• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 171-184)

whether 當「不論…是否…」解釋、if 當「如果」解釋時,二者後面所引導的 子句我們稱之為副詞子句,現在就讓我們一起來看看它們的用法。

Topic 1 假設語氣

我們在日常生活中常常會做假設,中文裡的「如果…就…」即是我們所謂 的假設語氣。中文的假設語氣在表達上很單純,然而英文的假設語氣就會運用

到時態的變化。此外,英文中假設語氣的表達會使用到if 這個字,if 所引導的

子句我們稱為「if 條件句」,而 if 條件句後面緊接著的子句我們則稱為「結果







1. If + 主詞 + 現在式動詞 …, 原形動詞 + ….

例:If you want to get good grades, study hard!


 此句用來表達一個事實、常理的假設,而用原形動詞(study)也代表有著命 令的成分存在。

2. If + 主詞 + 現在式動詞 …, 主詞 + 現在式動詞 + ….

例:If Ken has time, he sees a movie every weekend.

(如果 Ken 有時間,他每周末看電影。)

 此句用來表達一個習慣的假設。

3. If + 主詞 + 現在式動詞 …, 主詞 + will / can / shall / may + 原形動詞 + ….

例:If it rains next week, I will stay at home.


 此句用來表達對將來會發生的事情的假設。此外,if 條件句不會有未來式,

雖然表達的是未來可能會發生的事,但我們假設它會成立(If it rains next week),因此我們要用現在式(rains)來表達,而非未來式(will rain)。

然而結果句不在此限,因此結果句可使用未來式,如上句中的will stay。

擴充文法概念 You are the best﹗


我們用「與現在事實相反的假設語氣」來表達我們所描述的事情跟現在的事實 是相反的,例如:此刻很忙的人假設自己現在很閒。其句型如下:

1. If + 主詞 + 過去式動詞 …, 主詞 + would / could / should / might + 原形動詞 + ….

1:If Ken had enough money, he would buy that big house!

(如果Ken 有足夠的錢,他就會買那棟大房子了。)

 此句用來表達一個與現在事實相反的假設。現在的真實情況是:Ken沒有 錢,但他若真的有足夠的錢,他就會買大房子。

2:If I were you, I might study hard.


 此句用來表達一個與現在事實相反的假設。現在的真實情況為:我不是你,

但我若真的是你,我會用功讀書。而if 條件句中的主詞不論是第幾人稱,

be 動詞都要用"were"而非"was"。

3:If she were you, she would not do that.


 此句用來表達一個與現在事實相反的假設。現在的真實情況為:她不是你,

但她若真的是你,她不會做那樣的事。而 if 條件句中的主詞不論是第幾 人稱,be 動詞都要用"were"而非"was"。


1. 如果你邀請 Tom 來派對,他會很開心。

2. 如果 Ken 早起,他每天在家吃早餐。

3. 如果你明天想在家吃早餐,早起吧!



我們用「與過去事實相反的假設語氣」來表達我們所描述的事情跟過去的事實 是相反的。其句型如下:

1. If + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 …, 主詞 + would / could / should / might + have + 過去分詞 + ….

1:If Ken had had enough money last year, he could have bought that big house!

(如果Ken 去年有足夠的錢,他就能買那棟大房子了。)

 此句用來表達一個與過去事實相反的假設。真實情況是:Ken 去年並沒有 錢,但他若真的有足夠的錢,他就能買大房子。

2:If you had studied hard, you would not have failed in the English test.


 此句用來表達一個與過去事實相反的假設。真實情況為:當時你沒有用功 讀書,所以你的測驗不及格,如果你有用功讀書,就不會不及格。

3:If you had asked Jane for help, she might have helped you.

(如果你當時有向Jane 請求幫助,她會幫忙你。)

 此句用來表達一個與過去事實相反的假設。真實情況為:當時你沒有請 Jane 幫忙,所以 Jane 沒有伸出援手,如果你有請 Jane 幫忙,她會幫忙的。


1. 如果我是 Mark,我不會穿那件大衣。

2. 如果她有錢,她就能買新衣服了。


四、wish 的用法

假設語氣的表達除了上述的 if 條件句之外,我們也常會用到 wish 這個字,現


1. 可能成真的假設句型:

主詞 + wish + (that) + 主詞 + would / could / should / might + 原形動詞 + ….

例1:I wish that I could see you again.


 此句用來表達對將來會發生的事情的假設,期盼未來能再見到對方。

例2:They wish it wouldn’t rain next week.


 此句用來表達對將來會發生的事情的假設,期盼下星期不會下雨。

2. 與現在事實相反的假設句型:

主詞 + wish + (that) + 主詞 + were / 一般動詞過去式 + ….

例1:I wish that it were Sunday today.


 此句用來表達一個與現在事實相反的假設。期盼今天是星期日,但實際上 今天並非是。而wish 後面所接用子句的主詞不論是第幾人稱,be 動詞都 要用"were"而非"was"。


1. 如果昨天我有足夠的時間,我就會跟你去。

2. 如果你上個月有用功讀書,你就能通過測驗。


例2:He wishes he made lots of money.


 此句用來表達一個與現在事實相反的假設。期盼自己賺很多錢,但實際上 並非如此。

3. 與過去事實相反的假設句型:

主詞 + wish + (that) + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:He wishes that he had known Jane three years ago.

(他希望3 年前就認識 Jane。)

 此句用來表達一個與過去事實相反的假設。期盼 3 年前就已經認識Jane,


例2:I wish my parents hadn’t lost money last month.


 此句用來表達一個與過去事實相反的假設。期盼上個月父母沒遺失錢,但 實際上並非如此。


1. 我希望 Ann 現在就在這裡。

2. 他希望你上星期就在這裡。

3. Mark 希望下個月能贏得棒球比賽。



( ) 1. If she ______ time before, she would have visited you.

(A) had (B) had had (C) has (D) has had

( ) 2. If she hadn’t lied, she wouldn’t have ______.(punish:懲罰)

(A) be punished (B) punished (C) is punished (D) been punished

( ) 3. Mary might call you if she ______ time.

(A) had (B) had had (C) has (D) has had

( ) 4. If you ______ your homework, you could watch TV.

(A) finished (B) had finished (C) were finished (D) were

( ) 5. I wish I ______ to go to work today.

(A) hadn’t have (B) didn’t have (C) won’t have (D) weren’t

( ) 6. If I ______ you, I would stop playing computer games.

(A) am (B) was (C) were (D) had been

( ) 7. If he ______ American, he wouldn’t have to learn English anymore.

(A) is (B) was (C) were (D) am

( ) 8. ______ he ______ hard, he could have won the game.

(A) If had;practiced (B) If;practiced (C) If had;had practiced (D) If;had practiced

( ) 9. I wish you ______ me the truth(真相)at that time.

(A) told (B) would tell (C) tell (D) had told

( )10. My English ______ better if Mr. Lee(李)had been my teacher.

(A) would been (B) would have been (C) will be (D) is

( )11. If Andy ______ to the party next Sunday, he ______ very happy.

(A) has invited;will be (B) is invited;would be (C) has invited;would be (D) is invited;will be

綜合練習 第 1 回

( )12. If Tom ______ here earlier, he ______ the train.

(A) had been;would have caught (B) would been;would caught (C) had been;would caught (D) would been;would have caught

( )13. If I ______ hard when I was young, I ______ rich.

(A) worked;would have been (B) worked;would be

(C) had worked;would be (D) had worked;would have been

( )14. I wish the accident(意外)______ three years ago.

(A) didn’t happen (B) doesn’t happen (C) hadn’t happened (D) hasn’t happened

( )15. It’s already 7 o’clock now. You ______ the bus if you ______ up quickly.

(A) would miss;don’t get (B) would miss;didn’t get (C) will miss;don’t get (D) will miss;didn’t get

( )16. If I ______ you, I ______ your parents.

(A) were;wouldn’t cheat

(B) was;hadn’t cheated

(C) am;won’t cheat

(D) were;don’t cheat

( )17. If Frank ______ to the office tonight, give this package to him.

(A) came (B) comes (C) has come (D) will come〈改編自基測 94-1〉

( )18. If I ______ my homework before eight o’clock, my parents will let me watch TV for one hour.

(A) finish (B) finished (C) had finished (D) have watched〈改編 自基測94-2〉

( )19. If the weather is fine this weekend, my family ______ to the beach for two days.

(A) go (B) went (C) have gone (D) will go〈改編自基測 97-1〉

( )20. Smart Head, one of the hottest TV programs these days, ______ people free airplane tickets to Hawaii(夏威夷)if they can answer 20 questions correctly in 15 minutes.


1. He / he / . / with / Japan / wishes/ could / his parents / go to

2. You / if / took medicine / feel / would / you / better / .

3. the weather / , / we / go on a picnic / is / . / If / won’t / bad

4. Sarshar / she / If / my advice(忠告)/ a cold / . / , / had taken / gotten / wouldn’t have

5. she / If / . / a good person / would not / your money / she / were / steal(偷)/ ,


1. I wish I knew how to stop smoking.

2. If I had had enough money before, I would have bought a car.

3. My dog would be 15 years old if he were still alive(活著的).

4. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go to see a movie with you.

5. I wouldn’t have become a successful businessman if you hadn’t helped me before.


1. If the flight(航班)____________________(not delay 延誤), we wouldn’t have been late.

2. You would not get in trouble if you____________________(listen)to your teacher.

3. I wish I ____________________(live)near our school. Then I don’t have to wake up so early.

4. If you ____________________(study)hard before, you ____________________

(will be)the student of the NTU last year.

5. If my father ____________________ ( have ) much money now, he ____________________(can buy)a bigger house.

6. May Day’s concert(演唱會)__________________________(will cancel 取 消)if it ____________________(rain)next week.

7. We can take a trip together next year if you ____________________(have)time.


( ) 1. I would never give up if I am you.

( ) 2. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we can went to see a movie.

( ) 3. She will be rich if she saved money from now on.

( ) 4. He wishes he wins the game last year.

( ) 5. If the war(戰爭)broke out, our country is going to be destroyed(摧毀).

( ) 6. I can fly to you if I had wings(翅膀).

( ) 7. What would my life have be like if I had not met you?

綜合練習 第 2 回

( ) 9. If I have her cellphone number now, I would call her.

( )10. The boy would drowned(淹沒)in the sea if the police hadn’t come so soon at that time.


1. If Hugo studied abroad, he would speak English well. (請改寫成與過去事實相反)

2. If Tina studies hard, she will pass the test. (請改寫成與現在事實相反)

3. If it had rained, I would have stayed at home. (請改寫成可能成真的假設)

4. Mom wishes I had studied hard. (請改寫成與現在事實相反)

5. He wishes Allie could help him. (請改寫成與過去事實相反)


1. 如果我再次成為學生,我將多麼開心啊!(請用 If…how…will…作答)

2. 如果我下星期不在家,請照顧我的小狗。(請用 Please…作答)

3. 如果昨天雨停,我們就可以去購物了。(請用 If…作答)

4. 我希望我們可以保持連絡(keep in touch)。(請用…wish…作答)

5. 如果我是你,我會參加 Eric 的生日派對。(請用 I…作答)


( ) 1. Jasmine ______ before she went to university(大學).

(A) has never cooked (B) had never cooked (C) has never been cooked (D) had never been cooked

( ) 2. He is ______ so his classmates don’t like to talk to him.

(A) interested (B) interesting (C) bored (D) boring

( ) 3. Is that ______ boy your younger brother?

(A) sleep (B) sleeping (C) had slept (D) slept

( ) 4. The girl ______ is wearing a pink dress is my girlfriend.

(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) what

( ) 5. ______ you ______ your room before you went out?

(A) Have;clean (B) Have;cleaned (C) Had;clean (D) Had;cleaned

( ) 6. It’s so hot. Let the window ______.

(A) be opened (B) be opening (C) be closed (D) be close

( ) 7. Tell me ______ you will come to the party tomorrow night.

(A) if (B) where (C) after (D) although

( ) 8. She was so ______ because her children made a beautiful cake for her birthday.

(A) touching (B) touched (C) touches (D) touch

( ) 9. I like eating apples ______ are my favorite.

(A) what (B) which (C) who (D) where

( )10. Hugo hadn’t brushed his teeth ______ he went to sleep.

(A) so (B) before (C) after (D) because

( )11. The boy can do difficult math ______ he is just in elementary school(國 民小學).

綜合練習 第 1 回

( )12. The shoes ______ in Italy ______ an old master(大師).

(A) made;in (B) made;by (C) were made;in (D) were made;by

( )13. It was cold yesterday. Ken didn’t wear a coat, ______ he got a cold.

(A) but (B) or (C) so (D) nor

( )14. I like the mountains ______ I can breathe(呼吸)fresh air.

(A) that (B) what (C) when (D) where

( )15. Johnny spent much time studying English ______ he got good grades on the test last week.

(A) so that (B) but (C) if (D) though


(1-4 題)

單字:advice 意見

( ) 1. Who likes Sharon and invited her to a movie?

(A) Jason. (B) Rachael. (C) Benson. (D) Nobody.


Good news! Do you remember the pretty girl we met at Lucy’s party last week? The girl whose name is Sharon is the student in Class 2B. She is also Rachael’s friend and I got her cellphone number from Rachael. Few minutes ago, I just called Sharon to invite her to a movie and she said yes. It’s too good to be true. Today is such my day!

I need you to give me some advice before going to a movie with her. Please call me back ASAP.

Benson 3:20 p.m.

( ) 2. When did the man invite Sharon to a movie?

(A) About 10:20 a.m. (B) About 1:15 p.m.

(C) About 4:15 p.m. (D) About 3:10 p.m.

( ) 3. What does the sentence “Today is such my day” mean?

(A) Lucky. (B) Sad. (C) Tired. (D) Interested.

( ) 4. What is the purpose(目的)of the memo(便條)?

(A) To show off. (B) To ask for help.

(C) To invite the man to a movie. (D) To give some advice.

(5-7 題)

單字:concern 關心;relationship 關係;besides 此外;accompany 陪伴;

express 表達;action 行動

( ) 5. Whom does Paul may call every night?

(A) His friend. (B) His classmate.

(C) His parent. (D) His favorite singer.

Josh:You make a phone call every night.

Whom do you talk to?

Paul:I call my family every day.


Paul:I want to show my love and concern to them for better family relationships.

Josh:You’re right.

But, besides making phone calls, how can we show our love in other ways?

Paul:I think you can accompany them much often, or you can also take a trip with them when you have free time.

Remember that love could be expressed not only by words but also by actions.

Josh:I got it. I will go home and take a trip with them this weekend.

( ) 6. What action may not be used by us to express love and concern?

(A) Chat with your family.

(B) Take a trip by yourself.

(C) Call your family.

(D) Spend much more time to be with your family.

( ) 7. Does Josh understand what Paul talked?

(A) Yes. (B) No. (C) Not really. (D) We don’t know.

(8-10 題)

Here is an ad(廣告). Read it and answer the questions.

單字:sale 銷售;inform 通知;discount 打折;meat 肉;beverage 飲料

( ) 8. Where may be this ad talking about?

(A) A hotel. (B) A swimming pool.

(C) A market. (D) A school.

( ) 9. What day is SaveCoin’s last business day?

(A) Saturday. (B) Sunday. (C) Monday. (D) Tuesday.

( )10. After discounting, how much is the 250-dollar beef?

(A) 50 dollars. (B) 150 dollars. (C) 175 dollars. (D) 200 dollars.

在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 171-184)
