• 沒有找到結果。

動詞 + 形容詞 / 副詞 + enough + to + 原形動詞

在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 126-133)

1 七、接用不定詞的動詞

4. 動詞 + 形容詞 / 副詞 + enough + to + 原形動詞

例1:My sister is old enough to go to school.(我妹妹年紀大到足以上學 了。)

例2:Mark is tall enough to play basketball.(Mark 高到足以打籃球。)

例3:He runs fast enough to catch rabbits.(他跑步快到足以抓住兔子。)


( ) 1. This box is too heavy ______.

(A) to pick up (B) picking up (C) pick up (D) picked up

( ) 2. These boys have enough books ______.

(A) reading (B) to read (C) read (D) be reading

( ) 3. They are rich(富有的)enough ______ two houses.

(A) to buy (B) buy (C) buying (D) bought 隨堂小練習


九、接用動名詞及不定詞有不同意思的動詞 1. stop(停止)

(1) stop + to + 原形動詞:停下來去做…(停止原本的動作,改做另一動作)

例1:He stopped to drink a cup of coffee.(他停下來喝一杯咖啡。)

 此句表示,他停止原本在做的動作,改做喝咖啡這個動作。

(2) stop + V-ing:停止做…(停止做某動作)

例1:He stopped smoking.(他停止抽菸。) 此句表示,停止抽菸的動作。

2. remember(記得)

(1) remember + to + 原形動詞:記得去做…(尚未做某事,但記得會要去做)

例1:May remembers to bring books to school.(May 記得要帶書到學校。)

 此句表示,May 記得一定要帶書到學校去,只是現在尚未帶去。

(2) remember + V-ing:記得已做…(已做了某事,且記得已完成)

例1:May remembers bringing books to school.(May 記得有帶書到學校。)

 此句表示,May 記得她已經把書帶到學校去。

3. forget(忘記)

(1) forget + to + 原形動詞:忘記去做…(沒做某事,而且也忘了要做)

例1:Mark forgot to do his homework yesterday.(Mark 昨天忘記做作業 了。)

 此句表示,Mark 有作業得做,但是他忘記了。

(2) forget + V-ing:忘記已做…(已做某事,但卻忘記已完成)

例1:Mark forgot doing his homework.(Mark 忘記他做了作業。)

 此句表示,Mark 已做了作業,但是他忘記他已寫完。


1. Ken 的爺爺忘記吃了晚餐。

2. 她們記得要看電影。

3. 你應該停下來喝一些水。



( ) 1. The wife asked her husband ______ home with a cake yesterday.

(A) come (B) coming (C) to come (D) comes

( ) 2. Did he dislike(不喜歡)______?

(A) guesses (B) to guess (C) guess (D) guessing

( ) 3. The boy avoided(避免) ______ the same gift.

(A) buying (B) buys (C) buy (D) to buy

( ) 4. How about ______ badminton with us?

(A) play (B) playing (C) plays (D) to play

( ) 5. Did your mom practice ______ cakes?

(A) make (B) makes (C) making (D) to make

( ) 6. Do you want ______ the cheese?

(A) to taste (B) tasting (C) taste (D) tasted

( ) 7. Does he mind ______ his motorcycle?

(A) moved (B) moving (C) move (D) to move

( ) 8. They finished ______ their homework.

(A) to do (B) do (C) did (D) doing

( ) 9. Did she ask you ______ about your sister?

(A) care (B) cares (C) to care (D) caring

( )10. The girl admitted(承認)______ the bowl.

(A) breaking (B) break (C) breaks (D) to break

( )11. My brother keeps ______.

(A) cries (B) crying (C) cry (D) to cry

( )12. Would you like ______ us for dinner tonight?

(A) to join (B) join (C) joining (D) joins

綜合練習 第 1 回


( )13. They decided(決定)______ to the movie theater.

(A) going (B) go (C) to go (D) goes

( )14. We enjoy ______ hiking every month.

(A) to go (B) go (C) goes (D) going

( )15. Is Ms. Lin used to ______ every day?

(A) smoking (B) smoke (C) smokes (D) to smoke

( )16. He expected ______ the work by(在…之前)next month.

(A) to finish (B) finishes (C) finishing (D) finish

( )17. She feels like ______ an actress.

(A) become (B) becoming (C) becomes (D) to become

( )18. I learned ______ cars last year.

(A) fixed (B) fixing (C) to fix (D) fix

( )19. They remembered ______ the delicious cake.

(A) ordered (B) to ordering (C) order (D) to order

( )20. I don’t mean ______ anything.

(A) to say (B) saying (C) say (D) said


1. envelope / I / forgot / table / . / the / on / putting / the

2. dad / to / . / rest / weeks / for / My / two / planned

3. me / Does / to / tomorrow / meet / agree / ? / she

4. feed / to / the / They / dogs / . / stopped

5. dating / about / with / ? / week / me / What / next


1. It is no use worrying about him.

2. Did he stop shouting?

3. Mom is tired of waiting for my sister.

4. She seemed(似乎)to win the game.

5. We forgot to practice last night.



( ) 1. My uncle doesn’t mind ______ in that bed.

(A) sleep (B) to sleep (C) sleeping (D) sleeps

( ) 2. Did she admit(承認)______ the window?

(A) breaks (B) breaking (C) break (D) to break

( ) 3. They practice ______ every day.

(A) skate (B) skates (C) skating (D) to skate

( ) 4. You should remind(提醒)her, or she won’t remember ______ the cake.

(A) to cut (B) cutting (C) cut (D) cuts

( ) 5. That boy dislikes(不喜歡)______ to get up early.

(A) to have (B) have (C) has (D) having

( ) 6. Not everything is worth ______.

(A) buys (B) buying (C) to buy (D) buy

( ) 7. How about ______ from here?

(A) to start (B) starting (C) start (D) starts

( ) 8. I finished ______ the novel(小說) last night.

(A) reading (B) read (C) to read (D) reads

( ) 9. You may ask the police ______ you the way to the station.

(A) show (B) to show (C) showing (D) shows

( )10. She could not help ______.

(A) cries (B) cry (C) crying (D) to cry

( )11. The girl is too weak ______.

(A) to hop (B) hopping (C) hop (D) hops

( )12. Giving up ______ will make you healthy.

(A) to smoke (B) smokes (C) smoke (D) smoking

綜合練習 第 2 回

( )13. I avoid(避免) ______ without(沒有)eating breakfast.

(A) jog (B) to jog (C) jogs (D) jogging

( )14. My mom is good at ______ a sweater.

(A) knitting (B) knit(編織) (C) knits (D) to knit

( )15. Tom has enough water ______.

(A) drinks (B) drink (C) to drink (D) drinking

( )16. My son's birthday is coming. I want ______ him a computer as a gift.

(A) buying (B) to buy (C) bought (D) to buying

( )17. Would you like ______ to the factory with me?

(A) going (B) to go (C) go (D) goes

( )18. My daughter is used to ______ the flute every day.

(A) playing (B) play (C) plays (D) played

( )19. Wendy: Excuse me(請問;抱歉). Where is the gym?

Simon: Just keep ______ for two more blocks and you'll see it.

(A) going (B) to go (C) go (D) goes〈改編自基測 95-1〉

( )20. Dad always tells me not ______ only for tests. Otherwise(否則), I will soon lose interest(興趣) in learning.

(A) study (B) studying (C) studied (D) to study〈改編自基測 98-1〉


( ) 1. He kept wave to her to come.

( ) 2. She is thinking about changes her job.

( ) 3. The soldier agreed letting me in.

( ) 4. How about toasted the bread for breakfast?

( ) 5. Is the housewife tired of mop the floor?

( ) 6. Did the queen plan going camping with the prince?

( ) 7. That guy seemed(似乎)making a lot of mistakes.

( ) 8. Does he have trouble to choose a new cellphone?

( ) 9. He learned to catching a ball last month.

( )10. We expected(期待)to going to the U.S.A.


在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 126-133)