to be understood as to understand.

286. 使我不要尋求被愛,而是去愛。

Let me seek not to be loved as to love.

287. 你應該努力工作,否則你無法找到工作。

You should work harder, or you cannot find a job.



288. 你應該走得更快,否則你遲到了。

You should walk faster, or you will be late.

289. 你應該努力工作,否則你找不到工作。

You should work harder, otherwise, you cannot find a job.

290. 你應該走得更快,否則你會遲到。

You should walk faster, otherwise, you will be late.

291. 我們應該花更多的時間學習。

We should spend more time on studying.

292. 我花了很多時間購物。

I spent a lot of time on shopping.

293. 他從來沒有成功過。

He has never succeeded.

294. 他已經努力很久了。

He has worked hard for a long time.

295. 我在這裡住了五年。

I have lived here for five years.

296. 連續四天下了雨。

It has been raining for a straight four days.

297. 練習很重要。

Exercising is important.

298. 做運動對你有好處。

Playing sports is good for you.

299. 工作一整天沒有休息對任何人來說都不好。

Working all day without rest is not good for anyone.



300. 希特勒殺死了許多猶太人是一個眾所周知的事實。

That Hitler killed a lot of Jews is a well known fact.

301. 很難想像希特勒殺死了這麼多猶太人。

It is hard to imagine that Hitler killed so many Jews.

302. 打網球是很多人喜歡的。

Playing tennis is enjoyed by a lot of people.

303. 服用藥物應該被避免。

Taking drugs should be avoided.

304. 善良表現出良好特質。

Being kind shows good character.

305. 善良是重要的。

To be kind is important.

306. 說實話幫助你成功。

To be honest helps you succeed.

307. 不要讓他跑那麼快。

Don’t let him run so fast.

308. 讓他現在去游泳吧。

Let him go swimming now.

309. 我會讓你很晚回家。

I would let you come back home very late.

310. 他讓他的兒子努力工作。

He makes his son work hard.

311. 他讓他的兒子每天走一公里。

He made his son walk one kilometer every day.

312. 他讓我們相信神。

He makes us believe in God.



313. 他不讓他的兒子吸煙。

He does not let his son smoke.

314. 我看著他逃跑了。

I watched him run away.

315. 我看到他進了車。

I saw him get into the car.

316. 我看著他站起來。

I watched him stand up.

317. 眼見為憑。

To see is to believe.

318. 只有透過工作才能成功。

Only by working hard you can succeed.

319. 我喜歡聽古典音樂。

I enjoy listening to classic music.

320. 被愛對每個人都很重要。

To be loved is important to everyone.

321. 不被愛任何一個人都會傷心。

Not to be loved is sad for anyone.

322. 不努力不是一件好事。

Not to work hard is not a good thing.

323. 每個人都喜歡被愛。

Everyone likes to be loved.

324. 這輛車需要洗一洗。

This car needs to be washed.



325. 我被要求不要哭。

I was asked not to cry.

326. 被邀請參加聚會對她而言很美好。

Being invited to the party is wonderful to her.



這本書是由 Charles Dickens

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