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The Impact of Internet on The Key Successful Factors in Banking Industry 梁鴻輝、賴其勛 ; 汪睿祥


Academic year: 2022

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The Impact of Internet on The Key Successful Factors in Banking Industry 梁鴻輝、賴其勛 ; 汪睿祥

E-mail: 9022018@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT Since 1992, the Ministry of Finance has promulgated several policies, including to liberalize and internationalize financial activities/development in order to better meet the needs to join the World Trade Organizations (WTO), as a result, it has rapidly increased the numerous amounts of the banks. Additionally, due to the competitions among other domestic and foreign banks, enterprises and new financial substitutive products, many bank businesses started to decline and that gave a very serious challenge to management. At the same time, the Worldwide Web (so-called Internet) has begun in its days of prosperity; it not only created new commercial activities and trading methods, but the Electron Commerce (EC) also derived from such a networking system. The intention of this thesis is to address to the issue on how the Internet banking system impacts the key successful factors in conventional banking management, how those factors will be varied by this system, and how bank managers take action. With the above vision, the main objective of the thesis is to discuss, summarize and make comments on what the local bank managers think.

Hopefully, it can provide them with some valuable approaches. This thesis was initiated and carried out in interviews among many banks. Then, it was later analyzed through those interviewers from several their perspectives and points of views to finally get 17 key factors on how the bank management is influenced by the Internet system. As compared with the traditional factors, the results are that some changes are defined to be important, others remain their importance, and the rests seem to be unnecessary. In summary, there are three comments to the whole factors on the Internet banking system are suggested. Keywords: Internet, Bank, Key Successful Factors, and Electron Commerce.

Keywords : Internet ; Bank ; Key Successful Factors ; Electron Commerce.

Table of Contents

目 錄 第一章 緒論……… 1 第一節 研究動機……… 1 第 二節 研究目的……… 5 第三節 研究範圍對象與限制……… 5 壹、研究範 圍 ……… 5 貳、 訪談對象 ……… 6 參、 研究限制 ………

……… 6 第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討……… 7 第一節 關鍵成功因素 ………

………… 7 壹、關鍵成功因素理論 ……… 7 貳、關鍵成功因素與競爭優勢之關係 ………13 參、 關 鍵成功因素的功能 ………20 肆、 成功因素的確認 ………21 伍、 關鍵成功因素實證 研究 ………24 第二節 銀行經營的關鍵成功因素 ………30 壹、 銀行經營的理論 ………

………30 貳、 銀行經營的關鍵成功因素實證研究 …………35 參、 銀行經營的關鍵成功因素小結 ………37 第 三節 電子商務的關鍵成功因素 ………38 壹、 網際網路 ………38 貳、 電子商務 …

………41 參、 國內推動電子商務金融業務現況 ………41 肆、 電子商務的關鍵成功因素實證 研究 …………43 伍、 電子商務的關鍵成功因素小結 ………51 第四節 網路銀行的關鍵成功因素 ………

…52 壹、 網路銀行 ………52 貳、 網路銀行的研究論文 ………62 第三章 研究 方法 ………70 第一節 研究方法理論基礎 ………70 第二節 研究方法 …

………72 第三節 研究設計 ………73 第四節 研究限制 ………

………73 第四章 銀行業概述及訪談個案………75 第一節 銀行業現況概述 ………

………75 第二節個案訪談內容 ………76 第三節 關鍵成功因素整理………

…88 第四節 關鍵成功因素變化………105 壹、 傳統銀行業關鍵成功因素………105 貳、 現 行網路銀行關鍵成功因素………108 第五章 結論與建議 ………110 第一節網際網路對 銀行關鍵成功因素之影響………110 壹、 原為非重要因素變成重要因素………110 貳、 繼續為重要因素………

………111 參、 重要因素變為非重要因素………113 第二節 研究結果之結論與建議………

…114 第三節 對後續研究者的建議………115 REFERENCES

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