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道明中學 104 學年度第二學期第三次段考國中一年級英語科試題


Academic year: 2021

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道明中學104 學年度第二學期第三次段考國中一年級英語科試題 P.1

考試範圍:Book 2 Lesson 7~Lesson 9 一、語法選擇:60 % 每題 2 分

1. On the table ______ some food.

(A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have

2. _______ do you like, Jordan or Pete? (選錯)

(A) What (B) Which (C) Who (D) Which one

3. ______ are good fruit stores.

(A) They both (B) Both they (C) Both these (D) Both those

4. A:Which do you want, milk or tea? B:_________

(A) Milk, please. (B) Tea, please. (C) Either will do. (D) 以上皆可 5. A: What do you like to eat for lunch? B: _______ (選錯)

(A) Dumplings. (B) Meat. (C) Vegetable. (D) Fish.

6. My daughter is sick. She needs healthy _______.

(A) hot dogs (B) diets (C) rice (D) meat

7. He doesn’t like both milk and cola. He doesn’t like ____.

(A) milk or cola (B) milk (C) cola (D) one of the two

8. A : Which of the two bags do you like? B: _______

(A) The black one. (B) I like them both. (C) The red one. (D) 以上皆可 9. We have some more _______ in the kitchen. (選錯)

(A) chocolate (B) ice cream cone (C) guavas (D) papayas

10. Which do you need, ___________? (選錯)

(A) vegetables or fruits (B) papayas or apples (C) oranges or guavas (D) dumplings or noodles 11. How many spoons ______ on the table?

(A) have (B) × (C) are there (D) has

12. We need some food ______ the week.

(A) on (B) in (C) for (D) at

13. I get a ______ of pork ______ NT$120.

(A) cup ; on (B) bottle ; on (C) bag : for (D) kilo ; for 14. A:Let’s take two kilos of fish. B:_________

(A) They’re too much. (B) They’re too many. (C) It’s too many. (D) It’s too much.

15. How ______ bottles of ______ do they need?

(A) many ; juice (B) many ; juices (C) much ; juice (D) much ; juices 16. Can I buy two ______? I’m hungry. (選錯)

(A) bananas (B) cakes (C) bananas cake (D) banana cakes 17. The rice ______ two bags ______ $200.

(A) are ; with (B) is ; on (C) are ; at (D) is ; for

18. _______ of his parents loves chocolate.

(A) Both (B) Two (C) Some (D) One

19. How ______ heads of lettuce do you need ______ the green salad?

(A) many ; in (B) much ; for (C) many ; for (D) much ; in 20. Fifty kilos of salt _____ too heavy for me ______.

(A) are ; to carry (B) is ; to carry (C) are ; to carry them (D) is ; to carry it 21. They ______ classmates twenty years _____.

(A) are ; before (B) were ; before (C) are ; ago (D) were ; ago 22. ______ Mr. Chen still a handsome teacher now?

(A) Is (B) Are (C) Was (D) Were

23. These trees were tall and beautiful _______. (選錯)

(A) before (B) a long time ago (C) then (D) now

24. The jackets _____ new. But they are old now.

(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) was


25. Sam and I ______ in ______ schools a year ago.

(A) was ; the same (B) were ; the same (C) was ; different (D) were ; different 26. Sam was chubby _____, but he is very thin now. (選錯)

(A) at that time (B) before (C) ago (D) then

27. He’s in town, but his family _______.

(A) weren’t (B) wasn’t (C) aren’t (D) isn’t

28. Audrey was here, but your sisters _______.

(A) weren’t (B) wasn’t (C) aren’t (D) am not

29. A: Who ______ in the classroom this afternoon? B: My friends were.

(A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were

30. My mom ______ pretty then, and now she is still pretty.

(A) wasn’t (B) isn’t (C) was (D) is

二、是非題(對的請選 A,錯的請選 B) :10 % 每題 1 分 31. Which food stores do you like?

32. Do people come here eat delicious food?

33. I can’t wait eating some delicious food there.

34. Do you need any tomatoes for the salad?

35. Please add some cheese in the salad.

36. Let’s buy some pies to your sisters.

37. Your sister was both chubby and cute.

38. I was the captain of my school team 30 years before.

39. Our history teacher does not pretty any more.

40. Andrew and Edward are father and son.

三、選出適當的介系詞:10% 每題 1 分 41. You eat a lot. You have to go _______ a diet.

(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) for

42. Shelly always has some room _______ ice cream.

(A) for (B) of (C) on (D) in

43. Emily doesn’t have enough money ________ the sunglasses.

(A) of (B) to (C) on (D) for

44. Please add a little salt ________ the soup.

(A) in (B) to (C) on (D) of

45. Please cut these apples ________ small pieces.

(A) with (B) to (C) in (D) into

46. We can have fresh fruit and vegetables _______ the same time.

(A) in (B) for (C) on (D) at

47. Serena and Sophia are _______ the school baseball team.

(A) on (B) in (C) at (D) for

48. Alice lives _______ the mountains before.

(A) on (B) of (C) at (D) in

49. My uncle was the star player _______ the game.

(A) in (B) on (C) for (D) at

50. What do you want to eat ________ this evening?

(A) at

(B) for (C) on (D) in

四、選出適當的字詞:10% 每題 1 分

51. I like ice cream. Chocolate is my favorite .

(A) drink (B) food (C) flavor (D) candy

52. My hands are . Can you open the door for me?

(A) clean (B) black (C) fresh (D) full


53. I like to have a after lunch. It is rich in vitamin C.

(A) banana (B) peach (C) cola (D) guava

54. You can’t eat every day. It’s harmful.

(A) fruit salad (B) yogurt (C) junk food (D) honey

55. Having good eating habits makes you .

(A) sick (B) happy (C) tired (D) healthy

56. I need two of rice for dinner.

(A) cups (B) slices (C) bowls (D) bottles

57. The students are learning to cakes in cooking class.

(A) fry (B) bake (C) boil (D) cut

58. Do you need a to eat the soup?

(A) knife (B) fork (C) spoon (D) plate

59. Leo was before, but he is thin now.

(A) slender (B) weak (C) strong (D) chubby

60. Wash your hands before you eat anything.

(A) funny (B) yummy (C) big (D) dirty

五、閱讀測驗:10 % 每題 1 分

Long ago, people were afraid of the moon. They thought a full moon caused bad creatures, like werewolves. They thought a full moon caused 61. , like accidents.

Now we know the moon can’t affect our luck. But the moon 62. affect water. It causes tides.

As the moon travels around the earth, it pulls the water towards it. At the beach, sometimes the water is high, and sometimes it is 63. These tides are because of the moon.

61. (A) good luck (B) bad luck (C) funny things (D) interesting events

62. (A) will do (B) will be doing (C) did (D) does

63. (A) short (B) small (C) low (D) little

A desert is hot and dry. Very little rain 64. . Wind blows the sand. This forms dunes. Each day the sun heats up the desert. Then at night the desert gets very cold.

Many kinds of animals and plants live in a desert. Most animals sleep 65. . They come out at night to hunt.

Some animals, like the camel, store water in their bodies. They can go for weeks without a drink. Cactus plants store water, too. Their sharp needles keep the animals 66. taking it.

Few people live in the desert. They need more water than they can find.

64. (A) has fallen (B) is falling (C) falls (D) will fall

65. (A) during the night (B) for the night (C) day and night (D) in the day

66. (A) into (B) to (C) from (D) with

Long time ago, people didn’t use toothpaste to clean their teeth until a hundred years ago. Before that, people cleaned their teeth with lemon juice or honey.

In fact, to keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them at least twice a day. You have to do that after you have breakfast and before you go to bed. It is also a good idea for you to brush your teeth right after you eat lunch or any sweet snacks.

It’s important to visit the dentist two times a year, too. The dentist checks for the problems to keep your teeth healthy.

Finally, you have to be careful about your meals. Eating healthy food also helps your teeth healthy.

67. Long time ago, _______________.

(A) people didn’t like to clean their teeth (B) people eat honey to keep their teeth clean


(C) people use lemon juice to clean their teeth (D) people use salt water to cure their teeth 68. What is this reading about?

(A) Ways to clean teeth. (B) Ways to keep teeth healthy.

(C) The right way to brush teeth. (D) The right time to brush teeth.

69. What do we use to clean teeth now?

(A) Juice. (B) Honey. (C) Toothpaste. (D) Nothing.

70. What does “that” in line 3 mean?

(A) going to bed (B) brushing teeth (C) eating sweet snacks (D) going to the dentist



自 111 學年度開始,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試數學考科」將依據 108 學年度 實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校—數學領域」

中學中國語文科 小學中國語文科 中學英國語文科 小學英國語文科 中學數學科 小學數學科.

If necessary, you might like to guide students to read over the notes and discuss the roles and language required of a chairperson or secretary to prepare them for the activity9.

Positive Discipline is a program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful & resourceful members of their communities... What is



Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel
