• 沒有找到結果。

主要子句的主詞若是 That 或 This,後面的附加問句的主詞用 it。

在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 30-38)

擴充文法概念 You are the best﹗

Topic 2 附加問句

2. 主要子句的主詞若是 That 或 This,後面的附加問句的主詞用 it。

例1:That is Mark, isn’t it?(那是 Mark,不是嗎?)

3. 主要子句的主詞是 someone/somebody/everyone/nobody 時,後面附加問句 的主詞為they,而因為是 they,也要使用與複數搭配的動詞或助動詞。

例1:Everyone can come here, can’t they?(每個人都能來,不是嗎?)

例2:Somebody doesn’t come, do they?(有人沒來,是嗎?)

例3:Nobody gets a pen, do they?(沒有人拿到筆,是嗎?)

例4:Everyone is good, aren’t they?(每個人都很好,不是嗎?)


( ) 1. Somebody rides bikes to school, don’t ______ ? (A)somebody (B) he (C) she (D) they


1. Nick 從不騎摩托車,是嗎?



附加問句的回答跟一般問句一樣,如果答案是肯定的就回答 yes,否定的就回 答 no:

主要子句+附加問句 答句

This dog is cute, isn’t it? Yes, it is. It is cute.

No, it isn’t. It isn’t cute.

May doesn’t eat dinner, does she? Yes, she does. She eats dinner.

No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t eat dinner.

There is a pen on the desk, isn’t there? Yes, there is. There is a pen on the desk.

No, there isn’t. There isn’t a pen on the desk.

Ken can play basketball, can’t he? Yes, he can. He can play basketball.

No, he can’t. He can’t play basketball.


( ) 1. A : Your mother likes this singer, doesn’t she?

B : No, ______ mother doesn’t like this singer.

(A)your (B) she (C) my (D) her

( ) 2. A : Kelly and Jenny are students, aren’t they?

B : ______, they aren’t.

(A) Yes (B) No (C) Or (D) And 隨堂小練習


( ) 1. Tina went to China(中國)______ her mother.

(A) at (B) on (C) with (D) in

( ) 2. I can see nothing(無物)______ my glasses.

(A) without (B) in front of (C) with (D) from

( ) 3. You will take a bus, ______ you?

(A) are (B) won’t (C) will (D) don’t

( ) 4. There were five bicycles in the park, ______ there?

(A) aren’t (B) were (C) weren’t (D) isn’t

( ) 5. He worked twelve hours today, ______ he?

(A) wasn’t (B) was (C) did (D) didn’t

( ) 6. Nobody(無人)talked to her, ______ they?

(A) does (B) didn’t (C) did (D) weren’t

( ) 7. They aren’t your cats, ______ they?

(A) are (B) aren’t (C) do (D) don’t

( ) 8. I can buy it in the department store, ______ I?

(A) don’t (B) aren’t (C) isn’t (D) can’t

( ) 9. Your father won’t buy a new car, ______ he?

(A) is (B) will (C) won’t (D) isn’t

( )10. They were sad, ______ they?

(A) were (B) weren’t (C) did (D) didn’t

( )11. There isn’t a piano in the room, is ______?

(A) this (B) there (C) it (D) that

( )12. This is your lunch, isn’t ______?

(A) that (B) this (C) it (D) they

( )13. Andy never eats cakes, ______ he?

(A) does (B) doesn’t (C) isn’t (D) is

綜合練習 第 1 回

( )14. A: Do you have ten dollars?

B: No, I don’t take money ______ me.

(A) without (B) with (C) in (D) on

( )15. You eat dinner every day, ______ you?

(A) are (B) don’t (C) do (D) aren’t

( )16. She can’t buy that beautiful skirt, ______ she?

(A) is (B) can’t (C) can (D) doesn’t

( )17. That is your house, isn’t ______?

(A) they (B) this (C) that (D) it

( )18. Everyone will like her, won’t ______?

(A) he (B) they (C) she (D) everyone

( )19. There is nothing in your hand, ______ there?

(A) doesn’t (B) isn’t (C) is (D) does

( )20. Somebody(某人)doesn’t drink black tea, do ______?

(A) they (B) he (C) somebody (D) she


1. with / eat / forks(叉子)/ . / They

2. is / a / , / daughter / ? / Her / isn’t / nurse / she

3. doesn’t / ? / He / novels(小說)/ , / does / he / read

4. will / won’t / ? / We / English / , / learn / we

5. rice / are / ten / bags / aren’t / there / of / in / the / There / room / , / ?


1. The girl with big eyes is my daughter.

2. You didn’t finish your homework(家庭作業), did you?

3. There is a toy car on the table, isn’t there?

4. Her mother can make cakes, can’t she?

5. Nobody(無人)knows the man, do they?


1. Linda went to the market ________________ money. She couldn’t buy anything.

2. She has to live with her children, ________________ she?

3. Ben walked the dog, ________________ he?

4. Her dog never drinks milk, ________________ it?

5. These flowers are yours, ________________ they?

6. This is my picture, isn’t ________________?

7. There wasn’t a post office(郵局)next to the school, ________________ there?

8. She can’t stop her mother’s anger(憤怒), ________________ she?

9. Everyone can go to her party, can’t ________________?

10. My sister cried ________________ pain(痛).


( ) 1. She looked tired, doesn’t she?

( ) 2. This story is boring, isn’t this?

( ) 3. There are many watches on the chair, aren’t they?

( ) 4. The cat can drink milk, can it?

( ) 5. We will go to the museum this weekend, don’t we?

( ) 6. Nobody(無人)gave you presents, didn’t they?

( ) 7. They have to wash the dishes, haven’t they?

( ) 8. Your uncle never talks to you, doesn’t he?

( ) 9. There is a cup of coffee on the table, is there?

( )10. There is nothing in the room, isn’t there?

綜合練習 第 2 回


1. A: Did you go to Taipei by yourself(你自己)?

B: No, I went to Taipei _______________ my sister.

2. A: Do you need sugar?

B: No, I’d like _______________ drink coffee _____________ _____________.

3. A: These rabbits are yours, _______________ they?

B: No, they _______________.(請簡答)

4. A: I can go out with Jack, _______________ I?

B: No, ______________________________.(請詳答)

5. A: We won’t go to the market later(晚點), _______________ _______________?

B: Yes, ___________________________________________.(請詳答)


1. 我今晚必須打電話給我的祖父母,不是嗎?

2. 有著大鼻子的男孩是我兒子。

3. 公車上有許多學生,不是嗎?

4. 你會寫關於你的媽媽的事情,不是嗎?

5. May 沒有帶錢在身上。

6. 他可以讀這本書,不是嗎?

7. 我弟弟沒有做作業就去睡了。

8. 那隻鳥不是你的寵物,對吧?

9. 沒有人在那間教室,是嗎?

10. 你從不搭計程車,是嗎?

We can’t give up trying. The fight was worth it.

-Hillary Clinton

在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 30-38)