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The development of bamboo processing technology in daily crafts 黃詠文、翁徐得


Academic year: 2022

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The development of bamboo processing technology in daily crafts 黃詠文、翁徐得

E-mail: 325027@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Bamboo is one of the most important resources in Taiwan; it is used very commonly in the early society when the economy is mainly based on agriculture and farming. This research is conducted primarily through examination of documentation and field studies in order to confer how the evolution of bamboo craft is affected through changing times and geographical locations. Through

consultations with aesthetics experts, one can discuss the correlation between living needs, craftsmanship, and the use of bamboo, as well as the changing aesthetics and styles resulting from progressing techniques, methods and technology from the perspective of the craftsman, to the end user, and finally the emotional value and meaning attached to the art work. And finally discover how machine produced craftworks demonstrate the beauty of bamboo through technology; where as the progression of traditional handicraft techniques fully demonstrate the beauty of bamboo. This research also discovers the existence of handicrafts training school since Japanese occupation period, which provided the training courses of bamboo weaving techniques by Japanese teachers, and with the beginning of exportation as well with the community courses, the experts were throughout the market. The development of processing techniques mostly is due to the new techniques discoveredy the government;about the adhesion laminated、rotary cut

、carbonization. After the new bamboo technology appears that to manufacture bamboo product types of more types.Coordinate the Development of the bamboo products design and suit the consumer. As the lifestyle develops, bamboo material is one of the most popular issue. How to develop innovative & eco-friendly products by using bamboo will be a worthy exploring and studying.

Keywords : Bamboo Craft、Techniques、Daily Crafts

Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1. 1研究背景與動機       01 1. 2研究目的        02 1. 3研 究範圍與限制       04 1. 4研究方法與流程         04 第二章 文獻探討 2. 1 台灣竹子的介紹與利用             06 2 . 1. 1竹子特性與利用         06 2 . 1. 2台灣六大竹 子種類的介紹與利用      10 2. 2竹與竹工藝技術              15 2. 3竹生活產品與竹工藝產業          18 2 . 3. 1台灣竹產業日據時期以前         18 2 . 3. 2日據時期(1895-1945年) 19 2 . 3. 3台灣光復後

(1945-1960年) 21 2 . 3. 4台灣竹產業轉型期(1961-1970年) 22 2 . 3. 5台灣竹產業成長與鼎盛時期(1971-1986年) 24 2 . 3. 6竹產業衰退於(1987-2000年) 25 2 . 3. 7文化創意期(2001-2008年) 26 2. 4竹生活產品與文化、生活             27 2. 5竹生活產品與工藝、美學            30 2. 6相關論文及期刊研究回顧           33 2 . 6. 1相關論文回顧 33 2 . 6. 2相關期刊回顧 37 2. 7文獻小結              39 第三章 研究方法 3. 1研究 架構              41 3. 2研究方法與步驟          42 3 . 2. 1研究限制 42 3 . 2. 2文獻探討 42 3 . 2. 3 田野調查與訪談法 43 3. 3訪談調查              43 3. 4資料分析與統整          44 第四章 研究 分析 4. 1竹材工藝技術應用於生活產品的發展-以手工業加工           45 4 . 1. 1手工加工技術的產業發展 45 4 . 1. 2手工加工技術之生活產品演變 53 4. 2竹材工藝技術應用於生活產品的發展-以機械加工           70 4 . 2. 1 機械化加工技術歷史發展 70 4 . 2. 2其他加工技術歷史發展 86 4 . 2. 3機械加工與其他類技術之生活產品發展演 87 4. 3工藝 技術演變與竹生活產品的美學     103 4 . 3. 1生活美學與竹生活產品之關聯性 104 4 . 3. 2竹材加工技術轉化下的產品 美感 107 第五章 結論 5. 1建議與後續研究方向      112


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