• 沒有找到結果。


第三章 文化翻譯之處理手法

第一節 俚俗語、粗話及諧謔翻譯

先前於第一章第四節文獻回顧提到,《邊城》一書最吸引讀者的風格,其一 是鄉土文學的敘事情懷,執筆於今日回顧往昔;其二是古樸的說書人風格,予人 歲月不驚之感;其三是清淡簡淨的風格,如置於現實時空之外。

誠然《邊城》具備上述特色,但小說之所以引人入勝,也與世俗一面的刻劃 密不可分。有滿嘴粗話的水手、把情義看得比性命還重的妓女、充滿人情味的河 街屠戶,也有精於算計的中寨人。紛繁世事的起落,與純真小兒女的命運息息相 關。

本章首先討論譯者處理粗話、俚俗語或諧謔的方式,次及書中情愛或性暗示 的翻譯策略。檢視四種英譯本之粗話與諧謔翻譯,有的譯本力求忠實,也有的版 本多以英文替代詞翻譯,只求傳達效果。至於書中情慾描寫或性暗示,譯者在直 白與隱晦的譯法之間,也有相當大的迴旋餘地。

第一節 俚俗語、粗話及諧謔翻譯

《邊城》是 1930 年代重要的湘西鄉土文學作品,書中人物的俚語、俏皮話不 單傳達出鄉下人質樸中帶有機巧的智慧,也賦予本書極高的可讀性。部分俚語屬 於湘西當地獨有,富於地方色彩;部分則與漢語相近,算是中文人士耳熟能詳的 俗語。俚語和嘲謔是書中的幽默元素,影響小說的活潑面貌,如何翻譯頗值得探 討。



大多不願收他的錢。下文是描述老船夫去豬肉攤買肉,屠戶不肯收錢,但他硬是 要給,兩方相互推讓,因而發生了小小爭執。


例一至例三,因邵/Hahn 譯本缺頁,僅比較三譯本。


那屠戶說:「爺爺,你為人那麼硬算計麼?又不是要你去做犁口耕田!」(p. 153)

金/Payne 譯文:

“What’s the matter with the old ‘un?” they would say. “He’s becoming real rude nowadays. Does he think he is a ploughshare ploughing the fields?”(p. 227)

Gladys Yang 譯文:

The butcher retorts: “Why be so difficult, granddad? I’m not trying to kill you!”(p. 41)

Kinkley 譯文:

The butcher would say, “Elder, why are you so unyielding about this? Nobody’s asking you to be a beast of burden in front of the plow!”(p. 60)

本段金/Payne 譯本略有改動,連接上下文情境,表示眾人都覺得老船夫無須如 此一芥不取,故譯成 “they would say”,本來是一名屠夫說的話變成了眾口一詞。

犁口(意為耕牛)譯成犁頭(ploughshare),或許是譯者誤會了作者原意,但也 有可能是校稿人認為翻成 “ploughshare”,英語讀者較易理解。Gladys Yang 未保 留「做犁口耕田」的文化意象,逕予改譯,但保留嘲謔效果。Kinkley 以 “unyielding”

翻譯「硬算計」,以 “a beast of burden in front of the plow” 翻譯「犁口耕田」,傳 達耕牛犁田的形象最為明確,但不免生硬冗長。

此外,金/Payne 版本與 Kinkley 版本譯成 “they/ the butcher would say”,以

“would” 傳達此事經常發生的意味,暗示這類充滿人情味之事件常有,老船夫每 回上街採買,都能受到眾人的盛情款待。



本段描寫翠翠頭一次見到儺送的情景。她在碼頭上等爺爺,聽弔腳樓上妓女 唱歌,這時儺送走來問她要不要上樓,她以為是佔她便宜,便回嘴罵人。


(翠翠)……以為欺侮了她,就輕輕地說:「悖時砍腦殼的!」(p. 140)

金/Payne 譯文:

Green Jade…really believed that the man was insulting her, and so she said in a low voice: “You swine! You ought to be beheaded!”(p. 211)


…afraid she was being insulted, she swore under her breath: “To hell with this hooligan!”(p. 26)

Kinkley 譯文:

She felt insulted and said, softly, “Damned low-life! You’re headed for the executioner!”

(p. 35)

此處「悖時」意即不合時宜、與情勢相違,引申成倒楣。或許是因為不確定 這個詞的意義,Gladys Yang 直接跳過不譯,金/Payne 及 Kinkley 則分別以 swine、

damned low-life 代替,僅傳達翠翠罵人的意思。至於「砍腦殼」,金/Payne 及 Kinkley 譯出砍頭的意象,儘管 Kinkley 的譯法略嫌僵硬。Gladys Yang 則一仍舊貫,以英 式英語常見的 “to hell with the hooligan” 代替。



在大老天保託人向老船夫提親的前幾天,老船夫渡他過溪。他抓住機會與老 船夫攀談,表示心中很喜愛翠翠,同時提到內心的疑慮。



『又要馬兒不喫草又要馬兒走得好』,唉,這兩句話恰是古人為我說的!」(p. 151)

金/Payne 譯文:

T’ien Bao continued: “…I wanted a girl who will listen to my songs, but I also need a wife to look after my house. ‘I don’t want my horse to eat grass, but she must run faster than anyone else.’ It seems to me that these old proverbs were invented entirely for me.”(p. 224)

Gladys Yang 譯本:

Number One went on:”…I want a sweetheart to listen to my songs, but I need a good wife who’ll manage my household well. I want to eat my cake and have it. That’s me!”

(p. 38)

Kinkley 譯文:

Whereupon No. 1 continued: “…I want a sweetheart who can listen to my songs but she also has to be a wife who can manage household affairs. ‘I want a horse I don’t have to feed, but I want it to run fast too!’ The ancestors must have thought up that saying just for me, to show that you have to feed a horse to make it run fast!” (pp.




喫草』)是中文人士耳熟能詳的俗語,Gladys Yang 未譯出,以英文俗諺代替。

金/Payne 譯本如實譯出,並押尾韻;Kinkley 加上一句解釋,幫助讀者理解俗諺 背後的涵意。

通常說話人講出這句俗語,表示心中明白要求太多,Gladys Yang 譯成 “That’s me!” 聽起來蠻不講理,天保不像來求親,倒像是專程來找未來丈人拌嘴。


本段擷自第十章,是書中第三次端午節,也是全書的重頭戲。二老儺送對父 親表示不想接受中寨財主家的嫁妝碾坊,寧肯撐渡船;這話後來傳了出去。下文 是幾個好事婦人的閒談。



「那誰知道。橫順人是『牛肉炒韭菜,各人心裡愛』。只看各人心裡愛什麼就喫什 麼,渡船不會不如碾坊!」(p. 168)

邵/Hahn 譯文:

“He doesn’t want the mill, yet he wants the ferry-boat!”

“Who knows? After all ‘a man may eat even beef and onions if he wants to; it’s his own taste’. A ferryboat might be better than the mill.”(Mar. 1936, Tien Hsia Monthly)

金/Payne 譯文:

“Does he prefer the ferry to the mill?”

“Who knows? Sometimes people cook beef with garlic—it’s all a matter of taste. The ferry may be just as good as the mill.”(p. 242)


Gladys Yang 譯本:

“Is he fool enough to choose a ferry instead of a mill?”

“Who knows? Every man to his taste. To him, a ferry-boat’s better than a mill.”(p. 55)

Kinkley 譯文:

“He’s no dummy; if he doesn’t want to be a miller, would he really want to be a ferryman?”

“Who knows? Anyway, as the saying goes, ‘People eat what they like, even beef with chives.’ A ferryboat needn’t be any worse than a grain mill!”(pp. 83-84)

此處「橫順」即「橫豎」,是「反正,說到底」的意思。「牛肉炒韭菜,各人 心裡愛」一句,邵/Hahn 版本以引號表示引用俗諺,Kinkley 添加 as the saying goes,

則明確說出這是一句俗語。金/Payne 把俗諺融入對話當中,但也譯出牛肉炒韭菜 的涵意。只有 Gladys Yang 略過比喻,逕以 Every man to his taste 帶過。

「渡船不會不如碾坊」,換個說法就是「渡船不見得不如碾坊」或「渡船不見 得比碾坊差」,是語氣含蓄的判斷,結合牛肉炒韭菜比喻,意指好壞標準因人而異。

因此在口氣的傳譯上,邵/Hahn 的 A ferryboat might be better than the mill 與 Gladys Yang 的 To him, a ferry-boat’s better than a mill 似過於鐵口直斷,缺少餘味;金 /Payne 譯文的 The ferry may be just as good as the mill 卻又過於含混,不足以表示 當事人寧願選擇渡船不要碾坊的心態。Kinkley 譯成 A ferryboat needn’t be any worse than a grain mill 兼顧口氣及語意,傳達出當事人自有定見的意味。