Progressing Towards “Learning to Learn 2.0”
October 2015
English Language Education Section
Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau
To discuss the role of the English Language curriculum leaders in planning the school-based curriculum in secondary schools under
“Learning to Learn 2.0”
To provide suggestions on how to lead the English Panel and manage the resources effectively
To share experiences in curriculum planning and
resources management
(CDC, 2002)
(P1 – S3)
(CDC, 2004) (CDC, 1999) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007)
9 years
(CDC, 2016)
(P1 – S6)
• supplements for JS level
• Literature in English as elective subject
(CDC, 2004) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007)
12 years
Brief on Major Updates in English Language Education
Catering for Learner Diversity Catering for the Needs of Learners with SEN and Gifted Learners in the Mainstream English Classroom
Promoting Assessment for Learning
Generic Skills
Reading to Learn
IT for Interactive Learning
Moral & Civic Education
Project Learning
(2016, P1-S3)
• English Language
• Literature in English ELE KLACG (P1-S6)
Grammar in Context
Learning and Teaching of Text Grammar
Extending Formative Assessment from Assessment for Learning to Assessment as Learning
Integrative Use of Generic Skills
Literacy and Reading across the Curriculum
e-Learning & Information Literacy
Values Education
STEM Education (including Entrepreneurial Spirit)
Task-based approach
Promoting reading to
Learner- centred instruction
2002 (P1-S3 )
Cross- curricular
To Focus
- To f ocus on learning and teaching
To Deepen
- To deepen the positive impact of the
curriculum reform
To Sustain
- To sustain the quality of
Discussion Focus: Identify one area of strength that needs to be sustained and deepened
and one area that needs to focus more attention on for future curriculum development
in your school
Curriculum Planning
- Admin measures - Entry point
- Strategic integration of different focusses/
Learning &
- Pedagogical strategies - Design of classroom
Resources Management
- Selection of teaching resources
- External support
& funding - Deployment of
Curriculum Planning
- Conducting SWOT analysis
- Developing students’ literacy skills progressively
Learning &
- Promoting reading across the
curriculum - Integrating e- learning into the English Language
Resources Management
- Selection of teaching resources
- External support
& funding - Deployment of
Further studies, work etc
Lifelong language learning
Reading Workshops
Reading to Learn
Reading Skills Writing Skills
Developing Basic Reading and Writing Skills & Strategies
• 40% of English lesson time on Reading Workshops
• Using literary & information texts to facilitate the
development of reading skills in context
• Applying the vocabulary &
language items from the reading texts in follow-up writing activities
Consolidating the Reading and Writing Skills & Strategies Acquired
• Facilitating the application of literacy skills in an integrated and creative manner
• Providing opportunities for students to reflect on, monitor and evaluate their own
reading/writing progress, and enhancing their metacognitive awareness to become
independent language learners
Expanding the Repertoire of Reading and Writing Skills &
• Building on students’ learning experience and helping them progress further in the development of literacy skills
• Extending students’ learning experience through promoting Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) & using Writing across the Curriculum (WaC) activities as a follow-up
Holistic Curriculum
Junior Secondary
• Learning topics with contexts related to their everyday life and some formal
• Exposure to a wide range of print and non-print texts
• Reading & writing texts with some degree of complexity
• Understand,
interpret & analyse different texts
Senior Secondary
• Learning topics with contexts related to their everyday life and formal
• Exposure to a widened range of text types and more complex and formal texts
• Reading & writing complex texts
• Understand,
interpret, analyse
& evaluate a variety of texts Primary
• Learning topics with contexts related to their daily experience
• Exposure to a range of text types
• Reading & writing simple texts
• Understand &
construct meaning from texts
Holistic Curriculum
• Access to authentic information and resources on the Internet beyond classroom
• Co-construction of knowledge and instant feedback on social learning platforms,
online forums and web logs
• Processing and producing multimodal
texts for various communicative purposes and contexts
• Collaborative interaction mediated by
mobile technology and application
• Literacy refers to the ability to read and write effectively .
• Helping students to master the literacy skills, i.e.
reading and writing skills, leads to oral and written language development.
• Literacy developed in different KLAs provides the contexts for learners to apply their literacy skills to construct knowledge.
• Students need to be equipped with new literacy skills
to process and create multimodal texts.
Information Literacy
Processing &
Creating Multimodal
Reading &
Developing students’ ability in reading, viewing, analysing and responding to digital media
Developing students’ ability in producing multimodal texts to express ideas and convey
messages using different modes of communication
Multimodal texts Sound effects
Written texts Spoken
language Music
Enhancing students’ critical thinking skills, creativity and IT skills (GENERIC SKILLS) and
information literacy
Lifelong learning
Challenges in the 21st century
The ability to read and write effectively
Literacy Development in the English Classroom
Promoting RaC
Communicative Functions for General Purposes
Rhetorical Functions for Academic
Promoting Literacy across the Curriculum
Equipping Students with New Literacy
Holistic Curriculum
How is LaC or RaC done in your school?
Any achievements or difficulties?
Processing and creating
multimodal texts
Speaking Writing
Language across
the Curriculum
– Explicit teaching of reading to be integrated with teaching the curriculum
– Strengthening reading to learn:
• the subject matter of pedagogic texts
• the associated language patterns
(Martin & Rose, 2005)
Academic content Awareness
Academic language awareness
Raising awareness of language demands involved in reading texts
Strengthening Language across the Curriculum
Communicative functions for general purposes
General description of characteristics/
The earth goes round the sun but not in a circle.
General explanation of substance
Because of its composition, steel is used to make many things.
Rhetorical functions for academic purposes
Detailed description of features/operation The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is an ellipse lying in the ecliptic plane, which means that it is not a perfect circle.
Detailed explanation of components/
properties of substance
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with the latter acting as a hardening agent. Because of its high tensile strength, steel is produced in the form of wire, tube, bar and sheet and used to manufacture domestic appliances, agricultural and industrial products.
Adapted from
Academic English – grammatically complex and lexically dense
More embedding / subordinate clauses
• The Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse lying in the ecliptic plane, which means that it is not a perfect circle.
Longer prepositional phrases
• All through the year the climate of Singapore is hot and humid with minimum average temperatures of 23 ° C and maximum of 31 ° C.
More attributive adjectives and nominalisation
• Because of its high tensile strength, …
More passive structures
• …, steel is produced in the form of wire, tube, bar and sheet and used to manufacture domestic appliances, agricultural and industrial products.
More academic words than grammatical words e.g. relative humidity, orbit, tensile strength
Raising awareness of the language demands in reading and writing texts of
content subjects
Conventional Literacy Practices New Literacy Practices Emphases on developing students’ ability
Understand, analyse and interpret written texts (READING SKILLS)
Plan and produce structured and
coherent written texts with the accurate use of language, e.g. vocabulary and grammar (WRITING SKILLS)
With the rapid development of technology and the social media, in addition to mastering conventional literacy skills, students need to master new literacy skills to:
Decode, process and critically examine digital media or multimodal texts
Convey message through different forms (e.g. images, animation and sounds)
individually or in collaboration with others
Digital media and
multimodal texts
Printed and written texts
My Shoes by Nima Raoofi
How can this short film be used to enhance literacy development? What
learning objectives and activities can you think of with the use of this short film?
Koehler and Mishra (2009)
*Formerly known as TPCK (2006)
“How” of teaching Content Knowledge
(CK) Pedagogical
Knowledge (PK)
“What” of teaching
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Practical knowledge that is used by teachers to guide their actions in highly contextualised classroom settings
Shulman (1986)
Deep knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of learning and teaching
Content Knowledge
(CK) Technological
Knowledge (TK)
Pedagogical Knowledge
A deep, essential understanding and mastery of information technology for information
processing, communication, and problem-solving
Knowledge about
the subject matter
to be learned or
An understanding of how learning and teaching can change when particular technologies are used in particular ways
Content Knowledge
(CK) Technological
Knowledge (TK)
Pedagogical Knowledge
The transformation of subject knowledge for teaching
An understanding of the manner in which technology and content influence and constrain one another Technological Pedagogical
Knowledge (TPK) Technological Content
Knowledge (TCK)
Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK)
• an understanding that
emerges from interactions among content, pedagogy and technology
• the basis of effective
teaching with technology
• knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students face
• knowledge of how
technologies can be used to build on existing
knowledge to develop new epistemologies or strengthen old ones
Content Knowledge
(CK) Technological
Knowledge (TK)
Pedagogical Knowledge
(PK) Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge (TPACK)
• Teaching grammar in context
• Exposing learners to authentic
language use
• Adopting an
inductive approach
• Engaging learners in communicating in the target
grammar item and structure for
communicative purposes
• Meaning-focused activities
• Structure of sentences and syntactic
• Expressing
meaning through the use of
• The impact of grammar on the coherence and structure of a text
• Relationship between
language and context
• Exposure to authentic texts in various modes of representation
• Collaborative problem-solving tasks
• Creation of multimodal texts
Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPACK)
Resources Management
Financial Support
School-based Professional Support Section Language Learning Support Section
Native-speaking English Teacher Section QEF Thematic Network
English Language Education Section ITE Section
School- based Professional
• One-stop Portal
• English Language
Education Learning and Teaching Resources
• Radio Programmes
EDB provided
• Public Libraries
• Internet, e.g. YouTube, BBC, British Council
• Software Applications
• Lexile