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A Study of Learning Motivation and Satisfication for the Students in the Arts and Humanities Curriculum in the Primary.. 周佳靜、吳振岳


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Learning Motivation and Satisfication for the Students in the Arts and Humanities Curriculum in the Primary..


E-mail: 9706061@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to discuss the relation of study motivation and satisfaction for elementary students in ChagHua district, especially for students in grades 5 and 6. Total samples are 630. The papers used referenced are “Art and the chart of personal motivation” and “Art and the chart of satisfaction”. All data was collected through questionnaires and personal interviews. Sample tests were also used with SPSS Windows 10.0 Chinese version. Analysis of single factor and Fisher multiple data was compared. The results are as follows: 1st: Based on the analysis of statistical variation in population, there are large variances for the study motivation of elementary students in ChangHua county within the categories of “Gender”, “Grade”, “The

behaviour of the art class” and “Previous attendance of art class”. 2nd: Based on the analysis of statistical variation in population, there are large variances for the study satisfaction of elementary students in ChangHua county within the categories of “Gender”,

“Grade”, “The behaviour of the art class” and “Previous attendance of art class”. 3rd: Based on the analysis of statistical variation in population, there are large variances for the study motivation in artistic areas for elementary students in ChangHua county, especially within the categories of “Teacher's gender”, “Teacher's seniority” and “The subject major for the teacher being art”. 4th: Based of the analysis of statistical variation in population, there are large variances for the study satisfaction in artistic areas for elementary students in ChangHua county, especially within the categories of “Teacher's gender”, “Teacher's seniority” and “The subject major for the teaching being art”. Key words: Art and Culture for Elementary schools; Learning Motivation; Learning Satisfaction

Keywords : Art and Culture for Elementary schools ; Learning Motivation ; Learning Satisfaction Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 博碩士論文暨電子檔案上網授權書... iii 中文摘要... iv

ABSTRACT... vi 誌謝... vii 目錄... viii 圖目 錄... x 表目錄... xi 第一章 緒論... 1 第一節 研究背

景... 1 第二節 研究動機... 2 第三節 研究問題與目的... 3 第四節 研究範圍與限 制... 4 第五節 名詞解釋... 5 第二章 文獻探討... 7 第一節 藝術與人文領域內涵 特色與精神... 7 第二節 學習滿意度之定義與理論... 11 第三節 學習動機之定義與理論... 17 第四節 相 關實證研究... 28 第三章 研究方法... 33 第一節 研究架構... 33 第二節 研究假 設... 34 第三節 研究對象... 34 第四節 研究工具... 35 第五節 問卷發 放... 41 第六節 資料分析方法... 44 第四章 資料分析... 45 第一節 正式問卷發 放、回收及信度分析... 45 第二節 人口統計變項描述性統計分析... 47 第三節 敘述性統計分析... 50 第 四節 假設檢定... 51 第五節 研究結果摘要... 72 第五章 結論與建議... 75 第一節 假設檢定結果... 75 第二節 結論... 84 第三節 建議... 86 參考文

獻... 91 一、中文部分... 91 二、外文部分... 96 附錄一 藝術與人文課 程的學習現況問卷... 99 附錄二 訪談記錄... 104


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